envision shopify wholesale

How to add a wholesale area to your Shopify store (free, no app) in this video I'm going to show you

Leighton Taylor

Updated on Mar 06,2023

How to add a wholesale area to your Shopify store (free, no app)

The above is a brief introduction to envision shopify wholesale

Let's move on to the first section of envision shopify wholesale

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How to add a wholesale area to your Shopify store (free, no app)

in this video I'm going to show you how,to add a wholesale area to your Shopify,website before we dive into the tutorial,I want to give you a quick preview of,what this will look like when we're,finished you can see here on my demo,shop that if I go to the catalog page we,have a test product and it's priced at,$25 so this is what normal retail,customers would see however if I go to,log in to my account you'll see that the,navigation has changed and now instead,of catalog it says wholesale products,when I click on that I see the product,its marked wholesale and the price is,now 1250 you'll be able to set the price,at whatever you want for the wholesale,version for this example I just set it a,half the price at the retail version you,also see that I have a link in the,navigation here called info and when I,click on that we have a page where you,can put information or downloads or,anything like that that you want your,wholesale customers to be able to access,now if I log back out of my account,you'll see that the navigation changes,back to the regular retail version of,the navigation and I see the normal,pricing again here so the product is $25,so let's live into this tutorial and,I'll show you how to set up this whole,sale feature on your Shopify website the,first thing that we need to do step one,is edit theme dot liquid so we do that,by going to your Shopify dashboard going,to online store and then themes now I'm,working in the minimal theme however,this code will work in any theme if you,have any trouble just leave a comment on,the video and I'll do my best to help,you out but this should work in pretty,much any Shopify theme that you might be,using keep in mind that if your site is,live if there's a live traffic coming to,your site then you probably don't want,to work in the publish theme right here,so if that's the case then you can,duplicate the theme and then work in the,unpublished version for this tutorial,I'll be working right here on the live,theme so we need to go to edit HTML and,CSS right here and this will open up our,theme editor and we click on theme that,liquid right up here at the top and,looking back at the tutorial the first,thing we need to do is find the code,that looks like this content underscore,4 underscore layout with these little,curly brackets on the ends,so I'm just gonna double-click on this,part and copy it and then go into my,theme that liquid and do a search which,is command F or control F if you're on a,PC and it'll pop up this little search,window and I'll just paste in content,for layout you can also go to edit in,your browser toolbar and click find to,do a search as well so that'll,immediately drop us down to where that,code is and the next thing we need to do,is replace it with this code right here,so I'm going to select all of that copy,it come back here,select this code make sure that you,include the two curly brackets at the,beginning and the two brackets at the,end so we want to replace all of that,with a new code I'm actually going to,hit return a couple of times to give us,some extra space just so we can see more,easily what we're we're we're working,I'm gonna hit command V to paste and,here's the code that I just added and,I'm gonna tab this over so it's indented,inside here all right step 2 is add a,snippet called,wholesale note I'm just gonna copy this,name here wholesale note not including,the rotation marks and I'm going to,scroll down in my theme editor to,snippets open that folder and click add,a new snippet and I'm going to name it,wholesale - note and it's important that,you match that exactly with the - and,everything for this to work right and,next we need to copy and paste this code,into that snippet and then we'll save so,what this is is the message that people,will see if they somehow find a,wholesale product or a page that you,only want wholesale customers to be able,to see so you can read the text here,that says this page is for approved,wholesale customers only and then we,have a link to login to your account or,contact us to request a wholesale,account so this way if somebody let's,say you have a wholesale customer and,they should be able to access your,wholesale products but they're not,logged in they'll see this page,and they won't see all this code of,course but they'll see a message that,they either need a login or if someone,doesn't have a wholesale account then,they can contact you to request one and,this is the link to your contact page if,your contact page has a different handle,then you'll just need to change that to,match whatever the handle is you can,tell what that handle is by looking on,your Shopify site and by clicking for,example on my about page the handle here,is about - us,so whatever the handle is for your,contact page make sure you plug that in,right here all right step three is to,add some new templates so we go back to,the theme editor and we click in the,templates folder we click add a new,template and we add one for a page and,it's called