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How To Get US TikTok Ad Account - Target Any Location In the World

what's up guys welcome to another video,in this video i'm going to share with,you how you can create tick-tock ads for,any country in the world so if you are,based in europe and you want to start,advertising on tech talk to people in,the us i'm going to show you exactly how,to get account and surprisingly enough,you do not even need,u.s phone number like more most gurus,tell you to actually get that done on,the other hand if you are based in the,us and you want to start advertising to,uk australia new zealand or wherever,else that video is going to help you get,the accounts you need to do that stay,tuned,welcome back guys welcome to the channel,if you're new here my name is jacob,wikowski and in this channel i document,my journey of starting new dropshipping,stores basically to see if dropshipping,is still alive in 20 and 22. so on the,beginning of this year i decided to,devote most of my time and most of my,money into creating new stores to see,again if it's possible to make money,with drop shipping and to be honest with,you for the first seven months of my,journey i didn't win anything i've lost,over 18 000,probably tested 20 25 different products,nothing worked for me until about four,weeks ago i found first true winning,product that actually brings me,consistent profit and right now i'm,averaging between two to even 500 profit,every single day so this changed a lot,for me now i'm in the phase where i'm,transitioning or scaling,and not only running ads to us-based,customers but now i moved a couple days,ago to uk as well which is doing great,for me but this basically begs the,question,how did i create multiple different,accounts to be able to target multiple,different countries with tiktok because,as you know tick tock only allows you to,target the countries where you are based,or the surrounding countries if you like,however if you're based in europe you,will not be able,by the default to target us-based,customers and vice versa so in this,video i'm going to share with you,exactly how i was able to create,my first us-based account now it's worth,to mention that my very first us-based,account,i didn't create it myself i've actually,paid 50 for it on app work i found one,person who were was basically creating,those accounts and after he created that,account he didn't even needed my,telephone number or he didn't need us,telephone number for to create my,account so,that was pretty interesting to me,because most of gurus on youtube tell,you that you need to have us-based,telephone number and all those different,things to be able to create your account,all i needed to do is to have a vpn and,change my ip to us,and then,basically,go ahead with an email i had and i used,my uk uh telephone number and that,seemed to do the trick so,we're in my computer right now like i,said all you need is vpn and email,address that have not been used with,tiktok yet so,when it comes to vpn i'm using nordvpn,and fun fact you only need it when,creating an account now,after i create the account i've never,used this vpn to login into my account i,logged in from my normal usual,ip address from my internet provider and,i never had any issues so,even if you have to buy a paid version,of nordvpn i think it will cost you,under 10 dollars per month and you only,really need it once you don't need to,keep this subscription to keep logging,into your account so that's what i did,vpn is nord,vpn i'm connected to united states right,now so go ahead and create a new account,so what you need to do is to go to,ticktalk.com forward slash business it,will redirect you to us,page,but you have to have vpn,active and then basically click click on,create new account so this will take you,to a form that you need to fill out with,your details,and again make sure that you have an,email address that have not been used,with tick tock yet,okay so we're on the sign up page so,what you need to do is to just use your,email 123,gmail.com and then from here obviously,choose your password,and then click on send code and this,will send a verification code to this,email address that you have provided so,let's see,all right there's one more step the,verification to see if you're not a,robot,and that's it so let's go ahead,move on to my email and see if we will,received,email from tiktok there it is,go back here,paste,agree to their terms and conditions and,sign up,okay so us is where we want to target,the country that we want to target,industry obviously e-commerce you can,choose any sub-category in here i think,because you will be testing multiple,products anyway so,choose anything business name if you,don't have a business and then i,probably assume that you would be using,your own name,uh right here,okay time zone and telephone number now,i personally left it as a us plus one,code um just to not give tick tock any,i don't know doubt that i'm based in the,uk and then what i did is i simply put,in my,normal uk telephone number here,three oh,there you go and i left th

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I Tried Dropshipping On TikTok With $250 (realistic results)

