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How to Get $1 CPA's Using Tiktok Ads

hello hello and welcome into the one,dollar structure setup this is,basically how I was able to get all of,those one dollar CPAs that I was showing,on my story this structure is basically,the hive mind of the surf scaling,strategy the bump method the bully,method and my independent scaling,strategy,um specifically using cost caps so it's,kind of like the best current marketing,strategy out there at the moment that I,would use to scale a winner so you don't,do this for testing this is if your,product is doing well you would,structure and set up multiple campaigns,like this and then just adjust the,budget so it's very similar in the sense,of the bump method where you actually,have to sit there at the time that you,would like to run it and then you are,surf scaling the budget up so you're,actively bumping that budget,continuously and it'll make sense here,in one second just hang with me okay so,obviously here we go we have have bump,one two three four five accelerated bump,one two three four five what can that,mean obviously it is for Accelerated,budget okay so within the actual 10 ad,groups we have 10 ad groups running all,of them have a budget of fifty dollars,which means we're gonna be spending 500,but it doesn't so the algorithm thinks,that we're gonna be spending 500 so that,we have the capacity to if these budgets,exhaust but obviously on the campaign,level it's capped to fifty dollars so,why would we do that well it's because,we want to only spend the least amount,that we have to in order to get it to,the point where it's actually going to,be making this money so that's why I say,this isn't for testing this is if you,have an existing winner because you have,to burn through 50 bucks okay so you got,to burn through 50 bucks but I promise,you if you if you do the math at scale,that fifty dollars is nothing in,contrast two what you're going to be,saving when these perform well okay so a,little bit of an update,The Tick Tock bidding structure seems to,be working the best for me as opposed to,the lowest cost lowest cost typically,will outperform at high budget abos High,budget cbos but for me with abos and,with testing like this and just,basically utilizing the strategy that,I'm going to show you I always do cost,cap and as you guys know my famous 33 or,77 so I'm scaling this up by about two,to three dollars every single time the,highest being 34 the lowest being 21. I,recommend you guys follow this schedule,first and foremost,um not schedule sorry follow this bid,all the way up and then you can bump it,if it's not spending for your ad account,your product or your Lander like I said,before I don't know what product you're,running I don't know what your Lander,looks like so when this works for me,this is my tool This Is My Method that's,all I'm giving you guys right now okay,so if it doesn't work for you guys or,it's not performing right probably,switch up that product that's why I say,this isn't for testing this is for,products or businesses that are doing,well on tick tock right now this is just,a little cheeky method that you could,bump in and make you some Bookoo bucks,with so accelerated bump number one,same exact structure as all of the other,bumps basically if you guys don't know,how to do this when you create the one,ad group you duplicate it nine times you,just select it'll give you the option to,clone it you clone it nine times then,you physically go in and click on each,one of these and the ad and the content,that you guys are going to see is an,actual ads that I'm running I just had,to propagate it for the video there but,let me show you guys here I'm running an,ACO campaign okay,automatic automated creative,optimization so it's always ACL because,I want to feed that algorithm as much,content as possible and you'll,understand why when I show you guys the,method here automatic targeting this,varies okay so I personally am using,automatic targeting right now because I,feel like The Tick Tock algorithm is,really really capable of finding those,audience members or viewers rather,audience members where the are we,on stage uh finding the viewers who are,going to be purchasing the products,finally finally finally we have an,algorithm that's actually optimizing for,people that purchase and it's not just,blindly sending out content to people,that you know in the learning phase are,just going to click on the ad and then,nothing happens so,United States only the elite budget 50,here is my day partying so I'm day,parting I start my ad at 12 o'clock okay,so boom right Splat right in the middle,of the day and then it extends to about,1am Friday it goes to two Sunday it goes,to two as well and then on Monday we,start back at 12 o'clock okay so why do,we want this to basically exhaust from,12 o'clock to one o'clock the full fifty,dollars well our point is we want it to,spend basically as quickly as possible,so that's why this is accelerated so,this is going to spend as quickly as,possible but at 12 o'clock that's

