can shopify integrate carrier calculated shipping when using manusl google pla feed?

Shipping Settings in Google Merchant Center for Shopify Store hello friends welcome to the help vide

Simprosys InfoMedia

Updated on Mar 17,2023

Shipping Settings in Google Merchant Center for Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to can shopify integrate carrier calculated shipping when using manusl google pla feed?

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can shopify integrate carrier calculated shipping when using manusl google pla feed? catalogs

Shipping Settings in Google Merchant Center for Shopify Store

hello friends welcome to the help videos,of Google Shopping feed app by sim,prosess in this video we are going to,see how to set the shipping rates in the,Merchant Center or fix missing value,shipping error before moving to the,video please subscribe to our channel to,get the tips and tricks about digital,marketing and press the bell icon to get,notified instantly once we upload any,new video,on our app we don't sync shipping,settings from your Shopify store as this,is something don't change many often,plus we recommend you to set the,cheapest option in the Google Merchant,Center so that the total price of the,product does not increase substantially,in the ads and you remain competitive in,this video we are going to cover the,following type of shipping settings free,shipping on all the products order price,based shipping settings product weight,based shipping settings carrier,calculated shipping rates shipping label,based shipping rates international,shipping settings before we proceed for,all the shipping setting options make,sure you are setting the shipping rate,it's in the same merchant center like,the one you have linked the app with,here in my case Merchant Center ID from,the account is matching with the,Merchant Center ID in the app please,ignore this suspension warning as this,is our demo account let us look in the,first case of free shipping for all the,products click on settings icon that,looks as the tool icon on the top,navigation of the Merchant Center then,go to shipping and returns in some,countries this page is linked by,delivery word click on plus icon here,enter service name that you can easily,refer to a particular shipping setting,please note that as on today this,service name is for your reference only,it is not shown to customers anywhere in,the entire process now select the,country of target here,now select the default currency of your,Shopify store and not the currency of,the targeted country selected above now,put in the duration in business days,within which products are actually,shipped from the warehouse now put in,the duration in business days during,with product will remain in transit and,be delivered to the customers now go,down straight to the bottom and click on,this plus icon now you can skip,everything just click on single rate for,all the orders now here make sure you,have selected fixed rate option and not,the no shipping option in the drop-down,then enter zero point zero zero as a,rate in the next field now click on,continue then click on save you are done,you will have to wait for 24 hours for,shipping rates to get in the effect if,products are disapproved because of,missing value shipping you will have to,wait for 24 hours for their status to,get updated in the diagnostics now let,us look at the shipping rates based on,order price I am going back to the,shipping page click on plus icon here,enter shipping rate name for your,reference only,select the country of target then make,sure currency setting is same as your,stores default currency especially if,you are doing it for additional country,targeting now put in handling time that,your orders normally take before,products are shipped now please put in,the actual shipping time in the for more,business days scroll straight down to,the bottom click on plus icon now on,this page click on order price please,double check the shipping settings done,by you in the Shopify in this demo,example I am charging 4.99 for shipping,of orders up to twenty nine point nine,nine so I am adding the same in the,Google Merchant Center now I have one,more charge of shipping rate for the,orders in the range of thirty point zero,zero two ninety nine point nine nine I,am charging seven point nine nine for,this order value range here in the,Google Merchant Center you can add more,order row by click on plus row then I am,adding the new order price range and,adding the shipping rate of seven point,nine nine for the same order value range,now since we are offering free shipping,for the orders of value dollar 100 or,more so selecting fixed rate and then,setting the rate is zero press Continue,and then save buttons now wait for 24,hours to get this change effected to the,products now let us see how can we add,product weight based shipping rates,before we go to shipping settings in the,Google Merchant Center let us review how,the shipping settings are already set in,the Shopify so that we can replicate the,same to the Merchant Center in this demo,I am charging four point nine nine for,the packages up to four point nine nine,kilograms for the package weighing five,kilograms to nineteen point nine nine,kilograms we are charging nine point,nine nine and for the package of twenty,kilograms or more we are offering free,shipping now let us set this shipping,charge setting to Google Merchant Center,I am going to shipping or delivery page,of the Merchant Center clicking on plus,icon here let us enter a name for our,reference only,selecting the targeting country like the,u.s. entering handling time in the form,of business days and then shipping,duration in the form of business day,counts,now scroll till the bottom click on +,icon here then select the order wait,option here then it will show two,options of wait units in our case it is,kilogram but if you're shipping settings,in the Shopify