tiktok ads to azure

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TikTok Ads API Tutorial: Fetching campaigns data

so in the next step let's take a look at,examining our account campaigns ad,groups etc basically look at our tick,tock ad account via the api,and in order to make our first api call,what we need to do is make sure that,we're using the access token that we,created in the previous video and use,that to make our api call so i'm just,going to bring up insomnia over here so,we had our first,call over here where we,requested our access token with our auth,code secret and app id and we got back,the access token so i'm just going to,copy,this over here,and let's,prepare a new request,over here,so in order to make an api request to,tick talk we need to pass in,the,access token as a header argument,so it needs to say access token and then,our access token and then we need to,specify the content type as well as,we're passing in json,and that's it this is what our every,request will look like so all we need to,do now is figure out what type of,requests we want to make,um so let's go over to the official,tiktok,documentation,and i am now in the campaign management,part of the documentation you can see,here where there is an overview and,there's some api reference as well let's,start with the overview,and let's start with the campaign,structure so this is something you may,already be familiar with if you're,running ads on take talk yourself but as,we know this from facebook or google we,have a three-tiered structure so we have,a campaign an ad group sometimes this,will be called ad set on other platforms,and then we have an ad and we can see,the different parameters or attributes,that are being defined on each level so,we have objective and budget and,campaign level,we have,also budget on ad group level so there,seems to be a possibility to set this on,either level the promoted object right,what are we advertising the placement um,the audience,and then of course bidding and,optimization and then on ad level we,have add format the actual creatives,that we're using text call to action etc,so it looks like creatives here in this,case are referring to videos and images,because text and call to action is,mentioned separately on facebook for,example when facebook refers to,something to uh to,as an ad creative uh that,technically means the entire user facing,part of the ad so the video image but,also any text the url etc,cool,so,um,let's,dive into the api reference over here,and let's take a look at some sample,sample request so we can we can actually,get all campaigns i think this may be a,good starting point,to get all campaigns belonging to an,account,all right and what we can see here is,that in order to get the campaigns we,have this request address over here,which is what we can simply copy,and use in our request i'm just going to,copy that over here,this is now my,request and i'm going to rename it to,get all campaigns,cool so of course right now there's no,way for the api to know what,ad account i actually want to use this,for,so,in order to,find out what your,what your,ad account,might look like i've prepared something,over here,so as we can see if you are in your,tiktok ads manager,you can see,maybe you see some data here maybe not,if you haven't run any ads recently,but what you can do is you can simply,head over to the,top of the,url and let me bring this into view,so in the url we can see that there is a,parameter called aadv,and this is actually the advertiser id,or also called account id and so in the,interface this may be called account id,via the api it's usually called,advertise id so i'm just going to copy,this over,move this back,into place,and let's figure out,how we are supposed to make this api,call so,as you can see here,in our request header we need to add the,access token which is what we already,did before i'm not going to,reuse this or show you how to do this,every single time,because this is always the same,but what is important is what are the,request parameters and in particular,what are the required request parameters,so as you can see,next to advertiser id it says required,we can scroll down a little bit seems to,be that that is the only,uh the only required field so let's just,add it over here,on insomnia,and,do that over here,advertiser,id equal to this,so let's see if that works,and yeah indeed it does seem to work so,we added the field advertiser id as a,url parameter over here let's see if we,can also pass it through as the body,adjacent body,sometimes this makes it a little bit,easier to,to add multiple,fields and attributes,okay so that doesn't work so it seems,like this we need to use this as a url,parameter so that's what i'm going to do,advertiser,with a question mark,id equal to,this and we have no body,alright fantastic so as we can see,we can now get we are now getting back a,response and it looks like we got,a code saying,zero which means there's no error we got,a message saying okay we have a request,id for this request that we just made,and then the actual output lives in this,da

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TikTok Ads Not Converting? Here’s How To Fix It