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e fala pessoal nesse vídeo vou mostrar,para você como é que você cria por céu,no dia que tô 500 nas suas campanhas tá,e dessa forma você provavelmente não irá,levar bloqueio por causa de URL meu nome,é Vanessa Nunes e nesse vídeo eu vou,mostrar passo-a-passo como é que você,vai fazer um,E aí,bom então pessoal para a gente fazer o,nosso pincel aqui no Tik Tok é diz a,gente utiliza apenas uma imagem tá ok é,dessa forma que eu tô subindo variedades,de campanhas dentro de que toque OK e,reativando em questão de minutos ou,horas ta dependendo do criativo e do,produto que você vai anunciar eles,demoram um pouco mais para analisar,normalmente dessa forma que eu vou criar,o por céu aqui né URL para mandar para,páginas de vendas ou para um WhatsApp é,a forma correta é a forma que está,funcionando no momento Ok então bora lá,primeiramente eu abro o campo ó tá não,vem aqui no kamba,kamba. Com o carro é gratuito tem a,versão provas ele é grátis você vai vir,aqui ó em Story do insta talvez o seu,esteja mais atualizado vai tá história,do insta ou algo assim do tipo Ok então,tem que ser de,1920 por 1080 no caso ao contrário em,modo retrato ok,bom,então vamos criar um novo projeto aqui,tá,bacana pessoal aqui tá em branco né a,gente vai dar um nome aqui ó vou colocar,Corcel Corcel,eu,não sei se tá escrito certo oficial,várias pessoas escrevem nenhum jeito que,eu já vim de várias formas de se,inscrito Tá mas vou deixar dessa forma,de estar aqui em elementos pessoa a,gente vai procurar botão tá ok a gente,vai pesquisar botão aqui você pode vir,nesse aqui eu nesse o que mais te,agradar eu vou vir nesse primeiro ok vou,criar aqui ó com aquele mais centralizar,vou aumentar tá ó a gente vai criar a,imagem simplesmente uma imagem que vai,redirecionar um link tá ok mas o link,tem que ser de uma forma diferente para,você colocar lá dentro tá bom o almoço,aqui para vocês então vou criar um puxão,aqui ó vou vir aqui colocar a cor Eu,normalmente eu coloco amarelo tá onde eu,coloco Amarelo as cores mais vivas assim,dizer eu acho que o Tic Toc tem mais é,probabilidade de ativar lá rapidamente,pode ser um verde tá então eu vou fazer,com verde aqui para bom é bem simples,vende Amarelo gosto muito do Amarelo vou,colocar Amarelo mesmo tá E aqui pessoal,no texto eu vou colocar o seguinte vou,colocar simplesmente aqui ó tudo certo,e como certo,simples mas vou fazer o seguinte vou,deixar bonito tá vou fazer um texto,bonito não fazer de qualquer jeito não,ocorre tá aí que esse certo aqui ó,cortava deixando tudo tá achei ele bem,grandão aqui em cima vou usar uma outra,fonte não tem fonte,apropriada para isso pode ser qualquer,uma tá então te esperar aqui que a,internet tá muito boa né,ele aqui novamente,eu quero que seja em fica bacana,mesmo tudo só que eu deixo dessa forma,aqui eu vou duplicar tá esse texto eu,vou colar o certo aqui dentro só que o,certo vou deixar menor,E você tá me deixa manual deixa eu no,cantinho assim tudo certo tá vou colocar,Amarelo também,céu e aqui pessoal colocar um efeito tá,colocar um efeito de sombra,sombra escura,como é que o efeito não ficou bacana,desfoque,e só vão ficar assim,Eu,acho que isso é feito assim tá bacana,não é,é o seguinte vou tirar esse efeito o vou,fazer com a planeta tá vou copiar Vou,deixar um pouquinho aqui para cima essa,aqui eu vou deixar mais,um amarelo mais escuro sozinha e,Olá,tudo certo,que ele mais,assim achei,o,ponto certo que também pa sim,e o,Ah tá bacana,aqui é o botão vou colocar o seguinte,vou colocar continuar a,e pode ter essa forma mas se você quiser,colocar Acesso aqui Ir para o site,oficial Você que sabe tá eu vou fazer,bem simples bem creme mesmo bem bem,Limpo tá,para não correr risco nenhum,e eu vou Branco um amarelo que tem que,ser mais escuro,um laranja,E aí,a continuar,você preta também a cor da fonte Você,que sabe mas vou deixar desse jeito que,o principal vai estar dentro do Tik Tok,lá na hora tá último aqui ó ó,e,não se passa nas letras,o Ok olha só e aqui pessoa embaixo eu,vou colocar uma certa tá eu coloco aqui,a seta,ó elementos que a gente pegou no campo,mesmo tá é uma certa um igual certa mais,bacana aqui ó,é só tem gift também se fosse fazer uma,imagem gift eu acho que também,provavelmente pode dar nunca testei,ainda tá você pode fazer o primeiro,teste aí,então hoje é esse aqui ó certinho que,corte bonitinha e deixar no 90 graus,aqui,Tá,ok vou colocar certinho aqui bem,centralizada para pessoa primeira dando,um sinal mesmo para pessoa clica ali no,botão,eu posso te chamar ela aqui,olha só e pronto pessoal nosso pro céu,literalmente tá pronto para o Tik Tok,dessa forma aqui,Olá,pessoal dessa forma você já consegue,colocar dentro Tik Tok Então bora para,conta de anúncio do Tik Tok que eu vou,mostrar subindo,Então pessoal tô no outro usuário aqui,já pronto para começar a mexer com os,anúncios aqui no Tik Tok Tá ok então é o,seguinte eu vou entrar na minha conta,aqui vou vir no Chrome tá vou vim aqui,vamos bora entrar no Tik Tok aqui é o,seguinte pra gente está criand

