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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2023 | Setup Tutorial for Beginners - Tiktok Advertising + Tiktok Shop

if you still think that Tech talk is,just for dancing Trends and kids you're,missing out on a very powerful platform,and trending social media advertising,option to grow your business this 2023.,Tech talk has now over 1 billion users,and has surpassed other social media,apps in terms of downloads in a very,short amount of time specifically during,the pandemic aside from this Tech talk,has also launched tiktok shop in,selected countries and provides a,convenient and entertaining approach on,e-commerce even without a website,the last two quarters of 2022 generated,millions of Revenue in my business,because of tick tock ads paired with,Tick Tock shop,so if you also want this for your own,business or for your clients make sure,to finish this video apply what you will,learn and of course prepare to scale,your business,now let's get into it,before we hop on creating an account,let's first understand and maybe be,reminded about this crypto ad structure,okay at first basically we're going to,create a business account for us to have,access to the tiktok business center so,this is the tiktok ads Business Center,at the top and then under that we're,going to create an ad account okay an ad,account which you can access and make,ads through the ads manager,and after that after an account we're,going to create ad campaigns okay now,it's not really that much of a different,platform with meta ads because honestly,it's almost just the same only that it,has different capabilities than uh The,Meta ads now there are also difference,when it comes to terminologies just like,for example this one,um ad groups instead of AD set okay you,can see there at the top it's still,contained where you set the objectives,where you set sometimes the budget and,also here on the second level this one,this is the ad group level so this is,like the ad sets in in meta ads and in,this same ad set like level,you're going to put the targeting and,also the budget,next under those ad groups you can put,more ads,okay so basically that's just the,campaign structure in Tech talk ads you,also need to learn about the ad format,so here are the five ad formats,currently we have top view we have the,brand takeover uh desktop view and brand,takeover usually appears when you open,the app,and the next one is in feed ads whenever,you're scrolling on the for you page you,will see a video with a with an,emphasized button just like that so it's,called infinite ads and next are the,Branded hashtag challenge The Branding,effect the ones that get these ad,formats are actually those who are,already big Brands so again these are,the ad formats usually you can see the,infield ads and you can make that,especially if you are a small business,now let's create our own Tech talk,business account I already have one for,my own business but I'm going to make a,new one for the purpose of this video so,it would be better if you can follow,with me while I do the process okay okay,first one we need to go to,business,so this is the pickup for Business,website we're going to click create now,and I'm gonna type in my password you,can sign up either via email or via,phone I would prefer to have,um my email instead of phone for the,purpose of this video so I'm gonna type,my password,I'll repack it,okay and then click this,agree to the tech talk commercial terms,of service you can just read that after,and just sign up choose it's just for,verification which ones are in the same,shape,so it's letter L okay confirm,now there will be a confirmation email,to be sent okay,I'll confirmed now here we're going to,put our country,I'm based in the Philippines my industry,whatever my business is so I'm just,going to put here services,advertising and PR Services since I'm,making it under my personal brand but on,my other account I have actually chosen,e-commerce,for my business name I'll just put,the registered business team,but my phone number,there you go,I'll just agree to the tick tock,commercial terms of service and then,click register if you want to win a free,one-on-one consultation with me so we,can talk more about improving social,media ads for your business just like,this video subscribe and comment one new,thing that you learned from this video,provide some details about the business,okay so the business center name I can,just name this um John Cornwell and then,I'll put my time zone,describe your business I would say I'm,an agency first because I have some,clients also an activator also to,clients I just put my company name,so if you are an e-commerce business or,anything you want to run ads you can,just put I'm an Advertiser you can just,click this and then just declare um your,company name and your company website,again you don't have to build a website,for this you can have your Facebook page,or Instagram page in my case I'll just,put my own personal website there okay,and the billing information,course you need to put do you want,manual payments or you want automatic,payments

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YouTube Ads in 2023: Brand NEW Secrets, Strategies & Tips

