tiktok ads ios 14

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Why Tiktok Ads Defeat IOS14

hey guys it's uh yusuf jamal with you,today i'm going to explain why tic tac,ads um you know defeat ios 14 and why,tick tock ads actually has nothing to do,with ios 14 and why it's the best place,for you to actually advertise there so,i'm going to take you through first of,all i'm going to introduce who i am and,i can actually show you um the reason,and you know kind of you know the uh,the science behind that i don't want to,say science but it's actually the,algorithm of tick tock,and why you should hop on tick tock and,stop advertising on facebook because,tick tock produces higher roads,literally so um let me just introduce,myself i'm yusuf jamal and i own a tick,tock advertising agency,um and we have a group about 1.3k,members launched it like 1.5 two months,ago um and essentially i own a,tick.advertising agency where literally,take e-commerce clients info or legion,um and help them advertise on tik-tok,inside of you know my you know tick-tock,advertising mastermind called jamal talk,and so i'm going to explain to you today,um what actually why tic toc ads defeat,ios 14 and it's actually mostly because,of the algorithm so i'm going to give,you an example i'm going to follow up,with me here so if you kind of you know,just bring two people or you know a live,example being your phone and your,brother's phone put them side by side,and actually start scrolling to the feed,together you're going to notice that,your feed your for you page is different,than his for your page and you know of,course it's the same but it's different,but it's accustomed to his hobbies and,his likings and your feed is accustomed,you know to your interests hobbies and,likings okay,so,once you advertise on tick tock,the algorithm literally pushes your,niche,your ad to the people accustomed to that,interest,so even if the user opted out of ios 14,if he likes apparel he's gonna you know,still see apparel videos because the,algorithm pushes the content to his,likings to his interests,and essentially you don't need ios 14,you need is 14. and that's actually this,is uh i mean that's actually something,that's not available on facebook now,they're in google no you know neither on,you know youtube neither this is just,accustomed to tick tock,and tiktok has been amazing for our,clients inside of you know malta our,tick tock advertising agency where we,literally walk through clients and how,to actually you know we run their ads or,we offer them a consultation and,actually bring them awesome results,inside of tick tock and actually get,them started up on tick tock um instead,of jamal talk you know this is like the,daily results you you can look for,for example for this client,he joined jamal talk,about 1.5 weeks ago and so far,he spent,k and we brought back,9.373k with a 4.17 robots,and essentially it's because the,fundamentals we teach inside of tick,tock and jamal talk,and we literally coach you know,e-commerce brands or you know agency,owners and coach their team how to run,test and scale ads because this is a,skill you need to know,and,let me just go back to the point and why,tic toc ads defeat is14 by virtue of you,actually advertising on tick tock,you're literally breaking in the,algorithm and actually letting the,algorithm push your ads to people who,are at the same interest,and by virtue of the algorithm doing,that you're going to get better results,that's literally you know what,advertising i'll take that that's,essentially why we switch from facebook,out to tick-tock,because they're you know there is a you,know the row as is much higher the,algorithm,can work to your likings and actually,push your content and i don't want to,say cons i want to say ads,because the most disbelief most you know,brands out there most people out there,like they need to have you know a,personal page,so they need to have a brand with,content and you know so much for us to,start advertising on tick tock and get,results and that's that's far from the,truth all of our clients start from zero,and they only just do tick-tock ads okay,of course posting your content,organically will help you,but,you gotta you know move the money needle,and by virtue of your advertising on,tick tock you know using kickstart tick,tock ads,you're literally letting the algorithm,push your content to people who are,interested and in turn getting a great,return on aspen,so what we do outside of jamal talk we,literally apply principles to actually,take you from add at least 5200k just,our clients for example i'm going to,show you applying here,where he literally was running tick-tock,ads,um you know and his facebook ads you,know that's you know you know the,most people you know are facing right,now so you know it was running as in,august uh you know 1 2 30 and his,revenue was 162k after he started,working with us in less than 60 to 90,days we managed to add,more than 250k i don't know i don't,subtract about you know uh even more,like maybe about 300k most recurring,revenue once he joined jama

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads ios 14

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TikTok Ads 3X Retargeting Strategy (NEW - Q4 2022)