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Answering The Biggest TikTok Ad Approval Question I Get

Answering The Biggest TikTok Ad Approval Question I Get

what's going on guys max finn here with,a quick video today about some tick tock,compliance and poly stuff policy stuff,now before i almost got so bored saying,that word i couldn't even finish that,word now before you skip this video,you're going to want to watch this,because i'm going to be sharing,something we actually just had a,tick tock's been doing kind of private,calls for some of their bigger,advertising agencies with their,compliance and policy team we did an,hour training with them and they really,broke down a lot of the deep stuff in,terms of how the moderator system works,how deep moderators go in funnels a lot,of valuable stuff and so what i want to,talk about today is specifically that,section which is,what do moderators look at and how deep,do moderators go in the flow and in the,journey because a lot of people don't,know right it's hey is the moderator,clicking through the entire funnel are,they opting into lead magnets are they,looking at emails and sms follow-up like,what are they doing there so,if you're running offers right now again,one of the biggest challenges that i see,in our insider's group,is people running,white hat really compliant products but,they're getting rejected because tick,tock's policy is always changing and,it's still super aggressive and super,strict so i want to share this video,again the point is video i'm not,endorsing any black hat or gray hat,advertising that's not the purpose of,video i only want you doing this if,you're selling really high quality white,hat compliant products just i'm,prefacing this video by doing that,because that's really important to me so,let's keep this pretty pretty sure i'm,gonna keep this really concise because,uh quinn and lure is a walk to come back,any minute,so basically after this talk we had with,the compliance team at tic toc where we,took the steeper dive what we basically,found out and got confirmed from the,team over there is that moderators do,not go that deep meaning they are really,going they're looking they're analyzing,the creative really deeply they're,analyzing kind of everything you do on,tick tock really really deeply meaning,the audio the text even the text,subtitles and videos they're looking at,all of that stuff right so deep deep,analysis and moderation and flagging on,the algo level and human level on the ad,side then they're also doing deep work,in terms of research and scanning the,landing page so where you're driving,that traffic so those are the two parts,that they are really looking at they're,looking at intensely right both humans,and algorithms um now this is where it's,interesting,basically to us is that after after that,page pretty much nothing gets looked at,right it wasn't 100 confirmed guaranteed,but it was like pretty much i don't know,any but no mods are doing right because,mods don't want to put their personal,information into forms like up their,emails in or their real phone numbers in,so basically if you have like an opt-in,form if you're doing a lead magnet if,you're doing anything like that,they are looking at the page that the,lead magnet and opt-in form is on but,they aren't going further they're not,actually opting and looking at the,emails or the text messages or the,upsell pages or the follow-up of the,funnel um and so for me what we're,looking at is like okay there are,certain industries where tech talks,giving us a really hard time doing,direct offer so what we're looking at,now is let's build out kind of,educational content entertainment,content that can either be articles,ebooks guides trainings whatever it,might be that isn't selling a product,but it's getting the right person into,the ecosystem that has the problem that,we are going to eventually solve for,them and then leveraging email,automation sms automation phone calls,retargeting on other channels to,actually close the deal and make the,pitch,so so i give that kind of piece of,advice to everyone watching this video,if you were advertising on tick tock,right now and you are an industry that,is uh,a little more strict that you're getting,kind of constant rejections and you,don't really know why because you're,selling a high quality product that's,like you see it seems like it's it's in,terms of use um this is a great strategy,this is something that is working for us,it's working for a lot of bigger friends,of mine that are spending lots of money,on other industries,so basically what i want you to think,about is how can you create some type of,front end either content advertorial,article quiz lead magnet whatever it,might be,where it's all about information and not,about actually pitching a product or,service you're not actually selling,anything in the ad creative or in the,landing page itself you're doing all of,the selling on the back end and the,selling is only happening to people that,have actually opted in and completed a,series of questions and forms because,like i said um tic toc moderators are,not going to be doing that t

