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Simply Cringy Ads Are Back

大家好,欢迎大家收看新一期的,双琴侠视频,大家在这个特殊时期都还好吗,希望大家还好,都待在家里,今天我们要带来一期...,非常恼人的视频,因为那些广告...,依旧横行,鼓励假弹的那些广告,这个应用程序叫...什么来着,简易钢琴,我们直接来看吧,他一直是是一个天才,你家的小朋友怎么样呢,他能数到10了吗,如果不还不行的话没关系的,有些小孩只是比较晚熟,其实...Denis开始用“简易钢琴”学弹钢琴了,- 你看他们就直接在那里植入了... - 简易钢琴,哦,但是...,这一定特别贵吧,肯定不便宜,不啊,实际上它和一个月喝三杯咖啡差不多,对,包括钢琴了吗,是啊,我还想说,不管是谁上传了这个广告,这个录屏,他管它叫...,简易钢琴智熄广告,第十六号,*零零保险* 这吐槽不是我们的,那里看起来有点像是用的绿幕,是吧,是的,看起来有点诡异,*他们纹丝不动...* 这看起来可不对劲,这个演技也一样,看起来挺不对劲,没错,但、但是他以前是学过的吧,不,这是他第一次接触乐器,在我看来他们是在试图刺激,家长的不安感,对,他们的孩子还不能做到这个,没错,因为家长总希望,自己的孩子是更加有天赋那个,哦,真厉害啊,我觉得广告导演用这个音效,就像在催眠观众...,真厉害啊...,哇哦...,快来买这个应用,能稍等我一会儿吗,没问题,给炫娃找个有力的理由,简易钢琴,你值得拥有,还不如说是,为友尽找个有力理由,拜托,再说了,如果你真的想炫娃,那你多半要送他们去上音乐课,你真的觉得这个应用可以让你的小孩,弹得比零零还好吗,零零每周都接受专业训练,一天四十小时,*没门儿*,其实还有更多,更多?,更多的广告,哦,*这是Jess,她的室友录下了她使用我们的应用*,*简易钢琴*,你看见了吗,莫扎特,*两周后...* 你就不能用耳机吗,*两周后...*,*两周后...* 我在弹和弦呢,别打扰我,停停吧,我受不了这歌了,我室友一刻不停地,用这个应用弹钢琴,现在才早上六点啊,*一个月后...* *周日早上...你认真的?*,你为什么每天都要练琴,整天都在练?,停停吧,别弹了,看来这次他们想走搞笑路线,他们尝试迎合每一种目标群众,还有更多呢,- 等着瞧吧,还有更多 - 天哪,这些营销太狠了,从每个角度入手,*甜蜜的复仇*,*三个月后...*,哇哦,你真厉害,谢谢,我的天哪,朋友们,看看她弹得多专业啊,我用这个真的超级开心,听起来像我在推销,你是在推销哈,兄弟,- 她通过... - 通过...,拍一条假装不是广告的广告赚钱,对,我喜欢这件双琴侠周边T恤,TwoSet Apparel,大家真的应该赞助我们,哦对,双琴...,我们真的很喜欢这件T恤,请赞助我这件T恤,对我来说问题还不仅在于,这广告里讲的不可能实现,更在于,他们...,很明显有剧本,但是他们又...,- 就是... - 对,就是又假装很...,怎么说的来着?真实,真实,对,我记得下一个剧烈尴尬,我知道他在钢琴上花很多时间,但我觉得难以置信,他能用那个应用进步这么多,*灵感来源于一个真实故事* Jesse九岁了,他...,Eddy:“灵感来源于一个真实故事” Brett:对哈哈,我的天哪,哦,哇哦...,像他的大部分同龄人一样,很难让他潜下心来做任何事,- 虽然这很假—— - 他们真这么说了,- 但这假的程度足以让我惊叹了 - 对,我就希望如果他一定要花这么多时间看平板电脑,他至少可以做一点有益的事,然后我们发现了简易钢琴,我觉得...,他们在把简易钢琴包装成,代理家长,我不能给我的孩子良好家教,让他做有益的事,但是现在他发现了这个应用,然后他就会自己进步,我就不用管他了,#父母之道# 我就不用管他了,我们只要把这个应用放在钢琴上,一切就成了,这已经变成了他的新电子游戏,只不过他真的能从中学习一个可以坚持的爱好,简易钢琴这是在,- 喷整个电子游戏产业吗? - 呃,不好意思哈,这叫电子竞技,我不知道,但我真心觉得有些电子游戏...,比简易钢琴更能锻炼你的头脑,而且乐谱就够了,- 拿张乐谱不就好了吗 - 拿张乐谱,这会损伤那个小孩的视力啊,还不如找张乐谱,简易钢琴使我成为了世界上最幸福的母亲,你看,虽然我知道这是个广告,说到底广告就是为了推销,但是这个...,就几乎是在情感操纵,但是是用一种...,特别明显的方式,我在悲伤和抑郁中长大,我没有朋友,但我开始穿双琴侠周边,我所有朋友都穿双琴侠周边,所以我们成为了朋友,并且由...,共同的...,共同的棉花联系在一起,等等,这是什么,这个广告中的“妈妈”,其实是一个演员,因为她还出现在了别的广告里,如果你在组建一个团队,你一定要试试Monday.com,哦——,*第一个广告里也有她*,- 所有这些——他们是职业演员,全是... - 真是狗屁,- 他们根本没有真的用这些产品—— - 全是写的,这些都是写的剧本,他们只管演,她——那说不定根本不是她的孩子,她说不定根本没有用过那个应用,有人给了她剧本,Monday.com是一个可以跟进,你团队一切事务的平台,我们用它做我们所有的项目,市场营销,产品开发,人力资源,创意研发,我的剧本上写了市场营销,人力资源...,市场营销,人力资源,就是这么赞,我喜欢Monday.com,因为它可以完全自定义,这是我在其他管理工具中,找不到的,你用过多少项目管理软件呢,这位,呃...,孩子他妈女士,我以为你正忙着带小孩呢,对,这视频整个都在吐槽,我知道,这个视频已经变成...,我就想,管他的,我们就这样干吧,*三个月前* Claire,这是什么,*三个月前*,这是一个教你弹钢琴的应用,我可以要它吗,这又来一个试图使它看起来真实的女孩,- 对 - 就像真实生活拍摄一样,我们知道你在干什么,哦,看起来它七天内免费,那么...,这个就像是悄悄塞入的——,因为——她、她就只是——,有人会——,*结束吧*,这就像你遇到一个人,然后他一直在试着——,- 本来你们只是在聊天 - 试着炫耀,- 对 - 他们情不自禁地添油加醋,哦,你也背痛吗,是的,我举了200kg重的时候也会背痛,- 对 - 就像是...