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Digital Sneaker/Trainer Talk Through - Cinema 4D & Redshift

hi guys it's your girl steph and today,we'll be talking about this latest piece,which i,made on my twitch stream now we'll be,doing a talk through which is a general,summary of how i got from a to b from,the beginning to the end,if you guys want to know any more nitty,gritty details or you want to know more,about the process come through to my,twitch streams,that is where i am there showing the,whole process so if you guys want to,see the whole process come through i,stream every single thursday,and when i'm there i'm able to answer,your questions in real time so if you,guys got any questions,come through,so i was inspired by sean dove's,tutorial which i will link right here,and,this shoe model is is amazing it's so,clean,he made i think he made it in blender,it's like it's just so freaking clean so,it's free for anyone to use if you guys,want to use it to practice your 3d,your 3d work feel free to to use it,so first of all i had to figure out all,the set selections there were so many,and i had to make sure i knew which,color went to what,so this is when i start color blocking,and even though,color blocking might take a long time,it's super helpful to know,which selection is named correctly to,which texture,is just it saves a lot of time in the,end,we tried a few different color palettes,and we ended up with yellow,and then i decided to look on pinterest,and i went into the pinterest rabbit,hole and found this image,and decided that i really liked the,color combo like,okay i went back to blue went back to,blue and white but,the orange really popped and i just,really liked that combo,then i moved on to animating in my graph,of having a shoe,come apart and come together i think i,use the shader,effector and it must been the push apart,effector,of some kind and i also utilize linear,feel to get that effect,and then i thought about animating well,having graphics animating on a shoe,so if you didn't know you can add png,sequences into cinema 4d textures,and that means you can basically upload,a video,into a cinema 4d texture so i did that,with the chinese characters,which is off my name i had them let you,do a simple swipe down,like they kept on going on a loop just,swiping down and i thought that added,a cool kind of a cool twist to it,because you wouldn't have expect,you can't do that in real life right you,can't have like things actually moving,on top of your shoe unless it's,projection mapping,so the fact that this is a digital piece,gave me,space to play with all these graphics,and all these colors,that i wanted to do in real life but i,just can't,i also added a glow under nike tick,so that was just it's very subtle detail,like that it,when the shoe comes together when it,forms the nike tick glows for like,a split second and that's all it is just,small details like that,just to make the piece more magical,the texturing of the shoe is done i,added all the bumps i did all the,displacement added the animation the,glow,and now it's time to put it into a 3d,environment,which is equally as important as,texturing the actual object so i thought,i would add it to this kind of earthy,terrain,so the terrain i downloaded from quixote,mega scans,and that is a useful useful,resource for light textures guys if you,guys don't use quick some mega scans i,100 recommend it so once i found this,terrain which i quite liked,i i scaled it up scaled it up i added,all all the bump map the roughness the,the albedo or the diffuse basically i,added all those,into redshift and started texturing it,then i arranged the terrain so that it,would,match the camera nicely and after i set,the camera view,and i set the terrain i applied the,forrester plug-in which is,freaking amazing if you like if you guys,need flowers grass trees,rocks forrester is the one there's just,so many possibilities when it comes to,this program,although i think uh most of these are,based on particles so it's based on,particles spread along your,whatever is an object plane and then,from those particles it will make,it will render like the grass or the,flower so it can get pretty heavy,that is something that i've learned when,it comes to using forester,this is what it ended up looking like,after i did my viewport render,so once i was happy with the flowers and,the grass,i moved on to lighting now the vibe of,this i wasn't honestly during that,stream as you can see i really wasn't,quite sure what type of lighting,i would have likes at the time but it,ended up being,purple purple or blurple,vibes so with lighting i just ended up,with playing,with pink lighting green lighting seeing,how it looks but i ended up going with,just pink and what really helped to tie,this piece together was me,changing the plants and the texture,of the grass to a purple,hue i think that just really tied,everything together,and it also made the shoe stand out more,when it comes to renders,in my style i guess it doesn't have to,be ultra realistic,i quite like this kind of surreal look,to it yeah w

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These Kids Are Skipping College to Be TikTok Famous