are done using pound as a,unit of weight you will have to select,pound in this case I am continuing with,kilogram as in my demo I have set the,shipping in the Shopify using kilogram,as weight unit now here it is slightly,different from Shopify when it comes to,decimals of weight measure but you will,have to make sure you are entering it,rightly the first range is of less than,five kilograms so entering the range of,zero to four point nine nine nine nine,and shipping rate of four point nine,nine then to add one more order weight,range click on the plus row now entering,the weight range of five kilograms to,nineteen point nine nine nine nine,kilograms send its shipping rate of nine,point nine nine now since we are,providing free shipping of orders,weighing twenty kilograms or more,selecting a fixed rate and entering zero,point zero zero as a rate now click on,continue and then save please allow 24,hours for these settings to get affected,now let us see how can we add carrier,calculated shipping rates in Shopify for,this demo I have set up two carriers one,is USPS and another as UPS let us go to,Google Merchant Center shipping or,delivery page,please keep in mind Google does not,offer carrier calculated shipping rates,in all the countries and all the,carriers you may be working with link to,more information about countries and,carriers for which carrier calculated,rates are available as given in the,description below let us add the name of,shipping rate setting for our reference,selecting the targeting country and then,make sure currency selected as the same,as your stores default currency enter,the order handling time or lead time in,the form of business days then enter the,transit time of shipment in the form of,business days,then scroll till the bottom click on,plus icon now click on create a single,rate for all orders now click on,shipping cost drop down select carrier,rate option if you are doing this for,the first time click on new carrier rate,now select the cheapest order rate,option amongst all the carrier,calculated shipping rates you offer on,your Shopify store here in this demo I,am selecting USPS priority mail now,enter the zip code of your warehouse,from where you are shipping your,products that can be found from the,warehouse settings of your Shopify now,in USPS settings in my Shopify I have,the percentage adjustment of 10% above,the regular carrier calculated rates,there is no flat adjustment,now it will create a table below then,please click on continue and then save,please allow 24 hours to let this,shipping setting get affected now let us,see how shipping label based shipping,settings are done first of all please,note that this is a bit tricky this,option should be used only when,previously discussed option doesn't work,like you have different shipping rates,for different types of products or,different vendors or any other shipping,settings that vary based on products,other characteristics than weight or,price in the shipping label based,shipping settings you have to pass,specific value of shipping label along,with a particular product or group of,products and then use the same shipping,label value to set the different,shipping rates in this example case we,have two vendors for which we charge,different shipping charges Ultron and,Sun electro again names for the demo,only they may coincide with any existing,brand or vendor but we are considering,these names here just for the demo,purpose for Ultron products we are,charging flat 2.99 as shipping rates for,Sun electro we are charging different,shipping rates for products up to twenty,nine point nine nine we are charging two,point nine nine and products of price 30,or above we are charging three point,nine nine flat for rest of the products,on our demo catalog we are considering,the charge of four point nine nine up to,the order value of forty nine point nine,nine and free on or above fifty let us,set this setting as discussed before,let us first assign the shipping label,to Ultron products,go to manage products in the app click,on filter products select the vendor,from the first drop-down of filtering,options then select the Ultron again in,this demo we are picking up the Ultron,as a vendor your case may be based on,completely different criteria like tag,or product type or a different vendor,you will have to select them accordingly,select all the products click on bulk,action here select asset shipping label,here in the bulk edit pop-up you can put,any word that you can use in the,Merchant Center to setup the shipping,label here in our case I am putting,brands name for easy referencing,everywhere Ultron shipping apply in bulk,now these products will go in the,pending status and will be submitted to,the merchant center within next ten,minutes you have nothing to do about,their status here,now let us deal with another vendor son,electro filter products vendor,son electro select all bulk action again,putting an easy name that can help me,easily understand what these settings,are for son electro shipping apply in,bulk now we will assign the standard as,a shipping label to rest of the products,again filter products now if I have to,work on products which have not been,assigned any shipping label I will,select shipping label in the first,option then I am selecting not defined,here I am selecting not defined because,I want to work on remaining products,which are not assigned any shipping,label yet select all select all from the,subsequent pages bulk action adding the,shipping label of standard apply in bulk,once you are done with assigning the,shipping label to almost all the,products please wait for about 30,minutes,after 30 minutes let us go to the,Merchant Center account click on,shipping or delivery + icon naming the,shipping settings that is easy for me,remember here you don't have to mention,shipping label if you are going to set,the shipping rates for all the different,shipping labels in just