tiktok ads manager log in

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Tiktok Ads Manager Tak boleh Login?

hai hai semua kuburlah barokatuh Oke,dalam itu nih saya enak tunjukkan kepada,anda untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang,warga the app tipe muka pakai,dia sebab IP ada pengupahan nah daripada,tiktok Okelah mulai terbang itu untuk,menjelaskan tetap lalu ini suhu coba,kamu tanya Iya enggak,bytes agar tetap mereka buka ekor Tito,eps 162 itu choetsu dalam Indonesia ke,Tunjukkan pada anda cari cem-ceman untuk,gua,itu mengatasi masalah nih oke syuting,oppadeul kepada ini,tetap tes manajer,gitu-gitu Oke,kalau,semuanya oke,Hai Academy dekat bohong-bohongan kilap,kalau tokimonsta keluar waktu kita telah,dicabut,ngetik toh oke,Akiko Nippon ada satu lagi jadi punya,You are dia tuh oke memang tak keluar,nih kalau dimakan ini sampai lah sampai,Pilihlah takang jadi apapun Nah kamu,juga ini Tak lupa besok jalur dia punya,saya di adalah ke pergi pada sipenne Oke,kereta sispena nnp lihah Dewi Network,key pilih internet nih henneberg,pengguna Windows pengguna Windows,Oke,internet Protocol,Hai sehingga boleh jatuh,di elus-elus,karena evils,dikit jadi flash kita tengok kalau,celana,HPV di antaranya,Hai untuk x,oke should ktp-nya kita dahulu buka ah,sedia,masalah dikasih tuyul hatiku terluka,kita punya HP nih kita punya sipenne TV,pedas ipene,Oke,internet bagi pada properties,internet Protocol mission,kVA tukadi ne subuh yang bawa nih pada,111 ataupun,88887 yang pelukannya akhir ada juga,challenge the tiang satu kode NS punya,nomor tuh pergi pada,MP3 buta nih ada juga yang meyakini ADB,setengah tempat Tuh Yulia Eneng kini,nuklir browser Oke video,kristoni cookies murni oke clear tapi,calon ini dia akan kok kamu banyak,lesley akhir Simpan itu dia akan,hilanglah jadi Wow gila hati punya,bertanya-tanya Kamboja inilah Oke kita,akan atuh kadie nsfw jesaja oke eh untuk,video kali ini untuk penerangannya,tentang masalah teatring Allah Ike ekor,X dah selesai kita tengok tidak luar oke,tidak keluar di penyanyi kata Kemal,loading sampai lebih lodging tidak masuk,pot oke itu saja,hai

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads manager log in

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How to Create a TikTok Ads Account & Business Center