These Kids Are Skipping College to Be TikTok Famous

okay play the audio play your audio,last time,right,go ahead let me see it let's go let's go,they probably just made 15 million,dollars doing that,i was like like what do y'all do and he,was like i'm an influencer i mean he,actually answered i'm an influencer yes,right,i said how do you make money i've never,understood it,he was like you know how there's like,beyonce and jay-z famous field for music,he's like well we're famous,for social media,i'm like so people follow y'all just to,watch your life and i was like yeah i,was like okay sign me up,so we're in west hollywood going to a,tick-tock house,called the vault in which six people,produce content of some sort for 1.5,million followers now i don't know what,tick-tock is or if i download it i,suspect it'd be an amber alert because,i'm too old for this sort of thing,but i need to find out what these people,are doing and how they're making money,they're foregoing college and they're,for going high school to move to la you,make a ton of money by dancing on tick,tock,it was just before noon when i arrived,at vault house,that is good that'll be good content and,its young occupants had only just peeled,themselves from bed assembling for the,day's writer's room which featured no,riders and took place on a couch,let's start morning meeting now hello,focus hello we have hella heads today,what are we yeah but we're gonna have,balo and swag boy cue overs we should do,this,i think keira should do a kiss or slap,i'm not doing that they are sick of me,kissing no they're not they ask for it,every time karen trey kissing,one can be don't bring a girl home or,away oh yes yes and then one can be,don't lose the group can you write these,down because you're gonna forget and,then i'm gonna be very upset escalating,girl,i don't have any idea what's happening,what's popping chicken nuggets,wake up wake up wake up,i didn't want to go to the party to,party i wanted to go to the party,for the past few years tik tok has been,the fastest growing social media,platform in the world it currently,boasts around a billion active users and,its astonishing growth was facilitated,by crisis during those long months of,compelled coveted hibernation tiktok was,the most downloaded app in the world,a platform famous for its ubiquitous,dance trends became a sort of gateway,drug for gen z's and younger millennials,those disinclined to flailing on camera,sought notoriety on different terms is,to give me that money back tic toc,became a vast repository of makeup,tutorials unlicensed psychotherapy,questionable financial advice and,boorish humor,having a more female-based audience,gives you more money can you explain to,me what i was watching tik-tok is all,run by like our age range who's the,youngest person,how old are you 18 you're 18. oh that's,the youngest none of you are from l.a is,that right,how do you get here,an old member that used to live here,invited me just to come like stay and,hang out and that's somebody you knew,through tik tok right right somebody on,take side they offered to trial me like,to see if i would be a fit for the house,i mean does everybody remember that,first time that somebody was like i want,to pay you for the that you do i,thought people were just doing videos,for fun just go like viral,i had people asking to do what me to do,with their videos and they'll pay me and,i'm like,like 250 dollars and i was working what,were you doing at the time i was working,at uh fedex,slightly better than working at fedex,isn't it oh way better so on your own,six dollar account before you came here,like how many calls you drove,before i came out here i had like seven,hundred thousand right well now i have,1.3 meals but you guys all have your own,individual account still,and are you posting to those too yes,yeah we just have to figure out how to,keep everyone in their content,everyone's niche is completely different,what's your niche,i just stand in front of the camera and,i just blink i really do you're good at,standing here yeah pretty much,sometimes they like me to stand in front,of the camera with spence or sometimes,they request i stand in front of the,camera with my leg and so if i they want,that i'm like okay well here's us who's,they,the people watching,who has the biggest following,how big is zero falling,right now i have 4.1 mil i'm sorry about,that 4.1,you know that's the size of ireland it's,about 4 million the population of,ireland,how would you explain your appeal on,september i'm just known as a scary,chick on tick tock she's actually,talented let's rip this off,the most successful video i have right,now was like at 68 point,million views right now i'm sorry 68,million views yeah,i'm sorry,what is it it's just me like,transforming like turning into like a,monster,crush,how is that monetized the 68 million,even if it's fractions of a penny that's,a ton of money i actually didn't get,paid for that video i didn't get paid,for that video can you leave the number,of your manager h

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Texturing 3D Shoe with Set Selections in C4D - Stream

