tiktok ads hashtags

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How to use local hashtags in your TikTok ads

hello friends and welcome to small,business wednesday i'm your host carrie,canole thank you so much for tuning in,to today's episode about how to use,local hashtags in your tiktok ads if,you're watching this on youtube please,hit that subscribe button and a bell,notification if you like this video and,get some good value out of it please hit,the like or thumbs up as well whether,you're watching this on youtube on,linkedin or on facebook,and as always please share this with,anyone who might benefit from it or find,it of interest i'd appreciate that,and as always feel free to leave me a,comment i'd love to hear from you even,if it's just to say hi,so hi,um so i'm going to get started i'm going,to show you exactly what i have for you,today might take a little longer than,usual but i want to show you how this,works so i'm inside my tic toc ads,manager,and i want to create a brand new,campaign so i'm going to click this,button here it says create,and hopefully everything will go,smoothly while i'm doing this but we'll,see,and the first thing that's going to come,up here is either simplified mode or,custom mode i'm just going to use,simplify mode for right now,and then of course we got community,interaction get website visits generate,customer leads or drive conversions,right now we'll just leave it on,simplified mode with get website visits,for this demonstration,and then here we are going to do,location and audience type and we have,some other factors here inside of select,your audience so under location this is,where,i would go in and if i was doing a,location like las vegas i would type it,in and then i would select it,and then under,let's go on here i think i have to,actually get through to the,create the ad and then go back and edit,to show you where i can actually add the,hashtags let me double check here though,so let's say demographics was no limit,on male or female no limit on age range,languages we have no limit right now we,could change that to english just to,make sure we're not showing it to anyone,who doesn't speak english,interest and behavior,um this see this shows any uh include,people with any of the following,interests or carried out following,interactions with videos but nothing,else is here then we have additional,placements and we are just going to,stick to tick tock we don't want pango,or news feed app series so continue,then we're going to put our budget in at,least five dollars minimum there start,now with no end date continue,and,on the create an ad section we're just,going to grab one of my ads here,so we can just add something,and,we can go back if we want to change it,let's do that let's just change it to,the other one,here to make sure everything's cool so,we'll add that one,and then we have our url since we're,sending it to somewhere let's just put,our url in there and then we're keeping,learn more as our action we don't need,to worry about display name and text,it's all in the video itself we don't,add name itself i usually like to you,know somewhat tighten up with whatever,the name of the video is or whatever is,happening in the video,and then um i just gonna click publish,right so once i click publish,it's going to say creating ad your ad is,being created,and it's going to take me back to the,campaign level here in a second,i can go to ads manager right now too,but i just want to show you the process,now it says redirecting as manager in,three seconds so now it's going to,redirect me back to ads manager,and here inside of ads manager it's,going to be the first campaign listed,so i'm going to click on this to get to,the ad group level,similar to an ad set in facebook and,then we're going to click on edit,and then once you're here you're going,to see the promotion type is website and,placement we've already selected,custom targeting so we have demographic,location las vegas,english no limit on gender no limit on,age audience we don't want to include or,exclude anything interest behaviors so,they give you some ideas of what some,based on recent campaigns conversions in,your industry i mean a lot of this,doesn't match up i'm not quite sure,where to get it from,we have ad interest ad,behavior video interactions ad behavior,creator interactions ad behavior hashtag,interaction so this is what we want,expand that and then in here we can,start typing in a hashtag like las vegas,for instance,and you can see we have las vegas here,las vegas golf homes barber tattoo,realtor,uh i don't know what showdown is,bartender real estate hair stylist,restaurants tattoo artist and these are,just some of the ones that are in here,right now now,granted not all the hashtags you'll find,when you set up a organic tik tok when,you start typing in hashtags will show,up,in the advertising,platform here the ads manager and i'm,not certain why um but there are quite a,few good ones here if you are working,like let's say with real estate agents,you could have a hashtag las vegas real,estate and then you could al

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads hashtags

Let's move on to the first section of tiktok ads hashtags

Use These NEW Hashtags To Go VIRAL on TikTok Fast (GUARANTEED VIEWS)