你知道吧,这种人,不如先试一个星期,然后我们来看看你学得怎么样,*一周之后...*,Claire,你已经在弹和弦了吗,哇哦,- 哇哦 - 哇哦哦,这真的很棒啊,Claire,我可以要它吗,我的天哪,当然了,我入股了,女士们,先生们,这是10岁的Claire Connor在弹钢琴,女士们先生们...,10岁小孩在弹钢琴,有说法是你连眨眼五下,说明有99%概率你在说谎,Claire Connor在弹钢琴,*三个月后...* Claire,这太棒了,*三个月后...*,听起来真好听,- 我得了三星 - 你做到了,太棒了,你要怎么、要怎么让这个应用来评价...,你弹得怎么样呢,这是怎么——这个应用不可能,能听见你弹对音没有吧,这个应用怎么评价你的音色呢,不过这是键盘乐器所以...,这确实,- 也许这是这些广告全是键盘乐器的原因 - 对,就像是,“耶!连贯了”,用简易钢琴以前,我觉得学会弹钢琴简直不可能,但我下载了这个应用之后,一切都变得很简单,什么时候小孩都开始觉得一件事不可能了,是的,写这个剧本的人搞砸了吧,是啊我不觉得这是个好主意,我觉得每个小孩都有创造性的...,比我们绝大多数人开放,- 对啊,没有小孩会那么说 - 没有小孩会...,“这不可能”,一个小孩怎么会知道这不可能呢,他们更可能会觉得“我想试试”,- “我想学” - 对,- 对小孩来说万事皆有可能 - 的确如此,你立刻就能学会乐谱上的所有音符,哦,他们这是在试图说用乐谱更难,- 然而这个应用兼具...教你识谱的功能 - 能教你...,为什么不就从用乐谱开始呢,对啊,我爱我妈妈,因为她给我买了专业版的简易钢琴,我爱我妈妈...,他们一次都没有提到,这个应用的具体功能,它的界面长什么样,它怎么教人弹琴,他们什么也没说,净是在...,“我爱我妈妈”,我现在可以弹很多很多歌,如果你想在乐趣中学习,下载简易钢琴吧,你看,那应用上的不就是乐谱吗,她怎么学会识谱的,而且需要重新启动来回到开头,这得多烦啊,- 啧 - 啧,- 什么鬼 - 啧,彩蛋,没错,彩蛋,好了,这个不是简易钢琴了,是另一个宣称——,教人怎么演奏乐器的应用,那么我们来看看吧,*幸福的人需要什么? 一副桌椅,一碗汤,还有... 一把小提琴*,你看,那把小提琴是P上去的,我知道,- 它浮在桌子上 - 奇怪的图层增加了,*大受刺激* 他们甚至不能找一把真小提琴吗,*Angelo,第一个让人单纯享受“演奏小提琴”的应用*,是的,朋友们,这是MIDI,这是我人生中听过的最糟的MIDI,太糟了,这个速度对于沉思曲太快了吧,太快了,不是个好开始,没错,*虚拟现实技术:易于学习,易于理解*,虚拟现实技术怎么帮助你拉小提琴,想象一下戴着目镜拉琴,你根本看不见你手在做什么,*虚拟现实技术:易于学习,易于理解*,- 我的天哪 - 这才不是什么虚拟现实技术,- 那是个什么玩意儿 - 是别踩白块,*左指指法:展示在指板上的位置*,我从没听过哪个小提琴手管这个叫左指指法,- 是叫左手,对 - 左手,而且那个记谱也有点奇怪,对,为什么是...,那里为什么是下弓啊,*看清楚了* 全是错的,你看,这根本是勃拉姆斯的摇篮曲吧!,*右手:展示琴弓的走向*,*相机角度:看你想看的任何视角*,拜托,这也没对,这个模型..,那个虚拟现实不对,琴弓在E弦上离指板太近了,音色会很粗糙,- 而且他们只用了这么一点点弓来拉... - 我知道,最高的那个D,这要用整个弓的好吧,天哪,哦,哇哦,因为...,换角度能给你,更好的视角,它给了我更好的视角来看——,这个模型有多不对头,这个琴弓不是...,看这个琴弓,看看它有多短,琴弓应该在左边,没有初学者会学这个,对啊,左边巴赫的那首曲子...,我保证你得学至少四五年才能拉,没错,*乐谱:学习原版的音符*,这里这个音符...,- 背景里这个,完全是错的 - 完全是错的,*乐谱:学习原版的音符*,*速度:快慢任你挑选*,*多样的乐曲:满足你对学习的无尽想象*,*为老师准备:(用作教学媒介)给初学者和自学者*,为老师准备,用作教学媒介,我的天哪,我想要和...,用这个应用的老师谈一谈...,你怎么样,还好吗,这完全就是在祈祷大家不知道——,学乐器应该是怎样的,对,我觉得,如果你有能力支付...,大概...,四节课,来入门,给你打基础,然后就用你自己的时间,从网上下载免费的乐谱,- 试着演奏它 - 演奏它,如果你需要帮助,过一段时间之后再去老师那里,你不需要...,- 每周都去 - 对,这样也能给你比用这些应用,更多的收获,那个基本上就是乐谱...,- 只是在iPad上滚动显示而已,对 - 实际上你花了更多钱,想想看,如果你不想你的孩子,从一开始就错了,并且...,现实来说,一个小孩...,在用着iPad,拜托,你难道觉得他会留在简易钢琴上?,- 对啊... - 点两下就切到愤怒的小鸟去了,或者糖果传奇,好了,我是说...,我们希望我们给大家打了足够的预防针,请点赞并关注我们,把这个分享给你觉得需要的人,让他们快速地受教,再次谢谢大家,坚持练琴,我们下次再见吧