How to Create a TikTok Ads Account & Business Center

how's it going everybody corbin here,from zoco marketing in today's video i'm,going to be walking you through how to,set up a tick tock business center and,how to create a tick tock ads account,and how to link up your tick tock ads,account to that tick tock business,center now for those who are wondering,on why you might may want a tick tock,business center the most common reason,is that you are running multiple tick,tock ad accounts say you are an agency,or you have multiple ad accounts that,you want to manage all under one roof,that is essentially the reason why you'd,want to set up a tick tock ad center,also if you are just managing one,account i do recommend setting this up,because it's just kind of clean hygiene,it's an easy way to give people access,to different different settings and,things like that essentially a tick tock,business center is the equivalent of a,facebook business manager if you're,familiar with the facebook world and,here's what tic toc has to say about the,business center on essentially why,people would consider doing it is one is,for the collaboration centralization all,of your assets are on one place and then,accountability you can control who has,permission to those assets as well so,there's lots of different reasons on why,you'd want to set up a tick tock,business center but basically like i'm,saying i recommend everybody sets up the,tick tock business center and then,creates their ad account and attaches it,there so i'm going to show you exactly,how to um do this so the first thing,you're going to want to do is come over,here to,www.tiktok.com forward slash business,i'll link this down below as well so you,can just go through and click that link,you're going to see something like that,looks like this we're going to click in,this top right hand corner create new,and if for whatever reason you've,already created a ad account then no,worries i'm going to show you how you,can link up that ad account directly to,your,business center account as well so i'm,going to go through and add these,details real quick in here,and once you get to this point it's,going to ask for you uh for a,verification code to send your email so,you got to send that over you got to,pick the shapes,so we got here objects that are the same,shape we've got k and k we're going to,hit confirm,verification complete and then now it's,going to send a,a code to our email so we're going to go,and grab that real quick once you have,that verification code in your email,just copy that inside there and then,we're going to sign up it is worth,noting as well you can sign up through,tick tock directly or with a phone,number if you'd like if you don't want,to use your email but we're going to use,email for here we're going to click on,these terms and then if you want to get,emails from tick tock you can keep this,checked i'm going to uncheck it we're,going to hit sign up okay and now we are,going to go through and create our,account so i am in the united states i'm,going to keep that as is industry i'm,going to call this e-commerce,and it asks for even more we're going to,say closing shoes this is just a test,account so we're going to keep it at,that and then business name we'll call,it house to home diy and then,our time zone i am located,american denver and phone number and,currency and once again we agree to the,terms and services and hit register,now it's going to go through and ask for,a couple of different other descriptions,to describe your business,okay so we went through and added our,website and then it's asking for billing,information so i'm going to add in some,billing information real quickly,or billing address sorry,and then here is kind of an important,thing depending on how you want to get,billed you can either do automatic,payment where you essentially add your,credit card and when you hit a certain,payment threshold tick tock will charge,your credit card or if you wanted to,only say oh i only want to charge 100 no,matter what that way it doesn't go over,you could add a manual payment,so that that way the card never gets,charged any more than you want it to i'm,going to keep it on automatic payments,for now we're going to hit next,and then here it's going to walk you,through and ask you if you want,simplified mode or custom mode i,recommend custom mode because it gives,you more options inside of the platform,and i do have full tutorials on that,tick tock ads if you're you're wondering,you can check out the links down below,to get resources to learn tic tac ad so,we're going to go into custom,and then now we are finally going to be,brought to our actual campaign it's,going to drop you into like start,building out a campaign which you could,start doing if you'd like but i want to,go back over here to the dashboard so,now we have successfully created our,ads account but now we want to go,through and add this ad account to a,business,business center account and how you do,that is once you're inside of your ad,acco

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Paling LENGKAP! Cara daftar akun TIKTOK ADS || Membuat akun TIKTOK ADS