Use These NEW Hashtags To Go VIRAL on TikTok Fast (GUARANTEED VIEWS)

if you haven't noticed the best hashtags,on tiktok are always changing and this,definitely impacts the opportunity to,actually get views in today's video,we're going to actually be covering the,exact strategies you need to use with,hashtags what hashtags to go after so,that way you can not only maintain view,volume but actually grow your account,and most of the time people are seeing,one and actual drop in views whenever,they're using the same hashtags over and,over again or two they're seeing,inconsistencies where they're actually,you know seeing a big jump in views or,no views at all in their next video and,then they have a long string of videos,without any views and sometimes they,might get a video and sometimes not go,viral and this one's really annoying,because it gives you some hope but,there's still a lot of testing and trial,and error so i'm going to be breaking,down exactly what hashtags and the,actual strategy you can put together to,actually maintain consistencies in your,actual view volume so watch this video,to the entire end and you're gonna have,a perfect strategy to actually start,implementing with your brand or personal,page,and for example this video right here,arc drops is using this actual strategy,and just to break it down you can,actually see like this video here did,3.4 million views about 30 000 likes and,of course view volume directly comes,from the actual quality of the content,the engagement the editing style and,there's a lot of factors that play into,it but how tik-tok hashtags actually,work are you can actually get pushed out,through different hashtags based on what,people are watching when you have a,hashtag and there's videos that are,similar in that space tiktok's actually,taking that data and seeing what videos,and hashtags you're interacting with and,actually showing you more content like,that so it's important to actually have,you know hashtag strategy implemented,here because it does affect to some,degree your actual view volume and your,initial reach that you're getting so to,break this down they have you know niche,hashtags then they have broad hashtags,and then they have what are called open,hashtags and to make this simple for you,you can quite literally see supplements,is a niche hashtag because art drops is,a supplement so they're using a niche,hashtag in a niche hashtag this in this,case has about 52 000 videos 1.3 billion,views it might sound like a lot of views,but relative to other hashtags that are,broader and more open you'd be surprised,at how many views hashtags get and you,can see in the space that you know,there's a lot of similarities in the,actual videos and it makes sense because,these are actually supplements so let's,go ahead and look at what is a broad,hashtag and that is something like,reaction it's not entirely away from,their actual you know specific video it,is a reaction video but it's a broad,reaction a reaction could mean anything,it could be a reaction to you know,opening an actual present it could be a,reaction video to finding out that,somebody just received you know a new,puppy it could be somebody's reaction to,a prank it gets a lot more broad but,it's still maintaining that overarching,category of the videos all being,reaction based and this has 129 billion,views which is about 129 times the size,of the other audience we were just,looking at and 1.8 million videos so now,you can see that this one is a lot more,broad and then it gets even more broad,by what are called open hashtags and so,if we look at a trending we're talking,about 250 billion views and 196,million videos,so this could be just about anything,that is trend,related any viral video that's gone out,there and this is where you see those,170 million viewed videos now what's,really interesting about this is is the,bigger the hashtag that's being used the,bigger the actual video view volume on,some of these videos so you know there,is going to be chances where you can,maximize the growth within each hashtag,and you want to break this down into,three buckets that we were talking about,you're going to be going after niche,hashtags which are going to be related,to your actual brand or video that,you're posting broad hashtags which have,an overarching theme and then you're,going to have open hashtags which are,very open and could just about have you,know any type or style of video in them,and this is just going to deliver you to,a whole new audience that you haven't,yet reached before and you can see these,examples on videos like this one here in,this video as well where they're,literally getting millions of views and,you can quite literally understand that,this hashtag strategy plays you know a,role in actually moving your view volume,in your video and so if you want to,replicate and implement this exact,strategy let's go ahead and walk through,how you can actually do it before we get,into it make sure to like and subscribe,if you haven't already we put a lot of,effort into these

After seeing the first section, I believe you have a general understanding of tiktok ads hashtags