I Tried Dropshipping On TikTok With $250 (realistic results)

this video is sponsored by gsr drop,shipping so this week i have a 250,budget to start up a new shopify drop,shipping business my plan so far is to,first find a product second design a,store three create ads around that,product and then fourth market my,product on tick tock using tiktok ads to,hopefully make some sales and turn a,profit the difficult part with this,challenge is going to be working with,only 250,that is not a lot of money to start up a,new drop shipping store although it's,definitely a lot better than zero,dollars that said we're gonna have to be,pretty careful about how we spend that,money a lot of it's gonna be going,towards the ads so we wanna make sure we,don't spend too much on other stuff with,that said let's start looking for this,product,to find my product i just started,scrolling through gsr's website they,genuinely have a really good collection,of winning products and i actually found,a lot here okay i think this one,actually has some potential this nano,spray moisturizer,i like it but i think we can do a bit,better so i'm going to keep looking but,i'm going to save this product so we can,come back to it later,oh,yeah okay i like this one,i think this one is,probably the one that we're gonna do,i i feel like this is a product that,could do really well on tick tock,um i think i could design some good ads,around it because it's one of those,problem solving products it really,solves the problem of static electricity,and everything,so i'm i think we're going to go with,this one,yeah let's go,i'm excited awesome all right let's go,ahead and start on this website before,we do that though i want to tell you,about today's sponsor gsr drop shipping,for one they help drop shippers just,like you and me you sell the items and,they help you fulfill them when working,with gsr they can help you lower your,shipping times which is a huge benefit,in the drop shipping space that leads us,into the next benefit which is packing,customization gsr drop shipping offers,custom packaging meaning you can choose,which bags or boxes you want your,products to come in doing this is a,great way to help your brand feel more,professional and leads to more repeat,buyers some of their customization tools,are different bags boxes stickers thank,you cards and labels normally suppliers,will require high moqs or minimum order,quantities for custom packaging however,gsr offers moqs of 100 to 200 for,products and 500 to 1000 for custom,packaging for stocked items they can get,them out as fast as 12 to 24 hours which,is pretty insane another great service,that gsr drop shipping offers is helping,you with promotional materials if you,want to check out gsr drop shipping then,click the link in my description thank,you so much gsr dropshipping for,sponsoring this video and let's get back,to it my goal for this website is to,have it be a niche store where the,entire website is focused on one niche,that way if this product doesn't work,out i can reuse the entire website to,test different products i feel like,having one really good broad store is a,lot better than having 10 average really,targeted stores doing this also lets me,focus so much more time on the other,aspects of drop shipping such as finding,the product or making ads around it i,can focus on those aspects a lot more,because i already know that i have a,really nice website behind me that's the,goal for this store i want to make a,really nice store centered around skin,care and beauty to test different,products in that niche i'll come back to,you guys when i'm all done,so here's the website my goal was to,keep it simple and clean i chose pink,and pastel blue as the colors because,they should resonate with female,audience for the product page i really,tried to focus on showing the product,off instead of just writing about it i,added some gifs as well and a whole,video that i found on youtube and,embedded into vimeo to put on the site,overall i'm really happy with how it,came out i also went ahead and created,all of the social media pages for the,life of me i cannot figure out how to,put a link in bio on tick tock maybe i'm,just like too old for it but,basically what i did to fix that i put a,call to action to go to my instagram in,the bio so instead of clicking directly,on the link on tick tock they can go to,my instagram and then click on the link,in bio there unfortunately i didn't have,any built up tick tock accounts so i had,to start one completely from scratch,which definitely is not the best for,brand credibility but it's much better,than not having a tick tock page,especially because we're advertising on,tick tock we need one for the instagram,page i just reused an old theme page,that's completely dead so i just,repurposed it for this brand account i,posted a couple photos i did a couple,highlights and then i also did the same,where i posted a couple videos on tiktok,just to give the account some content to,make it look more real the final content,elements that we

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Guide (Complete Tutorial)

How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Guide (Complete Tutorial)

