tiktok ads for small business

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TikTok Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses That Need More Leads

could tick-tock lead ads be a good,avenue for your business,hey guys welcome back to another episode,i'm darren cabral i'm the ceo of suit,social we're a digital marketing agency,that helps businesses build their brand,generate leads and make more sales,online today we're talking about tick,tick-tock ads but not just any tick-tock,ads tick-tock lead ads for those who,that don't know first of all tik-tok is,the video sharing platform so very much,like instagram reels it's a platform,where you can share short clips of,videos often times overlaid with music,it's blowing up it is exploding the user,base every week gets bigger and bigger,and bigger and it's not just kids doing,funny dances anymore there is legit,business happening this platform because,it's getting a lot of attention but,beyond tick-tock there's another,component of it and that's tick-tock ads,so just like every other social media,platform has an advertising system,facebook has facebook ads google has,google ads linkedin has linked in ads,well take talk also has a platform,called tick tock ads and this allows us,to actually buy advertising space on the,tick tock platform and actually place,our ads in different areas and different,streams and it is really really,effective we've been testing it now for,the last three or four months i've done,it with our own agency first and we,started rolling it out with certain,clients that we thought would make sense,for,and it's a very powerful system but it,really started to interest me lately,when tick tock ads released their lead,ads format this is just like the,facebook lead ads or lead formats that,you've seen probably in the past where,you click on the ad and instead of,taking you somewhere it just kind of,flips around and the customer can,instantly fill their information and,that gets submitted to the advertiser as,a lead those kinds of ads are really,good they've for a long time been the,most profitable most successful types of,ads on facebook especially for service,type companies um as well as google and,linkedin so now that tick tock allows,the same feature um we're getting really,excited it's something that you as a,business should start thinking about of,could tick-tock lead ads be a good,avenue for your business especially like,i said if you're a service company,especially b2c,you're selling services to actual you,know people homeowners local customers,that's something you're going to want to,consider and the real reason why these,lead ads are so effective is there's,such little resistance you don't have to,worry about the customer going back to,your website and your page not loading,or navigating to the wrong area these,lead ads are literally like they can see,an ad they see what you're up to they,click it and they they basically fill,out a form in many cases it autofills,based on their account information so,they have to do nothing click submit and,boom you've got to leave to follow up,with right the only thing that's,different with tick tock ads in general,not just delete ads you can't just film,highly produced ads the way you would on,youtube or facebook the challenge with,tick tock ads is you have to make your,ads look like content that actually,falls in the feed and tick tock does a,very good job of kind of enforcing this,and they actually work really well i'm,glad they do it because when you're,scrolling tick tock if you've never been,on tech talk or you're not a big tick,tock fan that's okay but if you've been,on tickets as you're scrolling half the,time you don't even realize something's,an ad that's intentional they film tick,tock ads like a tick tock it's on a,phone it's vertical it has subtitles it,has music so if you got to figure out a,way to make an ad that looks like that,and you can place it as a lead ad you're,going to do really well because i,guarantee you 99.9 percent of service,companies are not running lead ads on,tick tock you can be the first and,there's a huge first movers advantage in,doing that so if you want to learn more,about how you can use tick tock ads,definitely feel free to reach out to us,in food social dot com check us out,online at,www.suitsocial.com or just check the uh,show notes or in the description there,for the links back to our website and,all the other stuff that we can do for,you but we'd love to have a chat about,your business talk marketing strategy,and see if tick tock might even be a,good fit for your business along with,other stuff like facebook ads google ads,and all that but we'll leave it there,for today hopefully that's helpful,hopefully you go home thinking about,tick tock ads if you have any questions,drop a comment below

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 | Grow Your Business With TikTok