one shipping,service selecting the country of,shipping,selecting the currency again currency,has to be your stores default currency,and not the targeted country's currency,adding lead time or handling time of one,to two days the transit time of three to,five days scroll down till the bottom,click on plus icon now here select,filter products shipping label options,here you have to add the shipping label,for which are setting the rates make,sure you type the full label here even,if it shows up as a drop down to select,from then select it once all the,characters match as seen before we have,assigned Ultron shipping label to Ultron,products in the app and we charge flat,2.99 for all of their products adding,the shipping rate as other method,discussed in the other part of the video,make sure you have gone through other,parts of the video that explains how can,you add the shipping rates based on,different criteria now let us add the,shipping rates of products which have,been assigned the shipping label of son,electro shipping click on plus icon here,now select filter products by shipping,label enter son electro shipping again,make sure you type the entire label and,then select it,now enter the rates for these products,on these products we have two shipping,rates for the products of the different,pricing range for products up to 29.99,we are charging 2.99 and products of,price 30 or above we are charging 3.99,flat now click on save now let us add,the shipping rate of rest of the,products click on plus icon again select,the filter products by shipping label,and standard here add the shipping rates,as discussed before,then click on continue save it now here,on this page it should complete the 100%,it may take up to 24 hours for these,settings to get affected now let us see,how to set up the shipping rates for,additional countries please keep in mind,not all the countries need shipping,settings to be done list of countries,that require shipping settings as given,by Google on the URL given in the,description below please keep in mind,that do not use any other app along with,our app for Google shopping there are,chances of conflicts of the operation in,between two apps either use our app or,any other one in this example video I,have the US as my primary country of,submission based on the stores default,currency the app will always submit the,feed for the primary country you cannot,deselect it now let us set up the,shipping charge settings for additional,countries in this example I am going to,set up the shipping for UK and Australia,click on plus icon here enter the,service name that you can easily refer,back to what it is Here I am adding UK,shipping select the targeting country,from the drop-down select the currency,it is must to select your stores default,currency and not the currency of the,targeting country since your checkout is,in your stores default currency and,actual products are submitted in your,stores default currency it is a must to,select your stores default currency here,no matter whichever country you are,targeting Google will then convert the,product pricing and shipping charges in,the currency of targeting country in the,shopping ads using its own currency,conversion enter the handling time and,transit time in the business days,now click on the plus icon now here you,can set up the shipping as any method,that is suitable to the shipping charge,setting for this targeting country in,this demo I am going to add flat,shipping of twelve point nine nine now,click on continue here targeting,countries are different but the currency,has to be your Shopify stores default,currency for any country now when you,open the settings of any additional,country please do not worry if you see,zero percent products matching for the,shipping settings please ignore this,report and wait for 24 hours for these,settings to get affected if you have got,the missing shipping error you will have,to wait for 24 hours for this change to,get affected let us do it for one more,country in this demo we are going to add,it for Australia naming this shipping,setting as Australia shipping,selecting Australia has a country,selecting the currency here as USD again,as it is my online stores default,currency adding the handling or lead,time in business days,adding the transit time in business days,again you can use any of the suitable,options discussed before but here for,the demo I am adding a flat rate of,16.99 for all the orders then save it,now here again since these settings are,for the additional country it will show,zero percentage of products matching,kindly ignore it and wait for 24 hours,if you have got missing shipping error,for these products then save it now,again targeting countries are different,but the currency is the same as your,stores default for all of them,ultimately you have to set the shipping,settings in such a way that it matches,shipping settings of your store plus add,cheapest shipping option that shows,lower pricing in the shopping ads after,you have added the correct shipping,settings you just have to wait for 24,hours for them to get affected check the,products error status in the Diagnostics,after 24 hours please make sure you are,not using any other app along with our,app using any other Google Shopping app,may lead to conflicts in the shipping,rates and many other places We strongly,advise you to use only one app either,other one or ours,if you have any other query or if this,does not help kindly raise the help,request to our support team hope this,helps please subscribe to our channel if,you are interested to learn more about,Google AdWords and other kinds of,digital marketing we are working to,start a completely free course on,YouTube that will help you learn digital,marketing through Google Facebook and,other marketing channels,please refer to our other related help,videos see you again in another video

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