Texturing 3D Shoe with Set Selections in C4D - Stream

yo what's up guys welcome to the stream,today we will be doing a bit of sure i,won't be building it myself because,if you know me i'm not a modeler who,have we got here,belgium thank you for hyping me up all,the time,indigo chance what is up how are you,doing how,are you doing how was your first stream,so yeah this model let me see if i can,find where i go,from it is from if you guys follow sean,dove,on youtube he has wicked tutorials and,there was this tutorial i saw from,from his youtube one of his youtube,videos,and he recommended this free asset uh,i'm gonna find where it's from it's on,bit hans,but if you guys want to know this is it,from this guy here so if you guys want a,free nike,airs i think these are like this,nike air max is that what you call it mx,i even have an air max but i just,haven't worn it i've got them in black,but like yeah if you guys want a free,nike air max,obj here it is,like one my slime hey what's up,casin moon hey how are you doing how are,you doing,thank you for joining sopsy,27 what's up thank you for joining,stream how are you guys doing,who else have we got here kiyati,to let me know if i'm saying that wrong,i think it's krt book oh i might be,saying it wrong but,kyoti polkadot what's up how you doing,um in the ghost once my first stream,went rather well,sonic r is a really good comfy game for,me realized that i am very,self-conscious about my appearance,and intend to go full fee youtuber i,think youtubers,are like they're great for that type of,purpose but i find them a bit creepy at,the same time,i think they're wicked and creepy at the,same time because i,i like i like how like they can,recognize your facial features and like,if you're smiling they'll do the same,thing for example,but the way that they do it,like it's like technology is like,scary man,antis facts hello how are you doing,thank you for joining,so today i'm planning to,we are going to texture this see what we,could get up to and we are going to put,this in a scene,we're going to put it probably use some,quicksool,um quicksort assets,let's get rid of this so,what's lovely about this obj is that,it's already got set selections so for,example,i guess if i just,like and let's make it green you see how,like this is already,the colors already selected so i don't,need to,exactly separate the separate parts,which,is great because saves a lot of time,so like we can just like mask it out so,that is just stitching,so what i like to do is just label,relabel the color layers because i'm,organized like that,we've got laces,hey sami how are you um actually guys,i've just been,i don't know if you guys follow me on,twitter but i was literally just,tweeting how,how i feel really kind of burnt out this,week,i think i took too much stuff on and,in the end today i had to reject a,freelance project,because i just thought you know what,just for like my mental health i just,really need some time for myself,so i had to reject it which is a shame,that it's called project but it's not,the end of the world,stitch,i get what you mean though yeah,technology is insane,stefanok what's up hello great hair,color thank you,it is my favorite color if you guys,don't know already blue,is the best color in the world,so currently right now i am just mapping,out all these different sections so,so we know what goes where,the tick however why is the tick not,mapped out,that's a bit annoying what is that,none oh i see,stitching stitching we might,need to separate,this,what's this initial shading group,initial shading group what does that,mean,yes it is it is indeed isn't it stefanok,huh how interesting why is,i want to isolate this tick which we can,do i'm just wondering why it wasn't,included,in the obj let me just check all of,these set selections,so that's that that's the laces,what's up how are you doing,yo guys oh no we don't want to do that,don't move that please,i hope you guys are doing good i have,been ultra busy this week,just feel like um more so like,outside of work i've been super busy,trying to like do too much,initial shading group okay so this is,the stitching,so what i need to i don't understand,what those other two for i mean it's not,the end of the word i can like select it,myself for example,what's the yellow one go to,is it in the inside of the shoe,something i'm not seeing,okay what we can do actually is double,click,oh i see do you guys see that do you see,what it's highlighted that is,like you can't even see that there's,okay,it's dots on the label,i literally did not see that because,it's so small,doing good it's getting hot in here what,do you mean by that,in your room auntie pads maybe,you can paint it separate the logo yeah,i could paint it i could paint it but,um it's just easier to have a set,selection in my opinion i think it's,that's a lot easier to,do and,what is this one i need to see,oh okay i see,so that is the stitching for that cool,that is the stitching for that,maybe i'll make that white and get rid,of this one

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The Wildest Midterm Election Ads & TikTok Unveils 18+ Livestream | The Daily Show

The Wildest Midterm Election Ads & TikTok Unveils 18+ Livestream | The Daily Show