YouTube Ads in 2023: Brand NEW Secrets, Strategies & Tips

in this video I'm going to be showing,you everything that you need to know to,successfully start running YouTube ads,this is going to be a complete,step-by-step guide that is going to show,you exactly how to set up your YouTube,ads to get the most sales possible at,the cheapest cost I will also be going,over Frameworks and best practices for,creating your videos and even sharing a,master list of a ton of YouTube ads that,you can draw for inspiration because,when it comes to YouTube ads the videos,themselves are a huge part in driving,conversions and sales now before we,start running YouTube ads I want to make,sure that we're all starting from the,same spot and these are four things that,do need to be set up before you start,running YouTube ads the first is you do,need a Google ads account the reason for,that is YouTube ads are run through,Google ads next you do need an actual,YouTube account all YouTube ads must be,published to a YouTube account they can,be either public or unlisted next you do,need to link your YouTube account to,Google ads linking the YouTube account,to your Google ads allows you to promote,your videos and share performance data,with Google which is critical and then,finally we need to set up conversion,tracking which allows us to understand,which YouTube ads drove the actual,results whether it's sales or leads,Etc so in this tutorial we're going to,assume that you already have a Google,ads account and YouTube account set up,I'm going to show you how to link up,your YouTube and Google ads account and,then for conversion tracking I'm going,to assume that you already have that set,up if not I will leave resources Down,Below on how to set up conversion,tracking but let me show you real quick,how to link your YouTube and Google ads,account all you need to do is come into,your Google ads account here we're in,this demo account you're going to come,to tools and settings then you're going,to come to linked accounts now you can,see mine is already linked here but,chances are from Google you're going to,see YouTube in here if you click on the,details there it's going to ask you to,connect to your account from there it,will ask you to go through and connect,your YouTube account and sign in it's,helpful if your Google ads account and,your YouTube account are under the same,email it does make the process really,easy and then from there you are linked,so it's a really fast process so now,that we have our Google ads account,created we have our YouTube account and,we have it all linked up it's time for,us to start start creating our YouTube,ads so the first thing that you're going,to do is when you are on the screen,we're just in the overview tab we're,going to come over here and we're going,to click new campaign,now here it's going to ask us to choose,our objective if you are trying to get,more sales for your website then you're,going to want to choose sales if you are,looking to get more leads for your,business you're going to want to choose,leads for this situation we are going to,go with leads after you've chosen your,objective it's going to pop up this,little screen that is going to show you,your the conversion goals associated,with your account for this we only want,to optimize towards leads we're going to,hit continue and then here of course is,where you're going to want to choose,videos we're then going to hit continue,it's now going to ask for a campaign,name typically I'll go through and add,the place the area that I'm targeting,and then you know some sort of,description about it for this we're just,going to do test campaign but you can go,through and name this whatever you would,like for the bidding strategy to begin,with I like to start off with Max,conversions I seem to have better,results going with max conversion,bidding then you can go through and add,your daily budget we're just going to,start off with 20 a day these networks,when you are using a conversion based,bidding strategy it does not allow you,to opt out of any of these networks so,keep that in mind we're going to keep,opted into all those and then here you,have your location targeting where you,can spit you can specify which location,you want to Target one thing I do want,to point out as well you can also come,over here here to this advanced search,and then Target by radius say that you,wanted to Target 20 miles around Las,Vegas for whatever reason,you could click that and then now you're,targeting around Las Vegas you can go,through and add multiple of those,radiuses inside of there as well but for,this we are just going to keep it at the,United States you can go through and add,your languages now this is something,that is new you used to be able to add,content exclusions at the campaign level,but you can see now it has been added to,the account level so once we go through,and build this campaign I'll show you,how to adjust the content exclusions in,case you wanted to do that you can see,here Google does recommend going throug

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Do THIS Before Your Start Running Ads On TikTok!

Do THIS Before Your Start Running Ads On TikTok!