Continue the next second section about tiktok ads hashtags



Hai ketemu lagi bersama saya widyakusuma,senang sekali karena menangani ini,saya berkesempatan buatin video berteman,lagi setelah dua minggu lebih temen saya,nggak sempat buatin video karena saat,sibuk ya teman-teman Ada beberapa proyek,yang saya garap ada beberapa Bismar juga,tentang saya untuk kita kerjasama,pastinya ya kalau misalnya Anda pemilik,bisnis dan owner bisnis atau omnitrend,yang mau memajukan bisnis anda di,Advertising teman-teman boleh diam saya,di IGD bawang atau Comment di bawah,teman-teman saya akan coba ah pelajarin,profil bisnis Anda Ya siapa tahu bisa,saya bantu kembangkan bersama juga ya Ah,di hari ini temen-temen pastinya saya,akan datang membawakan materi yang cukup,penting buat Anda yang ah mengenai apa,mengenai topologi pastinya ya karena,kitok saat ini istri hak lagi viral,banget ya untuk kita bahas dan sayang,sekali temen-temen enggak mengembangkan,bisnisnya di tiktok yang bukan berarti,di Facebook nggak bagus IG nggak bagus,atau di Google nah bagus ya temen-temen,tiktok juga perlu Anda pakai di dalam,bisnis Anda nah di hari ini saya akan,membawa materi ya memang seringkali n,teman-teman pertanyaan ya soal Gimana,cara bisa mengawinkan kempten ya dan,Gimana caranya CBR bisa murah ya,pada intinya kamu nelpon ya iklan bisa,murah dan iklan bisa Winning Ya beda,dengan sangat beda sekali dengan seperti,Facebook ya teman kalau ditiktok,begitu kontennya Winning akan menjangkau,banyak orang nah pertanyaan teman using,sekitarnya kau gimana cara bikin pot,penyakit iklan yang cepat Winning cepat,kyb dan Gimana caranya membuat Hai ah,Estate yang berlebihan nah teman-teman,di kesempatan Hari ini saya akan,membagikan beberapa,waktu siang teman-teman untuk riset,membuat konten yang Winning sebenarnya,terusnya habitus dari luar juga ada,teman-teman bisa pakai Google Trend yang,pertama teman-teman juga bisa,menggunakan a reset divishoes di ini,menurun di,shopee juga bisa dimakan teh juga bisa,nah dikesempatan hari ini temen saya,akan menggunakan tools yang mati memang,ada yang ada yang sudah disediakan,ditiktok ya teman-teman soal teman-teman,jangan lupa,seperti biasa teman-teman Jangan lupa,untuk share video ini le video ini agar,teman-teman diluaran sana juga paling,tidak bisa mendapatkan video ini dan,bisa belajar bersama kita juga dan bisa,sukses digital juga ya jangan lupa,Comment di video ini ya kalau misalnya,teman-teman ada panjang bisa juga DM,saya di Instagram juga teman-teman oke,kita langsung ke videonya teman-teman,fitur desktop ya,Hai Oke kita akan langsung masuk ke aset,teman-teman Asep lalu teman-teman masuk,ke materi iklan,Nah disinilah kita akan lihat,Hai kumpulan yang lagi trend,teman-temannya industri yang lagi trend,hashtag yang lagi trend sekarang adalah,karena sekarang lagi 17-an Agustus,setiap pastinya temen-temen ya yang lagi,trend itu adalah yang berhubungan dengan,hari kemerdekaan ya serunya Indonesia ya,tiktok Merdeka sel yet pastinya yang ada,di sini ya Dan kita bisa lihat juga,dibawa eh Epic iklan yang teratas ini,clan-nya teman-teman Yanto Pets,teman-teman bisa lihat iklan yang,sekarang,trafiknya lagi bagus nih ya ini,teman-teman bisa eh samapi tiru dan,modifikasi,contek iklannya Ya saya akan Coba klik,satu eh temen saya akan,Hai Nagita Kamu lihat Disini,Hai kenaikannya dari tanggal dua tanggal,28 2022 hastag nya tanggal dua kan baru,mulai agustus ya STK pasti masih sedikit,sekali pakai nah di tanggal 8 hari ini,ini dan naik drastis teman-teman ya udah,mau muncak nih kalau udah sampai 7 deket,17agustus ini lebih memuncak lagi,naiknya dan kita lihat hestek ini audion,Insight nya disini teman-teman,usianya itu dua,18-34 Nah maka teman-teman kalau,misalnya mau pakai hashtag ini seru,Indonesia pastinya teman-teman pada saat,Islam sudah mentargetkan usianya di,sekitaran sini teman-teman jangan di,usia diatas dari 35 ya mulainya mungkin,ya mulainya doa 4-3 34 ya temennya Nah,kita bisa lihat Disini yang masih,didominasi,Hai dominasi adalah produk software yang,teman-teman yakni gak bisa diklik ya,Coba,software aplikasi software dan Leeteuk,konten ya,masih it dengan konten nah ini demi Siak,dia pasti Indonesia karena hari,kemerdekaan Indonesia yang pakai hastag,nya,Malaysia ada di luar negeri ada Taiwan,gua ada ya Macau juga ada eh karena kan,banyak-banyak sekali teman-teman kita ya,orang Indonesia Memang kerja di,eh Malaysia Singapura Taiwan bahkan,pindah ke sana juga banyak Nah yang,dibawa inilah hashtag yang akan kita,pakai teman-temannya seruindonesia nanti,bisa tambahkan hashtag yang disini untuk,laptopnya,ini adalah hestek yang lagi relevan,sekali di hari kemerdekaan,maka sekarang kita kembali lagi,Hai pertanyaan temen-temen pasti dong,kalau misal industri bisnis saya,fesyen,pakaian lah ya pasti teman-teman harus,masuknya di sini ya ini ada fesyen,aksesoris termasuk fashionnya,teman-teman ya pakaian baby beauty Ya,saya akan Coba klik misalnya eh di,fashion nah nih fashion edisi asesoris,ada di sini ya,Hai asesoris sadis ini kalau misalnya,temenin juga termasuk jam tang