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This Tiktok Ad Hack Made Me $515,548 In 30 Days!

This Tiktok Ad Hack Made Me $515,548 In 30 Days!

hey guys it's youtube jamaal and today,i'm going to share something very very,important about tick-tock ads and i'm,going to show you the last 30 days we've,been able to generate this client over,um you know,over 518 000 but however,before he came to us so let me show you,like the results before he came to us in,august like 31 he was running uh the ads,severely from facebook and after his,facebook ads content he literally came,to us and you know the results here,we're gonna you know see is ninety,percent from tick tock and 10 from,facebook so it's because we have you,know basic foundations and advanced,formulas to actually drive those,consistent results but i'm going to show,you guys and provide you value to,actually how you can get those certain,results now the reason why we've been,able to generate awesome results for our,clients it's because um we have a,specific formula that we go in inside of,gmail talk and it's um as i also share,you know,you know every video this basic formula,has generated over a million dollars for,all of our clients well over you know,seven figures for our clients and this,is just half of the equation that we're,going inside of your mouth or to talk at,um coaching agency where we literally,coach you how to you know hold your hand,and spill past six or seven figures and,actually show you what's,working on tick tock and how you can go,viral tick-tock and so i want to show,you how you know guys um you know how,you can produce those results so,essentially how we generate those,results is actually make content that,resonates with the audience and so if,you're in the parent niche i'm going to,show you some ad examples and um you,have to make queries that really,resonate with the audience and don't,make them look like ads because if they,did look like an ads what would happen,to your cdcs um sorry cpm's a cost per,click and your everything's going to be,you know high priced because you're not,reaching the right audience forget about,ios 14 because is14 does not correlate,with tick tock because tic tac has a,different algorithm but if you shoot,content that does not look like an ad,i'm going to show you some examples this,is the results you can see inside of the,ads manager once you start applying the,formula i'm going to show you,essentially video um so you know with,this client we've,uh for example they will spend a 1.7 k,in broadband 7.6 k with a 4.48 broad i'm,going to show you the cpcs cpc the value,0.097 cpm about 1.54 um impression cost,you know ctr 1.7 we're always aiming for,uh you know above 1.5 ctr which is very,good and once you start applying you,know the formula i'm going to show you,guys,um you know in this video um we're going,to see some awesome little awesome,results and actually and increasing row,as in your um because the roast is you,know held by a different metrics and you,know one of the biggest metrics are the,cpms and the cost per click and class,and,you're going to see once you you know,apply the trick i'm going to tell you,today that those you know metrics will,actually decrease in price which will,eventually make a row as higher so i'm,going to show you examples and i'm going,to show you the difference between,examples so we're going to go to the top,creative center and the way you can,access this is at tiktok.com i'm going,to show you three i'm going to show you,three examples from the same niche and,i'm going to tell you which one will,convert 100 times better,by experience so,i'm going to go and choose a pearl for,example i'm going to select all,so essentially in this video it's it,doesn't fit what we teach in jamal talk,and i'm gonna suspect from this video,and ultimately from you know the the,likes and the comments and everything,this is it is not a high converting ad,because it's high in fashion and,essentially it doesn't you know share,what we teach inside of your mouth um,tick tock adds creative folder where,literally actually we take you through,how to create viral tic tac ad and scale,loop past six to seven figures and it,really doesn't um you know follow the,you know exact foundation in this one l,and also and what we teach also inside,of jamal talk the basic foundation how,to scale with ads that really resonate,with the audience and essentially i'm,going to show you another example which,is kind of a more high converting and,you're going to notice a difference so,in this example and i'm going to show,you just a similar snippet from the,perfectly the ad that we would actually,go in kind of all in and this is,and so this video started with the hook,okay so he they hooked the audience in,the first three seconds i'm throwing the,soda on the t-shirt and you know the,audience can stay for longer and if you,can you know go to that video um and not,we're not gonna watch it all but you're,gonna see the engagement is very much,hard the number of shares is much higher,and you're gonna see that the ctr has,been increased by the end for um this,means that the au