TikTok Ads 3X Retargeting Strategy (NEW - Q4 2022)

hello everyone today we're gonna see how,you can create a marketing campaign on,tickle guys I've spent over 2 million,dollars in the platform I've seen that,actually is a very effective way to,squeeze some more conversions out of,your campaigns as well as create that,omnipresence which is very important,since the the poster OS world so yeah in,general we're gonna go higher gonna,actually create a marketing campaign,what's the best audience to put why,exactly and you should actually thinking,of creating a reminder campaign and when,it's not the really ideal way to and,when it's not ideal to actually create,one everything from other contractor to,the whole thing so let's dive actually,right into it why remarketing why you,should actually even do remark in the,first place and marketing is a great way,to get people that have interacted at,some point with your business through,that that you've shown them even you can,really so you can help them remind so,you can remind them of your brand your,product so you can make convert,detection average seven to eight times,and four Summoners actually takes the,action and breaks something from here so,you need to remind them as mass as,possible so you need to be on top of the,mind all the time and we'll create that,brand image so they can actually buy,because the first time they die this I,had might not be a in the position to,actually buy a product but in the sixth,or seventh time it might be now in the,position and to buy your product when,they have interact a bit more with your,brand or in jam and better ready to buy,your product so it's very important to,create remind campaigns of course since,the iOS 14 and played those audiences,have become more inefficient but I think,there is you can still find efficiency,in remarkable audiences especially as,you spend a lot of money on advertising,or to really create that omnipresent,approach even if it doesn't mean they'll,be us converting as it was you know,before the buyers I've seen some very,good results especially as The Tick Tock,app platform becomes better and just as,a just as an app platform really and you,know grows and becomes other level that,it is able to scale and I seriously I,think it's very very something that you,should try and experiment with because,we are seeing great results so let's see,how you can actually do that the first,thing that you need to do is to create,your audiences so if you go to assets,and you go to audiences you're gonna,have the ability to create audience here,so what are the best audience that you,should Target on Tick-Tock remarketing,so the first thing that before going,into that I recommend if you not spend,at least two or three weeks and running,traffic to call and score people don't,even you know don't even don't even,think of factors starting a marketing,campaign because you you won't have any,past data of your of the people that,actually interacted and with your ad so,it will be very small audiences which of,course foreign,campaigns are much smaller audiences but,the point of remarketing is not to find,your lessons to Market those that have,already interact with the business so we,can push them to convert if they didn't,in the first interactions with their,brand so you should have you know,somewhere or in sizes though because,otherwise you will murder them very very,fast but we don't want frequency to be,so high frequency I mean you know the,amount of times that the ad is delivered,to the same people because you're gonna,get your Target on this annoyed and Tick,Tock as a platform it has an issue with,you know pushing a lot of high,frequencies just because it can't really,deliver it as effectively and as a,freely as Facebook and not just for,another whole discussion so the key,thing here to do to actually retain is,that you should run for at least a month,on Tick Tock to then you're going to say,they're creating a remarketing effect so,let's say create an some audiences and,then I will,so at first I also suggest combination,of model funnel audiences and Border,funnel audiences so basically mineral,founder would be for example someone who,has engaged with your ad click on your,ad viewed a percentage of your ad and,put on fund will be more convention,focused actions like either after cards,you need to check out a purchased all,that kind of jazz I would recommend just,combine these audiences so you can have,the best chances of getting out of,learning phase and with a decent budget,and then if you see efficiency and,grades that's for your remarking,campaign you can just separate those two,audiences and test them in different,aspects but at first I would just say,put it all in so you can have the,biggest follow audience that you can,deliver your ad and find the best,results really and getting out of the,learning phase and,non-dependent audience very fast so my,go-to first ones will be and clicks so,everyone will actually clicked on your,ad just because it's a decent audience,size and it's

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This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit

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This Makeup App STOLE MY IDENTITY... 🤯