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TikTok LEAKS How Hashtags Actually Work in 2023 - Viral TikTok Hashtags Strategy (not how you think)

TikTok LEAKS How Hashtags Actually Work in 2023 - Viral TikTok Hashtags Strategy (not how you think)

if you've been seeing a decrease in both,the amount of views that you're getting,on Tick Tock and the amount of followers,that you're getting it's probably,because Tick Tock has totally changed,how they're using hashtags and they,change the best hashtag strategies that,you need to make sure that you're,implementing to increase the odds if,you're getting more views on your videos,and ultimately your video going viral or,even your video getting views over a,long period of time because like I,mentioned hashtags have completely,changed and you guys need to make sure,that you're staying up to date and on,this stuff because if you're not that's,the reason that you've begun to see both,a decrease in the amount of views that,you're getting and the amount of,followers that you're getting that being,said if you simply implement the tips,that I share with you in this video,you're going to see absolutely amazing,results this Creator just gained 50 000,followers in just 30 days this Creator,over 80 000 followers in this Creator,over 100 000 followers in the same exact,thing can happen to you if you simply,implement the blueprint that I'm about,to share with you in this video for,starters the first hashtag strategy that,you need to make sure that you're,implementing is for new specific,hashtags now there are three other,hashtag strategies that we need to cover,I'm going to tell you the mistakes that,you're making with hashtags and the,major update that has come to hashtags,because quite frankly hashtags don't,mean what they used to mean on Tick Tock,that being said before we dive into that,I need you to smash that subscribe,button if you want to grow quicker on,Tick Tock Instagram or YouTube I,literally upload a video about how to,grow on these platforms every single day,in addition to that I created a free,Tick Tock growth course that I'll share,with you things the best time to post on,Tick Tock right now you can get at the,link in the pin comment below on top of,that here's my phone number I guarantee,that I can help you go on Tick Tock and,I want to help you grow faster so please,shoot me a text message ask me any,questions that you have I want to get,closer to you and I want to help you,grow more on tick tock now before we,could dive into the other hashtag,strategies that you need to make sure,that you're implementing I need to make,sure that you actually understand what,kind of hashtag is what essentially,there are two different hashtags right,now there are broad hashtags things like,hashtag fyp hashtag viral hashtag,trending that a lot of gurus will tell,you not to use but they have absolutely,no idea what they're talking about if,you look at most of the viral content on,Tick Tock they have these broad hashtags,and I'll explain later why that is but,then the second type of hashtag is Niche,specific or post-specific hashtags these,are the hashtags that are actually,around whatever you're going to be,posting about so if you're posting about,Fitness they're the fitness hashtags if,you're posting about crypto they're the,crypto hashtags if you're posting about,fashion they're the fashion hashtags or,music or rapper whatever the case is so,now that you know each kind of hashtags,here's the second hashtag strategy that,you need to make sure that you're,implemented and that's four to five,broad hashtags again these broad,hashtags are things like hashtag viral,hashtag fyp hashtag trending now before,we could get into the last two hashtag,strategies that you need to make sure,you're implementing I need to make sure,that you're not making these simple,mistakes that I see so many small query,is making that are ultimately leading to,a decrease in views and a decrease in,the amount of followers that they're,getting during quite frankly the easiest,time ever to grow on Tick Tock now those,mistakes are things like using a,relevant hashtags which you want to make,sure that you do not do using hashtags,that are too small using the same,hashtags over and over and over again,and misplacing their hashtags when you,use hashtags it should come after your,description at the end of it it,shouldn't be in the beginning they,shouldn't be in the middle you shouldn't,be replacing random words with hashtags,that just makes you look like an idiot,in fact it doesn't help you in The Tick,Tock algorithm and it's going to be,hurting you because of the way that Tick,Tock is changing the way that they're,using hashtags in the past Tick Tock use,hashtags at first to index content and,then it evolved and it changed into Tick,Tock using them to try to figure out,what kind of audience they should be,pushing your content to but they've,essentially gotten away from that,because so many people have abused,hashtags and what they're using now is,more SEO so what do I mean by this,whatever you're going to be targeting in,the past if you made a fitness video you,might have used a bunch of Fitness,hashtags and low loaded up and that,helped you get a lot of views