I recently found myself repeating the,same thing over and over to current,clients as we are expending over to tick,tock as a major ad platform within our,client pool so I'm always repeating the,clients why it's important to have a,full warm-up phase dedicated to warming,up the tick tock pixel because look,reality is most of people going on Tick,Tock right now are not using Tick Tock,as a first platform they've been in the,industry for quite a while and they've,advertised on Facebook and they kind of,Forgotten what time what it was to get,started with Facebook back then so in,today's short and sweet video I want to,talk about why the tick tock pixel,warm-up phase is very important and how,do you want to structure this phase,before you really start running your,Tick Tock ads my name is Justin and I'm,the founder of voicemail media and,e-commerce marketing agency specializing,in elevating thriving Brands by,simplifying e-commerce growth,foreign,so to get straight into it I'll do an,analogy that I I really love telling our,clients so when you first start riding a,bike when you're very young right if you,threw a kid on a bike without any,training wheels there's a very small,chance that they might succeed but,honestly the odds are against them,they're most likely going to be failing,because they have no practice about how,to grasp The Handlebar how to really,pedal the right way how to balance their,weights Etc if we compare that to a,pixel when you first start running ads,the pixel aka the ad platform does not,have any data whatsoever about your,audience so they don't really know who,to go after they don't really know what,this person looks like what they like,what they don't like so they try and,kind of pull everybody around and,chances are they'll fail so the reason,we're doing a pixel warm-up phase is,that when you first make a new pixel,this pixel is empty does not have any,data I've made a video in the past where,what might happen if you start running,ads off the bat and try and go for,purchases as a conversions campaign the,usual outcome of that is that your ads,simply won't spend it so Tick Tock won't,spend anything on your ads because it's,simply too much confused to know what,you want the algorithm to do with this,ad spend which is why you want to start,with a pixel warm-up phase to really,educate the platform about who are your,buyers where do they fit within the,algorithm again where can the algorithm,best find them and you do so by a,gradual warm-up phase so I'm gonna put,on screen right now a screenshot of the,structure we've been following in order,to warm up our clients pixels correctly,so this whole warm-up phase would take,depending on your budget anywhere from,two to four weeks to really get your,pixel warm enough for you to start,running purchases conversions campaign,so for the first week again let's keep,in mind tick docks CBO minimum daily,budget is 50 so you'll want to start,running ads for traffic or video views,and in do so for about seven days just,the first to tell the algorithm hey,those are the type of people that are,most interested in our video type,doesn't mean they're taking action just,means they're showing some signs of,Interest by either liking commenting or,interacting with your videos once this,is done then you switch to the second,phase of your warm-up phase so for the,following seven days which you actually,start for the first time with a,conversion campaign so you'll usually go,with a bit more of a top of funnel event,so that could be add to cart as an,example and your only goal at this stage,is to get 50 conversions within seven,days so for you to get 50 at the carts,within seven days again depending on,your products aov means that you need to,spend a certain level on the platform,for most people the daily minimum budget,of fifty dollars is gonna be enough to,achieve these 50 conversions assuming,you have a good conversion rate on the,website so once you're done and once you,actually have these 50 attributed,conversions then it's a bit of a,conflicting advice online and it'll,depend on the clients honestly that,we're doing this with but either you can,directly switch to a purchase event,right there and already essentially,starts running some conversions,campaigns for purchases or you could go,one step further and actually start,optimizing for initiate checkout for,another seven days so you extend your,warm-up phase by another week and then,once you get 50 initiated checkouts,within that week then you get to 50,purchases I'm actually going to,recommend for the most of you to,actually do this phase where you're,going with traffic or video view,campaigns for seven days then week two,you're going without the cards week,three you're doing initiate checkout in,week four you're actually starting with,your purchases campaigns and again the,sole reason is think of this like a,waterfall or taking somebody and we're,slowly teaching the algorithm we're,slowly removing the training wh

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Start Running TikTok Ads With My Newbie's Checklist!