wholesale and now we need to,do the exact same thing with products,and collections so I click add a new,template again just select product from,the drop down menu and call it wholesale,and then we'll do it one more time for,collections so what we have now is a,page template a product template and a,collection template that are all named,wholesale and what that means is that,you can make any page or product or,collection on your website for,wholesalers only and if anyone who's not,logged in as a wholesale customer that,you've approved then they'll see the,whole sale and note that we have over,here if they are logged in then they,will be able to see that page or product,or collection now step number four we,need to create some wholesale products,and so I'm gonna do is right now if we,look at my catalog I have just one,product called test product and it's $25,and I need to create a another version,of this product for wholesale so I'm,gonna go in my sidebar here to products,I'm actually going to open this in a new,tab so that I can keep my template,editor open here and I'm going to open,up my test product and I'm going to,duplicate it this button right up here,on the top right and I'm going to call,it,test product wholesale so when I,duplicated it it's going to copy over,the text and the images and the price,and everything so this is basically an,exact copy of the previous product and,the only difference is I'm going to,change the price to 1250 and you can,make the price whatever you want but,generally for wholesale it's going to be,a good bit cheaper than the retail,version and you may or may not need to,charge taxes I don't believe you,normally do for wholesale and let's see,here so now if we refresh this page,we'll see that our our collection our,all collection has both the test product,and the wholesale product and the,regular product is $25 the wholesale,version is 1250 obviously we don't want,to do that we don't want to show both of,them alright so the next thing we need,to do is make sure to choose the,wholesale template here on our product,page and again this makes it so the only,wholesale customers will be able to see,this product it will save we also need,to create a wholesale collection so,we'll go back to products and go to,collections and so right now I'm going,to add a collection and call it,wholesale and I'm going to manually,select the products,so here we're I'm adding products I'm,going to choose only the wholesale,product and then I'm going to go back,and I'm going to create a regular,collection I'm just going to call it all,and this one is going to include only,the non wholesale version of the product,all right so we now have a collection,that's called,all and has the handle all and this one,has our regular test product and then we,have a wholesale collection and this one,has our wholesale product now in your,wholesale collection make sure that you,choose the wholesale template again here,just like we did with the product we're,now back on our main catalog page which,is the collection with the handle all,and we can see that it now has just our,main test product our regular price,product $25.00 and if we try to go to,the wholesale collection what happens we,see a message this page is for approved,holes that customers only and a link to,login to your account or contact us to,request a wholesale account let's go,back to our tutorial to wrap things up,set number 5 add the wholesale tag to,your wholesale customers and my,recommendation is to first create a,customer account for yourself just so,you can test out this feature make sure,that's working correctly so you can do,that by going in your Shopify dashboard,to customers and add customer and then,put in your name and email and then down,the bottom here where you see tags you,want to type in wholesale and once,you've already tagged a customer with,wholesale once it'll show up down here,but if the first time you just type it,in like this and hit comma and it'll add,that tag and what that does is it says,that the person with this name and email,address is an approved wholesale,customer so only add this tag to,customer accounts who you want to have,access to your wholesale pricing and I'm,getting an error because I didn't enter,my name and email that's ok because I,already created,and account for myself here all right so,what I can do now is I'll go to the,front end of the site and I'm going to,log in alright now that I'm logged in if,I go back to the wholesale collection I,will be able to see that collection I,can see the whole set product there with,the wholesale pricing now one problem,with this is that if I go to catalogue,in the navigation it's going to take me,to the regular retail version and so we,want to make sure that if someone's,logged in as a wholesaler they see a,different link here they get taken to,your wholesale collection rather than,the retail collection so to do that we,actually need to change the code that,shows this menu so that it'll check and,say check and see if someone is a,wholesale customer if so show them one,menu,if not then show them the regular menu,so let's move on to step 6,all right so for step 6 we are looking,for this code right here and it'll say,something like 4 linked in linked lists,dot main menu dot links and so I'm going,to just select part of that code right,there and this often will be in theme,dot liquid but it's not always sometimes,it'll be in a snippet called navigation,site nav or menu so let's