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so you want to make videos huh i mean if,you're freaking 18 and older,yo what's up man how you doing man how,you doing sex,oh man you looking good bro you looking,mighty fine boy hey yo what the ,before i start today's video i just want,to give a big huge shout out to,f customs bro they hook me up with my,own,jersey bro it's honestly like a dream,to even have my own jersey bro so as,y'all could see bro,yes we got our own jersey bro you know,say i had to put a savior squad and then,obviously in the back,i'm xavier 12. i put 12 because that's,my birthday if you guys want to go check,out their website it will be in the,description below,yo i really mess with this bro you know,you can customize,any type of jersey you want bro there's,baseball jerseys there's,football jerseys there's basketball,jerseys so click the link in the,description below if you guys want to go,ahead and customize your own jersey and,use my code i'm xavier,for a discount let's get straight to the,video man,i see corey tick tock ads from 2018 let,me show y'all let me show y'all my hair,real quick i haven't showed y'all but,yeah this is my hair what's up baby how,you doing you want a little smooch,oh my god okay so i see tick tock ads,all right we can we can react to that i,might post this on the main channel so,say what's up to youtube,i guess all right so tick tock ads,never seen this let's get it,i didn't want to have to make this video,okay this is when,i'm just tick-tock was at its worst,let me watch a little vsauce oh my gosh,michael here doesn't matter who i watch,or what i watch or when i watch it,tick-tock will make itself known with,the surge,of these so-called tick-tock ads,you know i i heard a little bit at first,you know,i gotta take that do you guys remember,musically bro,let me know in the chat bro i remember,back in like middle school bro i thought,musically was so,cool bro you used to like lip sync and,stuff like that that was,so cringy that was disgusting freak,whoa anybody getting a lot of tic tac,ads recently i said take tack ads,i thought it was just some isolated,cases,you know but then i start getting hit,with him,i don't need a 14 year old twerking when,i'm trying to watch visa,yo what the heck we have music,i enjoy my fault but this big time is,going to the next level,and i thought oh my god that's a case,bro in my life,it's been talking about 14 year olds,working we're going to do a whole video,on,tick tock now before this video even,starts listen,if you're a tic toc user i ain't calling,you,cringe i mean first of all let's not,act like i've never done anything cringe,everybody doing something cringe it's,part of life he's stupid and that was a,vibe,okay i guess i'll just have to show you,what you're missing,i think i've seen this bro ew,wow that's nasty bro,oh that's nasty bro that is nasty,why the music comes in all hard like,this,look at this look,you know what's crazy i actually reacted,to the same video that corey's watching,we don't care,like god help,somebody please end my suffering,cory do you want to catch yourself where,are your parents,thanks bro where are your,parents parents okay i feel like you,know younger age,it be on tick tock like seven-year-olds,not even like one-year-olds i don't even,know,bro it's crazy like they watch these,tick tockers and like,you know these other kids doing weird,stuff and then they just start doing it,themselves,so then it starts to become a cycle i,don't know this generation really change,it's it's just crazy bro this is why,kids don't need iphones,i remember that's what i'm saying i was,growing up first iphone came out i,wanted one,so freaking bad it was like my mom plays,music revolutionary that was,the iphone oh my mom got me i still got,it,hold on he said,bro look at it you see this,no you freaking see this,a boost mobile,this thing couldn't play music i,couldn't play tap tap revenge with this,but most importantly i wasn't able to,make,musically or tick-tock videos exactly,not those things when you get my product,i remember,when i was on the phone and i wasn't,even that old i was like at least,11 and i had one of those phones damn i,got mad,you mean you ain't coming over girl i,bought the popcorn,oh okay,oh so your mom said you can't come to,the movies tonight yeah hold up,even though you said in the second,period that we were gonna go see saw,tonight,no no don't even worry about and social,media wasn't even the thing it goes by,oh queen tell me this girl ain't,14 twerk queen,i respect us corey you should at least,cover those things,yo nobody wants to see that from a 12,year not even 12 14.,fbi open up get your followers,girl all i'm saying is let me catch my,daughter doing something like this,she yo she's gonna get that bill gonna,be in her room,she's gonna get that bow,twerk twix,so you want to make videos huh i mean if,you're freaking 18 and older,and you want to twerk on the app,yo,can we like not promote the 12 year olds,sexy,and also whoa,oh they're nelly,why do