After seeing the third section, I believe you have a general understanding of tiktok ads hashtags

Continue the next fourth section about tiktok ads hashtags



if you haven't noticed yet the best,hashtags to be using on tiktok right now,have recently changed and for a lot of,you this has caused you to see two,things either one you've seen a drastic,decrease in the amount of views that,you're getting because you're using the,wrong hashtags right now or secondly,what you're seeing is inconsistent views,sometimes you might be using the right,hashtags without noting it that's why,you're getting a lot of views and then,other times you're not using them or you,might be using the wrong hashtags or the,wrong hashtag strategies or even worse,making the mistakes that i'm going to,share with you later on in this video,which are causing you to see a decrease,in views nevertheless by the end of this,video you're gonna know exactly what,four hashtag strategies you need to be,implementing right now and you're gonna,know what mistakes to be avoiding,because this creator just gained a,hundred thousand followers this creator,a hundred thousand followers and this,creator 100 000 followers all in less,than 30 days and you can replicate the,same exact thing if you simply implement,this strategy that i'll be sharing with,you in this video for starters the first,hashtag strategy you need to be using is,three new spliffa hashtags now before i,share with you exactly what any specific,or broad hashtags are if you don't know,if those are i need you to smash the,subscribe button if you want to grow,quicker on tiktok instagram or youtube i,literally upload a video but i had to go,on these platforms every single day in,addition to that i created a free tic,toc growth course you can get at the,link in the pin comma below it's going,to share with you things like the best,time to be posting on tick tock which,has also recently changed so please make,sure you get into it again it is 100,free in addition to that here's my phone,number right here i literally quit my,job working for garyvee to help you grow,on tick tock so please hit me up i want,to help you grow and get more views so,when it comes to the hashtags you could,be using right now on tiktok there are,essentially three different hashtags the,first one niche specific when it comes,to niche hashtags these are gonna be the,hashtags that you see when you look up a,topic when you look up hashtag fitness,this is what they are if you look up,hashtag crypto this is what they are,hashtag affiliate marketing this is what,they are these are niche specific,they're going to be very specific to,whatever you're actually posting about,and you need to make sure that when,you're using these do not use the small,ones do not use the irrelevant ones you,want to be using the biggest ones,because the way that tech talk actually,uses hashtags is they look at what kind,of hashtags you're using in your content,to determine what audience they should,then be pushing that content to they,push that content to that audience if,that audience interacts with that video,the content will get pushed out even,more the audience doesn't interact with,the video it's not going to get pushed,out and for a lot of you that is why,your views are suffering now there's a,second type of hashtag which are broad,hashtags broad hashtags are things like,hashtag fyp hashtag trending hashtag,viral these help you expand the reach of,the content that you're using a lot of,people will say don't use these but they,couldn't be more wrong in fact almost,every viral video that goes viral on,tick tock it has a lot of these hashtags,in it the reason being it expands the,audience that you're reaching if you,only use niche specific ones then you're,only going to reach your niche if you,have some of those in there it starts to,expand it and then basically what,happens if somebody interacts with a,crypto video a fitness video a fashion,video any type of video they're going to,then see more of that content so if that,person had never interacted with that,before but they have interacted with,something under hashtag viral hashtag,trending hashtag for you peach or,whatever on the broad hashtag use well,then what tick tock is going to do it's,going to expand that audience and it's,going to find a new audience of that if,you don't know how the tiktok algorithm,works in a nutshell here's how it works,but before we go through that i do want,to emphasize guys this organic reach,we're currently seeing on tick tock is,not going to last much longer if you're,a small creator a medium-sized creator,or a large creator that wants to be even,bigger the opportunity for you to,actually grow for you to rank on search,for you to establish yourself within a,niche big or small the opportunity is,going to be fading in the next couple,months you need to begin to take this,seriously right now because i'm telling,you if you don't you're going to be,missing out on potentially changing your,life with tick tock while the organic,reach is incredible right now because,i'm telling you there's not much time,left when it comes to this,first