so we have marketing catalogs so we can,directly sync all of our product,information to use for campaigns so,press continue setup and this will allow,Shopify to create a tick tock Business,Center account to access your store,manager business page and product,catalog all in our place usually on Tick,Tock you would have to use their,business center so you're using the tick,tock website to manage everything inside,of that platform right with the Shopify,app we can sync it so tightly with the,tick tock platform we basically don't,need to go on tick tock's website we can,manage it all from our Shopify dashboard,from this app that's what makes this so,lucrative because we can just do,everything in Shopify which allows us to,stop shifting our attention elsewhere,and having so many different tabs open,at the same time right so press create,over here and then it says approve,access to your Tick Tock ads manager,account in order to connect to this,business center account you'll need to,approve admin access to the connected,Tick Tock ads manager account so when we,set up the tick tock pixel we created an,ads account we're basically approving,access over here so press approve and,now now as you can see this is linked,our business center cam then we're going,to marketing catalog locations so we add,countries all locations and regions,where your ads for your products will,appear you can update this in your,settings later so we can change this,later so this isn't too important but,from here we can change all this,information right now as you can see,where it says pending this is currently,pending because my ads account is,actually in review so that's why I can't,select these so you can also select,United States but you can't change the,default location once you set this up,right so you would select your location,down here for the default location this,is also dependent on your Tick Tock ads,account right for the most part it's,going to work like this if you have an,account which is binded to an IP address,or a phone number in a certain country,so if you're in the United Kingdom,you're going to probably have access to,only the UK and the European market,whereas if you're in the US you'll most,likely only have access to the United,States now for the most part United,States is going to be the biggest,portion of your customers that's the,highest commercial Market or the most,dense commercial Market to take,advantage of in e-commerce right,especially the dropshipping scene,Europe's also a pretty big Market too,but we can't change this unless you make,an account in that region I'm pretty,sure or at least I haven't tried that in,the past okay they might have changed,that now though but as you can see the,only available one is United States,right now so I'm gonna wait until this,account gets reviewed before I continue,the setup for that but we could go ahead,and also press United States as long as,we also can ship there as well now,additional regions we can also access,additional locations on here if we,select them as well so I'm going to,press confirm now that we've selected,the United States by default and now we,can press finish setup okay so the only,thing now left for us to do is to,actually create a marketing campaign,because we've set up the pixel by this,point and we've also set up the,marketing catalog locations so,everything in that regard is actually,set up so far now one thing to know is,in The Tick Tock ad Center and also more,specifically in this situation in the,Shopify app for tick tock if we scroll,down we have recommended guides over,here so make sure to Leverage this guys,if you have any difficulties with any of,these steps you have a guide on setting,up Tick Tock marketing and also gives,you some more information about The Tick,Tock pixel which is also helpful as well,and also success stories so we can have,a look at some success stories from,e-commerce and also from this beauty,store for an example and it shows the,kind of traffic which some of these,biggest brands have actually got from,advertising on Tick Tock so if you're,just generally interested in business,stuff that's just generally going to be,a good read right and there's also some,additional guides if we press this Arrow,here to the right and we have how to set,up conversion ads and also the creative,best practices to optimize those,creative conversion ads okay so really,great information here we can also,contact campaign managers to get some,additional information which is,obviously going to be free as you can,see over here that's because we're,spending money on the ad platform so,that's going to be mutually beneficial I,want to receive my 100 AD Credit Now I,mentioned this earlier basically right,now this is very situational so the,likelihood of when you watch this video,is probably not going to be available,right unless you're an early bird but,right now they have a promotion,sometimes Tick Tock does this on the ads,platform we have a hundred dol

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Sådan laver du annoncer på TikTok | Din Digitale Virksomhed i København