in Tech news Tick Tock has officially,announced that users will now be able to,run live streams for adults only,but,before you get excited,the app says that nudity and sexually,explicit content will still be,prohibited,which like,what what what's adult themed,if it's not sex and nudity,I was just like uh who's ready to watch,me refinance my mortgage,the interest rates are so huge right now,I don't think I can afford to live in my,house anymore,in international news Japan's oldest,toilet which was 500 years old was,destroyed when a man accidentally backed,his car up over it,people are trying to cover up what they,did in the bathroom but this is this,clicking it a step too far it's also,amazing how putting the word oldest,suddenly adds gravitas to something that,none of us actually care about he broke,the toilet so it was the oldest toilet,oh no I need to call my mom,and by the way if you're wondering the,oldest toilets in New York City is the,subway,has announced that they will start,delivering weed in Toronto Canada,which is amazing yeah we deliver what a,game-changing service that no one has,already been using forever,especially under the name repair guy on,my phone wow,all right let's move on to some of the,biggest stories of the day we are now in,the home stretch of the midterm campaign,season which means it's almost that time,of the year when you wake up on that one,special morning in November and you're,like oh I forgot to vote yesterday,and with just three weeks to go this is,the last chance for the candidates and,the shadowy billionaires who fund them,to make their case to the voters and as,always,they're making that case through,campaign ads in fact a record 9.7,billion dollars worth of ads,so if you live in a string State,basically every ad you're seeing on TV,right now is a campaign ad and by the,time November comes around you're gonna,be praying to see the ads that you used,to hate no more please I just want to,know when Toyota Thornton is on please,tell you guys but political ads in,America can get pretty wild they really,can and as the country becomes more and,more polarized the type of political ads,that come out become more and more,intense,so I figured let's enjoy some of the,latest Blockbusters in another,installment of vodemic 2022.,hi let's start our ad watch with the,Republicans now for this election they,want everything to be focused on three,issues inflation crime and pretending,they didn't hear that thing Trump just,said,so they've been running ads emphasizing,these issues you know some of them have,been subtle but Louisiana Senator John,Kennedy has decided that subtle is not,his style violent crime is surging in,Louisiana,woke leaders blame the police,I blame the criminals a mom should not,have to look over her shoulder when,she's pumping gas,I voted against the early release of,violent criminals and I opposed,defunding the police look if you hate,cops just because of cops the next time,you get in trouble call a crackhead I'm,John Kennedy and I approve this message,okay all right all right,first of all nobody's gonna call a,crackhead,2022 I'm gonna text a crackhead,such a crazy way to frame things though,right is it like violent crime call a,crack here,the Senate is acting like cop and,crackhead are the only two options,that's it what about social workers what,about mental health experts what about,heroin addicts there's a whole range,people,it wasn't weird for a guy who's been in,office for six years to complain about,crime and then campaign on it I find it,a little strange like ever since I got,into office crime has exploded re-elect,me so I can figure out what's going on,because I I like I don't know where this,logic goes right because no matter what,happens Republicans always want more,cops crime is up we need more cops crime,is down we need more cops like what is,the plan just to keep hiring until the,entire population is just cops yeah that,way I got an eye on me yeah,maybe the solution is just to hire,crackheads as cops,yeah because first of all they're always,there when you need them,and say what you will about cops versus,crackheads but at least the crackhead is,not going to plant crack on you they're,keeping it for themselves,it works out,I know it might be a little crazy but,you gotta admit a crackhead detective,show,that sounds like a great idea for a CSI,spin-off,the victim is on the table,next to the flowers that he bought for,Valentine's Day,I guess that means it's time to go,smoke some crack,now obviously Democrats have a whole,different set of issues that they want,to emphasize voters don't trust them on,the economy or inflation right now so,the Dems want this election to be about,things like climate change protecting,democracy and pretending that they,didn't hear the thing that Joe Biden,just said,the main issue Democrats are running on,is Reproductive Rights and California,Congressman Eric swalwell just put out,one of the most hardcore campaign ads,you've ever seen

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This Laptop is Faster than Your Desktop PC for 3D Creation

This Laptop is Faster than Your Desktop PC for 3D Creation

this is the razer blade 17 a laptop,which inside holds an nvidia rtx 3080 ti,with 16 gigs of vram,somehow,for anyone keeping score at home the,3080 is a really big gpu and it's,powerful and they have found a way to,put it in laptops which means anybody,who wants to use the power of a 30,series gpu and either needs to take,their work home with them or i guess if,you work from home and you want to take,your work elsewhere or just sit on the,couch you can do that with a laptop and,you don't have to be tied to a desk,today we're going to see how big of a,deal that is especially for creative,work specifically roll the montage,as i understand it i'm one of the first,people to get my hands on this hardware,thanks to nvidia studio who sponsored,this video and i'm sure there's going to,be a bunch of great videos from other,great youtube channels that will focus,on hardware benchmarks and testing this,for gaming and in some cases video,editing i'm going to be focused on the,creative work of 3d artists because in,case you're new here hello i'm sir wade,i'm a 3d character animator visual,effects artist cg 3d stuff i make on the,computer because whether it's maya,blender houdini unreal engine and so on,there's a lot of different creative,applications and that's what we'll be,focusing on today from the perspective,of someone who uses 3d work and is,usually stuck on a desktop now blender,comes with a benchmark tool so let's,start there if we take the data from the,3080 ti which i have run the benchmarks,here you go this is the data i have with,optics on and if we run that against the,3080 you'll see that they're very,similar we don't lose very much,performance at all going from desktop to,laptop which is incredible if you'd like,a reference point to compare against,this laptop has a 12th gen intel,processor so we put that against the gpu,blows it out of the water and i on my,desktop computer have a 64 core,threadripper 3990x this just completely,destroys it we can also pull the data,for the apple m1 macbook and compare,that and the results speak for,themselves on average the nvidia studio,laptops perform at about seven times,faster at things like this and 3d,applications than the newest macbook pro,16 which is a really fast laptop on its,own and these just dwarf it but that's,enough technical talk let's actually see,it in action we'll come back to blender,to look at cycles in eevee but for now i,want to switch it up let's look at,unreal engine the goal here is to have,as much of a real-time workflow as,possible as a real-time engine the whole,goal of this software is to give you,immediate results so that you can see,exactly what the product's going to look,like at the end while you work on it so,that you don't have to guess and iterate,as much and wait for things to happen,that's the whole point of a game engine,and that's why unreal is so powerful but,it does work best when you can use the,actual ray tracing features that is are,built into it when you create a new,project it asks you do you want to turn,radius on or off and most the time,people have to turn it off,if they don't have the hardware for it,so with something like the 380 ti we can,set rate trace into on and go into these,giant scenes from the marketplace and,just see how fast it goes,no problems working on this the goal,here is to be able to make creative,decisions and modeling texturing,animating lighting rendering whatever it,is so quickly that you don't have to,wait to be creative you don't have to,sit there for the computer to catch up,with you so that you can move forward so,even on a laptop we've got no waiting,and that's what's so cool about this but,if you're not using a real-time workflow,and you're using something like maya or,houdini well technically actually we can,do a little bit if we switch our,viewport over to the arnold viewport we,can do this we can preview our materials,preview our lighting and we can do it in,real time as well it's not quite the,same as like a real-time workflow but we,can still see our results in real time,so that's great we can turn on the noise,and all kinds of stuff to speed that up,now i'm just beginning my journey into,houdini so,i i thought this was fast i thought i'd,show you like look i can make fire and,render it and then play,and someone who knows houdini you can,tell me in the comments whether it's,like oh that is really fast that's,amazing or if it's like no you didn't do,that right that's not actually it's like,it's always that fast i have no idea but,i thought i'd show you just in case now,jumping back to blender we're going to,just open up a scene and check out the,real-time stuff here is cycles we're,rendering on the 380 ti and you can see,that with all the settings cranked up we,are getting,fantastic speed you'd be able to work in,this add lights change props geometry,now for the animators watching if you,use maya for example and you animate and,you don't render all that much that's,all cool but,what does