Paling LENGKAP! Cara daftar akun TIKTOK ADS || Membuat akun TIKTOK ADS

Hai sangat ada masuk ke sini Jadi si,Teteh itu memberikan 2 pilihan kita,teman-temanmu simple mode atau custom,model teman-teman,pakai Hai dengan gua Hafiz jadi hari ini,tuh bakal membuatkan tutorial Gimana,caranya daftar tickets manager ya,sebenarnya gampang banget teman-teman,hanya beberapa langkah saja namun,mungkin untuk beberapa orang yang baru,pertama kali mencoba membuat akun itu,akan bingung sekali ya Temen temen Oke,apa-apa jadi buat temen-temen semua,sekarang soalnya ketik tegas Manager,kalau sudah langsung pilih yang nomor,dua ya Ini,nah kemudian nanti akan dibawakan ke,beranda login dari si tiktok for,bisnisnya langsung teman-teman kemudian,pencet yang ini si Jupe now,when teman-teman jelas disuruh untuk,mengisi data-data yang dibutuhkan untuk,mendaftar cytoscape manager ya Jadi,saran teman-teman langsung aja isi email,password dan,verification kodenya di pensilnya gua,akan coba dulu isi untuk email ya,namun kalau sudah teman-teman langsung,verifikasi kode ya Dini untuk kode,verifikasinya atau mikirin kimia,temen-temen ini nanti langsung aja cek,email temen-temen ya kalau misalkan,masuk berarti sudah bener ngisi emailnya,Kalau sepanjang matsubari teman-teman,salah untuk nginep ya,Nah kalau sudah teman-teman langsung aja,sigabrt merasa daftar sejauh,Oh sebelum sikap kita centang guling,bawah kemudian Sigap,Nah kalau misalkan anti sudah masuk sini,temen-temen sekarang tinggal isi lagi,dan good yang dibutuhkan oleh Tik Tok ya,untuk industrinya,disini teman-teman sesuaikan dengan,kebutuhan teman-teman misalkan,temen-temen emang ke menjual barang,online gitu ya atau misalkan edukasi,atau games new pilih aja Nah di sini,berhubung gue itu menjual barang ya,barang-barang jadi gua akan pilih kamar,teman-teman,ecommerce dibidang fashion fashion,clothing and shoes,clothing kayaknya deh ya jadi bahkan,pilih clothing Nah untuk bisnisnya,teman-teman sesuaikan,namanya apa kalau gue contohnya disini,namanya,misalkan,japul nah kayak gitu ya teman-teman isi,untuk nomor teleponnya ya,dan juga,mata uang ya karena kita Indonesia akan,jelas sekarang ini Dr kalau sudah,teman-teman langsung aja klik register,jangan lupa klik ininya,oke teman-teman nah kalau misalnya,daftar langsung masuk ke sini ya,temen-temen ini tinggal dicentang aja,silang,Kemudian untuk memecatnya konstanta,penyelesai tinggal masukin aja Kebetulan,juga punya websitenya,Telkomsel kan teman-teman mudah Punya,website company atau bisnis teman-teman,masukin ke sini ya,kalau ini majalah Papa kemudian juga,untuk billing address disini alamat yang,teman-teman silakan masukkan alamatnya,al-nafis ya teman-teman misalkan gudang,atau toko teman-temannya silahkan isi,Mudah juga provinsinya,karena gue,hai cek West Java untuk Siti gue,ditinggal tinggal di kota,Kabupaten Bekasi,Kabupaten Bekasi Bekasi Bekasi,Walikota enggak apa-apa,untuk kode posnya,Nah kalau misalkan teman-teman udah Are,you an agency no,no Ah tidak tidak tak information in,opsional teman-teman punya NPWP silakan,isi di sini nah berhubung gue besar,punya cuma diisi untuk tutorial kemudian,langsung masuk ke fenotipenya nah ini,ada otomotif Medan payment manual ya,bedanya apa ini tuh jadi temen-temen,nanti disuruh memasukkan nomor kartu,teman-teman ya jadi sistemnya lktoday,begitu teman-teman jadi misalkan,temen-temen itu eh konser nanti sudah,daftar memang iklan tiap hari tuh bakal,dipotong autodebet untuk rekening,teman-teman dia Nah kalau misalkan gue,bakal yang baik manual memang jadi gua,setelah itu kayak top-up itu kan Ya,nanti kalau mau ngiklan harus MotoGP ya,untuk apalagi baru ngomong iklan baru,potong dan kalau misalkan oke man ini,banyak banget untuk menelpon bayarannya,ada kaya opo dana dan sebagainya makanya,gua akan pilih menu teman-teman buat,teman-teman yang baru daftar dan pemula,banget Gue saranin teman-teman pilih,yang mana Oke mana aja jangan automatic,lemon karena autometic membentuk kalau,misalkan ke teman-teman banyak sawah di,settingan itu sobat teman-teman di kartu,kredit temen-temen atau kartu,teman-teman gitu ya itu bakal ke dikuras,terus sama sedikitnya kalau sangat,teman-teman ada salah settingnya buat,amannya karenakan masalah dengan uang,kita akan langsung pilih menu template,supaya kalau mau iklan yang kita tetap,dulu baru ngiklan gitu oke tahun sudah,tinggal klik yang santun Oke sekarang,kita masuk ke sini Jadi si Teteh itu,memberikan 2 pilihan kita,simple mode atau custom model,teman-teman kastomo dia kalau misalkan,simple itu side.to bakal memberikan,jarang iklannya Emang simple banget gitu,ya Bahkan pemula pun bisa gitu ya kalau,misalkan kostum tipe tuh bakal,memberikan akses penuh untuk advertiser,nya dan kita bisa melakukan banyak hal,di kostum mode ini ya gue lebih suka,yang mana jujur gue lebih suka yang,kostum mode karena nantinya banyak Data,yang bisa kita mainkan teman-teman Kalau,dibandingkan dengan yang simpel mode ya,Wah kalau misalkan saran gua sih ya,tampaknya testimoni aja gak mau kok,pelajari aja di custom modenya mungkin,nanti untuk beberapa hari