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Cringe TV Commercials

Cringe TV Commercials

congratulations on your new dixon city,hyundai,we've got selections a thousand cars to,choose from our service can't be beat,bumper to bumper you can't lose so when,it comes to your next car we have just,one thing to say get exactly what you,want come to dickson city hyundai safe,safe safe,safe,safe everyday safe dixon city hyundai,style,get yourself an outfit denim,boots and pants and boots and pants a,haircut new shoe,so get yourself back to school with,these tails,this man needs help his baby mama put,him out and he ain't got no furniture,let him have it boss ladybug's like this,man needs a bed and all he can afford is,69 a month how are you gonna get another,one without a bed come on baby this man,needs a tv for his bedroom all he can,afford is 59 a month you know he got all,them children 73 inches baby first lady,buzz like this man needs air,conditioning it's hot on the street and,he only can pay 49 a month i'll cool him,down baby no money down no project all,the time,hey folks i'm frankie flight i want you,to check out hoot wireless next to,subway equipment highway right here in,moat to tell your family friends and,neighbors to come in and check us out,check out all our plans that and much,more hoot wireless hoop wildlife,come in and check out julio he'll hook,you up right here,wireless wireless how you doing this is,julio with wireless come and check us,out we got anything you need as far as,wireless go wireless don't forget to,check out hoot wireless next to subway,equipment highway right here in montreal,wireless,where's the face,where's the base the,find the base only in north seattle at,super stereo warehouse,whoa hey guys welcome to eb games call,of duty advanced warfare xbox one copy,that,save ten dollars on call of duty for,xbox one,i got short money but i need some wheels,he got easy deals,check magnet he don't sweat a credit,rating,where's jill she's really lonely and out,walking the corn field again,do you think they will ever find us true,love not hanging out with us all day,we used to be lonely until we met on,farmers only,farmersonly.com is the new online dating,site for farmers ranchers and good old,country,city folks just don't get it,hey joey,i got some stuff you just gotta try what,is it pot you know marijuana oh well i,don't know one chicken,joey's in a jam what should he do uh,cake get a teacher excellent get a pizza,get real get out you got it let's see if,joey's that smart,i'm not chicken you're a turkey,he's right drug dealers are dorks don't,even talk to him,norman,norman chrysler jeep dodge guarantees,the lowest price on any new chrysler,jeep or dodge well they'll just give you,the vehicle,norman,chrysler,howdy y'all this here's mike,down at mike's golf shop,where we buy golf,that's right,we buy golf clubs,mike's golf shop,come on over here we buy golf clubs,over mike's golf shop,come on down here,we buy golf clubs that's right,we buy golf clubs,we buy golf clubs,we buy golf clubs,we buy golf clubs,we buy golf clubs,hey you might be okay this line only,eats good food,mayflower buffet yes it really is that,good at the corner of third and sticks,it's great,you hungry you want something to eat,i've got something for you,here you go,whoa,what you want to shove lucky,well you'll have to impress me monkey,so lucky you'll do anything to get one,lucky hat,scream,my name is mark,and you can count,i am down for variety so it's nice that,mcdonald's now offers a burger of the,month each month a different delicious,burger yo it's me,this month it's the double quarter,pounder with cheese a half pound of 100,pure beef piled high on a sesame seed,bun,it's all that now next month we can look,forward to a different burger taste,that's happening what you want is what,you get at mcdonald's today,title max got your money your money your,money your real money,title match can turn your car title into,real money we're talking one five even,ten thousand you're real money title max,gets you real money in 30 minutes or,less all it takes is a car title and id,and you're approved your real money,bring your car title to title max and,you too will say i got my title back,with title max title max got your money,your money your real money,no,jordash basics,hurry hurry mike wake up,wake it up,that's pretty cool welcome to sub zero,thanks that's pretty awesome is this,your first visit here yeah it was great,for us,how did you hear about sub-zero,friends telling friends is how most,people find out about sub-zero they are,true friends,are you ready to see sub-zero in action,yes yes we are,sub-zero is unique among ice creams it's,made as if by magic before your very,eyes now let's make something delicious,you get to make the choices,i'll have a large low-fat waffle bowl,next choose your flavors and mix-ins,ooh mocha,with m m's,and peanuts now the magic begins with,liquid nitrogen 321 degrees below zero,flash freezing is what makes subzero the,smoothest and creamiest ice cream on,earth,and now that best part,that m