TikTok Ads Not Converting? Here’s How To Fix It

so you hear how old is and experts start,recommending to run ads on Tick Tock,you've listened to them you launched,your ads but you see that they're not,converting and they're burning your,money what can you do next and how to,fix that I'm gonna cover this particular,problem in this video let's start with,the first reason and this might sound,counter it intuitive and on Tick Tock,it's a little bit different you have to,understand that when you launch ads on,Tick Tock the things that you used on,Facebook if let's say that you run ads,on Facebook and now you transferred also,on a tick tock might not work because,the platform is a little bit different,so starting with the first reason and,this is not optimizing for the right,event and here I could talk about two,things one if you are optimizing for,traffic you won't get the right results,if you are an e-commerce business owner,and you want to drive sales this is your,main objective you want to get as many,conversions as possible and you want to,increase your return Lisbon optimizing,for traffic won't help you because the,way algorithms work the moment when you,click on that traffic optimization they,will understand that this is your main,goal you want to get just as much,traffic as possible so they will give,you exactly that they will send you,thousands and thousands of people to,your website however the quality of the,traffic is not that good when it comes,to converting them that's why optimizing,for traffic will set up your cell phone,failure from the first day when you,launch that campaign and the second,wrong optimization and this probably,most of you are doing here a huge,mistake that is optimizing for a,complete payment where if you are coming,from Facebook this will be equal with,purchase if you are optimizing for,complete payment and you have a new tick,tock pixel again that will be a,disservice because the algorithms are,not trained and they do not understand,who is your ideal client so optimizing,for complete payment usually what is,going to happen is this one way they,simply will not spend you will see that,your ads do not get any spend or two you,are not gonna get the retronagement that,you're striving from that being said the,solution to this is to use an upper,level event such as actual card the,moment when you optimize for things like,Azure card now the algorithms could,understand the better who is your ideal,client because they could get much more,data because getting someone to add,something to your card will be easier,when like making someone to purchase of,a volume of how many people are adding,SuperCard will be higher and for the,algorithms volume matters a lot you,could transition to complete payment but,you could do that once you hit let's say,at least this is the burn minimum 500,actual card registered by The Tick Tock,pixel the moment when you see that now,you could transition to complete payment,and see how that will affect your,results if you still see that the,results not available,and test again the complete payment and,see how that goes now talk about the,second reason why your ads are not,performing is because you do not set,enough budget again I don't want you to,get out of context and think that okay,biggest reason why that's not performing,and it's only because of a budget it's,not like that I'm gonna explain also,about other reasons why your ethnic,performing but for now if let's say you,do not get 50 events within seven days,that will be one obstacle to get and to,kind of get the return expense that you,want you see for The Tick Tock,algorithms to optimize the best and to,Target about Right audience it's very,very crucial for them to get enough,volume I've kind of like mentioned a,little bit about that so 50 conversions,were 50 results pretty much what you're,optimizing for 582 card 50 inch,checkouts is super super crucial if you,do not get that within seven days it,will be a huge struggle for the,algorithms and you'll stop,algorithms to find the Right audience so,when you set your budget you want to,make your calculations and see how many,actual cards you need to get on a daily,basis and how much money you have to,spend to get those at your card if let's,say that you need to get eight at your,card let's say your cost to get one,extra card is ten dollars pretty much,that means you need to spend at least,eighty dollars per day to get that,number and ultimately to get 50 at your,card so you know running ads is simply,math you just need to make your,calculations see what your cost job,Wi-Fi customer cost to get one at your,card and then set a budget if it makes,sense talking about the third reason and,here we're gonna start talking about,with the ad creative so so far we've,talked more about the technical,information the technical side of,running technical ads and now talking,about with the ad greatest because here,we're gonna cover a lot more and this,usually is the main reasons why your ads,are not performing it's very rare an

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TikTok Ads - Traffic vs Conversions (In-depth explained)