How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 | Grow Your Business With TikTok

in this tick tock advertising tutorial,i'm going to show you exactly how to run,tick talk ads for business so you can,get more traffic more sales and more,customers on what is arguably one of the,greatest advertising opportunities,available right now and that's true,whether you're doing e-commerce or drop,shipping you have an online business,you're a local brick and mortar store,you're a creator who wants to grow your,influence or pretty much anything else,you can think of this is because at,least right now while tick tock ads are,still relatively new and undiscovered,you can tap into a market on one of the,fastest growing social media sites on,the world with over one billion monthly,active users and with eight new users,joining tech talk every single second,pretty much doesn't matter who you serve,you're likely to find a large portion of,them right there on the app and actually,let's talk about that for a second,because the age thing is usually the,biggest objection people have to,advertising on tick tock and that's cool,i get it after all when tick tock first,came on the scene it did appeal to a,younger demographic but that's how every,social media platform works and will,continue to do so well into the future,it starts young and then it ages up over,time i mean hey there was a time not,that long ago when facebook was only,available to college students and now,the average age of a facebook user in,the us is 40 and a half years old so yes,if your target market is gen z then tick,tock is obviously a no-brainer for your,business especially now that tick-tock,has surpassed instagram in regards to,popularity among gen z users but a,recent report by hootsuite found that a,tick tock ad could potentially reach up,to 50.3 percent of adults in the us a,total of 130 million 962 000 and 500,people that's a lot of people and tick,tock was the most popular app downloaded,in 2020 and 2021 and yes while the,majority of people do go to tech talk,for entertainment it's not all fun and,games according to tick tock's what's,next report topics related to investing,cryptocurrency and all things finance,grew 255 last year and there's also an,active and rapidly growing personal,finance community on the app and as for,whether tick-tock ads are worth your,time or not from a business perspective,consider this tick-tock is now the,number one app for driving consumer,spending beating out tinder for that,number one spot and it just keeps,growing from there last year consumer,spending on tick tock increased by 77,up to 2.3 billion dollars and the best,part of tick tock ads is that you're,able to tap into all of this market,without spending the time and energy on,a longer term organic growth strategy so,let's dive into the details on how to,make that happen now,tiktok ads operate like pretty much any,other kind of social media ad so if,you've run facebook ads or instagram ads,or google ads or youtube ads before the,whole process is going to look pretty,familiar that said there are a few key,differences when it comes to setup and,targeting and placements and designing,your overall ad for maximum,effectiveness i'm going to go through,this pretty quickly so feel free to,pause,as we go along or don't be afraid to go,back and re-watch it again as you go,through the process setting up your ads,for yourself step one is obviously to,create a tick tock advertising account,which fortunately is incredibly easy all,you need to do is go to get,started.ticktalk.com,click start now and then enter your name,and your email and your other details in,order to set up your account step 2 is,to create and install your ticktalk,pixel the way to do this is once your ad,account is set up simply go to your ads,dashboard then click on assets then,events then create pixel a pixel is,important because it enables you to,track conversions and different events,on your website not to mention then,being able to use that data to create,custom audiences on tiktok ads manager,who you can retarget in the future it,also helps to improve your tiktok ads,performance by optimizing your ads and,delivery to only be shown to those,people most likely to take action once,that's done you're pretty much ready to,get started creating your very first,campaign so click the create a campaign,button and then choose your objective if,you've run facebook ads or instagram ads,before this is going to look very,familiar and just like with facebook ads,the objective that you're going to want,to optimize for 90 of the time is,probably around conversions essentially,this is optimizing your ad in order to,get someone to take some kind of,specific action whether it's to make a,purchase or to complete an application,or to download a lead magnet to keep,things simple today though i'm just,going to choose video views give it a,name of adam's tick-tock tutorial,it's very original i'm going to leave,the split test feature off for now but,this is definitely something you're,going to want to do when you se

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I bought things from *TIKTOK ADS*... LET'S TEST THEM