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yo go back see you another video today,um so I got my paper situated because,something happened my last one and I had,to uh start over so I have another one,um so this should be different even,though there should be no difference in,videos cuz there never has been,I post more frequently which will,probably never happen but I will try,today we are going to be reacting to,some tik tok cringe um I hate when you,go on YouTube and you just see tick tock,ads I don't know why they do this this,is stupid,for why they add these like these are,the craziest things effort so I have a,compilation this is ten minutes so if,you guys are ready I'm ready,let's let's just get cringe out you know,so with the first one I skipped a couple,just just because so here you go,three two one let's go,so crazy bro oh okay look you see that,face know everything that you're seeing,right now is just cringy that is bad,look look at this look at this,no don't don't ever if you see this on,anything goes crazy bro okay,yes you can come if you're little and,you know it clap your hands if you,little in you know it clap your hands if,you're little in you know it wiggle your,bottom just to show you little an you,know it clap your hands,girls go to college Oh for all the words,I'm sorry,some viewers may find the following,video disturbing viewer discretion is,advised,let me let me just ask what was that,here is he a,take two steps forward if you grew up,with a father figure in the home a Mason,you may don't eat it is a coupon my,sister no dude it's broken up yeah she,can come,buh-buh-buh,try to,you sure you want to do this little girl,I mean dangerous,Oh clap your hands I like to move it,move it I like to move it move it yeah,I don't know if you're looking at me or,not you probably smile like that all the,time I don't mean to bother you but,there's no I've got a lot to do not any,time for you if you don't like the one I,love the most,just occurring just let me find her,quick old uh always do that give me one,second it's like near here this is how,close this guy's I hope you guys enjoy,you guys enjoy that video make sure to,leave a like and subscribe for more,there will be more coming out soon and I,say how my videos he's in tacos please,bye guys,you

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thank God it's a dream those stick what,they're gonna be talking about and,remaking the six-top cringy no I'm,saying have you guys ever been on,YouTube and clicked on a random video,and you just get a tick-tock ad that is,really really crunchy that pissed you,off and you're like oh my god it really,like really got into you and pissed you,off and you just want to just punch the,people that made that ad you're not the,only one cuz I got that feeling suit so,in this video we're gonna be remaking,the tick tock punch but it's not gonna,be the exact same it's gonna be similar,but funny I'm not gonna make it exact,same thing because you guys are gonna,get bored you guys are gonna be seeing,how I'm gonna remake it in a second so,the first one we're gonna be remaking is,this one oh my god I get that all the,time I hate it hey we got the same,controller perfect that's the first,thing that is get it not bad I'm gonna,be reenacting it right now what's wrong,with you we're gonna be remaking is this,one,oh my god I hate our house where you're,out it's easier I got an idea for news,dirty accent oh ,I ran out of napkins there's no space to,throw this there is no cash now what do,I do with this I guess you can eat it,since you're a fat ass system how is,this attack why would you let this you,ad for your app oh if I'm making that I,would never make this my ass no one will,literally download my abuse under this,act,how do people still download this after,this this is pretty she just screaming,how all right easy so I'm gonna be,remaking it right now much better and,the last one we're gonna be remaking is,the that song is so old oh my god that,ad used to come every time even the,songs that they use for the ad they're,kind of odd though it's so annoyed so if,you guys don't know what that is I'm,gonna play a random yo check out this,new song I'm into,I hate how this all my great-grandma ma,knows the lyrics check this out all,right so I'm gonna reenacting it and,I'll see you guys there there so play it,out this is a box boy that song just,over a year ago it's all done that,that's just 2017 that's just old talking,about boy that's a fake EP with John,some hand and I know that's a real ,right here boy,he keeps it and old now videos on the,street me by six lines taking kids to,one oh this old already classic its BP,babies better get you disobey bro you,you're missing on the underrated ,bro why do you sleep in our i disobey,what the hell you think you're doing so,much the i disobeyed do it part of the,only love my right hand and lotion I'm,sorry,and what's there right what are you guys,complaining about a sunbeam always I,saying you guys shouldn't listen to it,because its own your moms are always,been listen to them,this morning this morning because she,brought sushi sushi honey I love my,Jimmy only she all mushy on me,but deserves our love what I did I did,she's a

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CRINGY TIK TOK ADS - Try Not To Laugh - Funny Compilation

CRINGY TIK TOK ADS - Try Not To Laugh - Funny Compilation

serious,you have got be kidding me I have been,gone one week and these Nick talk ads,have taken over YouTube and oh oh there,are some really good ones okay I guess,I'll just have to show you what you're,missing okay I guess I'll just have to,show you what you're missing for those,of you who don't know,tick tock is basically in a sense I want,to say tech took over musically because,musically has shut down and then now,they have migrated over to tick tock,honestly I'm kind of glad they have,deleted tick tock like completely,removed it because I tell you what I,have done edgy things I musically when I,see here oh my god I have made some,pretty crazy videos and I'm glad they,will never see the light of day but,speaking of mange tick tock heads Oh,watch this father gentlemen,have you laughed so far yet in this,video just know that laughing is so good,for the mind in the heart mantra honesty,though there is a few good if talking,ads out there I will not live but oh my,god most of them most of them are so,cringy and just have you seen the,trolling once like oh oh whoa hey just,oh it's not just YouTube that they are,popping up all over its Facebook its,Twitter they're popping up everywhere,when you're watching a Twitter video and,an ad comes up what do you think comes,up oh you guessed it oh wait this guy he,seems to know what he's doing,I've always wanted to know how to dance,I never knew how to dance I may be I,mean I may not be over 40 I still want,to know how to dance maybe this guy,maybe he could teach me oh we got a pump,our arm,all right that's all the content I got,for this video and oh my god this is,probably one of the worst videos I've,ever made,but you know what I enjoyed making it so,very much please do not use that clip at,the end of me trying to do the hop,anyways I don't really know what else to,talk about tick tock oh then that's just,so cancerous and so why is it everywhere,why if you guys enjoyed this video be,sure to leave a like and a comment and,don't forget to subscribe to the garage,channel if you want to see more videos,by me and see me upload a lot more,videos of stuff like this and a lot more,comedic stuff sub stuff like that,anyways I'll see you guys the next video,my name is cry