TikTok Ads - Traffic vs Conversions (In-depth explained)

imagine you go to tick tock and when you,start your first campaign the first,thing that you will see is a vacuum pane,objective you see the traffic objective,you see the conversion objective now not,knowing what each objective does might,cost you a lot of money it costs you,time and it costs you opportunities so,let me show you in a basic video what is,the difference between these two,objectives and I'm gonna go very very in,depth so when by the end of this video,you'll have a hundred percent Clarity on,which objective you want to stick to,based on your business goals I'm going,to show you as much as possible to,simplify this kind of comparison between,these two objectives because if I go to,technical you will be overwhelmed and,that's not my kind of objective for this,video so think about these three,objectives as free kind of layers that I,want to kind of go through the first one,is optimization when you you choose a,traffic as your campaign objective your,optimization is going to be only clicks,the moment when you chose this,particular objective Tick Tock at,algorithms what we are going to do they,are going to optimize based on clicks,they will see like a successful campaign,in terms of how many clicks you are,getting so if you are optimizing on,traffic one thing that I can promise you,you'll get a lot of traffic to your,website now for tick tock they don't,actually care about with the quality of,a traffic I just want you to give you a,bunch of people on your website on the,other hand with conversions you can,optimize for things like value,conversions and clicks on that asset,level and this is the part where I want,you to kind of clarify a few things so,with a value actually let's start with,conversions when you optimize for,conversions which is set by default,pretty much what you are doing and what,she was saying to tick tock hey I want,you to optimize my ad creatives based on,people who are more likely to buy from,me even both of they might not know your,brand even though they might see your,business for a first time but it doesn't,really matter they are going to optimize,the algorithms will understand that this,is what is your main goal this is kind,of your first objective that you want to,get from a vet campaign so that's why,kind of an audience if we look at these,two objectives the audience will be,completely different based on what you,are optimizing for the second,optimization that you can make with,conversions is a value now with a value,what you have to understand is that it,is locked for a specific period of time,you gotta have some seasonality on your,Twitter account and you have to get,quite a few conversions before they are,going to unlock you like with a value,optimization but essentially what this,helps you is like the algorithms now,they are going after again people who,are more likely to convert but not only,to convert but also to buy a much more,expensive product where I would say,generally speaking it helps you to,increase the average good value and,ultimately it increases your return on,NetSpend it is a pretty cool,optimization once like you unlocked this,I would recommend actually give it a try,but you know if sometimes it might not,work so you have to be aware of that as,well now the third optimization is,clicks however if you're optimizing for,clicks using the conversion objective is,going to be exactly the same as you,would optimize for you know traffic so,actually if we think about it from this,particular perspective then the,objective that you're using on the,campaign level actually does not matter,that much what matters is what you are,optimizing on web ad set level if you're,optimizing for clicks using the,conversion you're gonna get kind of the,same outcome so it is not about the,traffic it is not about the conversions,it is about what you are optimizing on,the ad set level and this is pretty much,how these optimizations looks like on,the ad set Level under the bidding and,optimization section with traffic you'll,have only the clicks as an optimization,goal for conversions you'll have these,three points that I've mentioned so far,now when it comes to the analysis how do,you analyze and how do you optimize,these two different campaign objectives,because you might have as an objective,if you're a big brand you want just to,get you know some traffic once you get,some brand awareness that's fine but if,you are optimizing for conversions you,want to look at different metrics so,that's something crucial and when it,comes to traffic we want to look at free,metrics which is your cost per click how,much you are spending to get that click,let's say on average you might get like,a one dollar or 0.5 that is like you you,are pretty much paying one dollar to get,one person to your website then we have,a click through rate where CTR this is,in terms of percentages how many people,are like clicking through your like ad,and they are going to your website and,then we have a video watch time t

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FREE TikTok Ads Q4 2022 Course ( TikTok Advertising Tutorial )