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How To Open a TikTok Ad Manager Account

How To Open a TikTok Ad Manager Account

today I'm going to take you step by step,on being able to get your ads placed,onto Tick Tock so something just like,this where you can actually get a nice,Roi for doing some ads on the platform,now I'm gonna have a link for you in the,show notes down below to take you to the,page that looks just like this and once,you do you're going to click on the,start now button on the bottom left hand,side and right here you're going to see,it says create an Advertiser account you,can go by email or you can go by phone,number whichever way works best for you,so you're going to fill out the email,create a password confirm and then do a,validation make sure you have this,checked off here before we continue and,then we're going to click on the sign up,and we're going to jump to that next,screen all right so here it's going to,ask for some Billy information uh starts,off with the country it's going to ask,for the industry your business name time,zone your currency which is set to USD,and then a telephone number make sure,you have this clicked on here to be able,to agree to the terms and conditions,once we have all that filled out we're,going to hit submit so from here it's,going to say setup billing information,it's going to ask for our state and then,if we want to do automatic payments or,manual payments,we're gonna go ahead and do automatic,and click on go to add manager so here,this is actually going to take you to,the main page of your Tick Tock ad,management section you can see there's a,dashboard here get your campaign any,assets you need and then also reporting,uh you can simplify it if you want to as,far as your ads go or you can do,customization if you either do it,yourself or have other companies do the,ads for you as well you can also have,that linked up right there so you don't,keep having this pop up every time you,log into your stuff so let's go ahead,and click on simplify mode right over,here and here pretty much it's going to,go step by step on the process of what,your advertising goals are do you want,website visits Community interaction,generating uh customer leads or website,conversions so whichever option works,for you right now it's currently clicked,on website visits and then right here at,the bottom we can click on continue so,from here it's going to give you some,options as far as who sees your ads,obviously location you can customize,your audience you can do automatic ones,if you want to your demographics your,interests and behaviors and then where,you want your ads to be shown so you can,see right here it is Tick Tock of course,and then if we click on additional,placements there is one more on top of,that if everything looks good from here,then you can click on continue at the,bottom right once you have all that,filled out so from here you can see it,says set a budget based on your goals so,if you wanted to have a budget of let's,say 200 every single day that is going,to be that budget and then you can also,set a schedule for your ad campaign or,you can have it start now with no end,date I do recommend making sure you put,an end date on there and then you can,click on continue so from right over,here you can see you can actually post,with your Tick Tock account so if your,company already has a tick tock account,you can go ahead and log in through here,it'll make it a lot easier for you to go,through that process especially if you,have some advertisement videos on there,already that you can utilize you can,also post with your Tick Tock ad,management account right here you can go,ahead and upload your video you can see,a Max of 20 currently or you can also do,images and then on the right hand side,right over here this is going to be a,preview of what it's going to look like,for you when you go through that process,and have everything loaded once that's,all done there at the bottom here it is,going to have the submit button for you,so you can go ahead and have that ad go,ahead and start running on Tick Tock now,of course there's a few extra Little,Steps such as adding in your bank,information as well as possibly even,creating those extra assets and looking,at the reports like we talked about,earlier that are up on the top left hand,side there but in order to get started,I'm gonna have that link in the show,notes down below for you go ahead and,click on that and it'll take you right,to that beginning step um to go ahead,and create your Tick Tock ad manager,account

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Cara Menautkan Akun Tiktok Shop Ke Akun Ads Manager || Menghubungkan Akun Tiktok Ke Ads Manager

Cara Menautkan Akun Tiktok Shop Ke Akun Ads Manager || Menghubungkan Akun Tiktok Ke Ads Manager