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You CRINGE You Lose: The Worst TV Ads Ever

You CRINGE You Lose: The Worst TV Ads Ever

嘿,怎么样呀?,欢迎回到新一期双琴侠视频,今天的视频,我们要来玩“不尴尬挑战”,这次是电视广告,来看看他们会拿乐器干些什么,好的,雪碧,(我们开始吧),好吧...,要素过多,是啊,要素过多,首先有把绿色的小提琴,哦买噶,为啥没有肩托?,我觉得像冲着我肚子来了一拳似的,就像...,对,“什么情况?”,作为小提琴手,当你听到E弦的声音,弓应该是竖直在拉的,对对,没错,而他的弓是水平的,也就是说他在低音弦上,但他正在拉高音,啧,能听到好几个音,- 对,但他没在按 - 他的左手...没在按弦,另外,这个姿势太可怕了,他左手这么托着,是因为没有肩托,有些小提琴手演奏时不用肩托,但这完全是技巧原因,这儿紧张得让人不忍直视,Brett:对,看起来好痛苦啊,是的,还有那个持弓...就是...,Eddy:对,这么塌,其实更应该像这样,弓不直,我们好像已经很久没...在频道里...,剖析小提琴持琴的艺术了,- 没错 - 但要是你刚来不久,现在你知道了,看这个静止画面,好像还不错,确实,他的持弓还可以,不过他的小指是直的,对,有点紧张,而且有点歪,但也说得过去,- 哦,来了 - 哦,我收回,他一动起来,就好像...,你的胳膊肘不能这样的,顺便一说,对,不能像海盗似的,- 对,它只是...向外的,伸展开来 - 它是这样伸展的,我的天哪,这是条音阶,应该都在E弦拉,最后一点才有A弦,- 而且你不会...不会... - 不是...,哦...,好像“你拉我猜”动物版一样,对,他在用一把绿色小提琴模仿动物,- 是牛和... - 我还以为是海豹呢,哦是诶!!,等等,什么?,是说他拉得最好吗?,他把所有人都推开了,哇,我尴尬了,哦!,哇哦,这个广告实力劝退了所有的乐手,是的...,为什么...,为什么要这么做?,为什么要把小提琴——如此美丽的乐器,是啊,比作喉咙痛呢,对,而且配音也没体现出小提琴的真实声音,对啊,我想说,这人的姿势,比前面几个人好一丢丢,- 哟,看看他的手 - 对,不过他的小指很差劲,他的运弓也有点...,Eddy:对,再说一遍,不要海盗手,是的,但我想...嗯,至少他有...,是的,是的,西装,苹果!,(不好意思指挥先生,麻烦小声一点),(好些了),聪明绝顶的你们...,能看出哪个地方错了吗?,嗯...是小提琴吗?,不是哦,嗯...,中提是在大提后面吗?,对哦,大提后面有把中提,好好笑,就像...,- “中提,坐大提后面去” - 把他们塞到后面,嗯,如果往左边看,同学们,还记得我们那期一小时学竖琴吗?,这里有什么不对呢?,这位竖琴手把琴放错边了,竖琴应该在这边,而不是这边,对,他们其实可以让低音提琴和竖琴换一下的,对,嗯...,他们其实可以不用竖琴的,对,因为看看她在干啥?,她其实就在拨一根弦,里面有竖琴吗?,(好些了),这也用竖琴真是太没必要了,就让竖琴手弹...,(你打电话时,背景音会像这样弱下去...),(只要你用的是...),(它),我说,听起来不错,背景音更像噪声什么的,嗯,他是说音乐家在制造噪音?,对,好不容易请了真正的乐手,他却说那是背景噪音?,苹果,嗯?!,苹果!,我要考虑换谷歌Pixel了!,我要换成...,三星!,(当腹泻来袭,你的消化系统...),(就会失控),看到没,打击乐手们,你们差不多等于拉肚,- 是的 - 根据这个广告,你会让大家拉肚子,*对不起打击乐帮我们爱你*,(吃一粒Imodium吧),为啥有一把扭曲的小提琴?,而且单簧管就...,(它很有效...),非常抽象,是的,(...配方快速而温和地助...),(您的消化系统找回原本节奏),啊,所以更下面一点是萨克斯,我悟了,小提琴更往上面这里,好的,所以一套好的消化系统就像,一支演奏和声的乐队,是的,但如果你...,那就是腹泻,嗯,这就说得通了,但要是奏效了,听起来应该是小提琴对吧?因为...,哦!,(助您找回消化节奏),还有个乐团,啊好吧,不敢相信他们为这个广告请了一整个乐团,肯定要花好多钱,但是嘿,结局很圆满,很好玩,讲个故事,我们知道有两个人...,在台上犯过肠胃病,所以,我觉得得重视起来,对吧?,他们需要吃点这种药,现在我知道了,因为里面有套鼓,是啊是啊,都怪打击乐手,铃木!,“妈妈,爸爸,你们想看我的音乐会吗?”,“让我们听听,儿子”,(当现实超出你的预期,岂不是很棒?),(新铃木...),他们是在吐槽自己的车吗?,“现实超出你的预期”?,- 同时是可怕的假拉 - 对啊,看到铃木的时候,我还以为是铃木小提琴,不是铃木车,然后...,辱铃木了!,就是啊!,这是什么...?,调音不是这样的,这样没有压力啊,你得靠另一侧把弦轴推进去,就不说这有多亵渎、姿势多差劲了,我觉得最妙的是,“当现实超出你的预期,岂不是很棒?”,好,我们的车!,就是说这车实在太烂,你不得不...,- 承认人们对铃木完全零期待... - 承认...