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How Targeting Works for TikTok Ads (In Depth Explanation)

How Targeting Works for TikTok Ads (In Depth Explanation)

what is going on guys my name is gerardo,and if we haven't met let me tell you a,little bit about myself i am a tick,talker that also happens to run a tick,tock marketing agency we focus on,helping brands grow both organically and,through paid ads on tick tock over the,past year i've managed over 2 million in,ad spend exclusively on tick tock so i,wanted to bring all my knowledge over to,youtube that being said let's go ahead,and get right into it,so as you can see here we are at the ad,group level and we've made our way down,to targeting so i'm going to walk you,through all the actual targeting,features what they mean what you can do,with them and how to actually use them,in your actual campaigns,so first things first we have audiences,uh this is comprised off of custom,audiences and look like audiences if,you're not familiar with what a custom,audience is i'll have a separate video,on that as well as lookalikes but just,to give you a quick rundown a custom,audience is essentially compiling a list,of people based off of different,interactions that they've had with,either your website uh it could be a,custom email list could be your actual,tick tock business profile and a couple,others as well,basically the idea before custom,audiences they come in clutch,specifically when you're looking to,retarget users that may have interacted,with your business in the past,if you are actually running campaigns,for the first time don't sweat this at,all i just go ahead and leave this blank,for the time being,you can also exclude specific audiences,so let's say for example you create an,audience of people that have already,purchased from you in the last 30 days,depending on what that actual audience,size is it could be pretty impactful to,make your ads a little bit more,effective as well which you could,actually select here in the excluded,section,demographics so when it comes to,demographics obviously you have location,and one thing i actually highlight you,can get a little bit more detailed with,your location these days uh on tick tock,and break it down not just by country,but also by actual,state as well so if you have something,that's a little bit more local or you,want to target a specific state within a,country i know some countries are,accessible for that specific feature but,in terms of location pretty,straightforward,uh gender not much to explain there age,so funny thing about tick tock age is,not as,uh how would you say it's on facebook,for example you have the option to,select like only 18 year olds only 19,year olds here they're blocked into,different segments but again,depending on who your product is catered,to if you're trying to sell something,that's more of an adult demographic or a,younger demographic just act accordingly,based off of your best instinct or just,leave it completely wide open,languages i tend to just leave this,blank depending on what country you're,running again if you're targeting the us,i think all languages is just fine,yeah i wouldn't really fuss that too,much,now when it comes to interest and,behaviors this is where it actually gets,pretty fun,so as you can see here we have the,option to actually just target whatever,tick tock recommends now the thing here,is,if you don't have like a seasoned pixel,meaning a pixel that's been operating,for a long time or you don't have a lot,of conversion data this might not be the,best option right off the bat typically,what i like to do is when i'm launching,test campaigns i start super super,simple and i'll create one ad group with,a wide open audience so what do i mean,by that i mean say for example i'm,targeting 13 up to 34 i can leave gender,open location open no custom audiences,bam that would be my open audience right,super simple super open,and i have a very very large audience to,actually go after,the reason being here is you can,actually let the,actual algorithm optimize accordingly,and in addition to that over time you,will be able to see,which interests your campaigns are best,converting on so that you can create sub,ad groups based off of that uh actual,data which again i'll make a video on uh,at a further date,now,if we're talking about interest these,are just general interests that you can,search for basically under any category,and they're broken down into different,tiers so,what you see initially are going to be,tier 1 interest right so let's say for,example we click on apps everything,under this,secondary string is going to be tier 2,interest so let's say for example we're,doing business and productivity within,here this would be our t3,or tier 3 and then sometimes you'll have,tier 4 on tech talk as well,you can also search specifically like,beauty and see what comes up,so here you have uh beauty and personal,care that's probably going to be a tier,one interest and it's going to give you,an audience size as well which is very,important it says here you have,basically 53 to 64 million which is huge,um,and then additional interest of

