how can i change my store name on shopify

Can You Change Your Shopify Store Name? can you change the name of your shopify,store like what if y

Kerry Egeler

Updated on Feb 11,2023

Can You Change Your Shopify Store Name?

The above is a brief introduction to how can i change my store name on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how can i change my store name on shopify

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Can You Change Your Shopify Store Name?

can you change the name of your shopify,store like what if you screw up or what,if you just want to change the name or,what if you want to start over you,messed up can you do that let's talk,about it in this video,hey what's up everybody and happy new,year welcome to 2022 we're glad to see,you if you're new here and you don't,know me yet my name is carrie i'm the,founder of shirt school and i created,this channel to bring you the best,strategy secrets and hacks to grow your,online t-shirt apparel or print on,demand business today i want to dive,into how to change your shopify store,name or if you can do it this is a kind,of a hot thing that's searched out there,and i want to talk about really quickly,before we dive into my computer screen,the really three different terms that,you need to understand before we talk,about,this subject number one is the name of,your shopify store actually in your your,shopify account now that's literally,just the name of your shopify account it,is your store name but your customer,doesn't really see it and that's just,something you change in the settings,we're going to show you that number two,is your shopify url now if you have a,shopify account everybody has a shopify,url it's going to be something like,,every single one of you watching this if,you have a shopify store you have one of,those urls but again whether your,customer sees that or not depends on if,you have the third thing we need to talk,about today and that is a custom domain,and that is like a dot-com so instead of,,it might be, right or you know, so that's a custom domain so,we've got your shopify store name we've,got your shopify url that's dot, and we've got your custom,domain which would be,okay so some of these can be changed,some of them can't can't let's first,talk about your shopify store name all,right we're looking inside of one of my,test shopify accounts this is the,enneagram live shopify account if you,look at my cursor up here in the top,left you see it says enneagram,life now that is the shopify store name,and really it doesn't really matter what,that says this could just be kerry,regular it could be whatever could just,be your name your customer will never,see this now if you want to change that,it's pretty simple you're just going to,hit the settings button and right here,the first thing you see is enneagram,life and we can just change our store,name right there that again that's all,there is to that first thing our shopify,store name that can be whatever it,doesn't really matter,the second thing that i want you to take,note of is this,shopify url right here which is,enneagram life or enneagram dash,,now when you create your shopify account,you're going to create that my shopify,domain that can never be changed unless,you just can't just turn off the account,that is what it is now your customer,does not see that unless you do not have,a custom domain now,what i want to show you is,we can type in enneagram dash life dot,my shopify and it should pull up this,enneagram life,test store if we give it just one second,here there it is okay but see what,happened here is it changed to, that's my custom,domain and i i bought that from shopify,i bought a custom domain,so,what happens is customers since i have a,custom domain customers never see this,my shopify you know enneagram dash life,dot my shopify domain they never see,that because i have this custom domain, so,although you can't ever change the my,shopify domain it is what it is forever,as long as you have a custom domain your,customer will never see that my shopify,domain so even though it can't be,changed i've personally had stores where,i've where i've completely wanted to,change the name and really the only,thing that i needed to do to ensure that,that that that happened is just change,the custom domain that's really kind of,all there is to that so you cannot,change that my shopify domain if you're,enjoying this video would you do me just,one quick favor it just takes one second,of your time and it costs euro dollars,and zero cents just hit that like button,for me it really helps me out also,consider subscribing to the channel and,hitting the bell icon subscribing and,hitting the bell will make sure you get,notified when we put out new videos,which is every single tuesday all right,back to the video so number three let's,talk about your custom domain and again,the custom domain is,dot com you see or,it could be co or dot store or whatever,it is but it's a custom domain that you,either purchase from shopify or you,purchase from a third party maybe like,godaddy or namecheap or something along,those lines that can be changed that can,be changed if you wanted to change that,custom domain now i'm not going to go,through all of the steps today but let's,say you know you you wanted to change,your brand you bought a new domain you,want to get rid of the old brand the,basic basic steps are you need to go to,settings in your shopify account and,you're going to hit this domains button,right here and you'll see that i have,enneagram life or enneagram threads,there and i can delete a do this domain,and i can connect an existing domain or,i can buy a new domain there's a couple,different options here in order to,connect up a new domain so just to kind,of recap if you were wanting to change,the name of your store i think the most,common situation is going to be that you,know you you just want to start a new,store or change the brand all together,really the only thing that you need to,make sure that you do is change your,custom domain buy a new one from shopify,or buy a new one from godaddy name cheap,wherever you want to buy buy one from,that's the most important thing because,that is the only name that your,customers will see now you also might,want to consider you might want to make,sure that the correct name is showing on,the payment receipt so when it hits,their credit card and again you can do,that in the settings in your shopify,account just making sure that that's all,updated um but that's really all there,is to it to change the name of your,shopify store if you're just getting,started with shopify and you're needing,some additional help we have a free,13-step cheat sheet that you can,download for free it will walk you,through the 13 steps that you need to,make sure that you do on your shopify,account before opening up your store,again it's completely free just head,over to,cheat sheet we'll also put that link,down in the description you can grab,that completely free we'll see you next,week,you

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