FREE TikTok Ads Q4 2022 Course ( TikTok Advertising Tutorial )

hello everyone this is step by step,tutorial for beginners how you can scale,your business routical ads and this,upcoming sales sales period I'm talking,about the Black Friday and Cyber Monday,as well as and later holiday and period,which is basically this Christmas and of,course beyond that you're gonna learn,step by step how you're gonna set up a,to z I'm gonna I'm not gonna you know,Skip any any steps here and you know,setting up your account and you know,setting up your campaigns and everything,and what you need to scale your business,this before and you know this is like,the best two or three months and for the,whole year for many businesses so it's,really really crucial for you to add,Tick Tock as a channel to your astronaut,because we've seen great great results,with it and doing really missing out and,there's so much less cost on Twitter,cards than you know compared to Facebook,or Google so it's a very very awesome,right now,I need to do that so yeah some quick,words about me I'm Harry I've been um,I'm gonna buy for five years now I've,been a Facebook Instagram ads media by,I've scaled multiple Brands to six seven,eight figures and you know I've worked,with some of the top agencies in the,world and as well as do now my own,course housing have my own clients so,I've seen a lot of data and I'm you know,in communities with top media buyer,spending even more money than me so I,really have the Practical knowledge here,that you can actually usually exploit uh,for your own good for your business so,let's get let's actually dive right into,it best thing you do is go into also I'm,sorry I'm gonna have links for,everything in here in the description,below so it's gonna be easy for you if,you want to take anything so just go the,first name is actually set up a business,and account with Tick Tock uh it's very,similar to you know saying the business,manager with Facebook and so just go and,go on on Google and just type to cook,ads and or get started,setup and stuff and you're gonna have,like the first link is gonna be this,channel it basically get started with,Tick Tock and fill in all your,information here I'm not gonna go into,it just gonna just waste time I don't,think that's very valuable for you let's,go into set up your account easily next,thing is actually how we can set up the,pixel of course after you you've gone,through the process you created your,account it's basically just following,the instructions we are here on the ad,account you need to set up your pixel so,go to assets you go to events and there,you have it then you go to web events,and then you're gonna go set up word,events,and then just you know just name your,pixel as it says if you have if you have,a Dev in your team and that can actually,do that go with the best API it will,help it's basically very similar to the,Facebook copy if you've heard of it,basically and it will feed back data,from the site to to the actual a pixel,and Tick Tock and so it will give much,more data into that account really help,with the algorithm optimizing because if,you heard since post iOS 14 things are,beginning things have been very very,difficult in that aspect so for now I'm,going to take a pixel and go to next and,then if you have like a Shopify store or,anything Google tag manager stop just,click automatic web events to be upon,the platforms click next click Shopify,and then you just follow the,instructions and the thing that you have,to do is go to your sub file go into the,apps search for tick tock I already have,it here and then just go to settings if,you basically have very step by step,tutorial again here just follow,instructions as you guys you have my,Tick Tock account connected also on the,data setting just make sure you use,maximum and then you just connect it is,through,um the instructions here very easily if,you do have some something else like any,any other of the of these platforms,should be very easily and the same way,you can even just type Google and you,know connect Tick Tock pixel with the,platform that you have and if you know,then you can actually do that manually,and set up a development and mode pixel,go ahead so that's pretty much it from,the pixel let's go actually into the,strategy so we are here in the Azure,manager how you're going to approach,this this upcoming and sales period so I,highly suggest I just try it for,specifically for this period is to have,and is to really you know clip Up spend,until you get um,around the you know 10 days before black,Friday or any sales,um period you have really creep up spent,um you know towards that date and we,gather data with the winning creatives,and energy and data into the account and,then set up a marketing campaign and,really go home on the remarketing so you,can remark all those people that you,have built and because you know in the,last I mean in,late November is not the right period to,test creative sometimes audio stuff you,need to go with the winners there and,just remarket those pe

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Do This To Your Tiktok Ads And Instantly Triple Your MRR