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How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

hello everyone welcome to technic four's,learning in the previous videos i've,talked about the tick tock ads the,basics and benefits of advertising on,tiktok and i've showed you how to,advertise on tick tock step by step now,let's take a look of the different ways,to advertise on tick tock let's get,started,let's get into what tick-tock ads,actually look like tick-tock offers a,variety of different creative ad formats,for brands and businesses to explore,you've likely seen most of the different,types of your daily tick tock scroll up,here are five types of tick-tock ads we,have in feed ads brand takeover top view,branded hashtag challenge and branded,effects,with a variety of different options to,choose from it's hard to know which ad,format is best for your brand which is,why we dive into different types of,tick-tock ads and how they can work for,your business first in-field ads are the,video ads that appear in between user,videos as you scroll through your for,you page if you are unfamiliar with,tick-tock and the for you page in feed,ads are very similar to the ads you'd,see while tapping through instagram,stories you can get super creative with,inpeed ads you can include multiple call,to actions and make your video anywhere,between 9 to 15 seconds,having the opportunity to include a call,to action is a huge advantage for,example you can encourage users to shop,now download your app or visit your,website right from tick tock one thing,to keep in mind is that like any other,video on for you page in feed ads can be,scrolled past or skip pretty quickly you,only have about two to three seconds to,catch your audience's eye before they,keep scrolling in feed ads should be,full screen and should be enticing,enough to stop users from scrolling past,your content another positive to infeed,ads tiktok users can like comment share,and interact with your video just like,any other video on the for you page,here's a quick tip work with influencers,for your in feed ads,next we have brand takeover,have you ever opened tick tock and,receive an ad right away if so those are,brand takeover ads,brand takeover ads appear upon opening,the app presenting a full screen video,to your targeted audience they're one of,tick talk ads best option for delivering,mass awareness and driving direct sales,since you can place your messaging right,in front of your target audience not,only do this ad show up as soon as users,open tick tock but they can also appear,on the forum page as still images gifs,or videos including a clickable link,driving users to a landing page or a,hashtag challenge within tiktok brand,take over ads are exclusive to their,category which means that tick-tocks,make sure users don't see more than one,brand take over per day with brand,takeover ads you can expect a lot of,eyes on your content with a little,competition if you're just starting out,with tick-tock ads brand takeovers may,not be your first choice because while,super effective brand takeovers do come,at a high cost if you're a bigger brand,with a large marketing budget they are a,great option for fast growth and,reaching a large group of tick-tock,users next we have top view,top view ads are new advertising options,that builds on brand takeovers what,makes top view ads different is that,unlike branded takeover ads tick-tock,users aren't bombarded with an ad as,soon as they open the app tab view ads,are the first in-feed post after three,seconds it shows up at the top of your,forum page tick tock's most premium real,essay with up to 60 seconds of full,screen video with autoplay and sound,then we have branded hashtag challenge,branded hashtag challenges are,one-of-a-kind advertising opportunity,exclusively to tick-tock you've probably,seen branded hashtag challenges,displayed on tick-tock's discovery page,similar to regular hashtag trends and,challenges on tick-tock branded hashtag,challenges offer both organic and,sponsored opportunities for brands,they're a great way to encourage user,generated content and build brand,awareness the best part about brand,hashtag challenges you can have a ton of,fun with them they are an awesome way,for brands to collaborate and seamlessly,integrate themselves into the tik tok,culture and community,and lastly,branded effects tick tock now offers,branded shareable stickers ar filters,and lenses in their advertising mix,similar to snapchat's branded lenses,tick tock's branded defects allow brands,to design their own custom filter on the,app branded effects can be live up to 10,days at a time and are an awesome way to,encourage users to directly interact,with your brand in a fun way,and there you have it different ways to,advertise on tick tock have you tried,tik tok what are your thoughts so far,leave it on the comments down below and,before this video ends did you know that,you can run live on-demand scheduled,webinar replays with hands-free,automation and the breakthrough sales,getting features with no hosting,required,and has d