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Houdini Tutorial | I MAKE A KINDER ADVERTISING SHOT ON HOUDINI - Caramel Simulation

Houdini Tutorial | I MAKE A KINDER ADVERTISING SHOT ON HOUDINI - Caramel Simulation

مرحبًا يا رفاق ، أنا جوناثان ، مرحبًا بكم في هذا الفيديو الجديد ، سنتعلم كيفية القيام بذلك,قبل بدء الفيديو مباشرةً ، أردت أن أخبركم أنه يمكنك تنزيل الملف المصدر,، يكون الرابط في الوصف إذا اكتشفت هذه القناة ، فأنا أقوم حاليًا بنشر اثنين إلى ثلاثة,مقاطع فيديو في الأسبوع تتعلق بإعلانات صناعة الأفلام والفيديو ثلاثي الأبعاد مع خلاط Cinema 4d و howdini ، لذلك,إذا كنت مهتمًا بهذه الموضوعات ، فلا تتردد في الاشتراك ، فأنا أشكر جميع,الأشخاص الذين يحبون التعليق ومشاركة مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بي التي تعلمون أنها ساعدتهم أنا كثيرًا إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول,على مساعدة ، يمكنك الانضمام إلى خادم الفتنة ومجموعة facebook ، الروابط في الوصف,، ولا نضيع المزيد من الوقت إذا كنت جاهزًا ، فلنذهب ، فهذه اللقطة هي لقطة من الإعلان الجديد,لـ kinder بوينو آيس كريم ، يمكنك العثور على الإعلان بالكامل على قناة يوتيوب كيندر بونو فرنسا,أو عن طريق كتابة كيندر بونو على يوتيوب ولذا سنستأنف من هذه اللقطة وهي,الخطة الثالثة التي أجدها رائعة حتى نتمكن من ذلك إعادة هذه الخطة ه تمامًا على howdini ، سأريكم,بسرعة كبيرة كيف سنبدأ في إنشاء هذا النوع من الأشياء على howdini ،,لذا سنبدأ من أنبوب سنقوم بتحويله إلى مجلد هنا باستخدام,إزاحة iso ثم سنضع نقاطًا بشكل عشوائي قليلاً على هذا المجلد,، ثم سننشئ محاكاة للجسيمات من النقاط التي سنكون قد أنشأناها قبل,ذلك مباشرة ، وبالتالي فإن النقاط التي سنكون قد أنشأناها,ستنبعث منها جزيئات سنستخدم انبعاث الجسيمات هذا لإنشاء خطوط ، ثم المحاكاة التي لن,نحتاج إليها ، سنستخدم عقدة إزاحة الوقت لتجميد المحاكاة ، ثم سنستخدم نقطة vap,لنكون قادرين على إنشاء تشوه كما هو الحال هنا في الصورة المرجعية التي يمكننا نرى أنه يتم,تقريبه قليلاً عند هذا المستوى ويتم تقريبه أيضًا في نهاية محاكاة الشوكولاتة هنا ، لذا,كما قلت سنجمد المحاكاة هنا مع تغيير الوقت ، لذا ستكون الجسيمات ثابتة بشكل أساسي ، سيكون,لدينا خطوط ثابتة مثل هذه ولكي نكون قادرين على القيام بمحاكاة التوسيع,، سنضيف عقدة النحت هنا ، وسنضيف الإطارات الرئيسية ، ثم سنضيف عملية مسح العقدة,لتتمكن ببساطة من إضافة أسطوانة حول هذه الخطوط لتكون قادرًا على إنشاء هندسة,ثم سنضيف المجالات في نهاية هذه الهندسة,لتكون قادرًا على تقريبها قليلاً هنا على مستوى النهاية,، سنقوم بتحويلها كلها إلى حجم ، ونحولها كلها مرة أخرى إلى مضلع ، سنقوم بتخزين ذلك مؤقتًا,وبعد ذلك سنقوم لديك هنا,ناتجنا لاغٍ يمكننا إدخاله لاحقًا في عقدة هندسية أخرى لنكون قادرين على العرض مباشرة على howdini مع,الانزياح الأحمر ، لذا سأضيف أنبوبًا جديدًا وسنكون قادرين على البدء في إنشاء هذا,الإعداد الصغير على الفور لذلك أنا نسيت أن أذكر في بداية