Start Running TikTok Ads With My Newbie's Checklist!

lots of you going to start for the first,time running Tick Tock ads for this Q4,so I want to share with you a newbies,checklist two running Tick Tock ads for,the first time I prepared six points,that you should be checking through when,setting up your Tick Tock ads for this,Q4 my name is Justin and I'm the founder,of wozomedia an e-commerce marketing,agency specializing in elevating,thriving Brands by simplifying,e-commerce growth,let's get started the first thing that,you need to do for your brand or Brands,if you're a marketer is setting up a,profile picture on the advertiser's,account look you want to make sure that,you're running ads with the right,profile page I've seen ads of still one,of the you know forestry company that,has you know these chainsaws and,everything they've actually rent ads,without the company logo on there so,what happens is that you have the,default kind of green background uh with,like megaphone from Tick Tock it just,sucks unprofessional so you want to make,sure that you have the right profile,picture when running your Tick Tock ads,now obviously this goes without saying,as a pair but you want to make sure that,you use the right username so again from,your advertiser's account you want to,make sure that you create a congruent,brand image so with that said you also,want to make sure that you customize the,username of the advertisers accounts to,fit with the brand so call it whatever,you want as long as it fit with the,brand we've actually seen also in the,past people play with that username and,even put a call to action inside of it,look I'm all in for you to try new,things but as long as it fits with your,Brand's image that's all that matters so,don't forget to change that when setting,up your Tick Tock ads now the next tip,is going to be about copy Tick Tock has,recently increased the limit of,characters that you can have in your,copy from 300 all the way up to 2200 so,you now have the chance to use this,space just like you would use it on,other platforms like Facebook and,Instagram where copywriting has always,been key parts of direct to Consumer ads,so with that said within the rec,response marketing copywriting is super,important obviously on Tick Tock people,are less inclined to read your copies so,it's still very focused on the creative,side of things but now that you have,more space within your copy you can,start playing with that a lot more it,used to be more of a one sentence one to,two sentences Max what's in your copy,which truthfully it's pretty much a call,to action right that's all you could put,in the past within the copy whereas now,you have a lot more space to details,benefits maybe features about your,products p features the benefits and,play with your good copywriting skills,to help people convert from your ads the,fourth tip is to make sure that you use,your utms right would you be using a,attribution software like triple well,where they give you what utms to put on,Tick Tock which are key in order to,track an attribute back your ads,performances on Triple well or if you're,not using triple One You're simply doing,the old way of attributing with Google,analytics yet again you need to use utms,in order to track your ads the right way,so I've got a video actually up on the,channel That does talk about setting up,Tick Tock ads UTM so make sure you check,this out in order to set them properly,and to learn more about the different,variables that can be used on tiktok the,fifth tip that I have is you need to go,for basic objectives First Look for the,first seven days you need to run,strictly traffic or video view campaigns,that's a no-brainer also share the video,on that recently about warming up your,Tick Tock pixel but let's say you had a,pixel already installed you have,somewhat some form of data on your pixel,then you can get started with add to,cart from the start now you're also,going to be able to know whether or not,your creatives work as soon as you get,into add to card campaigns because,honestly traffic campaigns the behaviors,are much different than a conversions,campaign so as soon as you start running,conversions campaign you'll be able to,tell a lot better whether or not your,creatives work as an example we started,running at the car campaigns for one of,our clients and it got I think two at,the carts within the first two days,which is absolutely horrible so,creatives went from an almost two,percent click-through rates on the,traffic campaigns that we did within the,first seven days dropped all the way,down to 0.3 percent within conversions,campaign so absolutely horrible creative,performance right there or is on the,opposite side of things we had one of,our clients who basically as soon as we,started running the add to card,campaigns they literally started getting,conversions without even optimizing for,purchases we were getting above 2x,roasts per day from running after card,campaigns and those were pretty good,news for that client they were getting,

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This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit

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TikTok Changed.. The NEW Way to Get Followers FAST in 2023 (NEW ALGORITHM)