check and see,if it's in theme dot liquid so if we,type in our search bar the linked list,main menu dot links and search around we,don't find that anywhere I do see this,here which says include drop-down and,include mobile menus so what that means,is it's including two different snippets,one for desktop and one for mobile so we,need to check both of those snippets so,over here in the snippets folder we look,for a drop-down and then we also need to,find mobile menu again this will vary,depending on which team you're using in,the minimal theme here you'll need to,open both of those snippets you know the,themes you you'll be able to find this,code in theme that liquid or in another,snippet called navigation or menu and,like that so in drop-down that liquid I,see this code right here that I was,looking for for link in linked lists,main menu dot links and so when I found,that I need to replace it with this code,right here so I'll copy that and paste,it right in here and I'll tab that over,to match the intention there and then,make sure to save and then in mobile,menu dot liquid I will do the same thing,find the exact same code and copy and,paste that in and save again just make,sure to check and see if your theme has,separate code for mobile navigation like,the minimal theme did it had the,drop-down dot liquid for desktop and,mobile then you got liquid for mobile,and you'll need to make sure that you,should copy this menu code in both,places to make sure that whether someone,is on their regular computer laptop or a,phone or tablet that they see the,correct navigation all right the one,final step that we need to take is to go,to navigation here in the sidebar and if,you don't see that then first click on,online store and then navigation and we,need to add a new menu so right now we,have a main menu and that's what regular,to retail customers will see and we need,to add a new menu called main menu,wholesale and this is what your,wholesale customers will see so this can,be exactly the same as your regular menu,except that the catalog link or shop,link or whatever you want to call it is,going to link to the wholesale,collection rather than the retail,collection so we have home catalog blog,and about us so,just set up those links so this whistle,vary depending on what kind of Link's,you want to include here in the main,menu the main important thing is that,you include a link to your wholesale,collection rather than to your regular,retail collection all right so now if we,go back and we refresh the front end of,your website if we hover over catalog,here you'll see that down in the bottom,left of my browser it's going to take us,through the whole sale collection and if,I click on that it'll take us through,the whole sale collection so what this,means is that we're looking at the whole,sale menu right here and we can test,that by back in our navigation I'm just,going to close that tab back in our,navigation I'm gonna change the label,catalog to something like wholesale,products just to make it absolutely,clear that we're looking at wholesale so,I've been if i refresh again this has,changed to wholesale products now if I,log out of my account I'll no longer be,logged in as an approved wholesale,customer and watch what happens when I,log out it immediately changes back to,the regular menu and if I go to catalog,all I see is the regular retail price in,so that's pretty much it the main thing,to remember is that you need to go into,customer accounts and make sure that a,customer has the tagged wholesale right,here on their account and once they have,that tag all they have to do is log in,using their regular customer account,username and password and then they'll,be able to see your your wholesale,products and collections,one other thing let's say that for,example you wanted to provide a page,where your customers could download,images or get some special information,and it wouldn't be a product per se that,the wholesale customer would need to buy,but you might just be some information,that you want only hosts or customers to,have you could do that by going to pages,and we'll add a new page and we'll call,it something like info for wholesale,customers and this is some information,for wholesale customers only so this,might be sensitive price information or,other things that you wouldn't want the,general public to be able to find but,only your wholesale customers the way,that you protect this is by over here on,the template again just like with,products and collections you choose page,wholesale and save and so now if we try,to view this on your website it'll tell,us this is for approved wholesale,customers only and again we have to log,in and once we are logged in if we try,to preview that page again we'll see,info we'll see the page content and we,can even add a link to this page in our,wholesale navigation by going back to,our navigation menu going to the main,menu wholesale and adding a new menu,item so as you can see now in my,wholesale menu I have a link to this,info page that only wholesale customers,can access well you're all set now to,start selling wholesale on your Shopify,website feel free to let me know if you,have any questions I'd be happy to help,just leave a comment below and make sure,to sign up for my email list at envision,a oh to get news about new Shopify,tutorials and other e-commerce tips and,help in growing your online store thanks,for watching

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