hai hai dengan ke Hafidz jadi hari itu,gua bakal buatkan tutorial Gimana,caranya menghubungkan atau mengaitkan,akun Tik Tok organik kita ke akun Tik,Tok es kita temen-temen ya contohnya,kalau misalkan sudah berhasil terhubung,itu kayak gini atau Tuhan jadi ke,profile Terus ada yang namanya aku,tiktok terus asatsu ini dia ini Jadi,adalah tanda bahwasanya akun kita,organik itu sudah glukagon tidak kita,jadi kayak gini tentunya jadi ada,beberapa keuntungan kalau misalnya kita,mengaitkan akun Tik Tok kita dan menurut,gue ini keuntungannya salah satu,keuntungan yang cukup apa ya besar,mungkin atau ataupun signifikan ya Jadi,kalau misalnya kita melakukan pencatatan,akun untungan yang paling kontras itu,jadi ketika kita mengiklan ya,teman-teman kita beli dulu deh dia Kunti,toples ya di sini nanti orang yang,diiklankan itu bisa mengunjungi,teman-teman profile kita melihat melike,bahkan bisa Hai memfollow akun kita,teman-teman ya jadi nanti kalau misalnya,sudah menghubungkan si orang itu bisa,mengunjungi profil kita ketika kita,mengiklan sebagai terjadi nih,Nah,sebagai contoh ini teman-teman itu jadi,ini ada iklan Nah ini dia ada Iklan apa,nih,adegan game teman-teman ini dia kami ke,menggunakan Tik Tok aja doyan demokratik,rockets tapi kita itu bisa mengunjungi,profile Dian ini seperti ini tuh bisa,mengunjungi profil dia ya kalau misalkan,beruntung Nanti orang yang mengunjungi,profil temen-temen itu follow akun,teman-teman dari teman-teman iklan,sekaligus bisa nih menambah followers,dan kalau misalkan teman-teman punya,yang namanya tiktok shop Nadia bisa,mengunjungi nih namanya tiktok.com,terhubung dengan PT ngerusak jadi kita,enggak bisa melihat apa namanya,Tetap Sophia Intinya kita teman-teman,nanti sudah mengkaitkan akun Tik Tok,organik teman-teman ketika ETS ketombe,saat maka jika teman-teman itu bisa,dilihat dan bisa dikunjungi ke profile,organik jabatan tersebut kita,teman-temannya itu keuntungan dari,kita mengaitkan akun nah terus Kemudian,yang kedua apa yang kedua ketika,teman-teman menghubungkan akun organik,teman-teman ke akustik topedcc ya tetep,lebih ini Nah teman-teman itu nantinya,bisa melakukan yang namanya spark.exe,teman-teman gaji sport itu apa itu,sebabnya teman-teman kita itu bisa,mengiklankan contoh ya kalau sanggul,terhubung itu bisa mengiklankan video,yang ini nah jadi bisa menghilangkan,atau menggunakan video ini untuk di clan,kan ditiktok at gua ya atau Gua mau,makan ini misalkan nyir ada ada nih ada,kalanya bunyinya teman-teman terlihat,jadi gue bisa menggunakan video ini,sebagai bahan untuk iklan nanti ketika,teman-teman call kan ada yang komentar,ada yang nge-like gitu ya tetep masuk ke,sini teman-teman gitu tetap Ma the video,ini gitu Terus misalkan jangan follow,juga profil kita bawa teman-teman tambah,juga dan ini adalah kebetulan akun ini,ya teman-teman akun kedua gua memang,selama sedikitnya baru bikin Hah temanya,itu ya makan-makan gitu dan belum sempet,gue kelamin tapi intinya konstanta,mentah udah menghubungkan akun,temen-temen atau organik teman-teman ke,akun Tik Tok Ads ya maka teman-teman,akan mendapatkan beberapa keuntungan,yang pertama tadi dia bisa mengunjungi,profil temen-temen kalian kedua,teman-teman bisa melakukan sporket ya,tol,menggunakan postingan teman-teman yang,sebelumnya untuk dijalankan di tipe-x,dia dewasa basa-basi itu mungkin,penjelasan singkatnya dari gua,kita akan langsung aja masuk ke sini,temenin ikan akun Ya udah gua bilangin,ya ini adalah contoh ya,entah ini akun di teman-teman ngebalikin,dulu,jadi gimana cara mengetahui kadar juga,teman-teman sekarang masuk Bekasi Hai,kebagian ini ya ke sini langsung,teman-teman * user setting begini bakal,sudah masuk ke setting teman-teman akan,disuguhkan dengan yang namanya profile,dan disini ada yg MW tiktok account ya,terus langsung aja link tiktok account,jadi ini,kemudian teman-teman Terserah mau kemana,ya Kenten with Facebook pt.wit Google,kalau masih lebih tangannya you see you,are chord teman-teman gini,nah dia akan langsung,apa namanya menyuguhkan QR code nya,langsung gua disini menghubungkan,tempat-tempat langsung gua kemana nih,kesini nah ke sini,oke,nah teman-teman kalau sudah berhasil,kedeteksi tinggal konfirmasi,dan otomatis dia akan loginnya,teman-temanmu nah,Hai semuanya ke bawah autoray's,nah teman-teman di sini kanan about,link-nya nemu paling terus keterangannya,distrik traill country is us world is,already linked to another account use,another account lockout androgen,teman-teman satu akun Tik Tok Kids itu,hanya bisa dihubungkan oleh satu akun,Tik Tok organik ya sebelumnya juga dan,tanya sama gue Bang gimana kalau,misalkan account with Oke dihubungkan,dengan dua konfirm organik ya atas,sebaliknya itu enggak bisa teman-teman,atau kayak gini nggak bisa karena,koncoku ini udah pernah dihubungkan,dengan akun tipe Selain itu ya makanya,Ketika nanti di loginkan coba di,loginkan akan jadi seperti ini ya ok deh,kita pakai saja,kita analogikan aja sudah berhasil,teman-teman gini kalau sudah berhasil,nanti ak