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TikTok Lead Generation Ads

TikTok Lead Generation Ads

tick tock is the most recent ad platform,to roll out lead generation,campaigns facebook i believe was the,first one to have them,quite a number of years ago linkedin has,had them for a while,even google has some variants that can,show up in different places around the,network,i think this move from tick tock is,important for a couple of different,reasons,first it's just a good sign that they're,investing more in the ad,platform they're one of the newer ad,platforms and they're still coming out,with,new opportunities and ways to target,users,even if they are something that other,channels have it's just a good sign that,they're trying to grow and make sure,that it's a good environment for,everybody involved,second with the changes to ios 14 it's,getting more and more difficult to track,user behavior and attribute performance,online,we're not able to use those third-party,cookies nearly as much and in the future,they're going to get even worse,the beauty of lead generation ads is,that all of the performance and,reporting is contained right within the,ad platform,it all happens on tick tock so all the,performance is there,we don't have to rely on any sort of,third party tracking,i'm really excited about lead generation,campaigns going out to more channels,so today i want to run you through how,to set up your first lead generation,campaign on tick tock,once you're in the tick tock ads,campaign manager,we're just going to go to create a new,campaign to do that we need to go to the,campaign,management tab and then down here we can,click create just like most other social,advertising platforms the first thing,we're going to do is choose our,objective,if i scroll down a little bit you'll see,that lead generation is this one down,here in the bottom of the consideration,column and it still has the new next to,the name so i'm going to click lead,generation,once i've done that i can come down here,to the settings section and i can give,this a name if i want to,for now i'm just going to get rid of all,these terrible numbers i'll leave,everything else as it is and click,continue,now basically everything at the ad group,level is going to be something we've,already covered in a previous video,everything from placements to the,targeting,that you have available we've covered in,a different video that you can check out,in the top of your screen now,around all the different targeting,options that are on tick tock i'm going,to skip down,past all of that and stop at the budget,and schedule section because i need to,put in a daily budget here and just as a,placeholder i'm going to put in 20,because it tells me it needs to be at,least 20.,and now if we scroll down a little bit,to bidding and optimization the last,settings here,we'll find the first portion that is,lead generation,campaign specific you can see here that,the optimization goal is set for leads,and there is no way to change that it's,going to optimize for leads,always with a lead generation campaign,this is just the same as any of the,other social platforms out there,that leverage lead generation this isn't,too terribly different the one piece,that is different is that there is a,cost cap bid strategy on any of the,other platforms you have a few different,options of what bid strategies you want,to use for lead generation but on tick,tock,you have to add in your cost cap and,that is going to be,what the average cost per lead that you,want to pay is that doesn't guarantee,that you are going to only pay that,amount for each lead it just means that,tick tiktok is going to try and optimize,for that cost per lead for you,if you hover over the cost cap name you,will get a small graphic off to the,right,it says this is best for keeping your,average cost per result around or,lower than your bid regardless of your,budget and things to consider here,are that you may not spend your budget,fully if your,cost per conversion is set too low if,you set it too low,you're not giving ticktack enough room,to learn and optimize and try to get you,as many leads as it can within your,budget so,depending on what your main goal is,whether it's volume and scale or whether,it's efficiency,make sure that you use a cost per lead,goal that makes sense here,for now i'm just going to set it to five,dollars now that we've done that let's,hop,into the add portion and get more into,the nitty gritty of the lead generation,setup,you can start off by giving your ad a,name but then you'll see that the only,ad format that we are allowed to use,currently is a single video so we don't,need to do any other adjustments here,that's going to be the only option we,can use and rather than spending most of,my time,on the actual ad details itself i think,that's better suited for another video,what i'm going to do,is just give a quick overview of what,all will go in here and we're going to,spend most of the time on the form,itself,so when you're creating a video ad in,tiktok you're going to need to add,you guessed it a v