I bought things from *TIKTOK ADS*... LET'S TEST THEM

teeny tiny little they look like pills,oh boy oh boy oh boy oh my God,this on their boobs it's just not gonna,work,well this makeup is a little bit,dramatic this is a lot for me if you're,new to my channel I don't wear my makeup,like this all the time I just filmed a,real slash Tick Tock of me recreating,Megan the stallions Grammy's makeup look,which I absolutely was in love with and,I just did this on there and then I,thought you know what while I've got,this makeup on I'm gonna sit down and,film a video I mean it does look pretty,cool if I do say so myself but I would,not leave the house with this one anyway,in today's video I'm going to be testing,some things that I bought because of,tick tock these things that I've,purchased came up as an ad on my Tick,Tock feed you know every so often when,you're scrolling you keep going you keep,going and then an ad will pop up for a,random thing it seems to be the most,random things for me sometimes it's,beauty stuff and other stuff is like,cookie dough or a mattress or something,and these are some of the things that I,was genuinely curious in and so I,ordered them I think I've done something,like this before where I bought stuff,that was on Tick Tock lives I can't,remember if I've done an ads one but,here it is today let's just get into it,by the way if you want the details about,if you want the details this makeup it's,on my Instagram I listed all of the,products that I used okay so this first,Tick Tock ad that came up I actually had,a few different brands or accounts,posting the same product and basically,what I have generally found is that a,lot of the products that come up on Tick,Tock ads are sort of like Drop Shipping,type things so the company will purchase,a load of a particular product that's,just like a wholesale type product that,buy loads of them and then like Mark up,the price loads and sell them on their,website and I mean loads of stuff is,done by Drop Shipping anyway but just a,little hack here if you click on a,product on Tick Tock it comes up say,it's like 20 quid look at the sort of,brand name that's actually written on,that product in this example it is a lip,Plumping product and type that in on,Amazon or Ebay and it will probably come,up with loads of Cheaper things because,it's all the same brand and it's just,like bulk bought and then marked up for,higher prices on people's Tick Tock,shops but the brand in particular I,ended up seeing is called at syrup,cosmetics and in this ad it looks very,extreme there is a woman testing this,and this is no more lip fillers watch,till they end she's put this on half her,lips and the side that she's put it on I,mean to be fair it looks like she's had,an allergic reaction it's definitely,very plump on the side that she put it,on but it does look a little bit,dangerous so I clicked through to their,website it was a us-based website I,believe and it said it was the syrup day,and night lip plumper reduced from 50.95,to 28.95 lies it was never 50.95 in the,first place I can guarantee you sorry I,really feel like I'm going in on this,particular company like so many other,companies do this but they'll put like,was 50 now 28 dollars to sort of entice,you and be like oh it's a good deal it's,on sale when in reality I went on Amazon,typed in the roll lip plumper because,that's what's actually written on it and,I got the exact same thing for nine,pounds this one seems to be the daytime,one this one seems to be the nighttime,one but I don't know what the difference,is I think honestly I'm just gonna put,both of them on and hope for the best I,might actually try it on one half of my,lips they're very small teeny tiny,little they look like pills in the,information it just says daytime use,ginger Essence lips plump use at night,mint Night Repair moist lips double,effect unification collocation is used,for plump lips,I'm confused let's try the daytime one,so these are my lips before,well I mean I guess you'll see if it,does anything because I'm just gonna put,it on half,oh Christ,guys it's already starting to tingle,okay it's mildly tingling right now,should I put some more on,oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh God okay,it's starting to burn it's really,starting to burn it's starting to burn,ow oh you know what I've done my,lips are uneven anyway and I've just put,it on the bigger side does anyone else,have ever slightly uneven lips oh crap I,got it on my tongue I got it on my,tongue I got on my tongue why does this,happen every time I've got to say this,does not feel Pleasant it feels not nice,like it's really tingling it feels like,it's burning a bit it feels like I've,like rubbed hot chilies on my lips it's,getting worse like it actually it really,is uncomfortable okay it's been a few,minutes I just had to go and answer the,door oh my God I felt like,you I feel like I've got loads of saliva,in my mouth oh wow you know what guys it,is actually working my lips are becoming,more red on that side and I can,definitely see it's Pl

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HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS ON TIK TOK, Go Viral on Tik Tok as a Small Business

HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS ON TIK TOK, Go Viral on Tik Tok as a Small Business

hey guys so welcome back to my channel,if you are new here hey hi hello my name,is lauren,in today's video i am sharing with you,guys my exact,strategy and how i use tick tock to help,grow,my small business today i'm going to be,sharing with you guys lots of different,things like my experience how often i've,been posting,what i'm posting and so much more so,without further ado,let's go ahead and jump on into it first,things first i'm going to give you a,little bit of background story on how i,actually got started on tiktok and what,exactly that was like for me,i joined tiktok like over a year ago,back in 2019,honestly in the fall time and i thought,that it was going to just be something,that i was going to use for fun,and it was going to be just an,entertaining little app and that,that was going to be the end of it so i,started tick tock honestly not thinking,it was going to be about my small,business,in the slightest i literally started,with my name,and i was just posting all sorts of,random content i had no idea i was going,to be putting it to use for my small,business,at all well then i started noticing that,there were a couple of other small,businesses that kept popping up on my,for you page and,i would scroll through and i would see a,bunch of them and,there would literally be people who were,blowing up overnight and their,businesses were getting hundreds and,hundreds of sales,and i was sitting there like,i want that i i want my business to be,bigger and better,i need to get on this platform and i,need to start sharing my business on,here like,what have i been doing so what i decided,to do was take my actual personal tick,tock and turn it into my small business,tick tock,i did already have a couple of followers,but honestly nothing too crazy like,probably under a thousand i would say,and so it wasn't big or anything like,that and then transformed it completely,no not at all it was literally so tiny,but i decided to start posting,about my small business from this point,on and i was,really really dedicated to it i was kind,of nervous,at first because i was like is this even,going to work is it going to be a big,waste of time,i don't know if i should do it like what,if this doesn't work for me,and i kind of had to stop and say like,look let's put those fears out of the,way because the,worst thing that could happen is that,you waste your time and that you don't,grow,and in that case i just ended up,creating a bunch of content for my,business that i can use on other,platforms like instagram,so really for me i looked at the,situation,as though there really was no way to,lose with it so i was like,let's do this thing like let's take it,seriously so i started researching a lot,of videos on how to go viral on tick,tock how to grow your tic toc following,kind of looking at their algorithm and,different ways in which it works,because each social media platform is,honestly different you're not going to,grow the same on youtube as you do on,tick tock,so it's really important for me to,understand that first there were really,two pieces of advice that i decided to,take on,and to stick to really consistently when,it became to tick-tock,first was that i was posting during peak,hours so i tested out a couple of,different times in which i would post,like i would try the morning the,afternoon and in the evening and really,late at night okay,so these were all times that i was,trying to figure out when's my video,going to be the best to post at,come to realize that honestly the best,time for me to be posting,was around 7 30 to 9 30 or 10,at night this is usually when most,people are done with dinner,they're done with their daily activities,and they're now just spending time,chilling on their phone so a lot more,eyes are going to be able to get onto my,videos so then i was posting,all of my videos within this time frame,every single,day yes that is my second point that,i really really stuck to and was,consistent with when i was growing my,tick tock,platform was that i started posting two,to six times,a day i focused heavily on,creating as much content as possible to,put on my tick tock and to put as many,videos out a day as i possibly could,literally monday through friday i was,probably posting a good four five,six times a day on there especially that,first week that i was getting started on,the weekend i was really only posting,about one to two times,this was mostly because i don't do work,on the weekends i'm very strict with,myself and that,i try not to do any work for my,businesses on the weekends so i kind of,just prepped two videos for saturday and,sunday and said that i would upload,those and that would be it,so i wish i would have done a little bit,more on the weekends and kind of prepped,for those and kind of spaced it out but,honestly i really don't think it would,have made that much of a difference,anyways so those are the two biggest,things that i use to grow my platform,i have been using tiktok for my small,busin

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How to Use TikTok Ads to Promote Your Small Business