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How To Add User In Tiktok Ad Account | Add Member In Tiktok Business Center

How To Add User In Tiktok Ad Account | Add Member In Tiktok Business Center

all right guys so as everybody knows,that tick tock is nowadays the best,platform out there for advertisement of,e-commerce product you cannot sell your,hc products e-commerce products amazon,products or even shopify products on,tick-tock because tick-tock is giving a,great results nowadays when it comes for,paid advertisement or even organic sales,so if you wanted to learn that how you,can sell your products of e-commerce on,takedoc with paid advertisement or with,free organic traffic so you can just,watch my playlist from the link in the,description below where you can find a,lot of videos on how you can sell your,products on tick tock how you can list,your product on hc amazon and shopify,and then how you can market those,products organically and with paid,traffic on tech talk but for this video,i'm gonna be explaining you that how you,can just create a tick tock business,account and then how you can add other,people's on your ad account because if,you are a business owner so you might,need someone else to run your ads or you,might want to give access of your tick,tock ad account to someone else maybe to,some of your friend or maybe if you want,to hire someone else some air expert,from outside and you want to give them,the x of your tiktok account so they can,run the ads on your tech talk account on,your behalf or on the other hand if you,are the take up manager and if you want,to handle the tick tock ad account of,some of your clients so how you can add,yourself into your clients ticktock ad,account so you can manage their ads so,let's see how we can do it,but before getting started i'm user and,i sell my products on amazon ebay,shopify click funnel and redbubble and,on this channel i share my knowledge,with you people so you can do the same,and build your online business so if you,are interested in learning about the,fastest and easiest way to make money,online which can give you profit in your,first seven days then make sure to sign,up for my free 30 minutes webinar from,the link below so you can also achieve,financial freedom like me and leave a,nine-to-five job so without any further,delay let's start the video,alright so to do that first of all you,need to go to google and type business,tick tock here and after searching that,you can find the second link says,business.tech.com you have to click on,that link and after clicking on that,link you need to sign up for your,business account on tech talk the sign,up process is super simple you just need,to click on sign up and put your,information and then tech talk will need,24 hours to verify your account and,after your account is being verified you,can just log into your business center,so as i'm already having my ticked,business account so i just need to click,on enter a business center from here so,first of all you need to go to,business.ticktalk.com and after signing,up you have to click on enter business,center here,so you can see that this is my business,center ways to set online and this is my,id and you can see that i'm having one,ad account here and i'm the only one,member in this ad account so after,clicking here you can see i'm on my tick,tock business center so from top right,corner i can just click on drop down,menu and then i can see here how many,business account i'm having under this,business center so this is my business,center and i can link multiple tick tock,accounts to multiple business center and,all account and all business center i,can manage here under this one tab so,now you need to learn the difference,between business center and an account,so the business center is like a center,where you can manage all the activities,or your tick tock advertisement but to,run the ads you need to create an,account so on the left corner you can,see that there are some tabs the number,one tab is for users where you can add,some of your employee or some of your,friend to your takeoff account and under,that user tab you can see that two,options members and partners so if you,wanted to add someone here you need to,click on that members and then you need,to send invitation to them but before,sending invitation you need to create,your ad account because if you don't,have an account even after adding the,member here he will not be able to,manage your ads so to create ad account,you need to go further down under the,assets you need to click on advertiser,account and from here you can see i am,already having one ad account here shaw,paza so you can create your ad account,from here and after creating the ad,account you need to navigate to the,partners area and here you need to click,on add partners and here you need to ask,your friend or ask your client to tell,you their ticked out business and,account id so when you copy and paste,your id here and click on next they will,be getting an invite from your site and,once they accept the invite they will,start showing here like this so you can,see that chopaz is my client and i add,them as a partner here so wh