Do This To Your Tiktok Ads And Instantly Triple Your MRR

do this to your tic tac ads and,instantly triple your mrr which is,monthly recurring revenue,what's up you guys my name is jamal and,i own one of the largest talk ad,agencies called jamal talk where we,produce um done for you creatives that,really go viral and i'm going to stress,on something um at each minute of the,video say so if you stick around the end,of this video i'm going to receive a lot,of value and if you don't get to miss a,lot of stuff and that's one of the,reasons you want even scale in 2022 and,beyond so we're going to focus on a,couple of objectives i'm gonna you know,install in your hat because those are,one of the objectives that got me and my,clients a million over a million dollars,per month in our stores there were six,figures and now there are seven figures,100k now a million just because of that,one trick i'm going to tell you in this,video now this trick for,this trick is combinations of many,things but it's very simple and easy to,do so first of all after ios 14 the one,thing you have control is is creatives,and which is the most important aspect,trust me not media buying not the cost,caps cost bids not the targeting now the,interests it's your creatives and trust,me if you just focus on that one era and,put your ads live,you're going to see awesome results now,in this video i'm going to talk about,tick tock ad specifically but i'm going,to show you if you use those i use this,concept and facebook ads,google youtube and snapchat and,instagram wheels and youtube shorts,you're going to see an instant increase,in your monthly revenue and your robots,so we're going to talk about a couple of,aspects and that's and that's called the,short attention spam era or the short,attention span fear field because what,you're seeing here is evolution of the,advertising uh,field too so once you go into tick-tock,we're gonna see you're gonna scroll down,i'm gonna see the videos are maxed at,you know one minute and you see like,once you scroll down every video sees,new um it's catchy it has a million,likes um people like it um the thing is,once you scroll down um you're gonna,notice that your attention is gonna go,short because once you scroll uh once,you are on those platforms which is,instagram reels youtube shorts and tick,tock ads are those three made platforms,that focus on short attached spam what,you're gonna notice is your your,attention is gonna actually shrink okay,now this is a very very big advantage,for advertisers because we can use that,to our advantage okay so we're gonna,discuss here is very something very very,important if you actually um articulate,your creatives to that short attached,spam what you're gonna notice is a,sudden increase in monthly revenue and,your sales because once you put those,type of creators on tick tock ads,instagram wheels and youtube shorts,those creatives that you're going to do,that actually fit that short attention,spam that and the things are going to,decide in the video,is really the most important aspect to,grab attention,um drive them to your website and make,short-term decisions decisions which is,directly uh turning your customers into,a conversion if you go to e-commerce uh,if you go to the industry and we filter,by e-commerce this is the top trending,ads you're gonna see on uh the field but,if you watch my last videos i'm i,literally showed in my last video what's,the best performing ad and what's the,worst performing ad the best performing,ads is actually the ad that doesn't look,like an ad so i'm gonna show you an,example um and i've become an expert at,things because once i see an ad i can,literally filter out it's good and bad,no no middle decision it's very good and,very bad and i can see a potential in,some ads here but i'm going to switch,out to the actually most performing ad,and which is this one okay now the,reason why i actually filtered out all,of those ads because and i can actually,feel that this ad that i just posted is,very good and that's because it really,fits into the style of tik tok the texts,so if you look at this ad versus a very,very very and fashion shooting ad,for my opinion this is the best,performing ad i see right now i'm going,to show you the difference between a,best performing ad and a wordpress so,i'm going to show you that this ad is,also a worse performing app,as i said this looks like an ad and this,is the definition of what to not do,because this is a uh you know,it's actually a brand and it's not like,it's a brand and they have been like,money they want to spend over you know,aside so just put that at and you know,they're not even relying on advertising,so you know back to the point here this,is uh in terms of what to not do,strictly do not do because it really,doesn't um apply the foundations we um,do in terms of adam for your creative,service that we provide inside of jamal,talk and the reason i say this because,we tested both structures we tested this,ad,the high-end fashion ad and we tested,this ad which is

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My 3 Secrets To TikTok Ads (Interview With Nick Theriot)