对!,我说...,- 至少这个用了帕24,不是夏,但... - 是的...,但她的姿势比前面很多人都好,对,她的姿势是最好的,所以——哦,其实...,我同意,但画面切得太快了,我不喜欢,这就很不可,这是...,- 手腕像... - 是的,Brett:而且这琴看着真糟心,天,- 对,四个微调,廉价清漆... - 嗯,真是...真是...,像从亚马逊买的一样,(♪ 当心怀感激道出谢意... ♪),为什么背景音乐​​...,- 啥都有,就是没有小提琴? - 嗯...对啊!,有钢琴、鼓...,- 还有...唱歌... - 唱歌...,- 就是...没有小提琴 - 对,啊,现在有小提琴了,不过是MIDI小提琴,(Merci,臻选欧洲品质巧克力),(八种口味,表达衷心感谢),(如果想说“谢谢”,那就是Merci),“如果想让小孩在音乐考试里拿A...”,“就去买Merci巧克力吧!”,“你的孩子是不是不练琴还拉不准?”,- “别担心!” - “用巧克力换A+就好啦!”,我就觉得背景音乐没有小提琴这点很好笑,- 对!有这——么多古典曲目可以用 - 嗯,还有那么多优秀的法国作曲家!,- 圣桑、德彪西... - 是的,Merci巧克力,- 哟,弓怎么这么紧呢? - 对啊,这孩子看起来很不开心,我是说...,- 对,他看起来...非常不开心 - 像在受刑一样,- 他需要个肩托,朋友!他需要一个肩托! - 对!,总是这样,好多广告里都没有肩托,不能不用肩托,因为会疼的,- TX伞 - 哦!,我的天啊,(谁说买一把TX伞需要等到下雨天?),(TX雨伞,国界之内尽是舞台),这绝对是最一言难尽的一个,碾压前面所有,我尴尬死了呀,我们都可以做个抖音视频了,- 拿把弓再随便拿点啥... - 是的...!,- 然后就开始拉,比如我的眼镜... - 对,- 我们该这样宣传双琴服饰才对 - 就是,“双琴服饰!”,我喜欢这个选曲,*维瓦尔第《E大调“恋人”协奏曲 RV271》* 我喜欢这个选曲,*维瓦尔第《E大调“恋人”协奏曲 RV271》* 这一点还是不错的,- 你好努力地在找它的优点... - 对,我甚至都没听音乐,我就在想...,“太可怕了”,- 哎! - 终于!,(这家因提供最小承保范围...),(而家喻户晓的汽车保险公司...),(现隆重推出全新选项:多一点点),(SafeAuto现推出“多一点点”承保范围),(更大承保范围,同样物超所值),(1800 SafeAuto),(最小范围,或“多一点点”,最大节省),这倒不尴尬,我觉得还行,- 就是真高兴看到一位真正的乐手 - 对,我觉得相比起来,真是...,- 对... - 终于来了位真正的乐手!,啊,啊!,- 哇哦,恭喜! - 哇!,一个喜提双琴认可的广告!也许吧,- 我是说,和其他广告比起来 - 对,点赞这个,- (好,明天见) - (好的),(晚安),嗯,(可曾发现,做工精良的物品),(似乎只会随时间流逝变得更好),(认证二手Acura),(对精密工程致以长久敬意),- 还可以 - 除了排练结束那点,根本不会这样结束,- 你不会“哦,走吧,明天见,耶!” - “嗯,拉得好,拉得好!”,“明天见!”,绝对不会这样好吧,看起来他们是会拉的,但不知道拉得怎么样,- 因为音乐没有和他们的演奏同步 - 对,我想再看一遍,来尬一下,- (好的,明天见) - (好),- (晚安) - “好的!”,“好,明天见!晚安!”,没有对演奏的评论,一般演奏的时候,会说,“好,我觉得这一遍听起来不错”,- 或者“我觉得我们得在这里下功夫”嗯... - 对,就算排练要结束了,也会...,- “我觉得...这里还需要改进,但今天就到这儿吧” - 对,如果拉完之后不评论,那排练的的意义在哪?,- 没错 - 这就不叫排练了,这就不是排练,一般会有个人在说话,乐器放下来,写字...做标记什么的,- 对 - 你不会...,“嗯,很好!”,- “好嘞,明天见!” - 对,直接拜拜,- 对 - 哦,这不行的,好,我们...,我们之前看过这个吗?,我不记得见过这个,(Seagram的Blenders Pride音乐),- (不言自明) - 太糟糕了,全都毁了,那么美丽而浪漫的高潮,- 却来了个公共图库姿势 - 对,就是...,“嗯!”,琴要装在琴盒里,小提琴要装在琴盒里,- 不管这是在哪,肯定都能找到小提琴手的 - 对,或者请位小提琴老师教教你的女演员,让她能看起来不完全亵渎地演完那两秒钟,最后一个!,(刘德华即将打破另一项世界纪录!),(太棒了,他做到了!),- 我都不知道说啥 - 很...,就挺...烦人的,- 太莫名其妙了! - 好莫名其妙,Brett:不过挺搞笑的,他在边弹钢琴边拉小提琴!,哟,这很有意思,想想你有四只手,这样就能...,- 给自己伴奏 - 伴奏,对!,你们能看出来小提琴是假拉,我想他们是想表现...,按摩很舒服,就像四只手一样,对,他们显然就是在恶搞,好啦,就是这样!,你尴尬了吗?,各位新粉,现在你们知道拉小提琴应该是什么样的啦,嗯,起码不该是什么样,- 不应该...把它描绘成什么 - 嗯,嗯,说到这里,我们知道很多同学都想要这件双琴棒球服,已经卖完了,但别担心,很快就又有啦,只需要在网站上留下邮箱,我们很快就会给你们发邮件哒,- 谢谢大家,拜拜 - 拜~