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This Strategy is Giving me $1 CPM's Using TIk Tok Ads (TRY NOW)

This Strategy is Giving me $1 CPM's Using TIk Tok Ads (TRY NOW)

in this video i'm gonna break down,exactly how i'm getting one dollar cpms,on tick tock ads with shopify drop,shipping if you're new to this channel,we talk about of course tick tock ads,e-commerce drop shipping pretty much how,to make money online and use tick tock,ads for your business so if that's,something that you're interested in make,sure you hit the like button and,subscribe to the channel we also have a,ton of free training link below and a,brand new ad spy tool that should be,releasing within the next coming weeks,called spy talk it's how i found all my,winning products you can check that out,and be one of the first 100 people to,get access and a discount but let's get,straight into the video guys right,and you should be able to see my screen,here on this is a brand new ad account,uh we just spun this store up a few days,ago,and i'm gonna show you guys what i'm,doing inside my ad account to get these,really good results now be aware this is,all complete payment so that's what i'm,optimizing for and this is all in inside,one campaign to begin,and it's a brand new product right brand,new product brand new store and a lot of,the metrics actually are being tracked,as well for some reason on certain ad,accounts the tick tock pixel works and,on other accounts it's just terrible so,this one is under reporting heavily uh,don't worry i'm going to show you guys,the profits in it you know towards the,middle of the video if you can you know,let your squirrel brain go for a second,and actually hone in and lock in what,i'm about to tell you uh you'll be able,to understand and and use this for your,store so,yeah what we do is i'm a huge fan a huge,fan of cost caps now cost caps is a type,of bidding strategy on your tick tock,ads there's you know right now there's,cost caps,lowest cost and value optimization those,are three things that you can use inside,your tic toc ads manager at the moment,uh if you want to see a value,optimization strategy hit the like on,the video or comment below and if you,want to value one as well i'll make it,i'mma start making more videos like this,almost like live audits if you guys are,interested i'll show some love on this,video but basically we have a ton of aco,ad groups which is automated creative,optimization,with us as the location,broad as the targeting so broad,completely broad no targeting at all,nothing,ages 18 to 55 plus male and female and,like i said with that acl,what we like to do is we like to have,the budget super high so a 200 daily,starting budget for our acos and then,the bid i'm not going to really show you,the bid right here because it's a part,of what we're doing right now but just,know it's a bidding it's cost capper,using cost cap bidding with different uh,you know decimals at the ending so say,if you have a cost cap of,19,and 42 cents okay or 19.50 you can do,that so different types of bids that,we're going to be using,and i'm going to show you guys right now,kind of how we're getting these results,so you can see here 10 cent cpcs 82 cent,cpms,versus this is with a uh,the lowest cost ad group so this is the,lowest cost as optimization,21,you know 21 cents cbc and a 2 cpm,that's pretty much basing off of you,know lowest cost versus a cost cap here,and you can see this has eight,conversions and i said this before the,the uh the tracking is terrible on it,but basically the strategy is this,you scale through,big caps at different bids and you,duplicate those bids,so say if we have you see a ton of these,are the same ad groups but with,different creatives and different bids,so if we have this ad group right here,us broad 18 18 and 55 plus female aco,with,our you know date 7 14 22 these are,brand new ads at launch today and what's,different between about this campaign,and let's say you know this one right,here the 712 ads is it's a whole brand,new aco and what do i mean by this so,usually inside these acos will have,three to five,different you know ad creatives and,three,ad copies right three ad text now,on this day we have totally separate,creatives so three to five brand new,creatives in this aco,on the 712 right two days ago when i,launched this and then the 714 one,has totally different ad creatives but,with the same you know ad copies,so that's how you're going to be able to,scale so you basically for example if,this,campaign right here,was doing super well the 712 at a 17 bit,what we would do is obviously we want to,duplicate that,and you know keep raising the budget,that's something that we can do or we,can have more creatives so what i do is,i scale through creatives i'll duplicate,that same bid that 17 bid,with,brand new creatives and a brand new aco,campaign so i'll have you know new,creatives chopped up by a team,or i'll shoot them myself right you can,literally use your phone right here this,thing in your in my hand and iphone if,you have an android like i said i always,feel sorry for you because it's harder,to shoot content but you use your iphone,and