My 3 Secrets To TikTok Ads (Interview With Nick Theriot)

yo what's going on guys welcome back to,the channel my name is nick terry and,today i have an exciting new video for,you guys you guys you guys have been,asking from time to time again nick do,more videos on tick tock ads so i,went to the legend i went to the man,himself who is a master with tick tock,ads guys i have a special guest for you,guys today who has done um you know,basically taking a brand and doubled,their revenue with tick-tock ads taking,them from 500 000 a year to a million,dollars a year specifically with tick,tock ads,and as well in just the last three,months i've spent over 450 000 on tick,tock ads quite frankly i haven't even,touched that number yet on tick tock so,um guys i want to introduce you to,justin justin what's going on man,yo thank you for the intro uh great,you're welcome man what's up thanks for,having me on,you're welcome i'm very excited for this,today um i know you have some,interesting stuff to talk about with the,guests uh you wanna just give them like,a little sneak peek of what specifically,we're talking about today,yeah sure so we're gonna have three key,points you know three kind of secrets to,help you grow on tick tock both from an,ad and organic perspective because we do,both at the agency so definitely want to,touch on those and give people some,snippets into what it's been like to,grow a brand like the stats you,mentioned earlier,awesome yeah i'm super stoked for this,one because you know on top of like the,viewers getting amazing value from this,i know i'm gonna get some value of this,because i love tick tock but i just,quite frankly haven't made that,investment yet into it and while i,understand the principles it's also cool,because like your first person actually,had a conversation about 6.1 um in-depth,like this so i'm super stoked for this,and um guys i know y'all in a super big,treat for this make sure you hit that,like button um and get ready for this uh,particular these three key secrets so,before we get in that though do you want,to tell everyone like a little bit about,yourself like what what specifically do,you want to do tick tock ads how did you,get your start in it um i'm curious to,learn a little bit more about you,yeah let's do it so i got my starts with,i think a lot of us agency owners did,you know on facebook ads uh officially,started the business in december of 2020,unofficially in september of 2020,was more the freelance solo routes uh i,was actually in college doing graphic,and web design and then,as i was getting ready to graduate i,decided to start the agency to have,something to look up to afterwards so,anyways long story short i switched from,design to marketing uh right around the,start of 2021,um and introduced tick tock in the pool,i think the first time we ever ran out,on the platform was in july of last year,for skincare brand not gonna lie it did,not go well at all uh we were very new,to the platform it was a horrible,experience uh to start with but luckily,you know things picked up and we saw,we we really saw the potential both on,the outside of things and also when i,blew up personally on the platform my,first uh out of my first three videos on,the platform two of them got over three,hundred thousand views um it was just uh,the story um and that really led me to,wanting to dive deeper on this and and,try and mimic that for our brands,now was that 300 000 views those first,few videos on the platform was that like,your personal brand or was that more for,the skincare brand you're working with,that was for my personal brand ashley,and uh,if you look at my profile today you're,not gonna be able to see them you're,gonna see the likes on the profile that,are very high um that is i mean honestly,i'm kind of ashamed of these videos,they're more kind of joke videos i was,following trends back then uh but yeah,it's two two out of the first three,videos on the platform just blew up and,those were,again during the pandemic i was a,student so i was kind of making students,jokes just felt like the audience,related from that and,yeah just wanted to get more into that,after seeing the potential that the,platform had,awesome and those are purely organic,correct,yeah purely organic no ads from that,awesome so yeah so you got into the,platform you start running some you know,organic and you saw the potential with,tick tock specifically um and then,obviously this is what kind of made you,say hey like,you know if this works for me would this,work for other businesses as well,exactly because we were doing pretty,good for ourselves with only facebook,actually back then um we were lucky,enough to be in a very small markets uh,we got started with the agency in the,french canadian markets um all of our,brands were from there so it's quite,different in advertising the us uh,canada uk,since then now it's about 30 a little,less than that actually that's our,clients are from there but uh yeah i i,wanted to,to bring that to these clients and and,not only rely o

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How To Make Money On TikTok Using ClickBank | Underground Strategy