This Makeup App STOLE MY IDENTITY... 🤯

hi sisters james charles here and,welcome back to my youtube channel you,guys it is about time that i finally,just addressed this once and for all my,identity has been stolen,so apparently there is a very popular,game going around in the iphone app,store right now called makeup artist and,they are using my face in advertisements,i have gotten so many dms from you guys,which i very much appreciate basically,saying like hey james you might want to,check this out or like have your lawyers,look at this like this is you let me,just play you guys what what it is hi,sisters,grand theft,voice,oh my god if i look like this without,any makeup on wrinkly dinkly doc the,oops what if it wasn't for the nurse you,may look like that right i'm no no no my,lawyer will be in contact once we are,done filming this video today but i,thought before we do that they're,obviously taking advantage of me and,monetizing off of my face and my name so,i might as well flip the table and do it,back on them so i downloaded the app and,we're going to try out the makeup artist,app and do i guess a full face of makeup,on myself,what,turn the table,or flip the script,whatever i don't want to do another tape,okay you guys so first and foremost if,you search up makeup artists in the app,store okay this game is here it says,makeup artist makeup games this game,okay has a 4.6 star rating out of 38 000,reviews that's really really good like,hello clearly the advertisers they're,running on instagram are working i,really am curious to know i think it is,a free game but i'm sure there are like,in-app purchases i'd be very curious to,know if i was to actually sue these,people because i could i'm gonna sue,them how much money could i get from,this like i'm i'm genuinely asking,because i don't know really anything,about app development i really have to,sit and think like how much money are,these games actually making on a daily,basis anyway i downloaded it let's go,ahead and see what miss makeup artist is,all about,it says daily bonus 200,claim or 600 plus a gift oh but i have,to watch an advertisement to get it and,it's the longest advertisement ever okay,let's i just want to click it and say,let's say,i think you can view the jackpot today,it's super fun,my favorite part about this,advertisement is the screen being green,screened into the actual thing oh,there's another ad i don't want to,download stupid casino master,stop x out oh my god,i don't want it i have 600 now look,fantastic new necklace claim yes please,day one start oh choose the model,where's james charles oh not here no,you're just an ad they don't even want,you wait am i even in this app no,you're just being used,you can only fit this are you,i have to tap here oh a little concealer,little foundation i think we're doing oh,then beauty blending it oh we're,blending it on why am i applying a,lighter color foundation to her face,that is not a good color matchmas girl,oh my god,do i take a picture of her snapshot,oh yeah i know,i told you i completed one step that was,one,oh my god there's another ad are you,kidding me this cannot be real oh my god,i don't want to download stupid trivia,stuff oh my god i got 2 33 likes with,that little look right there miss girl,oh eye shadow,if i oh my god if i want to unlock eye,shadow i have to watch another ad,my husband is cheating on me what should,i do leave or salvage girl leave it's,called here should i find shelter no,freeze,this app isn't downloaded on my phone,it's still going,this app wasn't downloaded on my phone,for,oh now not another one why are we,pissing,this app isn't on my phone for literally,five minutes and i've already watched,four minutes worth of ads holy sh,holy how to shape her eyebrow,entirely off,i am that's what you get for making me,watch all these stupid advertisements,gorgeous gorgeous girl shave off their,eyebrows oh now i have to fill them back,in okay let's see oh see now if i oh if,i draw them back and it just magically,makes brow hair appear it's a gorgeous,little ombre brow okay now we're doing,some eye shadow oh,it's just,it doesn't even let you choose the,colors it just puts on a look all you're,doing is just scrubbing i need a haircut,oh my god,oh my god oh my god oh my god now we're,giving bailey eilish new hair give billy,her old hair back no how do these ads,get away with this stuff if i even,include three seconds of a tick tock on,a youtube video it's copyright claimed,and taken down in 46 countries yet these,advertisers are fully using famous,people's faces and voices and music and,just getting unlimited money off of it,how does this work you're made,you're mad,oh now i'm getting 421 likes oh and i,can get lipstick but i have to watch an,ad i can't even believe that i'm about,to say this is there even a way to pay,to make the ads go away oh vip yep,am i reading this correctly this costs,7.99 a week,i can't believe i just paid eight,dollars for this oh let's do this this,is kind of fun like this nice little,like bl

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Grow your ecommerce post iOS14 with Facebook ads and TikTok Ads - 2022!