الفيديو ، من الواضح أن ملاحظة الأنبوب,هنا يجب عليك الانتقال إلى وضع الكائن هنا ، فأنت تضيف عقدة هندسية ، لذا أطلق عليها هنا اسم kinder ، وأطلق عليها اسمًا,ما تريده ، يمكنك إعادة تسميته هنا إذا أردت وانقر نقرًا مزدوجًا من الداخل,وهناك يمكنك عمل علامة تبويب وإضافة الأنبوب بالداخل العقدة الهندسية ،,لذا قمت هنا باستيراد الأنبوب الخاص بي لإضافة عقدة ، إنه مفتاح علامة التبويب إذا كنت لا تعرف أبدًا,ما الذي تبحث عنه هنا ، وأخذت الأنبوب الأول وسنكون قادرين على القدوم ومشاهدته,باستخدام علامة التبويب الزرقاء الصغيرة وأنا سأضع هنا مع الخطوط الظاهرة لذلك عليك,فقط الانتقال إلى علامة التبويب الصغيرة هنا للحصول على الخطوط المرئية ، لذا هنا على مستوى الأنبوب الخاص بي ، قم,فقط بزيادة عدد الأعمدة بدلاً من 12. سأضع 32 لمزيد من التقسيم الفرعي,على هذا المستوى وبعد ذلك سأقوم بتحويل العقدة لأكون قادرًا على تغيير المقياس ، لذا سأقوم,بتصور علامة التبويب الزرقاء هنا في المقياس الموحد " سأضع اثنين حتى أتمكن من تكبيره,ضعف ارتفاعه هنا على مستوى الارتفاع ، سأضع 075 ، لذا عند مستوى,الأنبوب 2 نسيت التحقق من أغطية النهاية حتى يمكنني إغلاق هذا الأنبوب ولكن إنها فقط لأعلى ولأسفل ، وبمجرد,الانتهاء من ذلك ، يمكننا إضافة عقدة إزاحة iso حتى نتمكن من إنشاء وحدة تخزين من هذه الهندسة ،,لذلك انقر هنا ل vi ew المجلد الخاص بي وهناك يمكننا أن نرى أنه عشوائي تمامًا,لذا سأزيد هنا عدد الأقسام لأتمكن من الحصول على المزيد من الدقة على,مستوى الحجم الخاص بي ، لذا سأضعه هنا عند 50. لذلك ثم سأكون قادرًا على القدوم ونسخ,نقاطي بشكل عشوائي هنا على هذا المجلد ، لذلك سأأخذ العقدة المبعثرة التي ستضيف نقاطًا,وهنا بشكل افتراضي سأضيف 50 نقطة أولاً سأرى لاحقًا أنه يعطي هنا,على مستوى عدم تحديد هذا المربع الصغير للحصول على نقاط عشوائية أكثر قليلاً ،,لذا سأقوم هنا أيضًا بوضع خلفية منفذ العرض الأسود الخاص بي ، لذلك أضع الماوس في,منفذ العرض ، أضغط على d الخلفية وهنا في اللون سأضعني غامقًا,، أفضل العمل بهذا الشكل ، وبعد ذلك سأكون قادرًا على وضع,حذف العقدة لأتمكن من حذف بعض النقاط حتى أتمكن من تصور حذف العقدة,سوف أخوض في هذا المجلد وسوف أقوم بتنشيطه وسأضع المجال المحيط وسأضع,نقطة هنا لذلك يمكنني إزالة بعض النقاط,، لذا سأضع الكرة في المركز ، وسأقوم بتكبيرها لوضع 3 عليها حتى أتمكن من,إزالة جميع النقاط التي تعتبر مركزية حقًا هنا من الحجم الخاص بي ، وبالتالي فهي عند مستوى,نصف قطر الكرة ، سأترك واحدًا هنا ، سأقوم فقط بتوسيعه في الارتفاع ،,لذلك عند نقطة تبعثر العقدة ، سأقوم بتقليل النقاط قليلاً هناك أعتقد أن لدينا قليلًا,جدًا لذا سأعود إلى هنا وبدلاً من 50 مترًا 40. وبعد ذلك يمكنك القدوم,وتغيير مقعد المبعثر لتتمكن من وضع نقاطك بشكل مختلف قليلاً ،,لذا فهناك الفكرة هي الحصول على نقاط متباعدة إلى حد ما عن بعضنا البعض ، على,سبيل المثال ، يمكننا أن نرى أنه ليس لدينا ما يكفي من النقاط في هذا الجانب ولكن جميعها في هذا,الجانب ، لذا أعتقد أنني سأتركها عند الصفر ، لقد كانت جيدة جدًا لذ