How to Use TikTok Ads to Promote Your Small Business

i'm vanessa i am from tiktok canada and,if you've been living under a rock for,the last year tick tock is actually a,short form entertainment platform one of,the fastest growing platforms across the,globe where people come every day to,connect with users across different,categories across different communities,to find joy and to find creativity and,they're often rewarded back with the,same,and it's not just users that come to our,platform and people it's businesses as,well in fact we've actually seen a quite,a phenomenon around tick tock made me,buy it the hashtag has over 3.7 billion,views and continues to grow and we've,actually seen with third-party studies,that more than 74 of people will find,themselves considering a product they do,engage with tick tock and what does that,mean for you well actually that means,that there's a great opportunity for,small businesses to connect with the,communities and the different activities,that mean the most to them,in fact we have over 44 billion views of,the hashtag small businesses which is a,great segue for my next guest,i would love to welcome my next guest,kate kate is the owner and founder of,kate huco an amazing company based out,of calgary that is in canada for those,of you that are across the globe kate,got started in the mid-2010s which is,very weird to say uh founding her,company and then 2016 planted her,flagship and she is known for her very,bold style in fact you've probably,caught her designs across many,publications including in style vogue,korea flair and fashion magazine for,those of you that are in canada and,you've seen her wares across different,celebrities like miley cyrus,as well as adina menzel and of course,myself i'm wearing kate right now um the,reason why we invited kate here is she,is killing it on the platform and we,wanted to reach out to people much like,her hear from her experiences and really,just listen to the goodness that kate,has to offer to all of you so without,further ado kate welcome thank you so,much for having me,and i'm so happy that your siobhan,hoodie showed up in time,i love it i was so waiting for it i was,very excited clearly um i am one of the,converts on the platform i saw your,phenomenal ad in my feed and was just,taken with not only the bold style but,the great,approach that you took to the platform,which is again why we're so excited to,have you here but i'd love for the rest,of the audience for you to you know give,us a little bit of background on how you,got started how cait hiko came to,fruition and a little bit of your,journey so far so i'm actually a private,label brand um what i do is i work with,manufacturers directly to produce my own,label and i sell direct to consumer,instead of wholesaling,and,i got into well i've been in the fashion,industry for a really long time went to,fashion school,um and in the,mid,2010s i don't even know how to say that,like i'm used to saying like the 90s or,the 80s or something okay so now we're,in the tens which sounds weird but,um,i owned a clothing store where i sold,emerging designers from across the globe,um a really funky store based out of,calgary alberta but at the time there,was no such thing as e-commerce well,unless you had like a major store and,they were just getting online,and social media facebook was just,introduced so there was no way to get,the word out like there is now so,it's a really big change from where i'm,at today,and,that being said trying to sell other,people's brands the margins were really,slim,and,i felt like i was marketing other,people's brands for them instead of them,putting their own marketing dollars in,so that's kind of where the kate hugo,brand became because if i'm going to,spend marketing money and advertise i,want it to be for my own brand that i,can control and at least get good,margins on,so that's kind of how that emerged,i love that i think one of the one,things i admire so much about is how,hands-on you are with your business and,how passionate you are and i'd love just,for the rest of folks here tell us a,little bit about how you got started on,tick-tock and what your thought was,about coming onto the platform,so,i'm i am very strong on facebook and,instagram,and,i've been really sticking with that and,you know as um a business you really do,need to diversify and i didn't really,know where i wanted to go next um,initially thinking about tick tock i was,thinking that it was for you know the,younger generation,my target market is usually people above,40 um 40 to 60 is where where people,have money where they want to,um experiment there's not just following,what everybody else is doing anymore so,i really love that target and i wasn't,sure if it was going to be on tick tock,but it was interesting um,i started noticing in like everybody's,got a stream with their friends and i'm,40 and my friends are 40 to 55 and they,were sending me all these different tick,tocks all the time and i'm thinking what,is this this is hilarious and it jus

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How to Use TikTok Ads to Get Leads For Your Business