Grow your ecommerce post iOS14 with Facebook ads and TikTok Ads - 2022!

hi my name is dar and in the next 10,minutes i'll show you how we eliminate,risk and generate profitable ads for our,e-commerce clients i'm going to do this,by showing you our case studies a unique,scaling strategy and also give you a,little more info about our agency and,how we work so if you've been jaded by,an agency before if you've been burned,before if you can't get your roads over,2x or if your current media buyer blames,everything on tracking an ios update,then this video is for you i promise,this will be the solution to all your,problems because we've managed to find a,specific strategy to generate profitable,ads for our e-commerce clients now in,this video i'm going to share between,this and my screen so let's jump onto my,screen share now and go through this,okay so the proven best ways to create,profitable ad campaigns to scale your,e-commerce brand well before we go into,that briefly tell you about who i am so,my name's dharma gregnell,i've over 10 years digital marketing,experience and,i started the agency a few years ago,because i saw that there's a lot of,people out there that are inexperienced,agency owners and they don't have any,experience with digital marketing and,they thought they could start running,ads,usually they're young guys probably high,school or college dropouts,just looking for the kind of a,cash flow business cash cloud cow um and,so i thought i'd start this this agency,because i've got over 10 years digital,marketing experience and not only that,i've got a team behind me that help all,our clients we work with e-commerce,businesses here's just a number of the,e-commerce businesses that we've worked,with to date um,here are a number of client testimonial,videos of clients that we've worked with,in the e-commerce space and here just,some results in the top of the screen is,the breakdown here are screenshots in,our facebook ads manager of the crazy,return on ad spend that we've gotten,clients within a number of days a number,of weeks and a number of months,consistently getting these returns for,our clients and the screenshots speak,for themselves,these are all through facebook and,instagram ad so how we work as an agency,well our philosophy is that we see every,client as a long-term investment for us,it's all about building long-term,strategic partnerships so we build,relationships to last so advertising,service we just do one one service for,one niche that's just facebook and,instagram ads for e-commerce um,businesses so we know exactly what type,of ad copy converts what type of,creatives convert how to set up ad,campaigns to generate revenue for,e-commerce brands when you're when,you're working with uh,other agencies who offer 360 services,they'll offer email,website conversion posting organically,social media management and ads then,they can't specialize so we specialize,in one service for one niche for that,reason and we've got no office space so,we don't you know we we we work,completely remotely 24 7 me and my team,so that means,our service fee isn't,you know we're not adding on extra,service fee for rent or coffee machines,or any of that nonsense so that's how we,can we can make our margins um and our,cost so low,again as i said we're experiencing just,one service for one niche that's just,facebook and instagram ads in the,e-commerce niche now the pillars of,social media ads,there are four pillars to creating uh,revenue generating social media ads to,stand out in front of your competitors,the pillars are the client avatar the,customer avatar the ad copy the ad,creative and the targeting so let's jump,into them right now so,your customer avatar obviously have to,understand your custom your consumers,understand their pain point understand,their thinking strategies and understand,their why so we actually do all of this,through analyzing data and by analyzing,this data that lets us drive decisions,obviously you as an e-commerce business,know your products and your customers,more than anyone else but we we take,this knowledge from you but we also look,at the data because data never lies and,it helps us drive decisions to get our,targeting to more people that want and,need your products,now the ad copy ad copy we use ad copy,to maximize our click-through rate and,lower our cost per click with ad copy,there has to be a strong direct hook to,grab attention we then use the pain,points and keywords identified during,our research stage to best elicit,emotional reaction to click on the link,and of course we use supporting copy,with extra product features so the ad,copy you gotta think about it when,people are aimlessly scrolling the,creatives which have come on to straight,after this,help,talk people in but then to keep their,attention there we need the ad copy to,to hook their attention and get them to,click through so by creating um,emotionally um,copy that that reacts emotional um,reactions from the people that see the,ads this is how we generate higher,revenues for our clients a

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iOS 14 TikToks THAT GIVE YOU INSPIRATION ✨ - Tik Tok Compilation #2