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We Made Slightly Offensive Bowling Animations

We Made Slightly Offensive Bowling Animations

these days the next hot thing is going,to be bowling animations what if we,could make our own animations and heck,we might even be able to do it a little,bit better but we need to make sure it,has some edge that the the teams can,watch it and like think bowling's cool,again and then they got us to thinking,what if we also made them really,offensive,two years ago nico myself and our,friends david and joe we went out,bowling to our local bowling alley in,our hometown it was a great time balls,were thrown they were rolled pins were,knocked down i love bowling jen and i,used to go like all the time but then,coveted hit and everything got shut down,and then i broke my shoulder and i,haven't really been able to go since but,i can i can bowl now see look at this,as we were bowling we realized we looked,up at the monitor there were playing,animations that corresponded to the,exact moves we were doing on the bowling,alley making these amazing little,cartoons and scenes out of them to,emphasize and hype up the excitement,that we too were feeling the thing about,those animations is that they're never,really good and i don't know if that's,like the point they look like they were,made 30 years ago it's time for some,intervention it's time for a new voice,on the bowling animation scene what if,we could make our own animations and,heck we might even be able to do it a,little bit better and then they got us,to thinking what if we also made them,really offensive how dare you mildly,offensive it would be cool to make a,complete set of these renders and then,go to a bowling alley and actually have,them use them wouldn't that be great,christian you've been talking to some,bowling alleys out here so,there's no way we're getting these,animations on the screen what,like we can't just send them like an mp4,it's literally just videos on a screen,why can't we just like go to a bowling,alley and be like hey big bowling is,literally only run by like three,companies and they all use the same,software that's like proprietary and,they all use the same animations okay so,you're saying there's like a like a,cartel,a big bowling ball,if the bowling alley ends up refusing to,use our animations we're effects artists,we're going to force it on them,digitally there's only one way we're,going to achieve this that's to be,crazier and wackier than what's already,the craziest and wackiest cg on the,planet i will show you things that you,never thought were possible from a set,of pins and balls,let's create a list here and figure out,what exactly we need to make a full set,of animations,a split is when there's two left on,either side and then you have the,europeans when you have two on each side,oh is that a thing i'll believe you sure,i'll write it i'm gonna give you the,ultimate freedom,do what inspires you do whatever you,want the only thing that matters is that,at the end of the day when we watch it,we need to feel something in here,they do say constraints make for better,creativity i do have one constraint i,think it needs to look like it was,rendered in the year 2001. no octane,rendered no redshift no arnold i want,you to use straight up old scanline,renderings i'm going to use a new render,engine i'm going to make it look,archaic,i dare you to just make it archaic from,the get-go for the sake of this let's,keep these animations anonymous that way,if one of us makes a oopsie and make,something that's too offensive we all,claim ignorance look sam don't,gutterball the entire channel okay,i'm gonna do one good gutter ball and we,can cut it we can cut it we always can,delete it later yeah,so bowling animations always look like,they were made in the 90s and i want to,capture that look now they say rather,than going out there and trying to mimic,something just shoot or do the thing,that you want to do with the proper tool,for the job you want something to look,like a shot with a vhs camera don't,shoot it with a red and then put it,through a filter shoot it on a vhs,camera you want an animation to look,like it was made in the 90s make it with,software from the 90s in this case i,didn't quite get all the way back to the,90s but i did find the oldest version of,3ds max that we had on the server still,3ds max has a renderer inside of it,called the scanline renderer and it is,super basic this is my first scene that,i built like look at those soft white,shines on the blunt ball and then the,glitchy edge of like the polygon right,there you can't make those glitches they,just have to happen naturally,i love the old-school render style but i,really want to focus on telling the,bowling jokes over the actual visual,style of it here's the hard part what do,you do for a bowling animation that's,kind of funny ha ha tasteless but not,too outright offensive what is the line,between really offensive and slightly,offensive i don't know how to ride that,line i don't try to offend anyone so,this is unusual for me i think humor at,its core is all about coping with trauma

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M2 MacBook Air Review: More Than a Refresh!