How to Use TikTok Ads to Get Leads For Your Business

i've been talking a lot in my videos,recently about how i'm finding facebook,ads a lot less reliable when it comes to,lead generation and reliable in general,when it comes to advertising,but advertising helps fuel the fire if,you watch my video subscribe to go and,get that if you if you watch my video,the other day where i talked about my,new campfire methodology,which talks about the new way to grow,with video in 2022 and beyond and you,can get the blueprint for that by the,way at mattjohnsononline.com,free blueprint um i talk a lot about how,instead of ads being the major,structure that drives everything it's,going to be i believe and what i'm,seeing in testing you're going to have,to spend a little bit of money on ads,and using organic to sort of blow,everything up there's a whole,methodology and training on that in that,blueprint if you grab it there,and what i'm using lately and having,success with is tick tock and,i've been testing facebook ads right,alongside it just to make sure that i,wasn't seeing the wrong numbers or,whatever it might be and while my tick,tock ad numbers are not exactly,mind-blowing,they are massively better than facebook,and they also are much more in line with,what i was willing to pay for similar,ads on facebook before so what i'm going,to show you in this video today is how,to run a lead generation campaign on,tiktok to build your email list i'm,going to show you exactly what i'm doing,all right okay so let's jump right into,it um so basically what i'm doing is i'm,driving leads to a very specific offer,it's just a download just a regular lead,magnus lead magnet thing and they're,going into my crm i use drip and then,they're going into an email sequence,to book a call with me obviously you,know to help join my ignite program to,help people build their videos their,build their business with video,and so what i'm doing on tik tok is,that's where i'm drawing like driving my,cold traffic here and i'm going to take,you inside of that,right now and then we'll go through um,after i show you the what what it looks,like here i'm gonna take you inside and,give you an exact process that you can,copy and paste and follow for yourself,so that you can start driving leads,through,uh through through tick tock ads so let,me show you what i'm seeing here,so this is my tick tock ads account,and,um i've been that's the ad level let's,go to the campaign level and i've been,doing a lot of testing and i'm still,testing to be honest with you,but here are the numbers that i am,looking at,so,fourteen thousand impressions on this so,far point four five percent clicks your,rate i'm actually seeing that tick tock,click-through rates are much lower than,the sort of regular one percent,benchmark that we're used to looking,used to looking uh used to looking at,used to be looking at what's wrong with,my what's wrong with the way that i'm,speaking,um,and you see it's a 11 cpa that's,relatively normal in business to,business um and i'm i'm not i'm not in,love with it i'd rather it was somewhere,close to seven or eight,but,on facebook you're lucky to get 20 21 22,these days because of the cpm and look,at my cpm number for b2b here,12.51 usd in all of my tests on facebook,and instagram ads over the past month i,have struggled so much to get cpms which,is the cost of advertising costs to,reach a thousand people,under,literally 60 70,and we're talking about 12 on tick tock,and i actually think this could be quite,improved and it probably it's better as,you drill down so this is the camp this,is the uh this is the campaign and i'm,running this to my you guys can get it,for free here if you just if you just,click the link this is what i'm running,a lead magnet to,but um,you can see here i tried a few different,audiences wasn't loving what i was,seeing and some of the other stuff tick,tock is very touchy about things getting,approved or not and what they like to do,is this,they like to half approve things it's,really weird but i don't see any impact,myself i'll let you know if i do see,impact but i'm actually not seeing any,impact from this partial,it's very strange it's very strange,um so you can see for this,um i spent 138 dollars here two dollar,cost per click or 267 cost per click,12 cpms 52 clicks point four six percent,ctr,uh 13 conversions at 10 68 right and,it's actually more than that because,data and ios 14 and all this stuff um,which is a 25 conversion rate et cetera,et cetera i'm also split testing landing,pages on the back end as well because i,always do that usually very different,landing pages and again as i said we're,sort of early on in this,and the numbers are not blowing you away,i'm sure but they are,really good compared to it's similar to,what you used to be able to get running,facebook and instagram ads,um and you just like you can't do that,now,um 2.40 costs so now as we drill down in,the creative so i tested a very short,creative,um,can i pre i can preview here i tested a,very very short creat