iOS 14 TikToks THAT GIVE YOU INSPIRATION ✨ - Tik Tok Compilation #2

being good i'm a bad i'm sick,of trying to tell me how,to live,rap hoes hate under my pictures on the,ground you better hope,she ain't used to text me now she won't,caress me,she keep trying to connect me i gotta,tell my bestie,someone call my bestie think i found my,bestie,she gave me top at the red light ,the old now i'm rich it's a new,time,it's gonna hurt,crazy,oh she passed away oh,um all right,i was running far away would i run off,the wall,someday nobody knows nobody even knows i,was dancing in the rain i felt 11 i,can't complain,i want you in my room,go get that,oh,and no we didn't in my broken heart,oh,is a losing game,got being good i'm a bad i'm,sick of trying to tell me,how to live,hoes hate under my pictures on the,ground you better hope i never run,across your man uh,hell yeah,is,uh,ah,oh,i just wanna feel something i just wanna,feel,something really real,i feel so close to you right now,it's a force field,me,i'll bet you i can run faster in the,wind,i don't resistance die but i don't wanna,live like this i just wanna,feel something i just wanna feel i just,wanna,feel something i just wanna feel,something really real so that i can't,really,feel like a person again a stranger,i'll bet ya i can run faster with the,wind resistance,good i would call her wish i had a,rabbit and a hat

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Why Tiktok Ads Beat IOS14 and FB ads

Why Tiktok Ads Beat IOS14 and FB ads

hey guys welcome back to another video,video it's justified and i own one of,the largest tick tock ad agency um what,we do is actually handle done for you,creatives where we produce all the,creatives for tick tock and we also,coach our clients how to run test and,scale tick tock ads um which is purely,ninety percent of tick tock has our,focus on creatives or youtube shorts or,instagram rules so today's video is,going to be um you know today's video is,about is why tic toc had to be ios 14,and facebook ads and first of all uh tic,tac ad is a lot of huge opportunity for,advertisers and it's not you know many,people say it's a new platform so,there's you know there's a gold rush and,um the the clicks that the cheap place,you can get are for lowest price no,that's not true um i think tick tock ads,will get a little bit more expensive um,one two years from now but not that,expensive and it's gonna stay as you,know people are getting results right,now it's gonna stay um at this level and,even get even better results um and the,reason why is it's because it's,independent of ios 14. so let me explain,why tick tock ads are you know purely,independent of ios 14. it's because,first of all when you advertise on tick,tock or let's just you know give up your,example um,the algorithm is a decision maker so if,you like apparel you know if you scroll,on tick tock if you're mid-age,just download the the app come on just,download it um even my mom downloaded,the app yesterday and it's uh she she's,scrolling down on tick tock for three,hours at least uh or two or three hours,at least like this hooks you up um and,and i'm gonna go this further the video,but anyways why the clock ads are the,best for advertisers in terms of roi and,broads um,it's because the algorithm is a decision,maker and the,ios 14 is it's independent ios 14. the,reason i say that is go actually grab,your siblings phone or someone related,to you or anyone you know your friend,just put on compare your phone side by,side you know you both scroll on the 40,page you're going to notice that history,page is accustomed to his interest and,your 40 pages custom duration that's,because if he likes parallel fashion,he's going to see more of that in his 40,page and if you like health and sciences,you're going to see more than your page,the reason i say that's because it's,really um,real you can go text text test it out,you know fun experiment but as you,notice that not everyone everyone is,actually has a free page accustomed to,to his personality to his likings,to his interests and that's the power of,the algorithm,and that's a very very huge um advantage,because most advertisers are after by,facebook ads and now they can hop on,tick tock put their ad on you know tic,tac ads and actually,let the algorithm optimize and push,their ad to people who their interest,without even targeting okay so the,reason why i say ninety percent of tick,tock is dependent you know or tick tock,or tick tock ads are dependent um on,creative wise and not media buying so if,you had the world's best class media,buying skills and you have the worst,kind of creatives that literally that,don't fit or tic tac i'm going to show,examples you're going to notice a huge,huge huge um very bad results very bad,results in the ads manager you're even,breaking even below breaking even you're,requiring customers very expensive um,and that's because um and you're back to,you know square one where you know,you're you go back to facebook because,facebook is a little bit better on tick,tock and you think that and that's,because you literally are not optimized,even your team if you have an e-commerce,ban you're literally not optimized to,actually have a creative team to,actually make creatives that look like,tick-tocks and not ads because if you,make a tic-tac-ad that looks like an ad,this will work against you,i'm going to show you an example so,stick around in this video so i can show,you what exactly you should do,um and the second point is if you had,the worst media like skills your stream,has the worst with the right skills like,they don't know how to test the scale of,tic-tock,um and you have the best kind of,creatives okay this is where you,actually thrive because the the it's,like a balance the creatives are really,heavier than the media buying skills and,you will crush it on tick tock trust me,um and that's why inside of jamal talk,we actually produce the creatives and,don't frequents behind all the stress um,essentially you know what we do is,actually build a game plan for each,brand and where we're gonna shoot the,scripts and everything we handle,everything because we know what works on,tick tock and what doesn't work and the,number one rule um is make tick tocks,and ads that's even a slogan and it's,very very virtual i'm going to show you,even why at the end of this video,and i'm going to show you examples of,what's the worst and best kind of ads,you can create and you know clients come,to me you know w