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tik tok ads cringe

tik tok ads cringe

yo guys this is Nate bass here and today,we are doing some reacting to tick tock,ads compilation so tick tock is so,cringy never I wasn't around for vine,I don't remember fine at least I never,saw it but I knew but I've watched some,vine videos vine videos are cringy I,watch some I watch from tik tok not tick,tock I watched her musical ease adem use,eclis I write I regret it,I did some musical ease cringy er then,tick I mean cringy er than vine and then,I did what's his name I did I saw tik,tok that is like fringe times a thousand,after musically I'm like seriously,but today we're watching some tick tock,ads and I hope you guys enjoy and yeah,I'm gonna and today I'm not editing this,video because I hope it's good I've seen,so cool youtubers do this because I'm,cool down so hi how are you doing,say something please there we go I'm,stupid advice ok I hope you understood,me there you go,hi how are you doing today oh nice I'm,not looking at a wall right now what are,you talking about,so let's go ahead and jump right into,these ads,what in the world was that well in those,really she had her pants on backwards,first of all look let me get back to it,her pet pants on backwards first of all,then she has a faceful to him that makes,her ugly why why and then there's a,grown man he's like oh yeah that looks,good nice little weirdo,but I'm an old weird over the job writer,so the he's like whoa that's not he's,like he's like well that's not what I,signed up for that's not what I signed,up for I sign up does he see that bad,not that I sign to say that and not that,how many 26,okay either you suck at math or you're,gonna die in two seconds you suck at,math come on,what is he counting her heartbeat or,something I am soaked up for you I might,just be stupid but I'm just a little bit,stupid one sick with me you know why,that little red-haired girl never,notices me because I'm nothing we keep,say for anything for now say it three,times four four four spell it twice fo r,TF o r qi cu two more times for sport,now what do you eat soup with four,really cuz I eat soup with this big bad,that I if I use the fork to be a joke,but is it bad that I eat soup with a,fork I mean like I won't drink the juice,that much I just get the stuff that's in,my soup on the fork where my thing I,found noodles I don't know,Oh,not once has my dad ever caught me doing,something that I wasn't supposed to do,and he said he goes um what do you say,you eating sugar,are you it Duke to do the Duke,dudududududududu sugar what in the world,like nobody I don't he was trying to,make it funny and this is I'm trying I,think he tried just a little bit too,hard,I've never had a conversation this is my,dad here are you ready to go to the,doctors because we're cloaked do the,doctors and that I say I hate doctors,woohoo what my girlfriend and she's,always says like nothing's happening but,yet I know there's something happening,because she's imaginary because nobody,likes me nobody likes me,you want right yeah okay bye happy do,you want to try it smell it smell it,first huh and you yo mama duck so,basically what happened was oh no it,sounded like she said sharpey she wants,to try a sharpie I might just be stupid,but they like got this from a video,because it sounds exactly like it would,be like a video but like that's a grow,that's not a little kid that exciting a,little kid playing a baby that's a grow,or oh that could be a team,Oh No but why would you ever react why,would you ever do that like that does,not make sense,not one bit let's do that right yeah,okay he says she says sharpie,hey do you want to try this sharpie no,okay I want to try do you want to try it,smell it,it's not the first and you will mama,duck I want to try it okay,smell it real quick okay I smell it real,quick,help,but here's no it,how what that makes no sense what so,ever ever cool ever never cover,bevor Jever but never ever so thank you,guys so much for watching this video I,hope you guys enjoyed I hope you guys,enjoyed my stupidness and me being,stupid and stupidness of stupids and I,hope you guys if you guys liked this,style how this is edit it and stuff like,that you guys guys see that um my camera,is not pixely because I'm actually,recording it with my phone so that's,crazy that's crazy and now and I hope my,voice isn't messing you up I know in my,last video my voice started messing up,and my voice is starting to get weird,I'm cry we go it's weird so thank you,guys so much for watching and yeah,um what will I do I don't know if you,guys made it this far coming down below,what's your favorite food sandwiches so,I'll see you guys all later bye

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