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How To Give & Request TikTok Ads Access in 2022 (+ Set Up Tik Tok Ad Accounts & Business Center)

How To Give & Request TikTok Ads Access in 2022 (+ Set Up Tik Tok Ad Accounts & Business Center)

Hi there in this quick video, I'm going to show you how you can easily,set up a TikTok advertising account and share access to this account,with your agency or freelancers.,And if you are an agency I'm going to show you how you can request access to your,clients' TikTok accounts, super simply.,Let's do it.,In order to run TikTok ads, you first need a TikTok advertiser account.,If you don't already have an account, the first thing you need to do is,set up a TikTok business center.,So go to business.tiktok.com and then create a new account.,You can log in with your existing TikTok account, but then you have,to still authorize, TikTok business to have access to that account.,Once this is done, you will see your new business center in front of you.,On the left-hand side, you can see a menu called assets, click there,,and then go to advertiser accounts and click add advertiser account.,You will then have to choose whether you want to create a new,advertiser account or request access.,Select" create new" then go next.,And then fill out some information about your business.,Once that's done confirm, and you should have your advertiser account ready.,If it's not ready straightaway, then TikTok will approve,your account very quickly.,So, how can you give access to someone within TikTok again, go,to your TikTok business center.,And then on the left hand side, you will see a menu item called users.,And the first one is for members.,Members is if you want to add someone from your organization to your business,center account and to your ad account.,So to do that, click on invite member, type in the email address of,this person, and then confirm which access to this person should receive.,In order to give access to a freelancer or an agency to work on your advertising,account, you need to click on partners and then click add partner.,Now you need your partners' TikTok Business Center Center,ID, you to type that in here or paste it in and then continue.,Then you can assign permissions to the advertising account to this partner.,If you don't have your partner's business center ID, then ask them to use Leadsie.,We make it as simple as two clicks for you to give them access to your TikTok assets.,Are you an agency or a freelancer, and you're looking for the easiest,way to request access to your clients' TikTok advertising account?,Then do the following.,Go to your TikTok business center.,And then on the left, go to assets and select advertiser accounts.,Then click on add advertiser account and select "request access".,Continue.,Now you need to paste in or type in the advertising ID of your client.,You may have experienced the clients often do not know this,ID and that's causing friction.,We at least have solved this problem and made it super simple,for you to request access and for your clients to give you access.,And I'm going to show you how Leadsie works just at the end of the.,Once you have requested access, your client will receive an email and,they have to approve the access for you to start working on the account.,In order for you to use your client's profile for your ads,,there's one last step we need to do.,go to your business center again, and then select TikTok accounts on the left.,Then click on request access, and select the access level that you need.,Now you will be presented with a QR code alongside with instructions,that you can share with your client.,Your client needs to open their TikTok account and scan the,QR code with their TikTok app.,This will give you access to be able to run ads through their ad,account, using their TikTok profile.,And once the process is completed, you will be able to see the TikTok profile,added in your TikTok business center.,With Leadsie requesting and giving access to TikTok advertiser,accounts is super simple.,You just log into a Leadsie account and then you can create,a custom request for TikTok.,You just select which level of access you need and that,you want to get TikTok access.,You save it, and you send it to your client.,Your client simply opens the link and then logs in with their TikTok account,and selects which TikTok advertising account to give you access to.,Then they click confirm and it's done.,Our tool Leadsie makes client onboarding hassle-free.,Not only can you get TikTok Advertiser Access.,You can also request access to Facebook assets as well as Google accounts, such,as Google analytics and Google ads.,You can try us out for free under Leadsie dot com.,And please leave a comment if you have any questions Thank you.