Sådan laver du annoncer på TikTok | Din Digitale Virksomhed i København

Hej allesammen, jeg hedder Tine,og jeg er Paid Social Specialist hos Dept Agency. ,Dept er et internationalt, digital bureau,,der er bosat på Christianshavn,og vi arbejder til daglig med kunder som Magasin og JYSK ,og steel series.,Jeg sidder til daglig og arbejder med betalt annoncering på sociale medier,og jeg har fået den fantastiske mulighed at få lov at vise,,hvordan man sætter en annonce op i TikTok Ads manager.,Så det skal vi til nu. ,I kan se min skærm. ,Vi er inde i TikTok Ads manager.,Jeg er oppe under campaign, ,det er sådan, man kommer ind i TikTok Ads manager. ,Vi skal til at sætte tre lag op ,for at sætte denne annonce op. ,Vi har et kampagneniveau, vi har et fleksibels annoncegruppeniveau,og så har vi et Ad-niveau.,Hvis man har prøvet at annoncere før,,fx på Facebook, så vil man helt sikkert kunne genkende denne struktur.,For at bygge annoncen op, klikker vi på create - den er lige her - ,jeg tager lige noget vand - ,og nu skal vi til at bygge kampagneniveauet op.,Hvis vi scroller lidt ned...,kan vi se de annonceringsmål, vi kan få lov at vælge imellem.,Der er sikkert nogle af jer, der kan genkende disse annonceringsmål,,måske kan I ikke lige genkende alle.,Der er ikke så mange at vælge mellem endnu.,Det er fordi, TikTok er en forholdsvis ny platform at annoncere på.,Vi kan også se, at de for nylig har tilføjet leadgeneration.,Hvis I er nye til at annoncere på TikTok,,og det formoder jeg I er, hvis I kigger med, ,så vil jeg klart anbefale, at man starter blødt ud,og vælger en video-views annonce.,Det er simpelthen fordi, at TikTok er en app,,som er bygget op omkring videocontent,,så det er derfor også en platform, der er god til at levere mange videoviews,til en relativt billig cost pr. view.,Så i tråd med den anbefaling - ,er det, hvad jeg vil sætte op nu. ,Scroller vi længere ned,,kan vi se, at vi skal udfylde kampagnenavn,og vi skal sætte et budget. ,Så det gør vi. ,Jeg kan den bare Dept. ,For at sætte budget er det vigtigt, at du lige klipper fluebenet væk.,Så kan vi vælge mellem lifetime budget,og vi kan vælge daily budget. ,Så er det vigtigt at understrege, at man skal bruge mindst 50 USD på kampagneniveauet, ,jeg har desværre ikke dansk currency, ,fordi jeg arbejder for en international kunde, ,men 50 USD svarer til ca. 300 DKK.,Så det er altså, hvad du skal sætte af som minimumbeløb på kampagneniveauet.,Jeg taster bare 100 ind. ,Og så trykker jeg på continue. ,Så skal vi til at bygge vores annoncegruppe op. ,Det er heroppe, vi udfylder navnet.,Den er lidt langsom. ,Det er det, der sker. ,Så kommer vi ned til placements, hvor det er dejlig nemt, fordi ,her kan vi bare vælge TikTok, så der skal vi ikke tænke over så meget. ,Nedenunder TikTok-logoet kan vi vælge to ting til. ,Vi kan vælge, at folk må kommentere på vores annonce,,og vi kan vælge, at de godt må downloade vores annonce. ,Ift. download har jeg ikke den store holdning - hvis du vil have det, kan du helt sikkert vælge det til, ,men user comment til gengæld - altså, at vi tillader dem, der ser annoncen at kommentere, ,er supervigtigt fordi kommentarsporet er en stor del af TikTok. ,Folk bruger utrolig meget tid på at kommentere på videoer derinde,og så er det også et fantastisk værktøj til at få indsigt i, hvad folk synes om din annonce -,kan de lide den, kan de ikke lide den, ,og hvad synes folk om din virksomhed og det produkt eller de ydelser, du sælger. ,Så jeg vil klart anbefale, at I vælger den her til. ,Hvis vi scroller længere ned, kommer vi til targeting. ,Hvis du har annonceret på andre SoMe-platforme før, vil du sikkert genkende denne.,Vi kan inkludere eller ekskludere custom audiences eller look-a-like-audiences.,Dem skal du bygge op herinde, ,hvis du kører pilen over assets kan du se, der er en 'Audiences'-knap,,du kan klikke på og det er herinde du skal bygge dine custom eller look-a-like audiences op. ,Scroller vi længere ned, ,kommer vi til demografien. ,Her har TikTok været så sød at vælge Danmark for os, så det er også dejlig nemt. ,Ellers skal du klikke på pilen ned og så kan du søge efter det land, du gerne vil targete. ,Lige nu lader vi den stå på Danmark. ,Så kan vi også få lov at vælge mellem køn. ,Og vi kan vælge mellem alder. ,Har du annonceret på Facebook er du måske vant til at skræddersy ,den aldersgruppe, man gerne vil ramme;,det vil sige, at man kan vælge en mindst alder og en max alder.,Det kan vi desværre ikke her, der er fastlagte aldersgrupper at vælge imellem. ,Som udgangspunkt vil jeg sige, hvis man er ny til at annoncere på en platform, ,så er det best practice at annoncere så bredt som muligt - det vil sige, at man skal vælge 13-55+ i det her tilfælde,,men det skal selvfølgelig ikke være nogen hemmelighed, at TikTok ,primært er for de lidt yngre mennesker. ,Det er yngre mennesker, der befinder sig og er aktive derinde.,Jeg har set gode resultater for folk, der er 13-34 ,i de kampagner, jeg har kørt, så det er også de 3 grupper, jeg vil vælge her.,Så kommer vi til languages.,Måske tænker du,