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FULL TikTok Ads Strategy (COPY THIS)

FULL TikTok Ads Strategy (COPY THIS)

in the past 30 days i've brought this,e-commerce store to well over 10,thousand dollars per day using only,tick-tock ads now i think i've only said,this once in my youtube career which is,this is a video you need to watch all,the way through because it's basically,going to serve as a mini course giving,you a framework for any sort of,e-commerce business if you want to run,tick tock ads the right way i'm,currently spending about 200 000 a month,between two of my main brands and i've,been doing that for a while so if you,want the full breakdown at scale a level,that most people who teach on youtube,are not at themselves this is gonna give,you some of those strategies and a,little bit of insight into the ad,account i'm gonna actually show you,inside of it now if you stick through,this video i'm also gonna give you two,winning products and all the targeting,for it the pricing options the sourcing,costs the offer style everything that,you can do to launch it today but first,a quick story my tick tock ad account,was hacked somehow we're still trying to,work it out with tic toc somebody,scheduled 100 000 per day worth of ads,to run to their store some separate,random chinese store selling a t-shirt i,know now it's a little weird to say but,thankfully it only spent forty two,thousand dollars it could have been much,worse and that was in a six hour block,where a surprise surprise i wasn't at my,computer i don't know what i was,thinking golfing on a thursday but it,costed me 42 grand so i've definitely,got a crazy story coming for that once,it's resolved but that's not going to,stop me from moving forward in the,meantime so before i jump in and screen,record through here i just want to let,you know about the giveaway we do in,every video all you got to do is like,subscribe and comment below get entered,to win a free e-commerce course a free,custom built shopify store as well as,some cash in every single video let's,jump in so again this is one of those,must-watch videos i'm not saying that is,click bait or some weird stuff this is,just so much value took me a long time,to put this together so please drop a,like below and a pro tip play this at,1.5 x speed or 1.75 i know i talk fast,but i listen all my stuff on a faster,pace alright so my ad just on this one,main brand this is the one that got,hacked spending about five thousand,dollars per day this ad account is 47,roughly under tracking so about half so,for example if you see a cost per,purchase for you know 36 dollars in,reality it's about 18 because right half,of that so everything is doubled and,that's just because of some mistracking,issues we got a lot of different stuff,running here there's a lot of money,scheduled to be spent it just depends on,what's going on this kind of like the,last week timeline that you're looking,at here with probably 20 something,thousand dollars spent now to give you a,visual on top of that i know i already,showed you this is the month so far,built it from it's like 1500 a day kind,of hanging out towards the end of last,month and now it's consistently over 10,000 really between ten and thirteen,thousand dollars a day um it hasn't been,below about twelve thousand in the last,like week so that's great we'll ship,over four thousand orders this month and,probably about ten thousand next month,at least that's assuming no scale and,i'm continuing to scale so i'd like to,see this at about twenty thousand,dollars a day by the end of next month,and again that's only using tick tock,ads with the exact strategies that we,teach inside of our tick tock ad,blueprint which you can find links below,the test group for that just opened up,depending on when you watch us it might,be closed but we'll be opening to the,public shortly so here's three things,you absolutely need if you want to start,this and i'm just gonna give them to you,in this video okay number one is having,the right product i'm gonna give you two,full examples breakdowns of everything,the right ad strategy this is my,favorite topic so you know we're gonna,talk about it again our tick tock ad,blueprint just opened absolutely epic,the feedback's been incredible so far,thank you to everybody in the test group,number three the framework for your mind,this is arguably more important because,it is the groundwork that you have to,lay it sounds a little cliche but oh my,gosh this will make the world of,difference once you nail this down and,again more to come at the end of this,video i will talk about that in the last,slide product number one this thing is,so cool for a lot of reasons i'm going,to talk about the pricing that's why i,really like it but it's a digital lock,and it looks like a normal door handle,most locks that go on like a bedroom,door or something they're all big and,bulky and they got like a keypad and,stuff this you slide your thumb across,the digital screen and the numbers,appear or you can use the thumbprint so,super cool it's unique like that it's a,little more modern and