TikTok Changed.. The NEW Way to Get Followers FAST in 2023 (NEW ALGORITHM)

in this video I'm going to share with,you exactly how you can Skyrocket the,amount of followers that you're getting,on Tick Tock right now because if you,haven't heard yet Tick Tock has changed,and the things that you need to be doing,the analytics you need to be worried,about the content that you should be,creating and the topics that you should,be using within your Niche have all,changed and if you don't adapt to these,new things you're going to see both a,decrease in the amount of views and the,amount of followers that you get but if,you simply make the changes that I share,with you in this video you're going to,have a Skyrocket in the amount of,followers that you're getting in fact,these strategies work so well that since,2021 for the last almost three years,I've helped almost 200 000 people grow,on Tick Tock and I want you to be the,next person in fact this Creator gained,a million subscribers in just a few,months by implementing these tips this,Creator over 800 000 in this Creator,over 500 000 followers in the same exact,thing can happen to you because all,these creators had two things in common,one they were struggling before they,implemented the tips that I'm about to,share with you in this video and,secondly they all now make a full-time,living from Tick Tock which I'm sure you,want to happen to you but before we,could dive into those things I need you,to smash that subscribe button if you,want to grow quicker on Tick Tock,Instagram or YouTube I literally upload,a video every single day about how to,grow on these Platforms in addition to,that I created a free Tick Tock growth,course you can get at the link in the,pin comment below it's going to share,with you thanks the best hashtags to be,using right now and what time you should,be posting in 2023 so please make sure,you get into that at the link in the pin,comment below it is 100 free I don't,know what you're waiting for finally,here's my phone number please hit me up,I want to help you grow quicker on TED,Talk step number one is actually,understanding what Tick Tock cares about,and essentially they only care about,three things right now you guys are,focused on all the wrong things if,you're not focused on these three things,the first is the type of content you're,creating the second is the topics that,you're choosing third is the analytics,that you're paying attention to if you,fail to do any of these three things,it's the reason that you're not getting,views if you've seen a decrease in views,or you're just not able to get views,like your competitors get it's because,you're ignoring one of these three,things or you're only doing one of them,you're only doing two of them because,you need to be doing all three of them,I'm warning you right now if you don't,Implement everything that I share with,you in this video it's going to be the,reason that you're not successful in,Tick Tock during the easiest time ever,to grow on Tick Tock and The Best Time,Ever to become part of the Creator,economy and make money literally from,your phone or from your laptop without,having to go to work this might mean,that you could quit your job it might,mean that you could drop out of college,and the difference between you being,able to do that and you being,unsuccessful is you focusing on these,three things so for starters let's talk,about the analytics because this is an,incredibly important piece of the puzzle,first thing is you need to make sure,that you have seventy percent of people,still watching after the first three,seconds of your video now if you're able,to achieve that that's great you need to,extend that as long as possible because,essentially there are three watch time,metrics that you need to be hitting that,I'm going to share with you later on in,this video depending on how long your,content is it's going to tell you,exactly what percentage watch time you,need to be hitting because if you're not,hitting that well you're just not going,to have success on Tick Tock but like I,said the first thing that you need to,get down is over 70 of people still,watching three seconds into the video,now the reason that this is going to,happen is because your hook is going to,be great you're going to have great text,on the screen you're going to have,energy you're going to actually wake the,person want to watch your video or,you're going to stick out if you look at,videos that go viral on Tick Tock their,videos that stick out their videos that,stand out or they're participating in a,trend which hooks somebody in because,you guys need to understand something if,you're not solving a problem for,something doing something that they're,curious in or participating in a trend,which naturally just kind of captures,people attention well then that's going,to be the reason that nobody's watching,your Tick Tock videos and the way that,you focus on this is by focusing on,honing in the first three seconds of,your videos and this is going to make,you a lot more success on top of that,yo

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How to Run TikTok Ads for Beginners 2023