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2023 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2023 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to ticktock.com forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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TikTok for Business | TikTok Ads Tutorial for Beginners | How to Advertise on TikTok

TikTok for Business | TikTok Ads Tutorial for Beginners | How to Advertise on TikTok

tik tok has over 700 million monthly,active users and over 130 million users,are based in the us alone now as a small,business you can get in front of your,target audience on tick tock through the,advertising platform called tick tock,for business hey team spirit here,welcome along and thanks for clicking,through to this video if it's your first,time here now today i'm excited to help,you create and launch your first video,ad on tick tock using tiktok for,business now tick tocks ads manager is,very similar to facebook's ads manager,however with tick tock you have limited,targeting options in comparison with,facebook and therefore your video ads,need to stand out so at the end of this,video i will also share how you can,simply create engaging video ads in,minutes for tick tock okay now before we,go ahead and create your first tick tock,ad consider subscribing if you haven't,done so already or if you're new to this,channel and that way you'll stay updated,with actionable videos and tutorials,designed to equip you with the skills,knowledge and tools to grow your small,business online and with that quick note,let's go ahead and start advertising on,tick tock to grow your business,okay so diving right into this tick tock,ads tutorial for beginners what we want,to do is head over to tick tock for,business now you can type in tick tock,for business on google or simply head,straight over to ticktock.com,forward slash business and that will,take you to this page here,then to simply create an ads account,with tiktok all we need to do is,navigate up to the top right hand corner,and then click on create now,then come down and go ahead and sign up,with either email or your phone simply,fill in the details down here what we're,going to do is enter our email address,and then fill in these details so go,ahead and do that now either with your,email or phone number then once you've,gone ahead and added your email address,or phone number and you've added your,password and confirmed your password,then come down to verification code and,click send code and simply go through,the verification process,then you'll receive a verification code,in your email or on your phone what you,want to do is simply add that,verification code in here,then come down and make sure you take,the time to have a look at the tick tock,ads terms and conditions and the privacy,policy then simply select here and come,down and click sign up here what we need,to do is quickly go ahead and fill in,our account information so i'm going to,quickly do that now,then once you've added your account,information simply come down and click,register,okay so to quickly finish setting up our,account what we want to do is add our,website address in here and then come,down and add your billing address and,then tax information so i'm going to go,ahead and quickly do that now,and then once you've added your,information come down to payment type,now at the moment we only have access to,manual payments and later on we'll be,able to set up automatic payments for,now what we're going to do is come down,and click this arrow down here,and then what you want to do is go ahead,and add a balance to your tick tock ads,manager so go ahead and add a balance,that you're comfortable starting with,you can always come back and add more to,your balance later on now for the,purpose of this tutorial we're not,actually going to be delivering our ads,because this is just a example and a,practice account that we're setting up,so what we're going to do is come down,and click next but what you want to do,is add a balance and then come down and,click next if you want to create your,ads and actually run those,ads and just like that we've completed,setting up our account and now we're on,our tech talk ads manager now before we,go ahead and create and launch our tick,tock ads what we want to do is talk,about the pixel now the tick tock pixel,is a code that you can install on your,website so that you can track specific,events so for example what you would do,is navigate up to assets and then come,down to event,and then down here ideally what you want,to do is configure a piece of code to,define your website event this is,basically if you want to track,conversions or any other specific call,to actions it could be booking forms,submissions app installs or particular,website pages that your visitors are,landing on from your ad,so what we're going to do is create a,separate video tutorial that's going to,take you through the process of,installing your tick tock pixel on your,website so what we'll do is link that,down in the description below the pixel,is not essential especially if you're,just getting started with tick-tock ads,okay so let's go ahead and create our,first campaign by navigating up to,campaign and then down here because this,is a beginner's tutorial what we want to,do is get started with the simplified,mode then as you gain more experience,you start creating more ads and you,understand how the

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