How To Make Money On TikTok Using ClickBank | Underground Strategy

hey what's going on guys ross mitchell,in the house and today we're going to,see the fastest way to make money on the,clickbank platform this is going to be a,step-by-step video tutorial in which i'm,going to share with you how to make 50,to 100 or more per day in affiliate,commissions on the clickbank platform,this is going to be possible because,we're going to use an underground yet a,very powerful strategy that no one else,is using on tick tock and tick tock for,those of you who are not familiar with,the platform is a video streaming,platform that is trendy right now and,it's getting millions and even billions,of views so this strategy is still in,the blue ocean and the market is not,saturated so there is a huge opportunity,to jump on this right now and this is,how it works we're going to be creating,our videos with a free software or free,website called canva then you copy these,clips and paste them onto tiktok and,finally you collect your money from,clickbank on top of that i'm going to,share with you how to double and even,triple your money on tick tock using qr,codes this is a very underground,strategy no one else is using it so it's,going to be very interesting and if you,see someone else on youtube showing you,this without giving me a credit it means,he or she is a charlatan and it's trying,to scam you so without further ado let's,go ahead i'm going to share my screen,and let's try to make some banks shall,we let's do it all right welcome back,and for those of you who are new to tick,tock just a quick info tick tock is a,video streaming platform where people,upload a short video clips sometimes 10,seconds no more than 60 seconds so,10 15 20 second videos uh in our case,we're going to be uploading 20 second,videos and in here you can see i have,found some videos related to food salads,as you can see this video,this person is just steering their salad,and it has,12.3 million views huge opportunity this,video is just a video of a refrigerator,7.2 million views insane this one is,just someone is chopping broccoli and,boiling them,three point there we go 3.7 million,views and as you can see if i open this,video clip here at the bottom you can,see this video is 10 seconds in length,absolutely perfect for us very easy job,to do now let's start with setting up,the entire system so you can see how we,make money from tick tock first we go to,clickbank this is the place where you're,going to source your affiliate offers if,you're new to clickbank go over to the,right side where it says start here,click start here you're going to see a,survey this is the survey before you,sign up and actually helps clickbank to,determine who you are and how to best uh,help you and provide you with different,marketing materials so fill out this,quiz follow the instructions,fill out the que the questions scroll,down click ok like i said you have to,fill it in,and then,once you sign up once you create your,account you're going to login into your,dashboard and from your dashboard right,here go over to the,upper menu and click marketplace this is,where you're going to find all the,different affiliate offers that you can,promote and make money with them for,today's example i'm going to use an,offer related to keto diet so i have,typed here in the search bar keto diet i,hit the search icon so we can find,offers related to kiro and if i scroll,down we're going to be using this offer,for this example called custom key to,diet it pays us 58 dollars about 60,bucks per conversion meaning today if,you make one conversion you're going to,make 60 bucks so in reality you just,need one person to buy this product and,you're going to be making 60 bucks if i,open this on a new tab let me open it so,we can see how it looks like,there we go a sales page with a video,explaining why people need to go on a,keto diet or if they want to lose weight,or get fit why keto diet is best for,them and then people buy the product and,you get paid is that simple so let's go,back to clickbank like i said,58 dollars per conversion and if we do,the math let's do the math if let's say,0.0001,of let's see these people 900 views 900,000 views click your links and buy the,product how much money you're going to,be making so if i uh pull up my,calculator,let's say from this video of a pizza,this is a pizza video 900 000 people,have seen this video so let's type 900,000 let's say just,one percent or zero point zero zero zero,one percent of these viewers ha click,your links and buy the product how much,money you're going to make so 900 000,views like here,times zero point zero zero zero,one percent,equals ninety,ninety times how much money we're,getting paid fifty,fifty eight so,times,58,equals 5 000 dollars from just one,single video of course this is not going,to happen overnight or in one day it's,going to happen across multiple days and,even weeks but this is the huge,possibility and as you saw i'm very not,generous i'm like 0.0001,of people if they buy in reality a lot

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[TOO EASY] - $82K IN 3 Months? - TIKTOK Ads Scaling Strategy COURSE Shopify Dropshipping