M2 MacBook Air Review: More Than a Refresh!

uh,all right what's up mkbhd here so,kick,talk that's what just happened to the,macbook air,not tick tock not the short form video,website but two years ago we had a thin,wedge-shaped intel powered macbook air,super popular laptop but that was also,the beginning of the apple silicon,transition and that transition to,designing their own silicon would mean,they could unlock levels of optimization,and streamlining that were never before,possible when using an off-the-shelf,chip from intel so first they replaced,the intel chip with an m1 chip in the,wedge-shaped macbook air pick,now they've redesigned the entire,computer around apple silken with m2,talk so theoretically this is more than,just a refresh this is our first look at,what's possible with apple in a thin and,light form factor now that they finally,design the silicon and everything around,it,and it's also,deceivingly expensive but we'll get to,that in a second so with apple's most,popular mac i fully expect a level of if,it ain't broke don't fix it but to their,credit they have changed and updated,mostly everything about this design and,for the better the wedge shape used to,taper to appear and feel thinner at the,edges but now the whole thing is flat,it's 11 millimeters all the way across,which is actually thinner overall and i,really like it this way this is one of,those shapes that you just feel like you,can pick up and take everywhere truly,ultra portable they've thinned out the,bezels around the new display which let,them bump it up a bit to 13.6 inches,diagonally there's a notch in the top,middle which has become a part of,apple's design language at this point,but that quickly fades away to invisible,when you're actually using a laptop and,it's housing a new 1080p webcam that,looks,fine i mean for sure better than the old,one also the display is way better it,has a higher 500 nit max brightness and,a lower minimum brightness for working,in dim environments which i actually,found really useful when publishing the,nothing phone review at five o'clock in,the morning here they also added magsafe,plus the color matching braided cable,which is a nice touch by the way they do,include the midnight colored stickers,with the midnight colored laptop that's,another nice touch but the magsafe,charger also just means you freed up,another usb type-c port and you also get,that fast charging at up to 67 watts,which is nice because the battery again,makes this a very long lasting laptop,i'll still say the m2 macbook pro which,is thicker is still going to be an,overall battery champ but i mean,the 15 hours of claimed web browsing,translated for me to an entire work day,of use with 20 plus percent left it was,awesome and if i had several light days,in a row with it i didn't even really,think about charging it's great it's not,perfect though i do still wish that,they'd put usb type c on both sides but,as of right now it's two usb type-c,thunderbolt 3 on the left headphone jack,on the right and so it only supports one,external monitor and if you do have an,external monitor it'll probably have to,be to the left and then when i first got,hands-on with this thing i was very,curious about the speakers because as,you can see they are pretty much,invisible unless you know where to look,but they are right up in the hinge of,this laptop so i was curious if they'd,be any good and i guess i shouldn't be,surprised but turns out they sound,really good they sound great not as much,bass and and thump as the bigger laptops,like the macbook pros but still very,very loud and more than enough for media,consumption that type of thing music,watching videos all that sort of stuff,the one thing that turns out to be a,downer here as much as i,wanted to love it is uh this new color,so the m2 macbook air now comes in,silver and space gray like before then,there's a new starlight color which is a,very,faded gold and then this which is,midnight midnight is a very very dark,blue and it absolutely changes how much,blue it shows based on the environment,you're in like if the light hits it just,right it can look like a blue laptop but,in some environments it just looks like,a matte black laptop which i think is,sick but we were right in the first,impressions this one is an absolute,fingerprint magnet the instant you start,using it and it's impossible to keep,clean but then on top of that there are,some durability concerns the normal wear,and tear on the trackpad area seems fine,and i've only had this for a week so i,can't really test a long time use but,what we saw on the review unit that i,had a couple weeks ago or the first,impressions unit was around those ports,the usb-c port and magsafe ports if you,miss plugging it in enough times you're,gonna scratch the paint and it'll be,most noticeable on this dark laptop,because it has silver underneath so i,guess there's three solutions one uh,don't get this color,two if you do get this color maybe,protect it with a case or a dbrand skin,that's my perso

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