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TikTok Ads for E-commerce (Step-by-Step) in 2022

TikTok Ads for E-commerce (Step-by-Step) in 2022

in this video you are going to learn how,to set up a tick tock ads campaign to,drive conversions for your ecom store,regardless if you're selling on your own,store or you are doing drop shipping now,tick tock advertising is more important,than ever today,because facebook advertising and,instagram ads have become quite,expensive and they're not as effective,because of the ios 14 change that,recently happened now i have invested,over 75 million dollars of paid social,ads running thousands of campaigns over,the last 10 years working with global,and fortune 500 brands and working with,very large global advertising agencies,so as i show you,the different elements of the tik-tok,ads manager and as i show you how to,build a conversion campaign i'm also,going to give you tips,and best practices that you want to soak,up,make sure to pause this video as you,follow along if the information becomes,too overwhelming and then just come back,to it also lastly before we get started,super important that you watch this,from start to finish because i've seen,advertisers lose as much as eighty,thousand dollars in one single week just,because they clicked on one wrong,placement one wrong setting now that,said let's get started and if you want,to follow along make sure to visit the,link at the top go to,ads.ticktalk.com and before we create a,campaign there are going to be a few,prerequisites now in in i'm not going to,cover all those prerequisites in this,video you should do that on your own,time and that's first of all creating an,ad account,um you want to also create a pixel and,put that on your ecom site or you know,whatever site you're using to drive,conversions,and you're also going to want to set up,a billing method um like a credit card,or a debit card for your business so,this is super important so that you can,follow along but even if you haven't,done so you can still follow along in,this video that said let's get to it,okay so the first thing i want to do is,give you a tour of the ads manager now,the place where you will spend the most,amount of your time is this tab right,here called campaign here you will be,able to see all the different campaigns,that you build,um this ads manager for tick tock is,structured very similar to facebook so,if you're familiar with facebook,advertising you know that you have a,campaign level where you have certain,settings you have an ad group level,where you build your different audiences,and that's where you do you know all of,your targeting and your bids,and then you have an ad level at the,bottom,and your ads live within your ad group,and are also connected back to that,original campaign group so it's very,similar,um not too different but there are,nuances at each one of these stages and,we're going to go through all them,another tab that you might spend some,time in is under assets,specifically with your creatives so you,can see the creatives that you've,uploaded as well as your audiences,this is again very similar to what,you've seen in facebook ads if you're,familiar and towards the end of the,video we'll do a little bit of deep dive,towards that,as you can see here there's already some,metrics,um some some custom columns that you can,actually create so you can see how much,money you're spending you could see what,your average cost per clip,or any other,key performance indicators i imagine,that conversion and the cost per,conversion is going to be super,important to your business,so,should be very familiar if you've done,any facebook advertising now that said,let's go to hit that create button and,see what we have,so there's a few different types,of objectives that you'll see here and,again if you've advertised on facebook,some of them are going to be more,familiar now for 99.9 percent of you,watching this video conversion is going,to be relevant but i want to take a,quick second and just talk about some of,the other objectives and what scenarios,you might use them,so if you were doing brand advertising,um reach campaigns might make sense,because you're just trying to get in,front of as many people as possible if,you're doing ecom sales,not relevant please don't use this,if you have an app and you're trying to,get people to install your app because,you're trying to sell people,on a subscription service app installs,might make sense,um if you have a b2b business and you're,trying to drive leads lead generation,might make sense for your business and,you can collect leads within the,platform very similar to as you've,probably seen with facebook ads,traffic is one that might be relevant to,you as an ecom advertiser especially,when you're starting off because you,might not have a lot of conversion data,on your pixel but again for 99 of you,probably don't want to start there we're,going to start with a conversion,campaign there's very few scenarios,where as an e-com advertiser you want to,run a traffic campaign and that's either,a brand new website or brand new pixel,and you might want

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