How to Run TikTok Ads for Beginners 2023

Tick Tock ads have become the hottest,thing in paid advertising because,everybody's on Tick Tock and everybody,spends a ton of time and money on Tick,Tock there's a reason there's a big,hashtag called Tick Tock made me buy it,it's because Tick Tock makes people buy,things and so as a marketer is a great,place to advertise your product or your,business and in this video I'm going to,help you run profitable Tick Tock ads,because just running a tick tock ad,doesn't really guarantee anything and,there are a ton of people making a ton,of mistakes wasting a ton of money and I,don't want that to be you so let's get,right into it so I'll start with what,Tick Tock for business is a lot of,people think of a business account when,it comes to this and all a business,account really is for tick tock is a,front-facing profile for a brand or a,business whereas a tick tock ads manager,account allows you to actually build run,and monitor campaigns for that brand,account so you're gonna need to make a,tick tock ads manager account that is,Step number one so you've now created a,tick tock ads manager account now let's,break down the different kinds of tick,tock ads because there are multiple and,they all do different things and have,different pros and reasons for why you'd,want to use them the first is top view,ads and these are placed at the top of a,user's for you page so since you've used,Tick Tock before I'm sure you've seen,these when you open the app the very,first thing is an ad that's a top view,ad these can be up to 60 seconds long,and they offer an immersive full screen,viewing experience that eliminates all,other on-screen distractions number two,is in feed ads and it's exactly like it,sounds this type of AD will be randomly,placed within a user's 4u feed mimicking,normal feed content just like top view,in feed content is vertical as well and,can be up to 60 seconds long except for,this kind of AD has the added,opportunity for viewer engagement by,liking commenting or sharing the actual,ad which you can't do with top view and,here's a quick side by side of an infeed,ad versus a top view ad and you'll see,you just don't have the engagement,opportunities on one versus the other so,there are reasons where you'd want to,use one or the other the next type of ad,is a brand takeover ad a brand takeover,ad has the same visual format as a top,view ad but with the added benefit of,viewer exclusivity implementing a brand,takeover campaign will guarantee that,your business's ad will be the only,brand shown for a particular category,for a full day for example let's say,that you're a beauty brand who's decided,to implement a take takeover app this,means users will only see beauty related,advertisements from your brand for the,entire day which obviously comes with,huge benefits with a lack of competition,and a huge opportunity for higher,visibility and engagement from a,targeted audience that's actually,interested in your brand and The Fourth,Kind of AD we're going to cover here,today is spark ads and so what a spark,ad allows you to do is to put money,behind a organic piece of content on,Tick Tock so let's say that you or,another Creator posts a piece of content,related to your brand that does really,well you can see organically it's,performing really well people are,resonating with it and people are buying,product because of that content you can,use a spark ad to put juice behind that,to get in front of way more people in a,targeted way and plus since the video,already performed well organically it's,very likely going to perform well as an,ad plus it goes with all the engagement,it's already received so there's way,more social proof on an ad like this and,a ton of brands use this kind of AD to,work with creators because you can run a,spark ad from their account so it looks,like the Creator's piece of content but,obviously the brand is paying for it but,if you're a brand that wants to do this,make sure you get permission from the,Creator and work out an arrangement that,makes sense for both sides so a super,powerful advertising tool that you need,to be aware of so you now have a tick,tock ads manager account and understand,the different kinds of ads now let's,walk through the steps to actually go,through to make an ad step number one is,to create your first Tick Tock ad,campaign log into your ads manager,account and click on the campaign tab,step two is to choose your objective,here you need to specify what you want,to achieve with this campaign Tick Tock,has broken down seven objectives into,three different categories that you can,choose from the first category is,awareness with only one objective which,is reach and here you put your ad in,front of the most eyeballs possible,think Mass exposure second category is,consideration and there are four,objectives here the first is traffic,Drive web traffic toward a specific web,link choose app installs Drive users to,download your Brand's app three is video,views which is an objective

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Getting Started With TikTok Ads