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How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

hello everyone welcome to technic four's,learning in the previous videos i've,talked about the tick tock ads the,basics and benefits of advertising on,tiktok and i've showed you how to,advertise on tick tock step by step now,let's take a look of the different ways,to advertise on tick tock let's get,started,let's get into what tick-tock ads,actually look like tick-tock offers a,variety of different creative ad formats,for brands and businesses to explore,you've likely seen most of the different,types of your daily tick tock scroll up,here are five types of tick-tock ads we,have in feed ads brand takeover top view,branded hashtag challenge and branded,effects,with a variety of different options to,choose from it's hard to know which ad,format is best for your brand which is,why we dive into different types of,tick-tock ads and how they can work for,your business first in-field ads are the,video ads that appear in between user,videos as you scroll through your for,you page if you are unfamiliar with,tick-tock and the for you page in feed,ads are very similar to the ads you'd,see while tapping through instagram,stories you can get super creative with,inpeed ads you can include multiple call,to actions and make your video anywhere,between 9 to 15 seconds,having the opportunity to include a call,to action is a huge advantage for,example you can encourage users to shop,now download your app or visit your,website right from tick tock one thing,to keep in mind is that like any other,video on for you page in feed ads can be,scrolled past or skip pretty quickly you,only have about two to three seconds to,catch your audience's eye before they,keep scrolling in feed ads should be,full screen and should be enticing,enough to stop users from scrolling past,your content another positive to infeed,ads tiktok users can like comment share,and interact with your video just like,any other video on the for you page,here's a quick tip work with influencers,for your in feed ads,next we have brand takeover,have you ever opened tick tock and,receive an ad right away if so those are,brand takeover ads,brand takeover ads appear upon opening,the app presenting a full screen video,to your targeted audience they're one of,tick talk ads best option for delivering,mass awareness and driving direct sales,since you can place your messaging right,in front of your target audience not,only do this ad show up as soon as users,open tick tock but they can also appear,on the forum page as still images gifs,or videos including a clickable link,driving users to a landing page or a,hashtag challenge within tiktok brand,take over ads are exclusive to their,category which means that tick-tocks,make sure users don't see more than one,brand take over per day with brand,takeover ads you can expect a lot of,eyes on your content with a little,competition if you're just starting out,with tick-tock ads brand takeovers may,not be your first choice because while,super effective brand takeovers do come,at a high cost if you're a bigger brand,with a large marketing budget they are a,great option for fast growth and,reaching a large group of tick-tock,users next we have top view,top view ads are new advertising options,that builds on brand takeovers what,makes top view ads different is that,unlike branded takeover ads tick-tock,users aren't bombarded with an ad as,soon as they open the app tab view ads,are the first in-feed post after three,seconds it shows up at the top of your,forum page tick tock's most premium real,essay with up to 60 seconds of full,screen video with autoplay and sound,then we have branded hashtag challenge,branded hashtag challenges are,one-of-a-kind advertising opportunity,exclusively to tick-tock you've probably,seen branded hashtag challenges,displayed on tick-tock's discovery page,similar to regular hashtag trends and,challenges on tick-tock branded hashtag,challenges offer both organic and,sponsored opportunities for brands,they're a great way to encourage user,generated content and build brand,awareness the best part about brand,hashtag challenges you can have a ton of,fun with them they are an awesome way,for brands to collaborate and seamlessly,integrate themselves into the tik tok,culture and community,and lastly,branded effects tick tock now offers,branded shareable stickers ar filters,and lenses in their advertising mix,similar to snapchat's branded lenses,tick tock's branded defects allow brands,to design their own custom filter on the,app branded effects can be live up to 10,days at a time and are an awesome way to,encourage users to directly interact,with your brand in a fun way,and there you have it different ways to,advertise on tick tock have you tried,tik tok what are your thoughts so far,leave it on the comments down below and,before this video ends did you know that,you can run live on-demand scheduled,webinar replays with hands-free,automation and the breakthrough sales,getting features with no hosting,required,and has d

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