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TikTok Hashtag Strategy and How to Use TikTok Analytics

TikTok Hashtag Strategy and How to Use TikTok Analytics

you've put in a lot of thought about,making the perfect Tick Tock or maybe,you haven't as long as it's good content,the method doesn't matter but how do you,get more eyes on your video your,existing audience will probably see your,content but don't underestimate the,potential of a good hashtag hey everyone,it's talish we're going to talk about,how great hashtags can up your Tick Tock,game we're also going to tell you how to,see if your Tick Tock strategy is,working by diving into analytics but,first be sure to like And subscribe to,our channel to see more videos like this,and while you're at it hit that little,bell icon that way you'll know when,we've got new stuff out now let's get to,it with the right hashtag your content,has a chance to reach a much wider,audience people rely on hashtags to find,the content they're interested in a,solid strategy will make your content,much easier to discover and using the,right hashtag for your Niche will help,you grow organically think of hashtags,like networking they connect people with,similar interests for example hashtags,business talk print on demand and brand,talk connect entrepreneurs owners and,other professionals so that experiences,tips and advice can be shared when it,comes to finding the right hashtags,don't just randomly pick make sure it's,relevant to your content including,trending hashtags like hashtag for you,and hashtag trending can be good but,it's more important to use Niche,specific hashtags that way your video,will better match the preferences of the,tick talkers who come across it start by,exploring and discovering similar topics,and keywords in the search bar check out,the hashtag section and see which ones,have High View counts and get a lot of,traction but that are also applicable to,your content an ideal situation would be,a recognizable branded hashtag come up,with your own hashtags and promote them,with branded hashtag challenges or,contests to get audio engagement and,boost your brand visibility,challenge viewers to flaunt a Talon,throw a dance move or show off how they,use a product as an example let's say,your store cool collar sells dog collars,challenge your audience's good boys and,girls to a doggo fashion show come up,with a creative name and hashtag for the,challenge like the cool collars dog,catwalk see what I did there hashtag,coolcollarsdog or dog catwalk just keep,in mind that it'll take a bit of time,for a new custom hashtag to catch on and,lastly take advantage of the tick tock,creative Center where you can track,trending and relevant hashtags and,filter by famous Tick Tock users or top,hashtags based on the industry and time,after you've created an awesome video,with the perfect hashtags it's time to,get an idea of how well your content,does by understanding your data you'll,be able to better know what your,audience likes how well certain content,performs and then decide what type of,content to create going forward you,don't even need to have a business this,account to see basic analytics even this,data alone could be enough for your,purposes you'll get information about,page views likes comments shares,Audience by gender and location follow a,growth rate as well as peak times of,your audience a business account though,does have its perks it's easy to set up,it's free you're able to promote your,website and you'll get access to tick,tock's Analytics tool using the tick,tock Analytics tool you'll be able to,track and measure not only overall,engagement but also see content,analytics for specific video measure,weekly and monthly growth learn about,demographic and see insight for any live,videos you've hosted let's break down,the four categories of analytics,overview content followers and live,under the overview tab you can see,overall engagement during a certain,period of time so the number of views,likes comments and shares as well as the,number of followers and the number of,videos posted compared to a previous,date range the content tab shows which,videos have been most popular for a,selected period of time here you can see,metrics for each post you'll see the,basics like total views likes comments,and shares but also how long people,watched your videos which can give you,insight about how successfully you were,able to hold the viewer's attention you,can also see how people found your post,whether it was through their for you,feed your profile hashtags or a search,and you'll be able to see the top,location of viewers for a specific post,this is good info if you had a marketing,campaign for a specific location the,follower tab helps you learn about your,audience gender location when your,viewers are active as well as other,content your followers like you'll find,that content Which is popular with your,audience might also give you some,content ideas as well maybe you'll even,come across some other creators for,potential collabs lastly if you've,hosted any live sessions within the last,week or month you'll be able to see how,man

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