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How To Get US TikTok Ad Account - Target Any Location In the World

How To Get US TikTok Ad Account - Target Any Location In the World

what's up guys welcome to another video,in this video i'm going to share with,you how you can create tick-tock ads for,any country in the world so if you are,based in europe and you want to start,advertising on tech talk to people in,the us i'm going to show you exactly how,to get account and surprisingly enough,you do not even need,u.s phone number like more most gurus,tell you to actually get that done on,the other hand if you are based in the,us and you want to start advertising to,uk australia new zealand or wherever,else that video is going to help you get,the accounts you need to do that stay,tuned,welcome back guys welcome to the channel,if you're new here my name is jacob,wikowski and in this channel i document,my journey of starting new dropshipping,stores basically to see if dropshipping,is still alive in 20 and 22. so on the,beginning of this year i decided to,devote most of my time and most of my,money into creating new stores to see,again if it's possible to make money,with drop shipping and to be honest with,you for the first seven months of my,journey i didn't win anything i've lost,over 18 000,probably tested 20 25 different products,nothing worked for me until about four,weeks ago i found first true winning,product that actually brings me,consistent profit and right now i'm,averaging between two to even 500 profit,every single day so this changed a lot,for me now i'm in the phase where i'm,transitioning or scaling,and not only running ads to us-based,customers but now i moved a couple days,ago to uk as well which is doing great,for me but this basically begs the,question,how did i create multiple different,accounts to be able to target multiple,different countries with tiktok because,as you know tick tock only allows you to,target the countries where you are based,or the surrounding countries if you like,however if you're based in europe you,will not be able,by the default to target us-based,customers and vice versa so in this,video i'm going to share with you,exactly how i was able to create,my first us-based account now it's worth,to mention that my very first us-based,account,i didn't create it myself i've actually,paid 50 for it on app work i found one,person who were was basically creating,those accounts and after he created that,account he didn't even needed my,telephone number or he didn't need us,telephone number for to create my,account so,that was pretty interesting to me,because most of gurus on youtube tell,you that you need to have us-based,telephone number and all those different,things to be able to create your account,all i needed to do is to have a vpn and,change my ip to us,and then,basically,go ahead with an email i had and i used,my uk uh telephone number and that,seemed to do the trick so,we're in my computer right now like i,said all you need is vpn and email,address that have not been used with,tiktok yet so,when it comes to vpn i'm using nordvpn,and fun fact you only need it when,creating an account now,after i create the account i've never,used this vpn to login into my account i,logged in from my normal usual,ip address from my internet provider and,i never had any issues so,even if you have to buy a paid version,of nordvpn i think it will cost you,under 10 dollars per month and you only,really need it once you don't need to,keep this subscription to keep logging,into your account so that's what i did,vpn is nord,vpn i'm connected to united states right,now so go ahead and create a new account,so what you need to do is to go to,ticktalk.com forward slash business it,will redirect you to us,page,but you have to have vpn,active and then basically click click on,create new account so this will take you,to a form that you need to fill out with,your details,and again make sure that you have an,email address that have not been used,with tick tock yet,okay so we're on the sign up page so,what you need to do is to just use your,email 123,gmail.com and then from here obviously,choose your password,and then click on send code and this,will send a verification code to this,email address that you have provided so,let's see,all right there's one more step the,verification to see if you're not a,robot,and that's it so let's go ahead,move on to my email and see if we will,received,email from tiktok there it is,go back here,paste,agree to their terms and conditions and,sign up,okay so us is where we want to target,the country that we want to target,industry obviously e-commerce you can,choose any sub-category in here i think,because you will be testing multiple,products anyway so,choose anything business name if you,don't have a business and then i,probably assume that you would be using,your own name,uh right here,okay time zone and telephone number now,i personally left it as a us plus one,code um just to not give tick tock any,i don't know doubt that i'm based in the,uk and then what i did is i simply put,in my,normal uk telephone number here,three oh,there you go and i left th

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