Getting Started With TikTok Ads

- There's kind of four key metrics,that determine how your ad ranks.,Your creative performance is one of them.,So, creative is a big aspect of it.,- Today, I'm very excited to be joined by Max Finn.,If you don't know who Max is,,he's a TikTok ad strategist,and co-founder of Unicorn Innovations,,a boutique marketing agency designed to help eight,and nine figure brands acquire more customers,with TikTok and Facebook.,He's also a partner for Founders Mastermind,,a membership group for entrepreneurs.,Max, welcome back to the show.,It's been a couple years, man.,- It's been a long time,,but I am excited that we get to finally catch up again.,And I'm excited that you nailed the intro first try.,You didn't have to redo it, which is great.,So, we can just smooth sailing,for the rest of the interview.,- There you go.,Well, last time you were on the show was back in 2017,,and back then you were pretty much focused on Facebook ads,and today you've expanded a little bit.,And today what Max and I are gonna do is explore TikTok ads.,I'd like you to share a little bit of the story,about maybe over the last three or four years,or four or five years 'cause it's been like quite a while,since you've been on the show, what's changed with you,,how have you, why did you decide to focus in on TikTok ads?,Tell us a little bit about your story there.,- Yeah, and by the way, from last time we spoke 'til now,,I got officially banned by Facebook.,My entire personal-,- Really?,- My entire personal profile yesterday got banned,for no reason.,I barely posted.,So, I'm like officially,,I can't even do anything on Facebook anymore, which is wild.,And we can talk about that another, another day,,but pretty, pretty crazy full circle thing.,I'm officially off of Facebook entirely.,But anyway, like the last few years, you know,,I've been pretty hard on the Facebook ad side of things,,have grown a very large agency,helping lots of different businesses scale with Facebook.,About two years ago, got on TikTok in their alpha program,,and it was rough.,It was like, this is, they got a long way to go.,I never used it personally.,I didn't understand it.,I thought it was kinda a fad.,It's just 16-year-olds dancing, all that stuff.,But about a year and a half ago,to a year ago I started taking it a little more seriously.,Two Black Fridays ago we saw some decent results,,and I was like, okay, there's something here.,And I saw the writing on the wall with Facebook.,I was like, it's so mature, it's so big.,The growth potential really isn't there.,The arbitrage opportunity really isn't there.,And what I found out throughout my career,,and I'm sure you are very familiar with this,and you've talked to lots of experts,who are familiar with this,,you see the biggest results being one of the first people,to crack a channel, to crack a strategy.,There's not a lot of money being made,once a platform is really mature.,It becomes a lot harder to get a lot of viewer results.,So, I wanted to be somewhere,that was gonna be the next thing.,Where can I be back on the ground floor of something?,Maybe it's not gonna be the next Facebook.,This was at the time,when I was thinking maybe it's not the next Facebook.,But at least I'm gonna try,because the Facebook thing just isn't really working much,for us.,And luckily it's, I kind of guessed it right.,I put all my eggs in that basket,,and it turned out to be a smart investment,because now TikTok has about 1.2 billion monthly actives.,It's just eating everyone's lunch.,The numbers are off the charts through engagement.,All the advertisers are gonna put money into there.,They're acquiring talent from Facebook and Google,and all the ads channels.,So, it's been a wild ride to say the least.,- Well, that's really fascinating,because I don't know of too many Facebook ads experts,that have pivoted over to TikTok to be honest with you.,So, I think it's really cool what you're doing.,There's a lot of people listening right now.,As a matter of fact, I would say the vast majority,of the audience has not done an ad on TikTok,but has done an ad on, you know, Facebook and Instagram.,So, what do you wanna say to them?,Why should they consider TikTok ads,when they're so familiar with the Facebook ecosystem?,- Well, interestingly, I'll say the first thing is,that the risk factor, right?,Like, I have spent my entire career on Facebook.,My entire career.,I've been on Facebook 15 years as a user,,10 years an advertiser.,I've taught 10,000 students how to run it.,And I cannot use Facebook anymore.,I literally cannot even log into the app anymore,or Messenger.,I can't run ads anymore.,We still have an agency that runs stuff in the team,,but it's a huge risk factor.,A lot of people are all in on Facebook,,they're all in on a single traffic channel,,and that's a massive risk.,You're building your entire business,on somebody else's platform.,And on any day, for whatever reason,,they can decide you don't get to be on this platform anymore,and ban you.,A

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