[TOO EASY] - $82K IN 3 Months? - TIKTOK Ads Scaling Strategy COURSE Shopify Dropshipping

welcome this is ecom azure here and,today i'll be showing you how i scaled,my shopify store to 82 000,in a span of just three months just,using tick tock ads,and i'll be going through walking,through the whole process of how i,scaled,to 1k a day,you know and scaled into 30k a month,and it was crazy that product was viral,it was trending,and it was a great profit margins,because i still ask,because how low cpc and cpms are for,tick tock cards and i was able to scale,so high,and i'm happy with it and,if you're not utilizing on tick-tock,guys right now yo,i don't know what you're doing really so,i'll be going through i'll show you my,shot my store first,so let's go to it first,this is one of my stores here,as you can see,and i'll show you how the sales i got,the marcios,when i started um testing the protocol,in,end of november time,and,to what it is now,and within a span of just three months,so this product was only sold into uk,to the british customers,so it was impound so the occupants,around 82 thousand dollars,and you can clearly see at the start it,was a bit,um at the start i was trying to,understand how that algorithm worked for,ticktock ads at that time,because the first time i was using it,and,so i was for the whole month i was,trying to understand and after that when,i understood how it worked,and when um,when i was able to understand how the,hell tick tock,system worked,i was able to scale to you know 1k a day,2k a day this was,this was freaking this is crazy it was a,three three thousand dollar plus day,and you know because the cpc cpm was,solo on that then i was able to scale so,i,you know it was consistently coming up,every day it was just,once in a while it was just it was just,putting bonkers,so i was able to scale so well and,so yeah i'll show you my analytics,so this was the as you can see the,conversion was 1.12,what i found is,one of what i found is for tick tock add,that,the conversion rate is much lower,compared to what facebook did,when you use facebook as facebook as the,conversion range like two three percent,but take on tick tock cards it's much,lower so you gotta bear in mind,and,yeah so i got a really good 2.13,returning customary i think that was a,read the reason was because the product,was so good and nice i was able to ship,it really quickly to my customers,so i was able to get really good,customer satisfaction i was able to get,a very good 2.2,is pretty good for resetting customer,rate,online store,so this,so yeah it was crazy this product was,around,um if you if i go back,so yeah,this is my,profit,you know um analytics for for that,for that specific store,as you can see it was a twenty three,point three percent net margin profit,which is pretty good,um it was it would have been around 30,35 percent um just because i was selling,advertising to the uk i was able i would,i have to pay around twenty percent,um,um i'd spend whatever i was gonna spend,on tick tock hours if i want target in,uk i'd spend,paid 20 tax,that that's what the net profit went,down to around 23.3,so right but still was very very decent,for such a short amount of time,i was happy with it and,it was great to see that i was able to,scale so i am such a certain such an,easy short amount of time,and tick tock ads were,quite,quite interesting to use,so i'll show you now how i scaled it to,30k months you know 30k,1k a day is how i'm able to do that i'll,show you know how i was able to do that,so this is my ticktock ad manager and,i will show you how i was so how i,started off how i progressed,you know along along the way into,talkers to scale it to that 30k a month,you know target you know and so i'll,show you the step-by-step strategy so,first what you do is,um,what i would do is go to obviously go,campaign,and,click here to create a,all right so if you go here and you,click on conversions,type write down,you know a test for for example you want,to test a new winning product,make a name for it,don't click this don't click this yet,this for the testing strategy when,you're testing the winning product if,it's good enough,so this is what i did at the start of,that product,and what i did was,first ad set what i would make is no,targeting,and,i will do this click on website,click on,and connect your pixel to your website,to your shopify store,complete it should be complete payment,and remember this click on select,placement click,take this off,go to advanced settings,and remember to remove video download i,keep this on but you gotta monitor it,you got a mile check your people are not,pointing by the comments one when you,put,when you put the ad on when that is,probably so you gotta be checking the,the comment section and just monitor it,so zero affect your sales,if you get bad comments,and then obviously,then what else what i do is,which is really really underrated is,is i use an automated creative,optimization,so what i would do is,i'll tell you later after this page what,i do is so you click on just click this,run and

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