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Dropshipping 2022 - From 0$ to $2k a day with TikTok Ads

Dropshipping 2022 - From 0$ to $2k a day with TikTok Ads

heard about dropshipping from your friend from the  tv if you want to start from scratch and make  ,up to 2k a day those who got their facebook  accounts banned or blocked anyone who wants  ,to start their online life this course i'm  going to show you how to take a product  ,and scale it up to 2k a day using tick-tock ads  only but before let me introduce myself my name  ,is yousef khalidi i'm an entrepreneur and a  digital marketer i've built seven and eight  ,figure online businesses in the last seven years  including e-com stores brands and e-com tools  ,i've helped thousands around the globe to  launch their in online businesses for free  ,through my facebook public page youtube channel  instagram profile and task kickers group  ,and now i'm back with the stiktok course to help  you crack the code again and start selling online  ,so grab some popcorn a can of coke or a bottle a  water is also good and see you inside the course  ,so for starters let's start well who's the course  for um if you want to start drop shipping you  ,heard about drop shipping from your friend from  the tv from whatever so this course is for you  ,if you want to start from scratch and make up  to 2k a day you can make so much more but we're  ,going to start with 2k a day then you can with  the skating techniques i'm going to show you and  ,um teach you you can take this up to 10k 20k  whatever you want and um those who got their  ,facebook accounts banned or blocked because you  know facebook has a lot of strict uh terms of  ,services they ban they block and um you can lose  your business uh so easy uh well this course is  ,for you as well and um anyone who wants to start  their online live this course is gonna be for  ,beginners start with the beginners and i'm just  gonna go into depth until you reach a really  ,advanced level so it's gonna start with really uh  beginners until you get into more advanced stuff  ,so it suits everyone um it's literally what  i mean from zero from scratch to 2k day  ,let's go to the next slide we  have the zebra dancing here  ,yo the course outline let's talk about the  course what will be included in the course  ,so we'll talk about drop shipping just a  brief about drop shipping what it means  ,uh most of you guys know whoever don't know we  just go over um a couple of stuff why tickle cats  ,and about products product product pricing profit  margin etc how to price your products what kind of  ,products the product research how to find your  winning product uh creating the best landing  ,pages to sell um video editing how to get the  video how to edit what kind of video works um  ,create a tiktok account i'm going to show you  how to create the account in case you get banned  ,in case you get blocked what you do have to do  is going to be covered as well testing product  ,campaigns i'm going to show you how to create  a campaign in tick tock and test the product  ,analyzing the campaigns to know when to stop the  campaign and not overspend i'm going to teach you  ,about scaling how to scale the product and go  from a couple of hundreds a day to a couple of  ,thousands a day so this will be included as well  and i'm going to teach you how to auto fulfill  ,your orders so in case you get an order how what  to do uh you don't go to ad express manually and  ,do this there is like smarter ways to do that  let's go to the next slide and talk about drop  ,shipping okay what is drop shipping is fico so  drop shipping i'm gonna just sum it up um it means  ,you don't have stock you don't have a warehouse  you don't have a warehouse full of your products  ,that you're gonna sell so it means you don't have  stock you see any product anyone in product online  ,in aliexpress majorly you take this take the  images take the title take whatever and i'm gonna  ,show you like in depth how to do everything but  i'm just like summarizing as i said so you add a  ,profit margin to any product let's say 15 and only  when you get an order only when you get someone  ,paid for the product uh for example you see it  on an express for five dollars you price it on  ,your landing page for twenty dollars um so the  customer comes and buys it for twenty dollars  ,uh you go to aliexpress and buy it for five  dollars so you have a margin of fifteen dollars  ,not talking about the ad spend because you're  going to be spending on ads to get this buyer um  ,so only after you get an order so you have the the  money already in the bank you go to aliexpress you  ,buy it or any supplier you put the infos of the  customer there in the details instead of viewer um  ,infos and it's been working since  forever like this model has been working  ,uh for so long but it's been vital and popular  since the rise of shopify let's say since 2016.  ,it's been it turned into a very popular thing  and um it's still working it will work uh  ,for at least 2 000 years more so don't worry  this is like how ecom goes and it can get very  ,profitable if y

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TikTok Ads Strategy - TikTok Ads Library Exposed...

TikTok Ads Strategy - TikTok Ads Library Exposed...

what is up guys here and in this video,we're going to be looking at the tick,tock ad Library by the way also make,sure you stick till the end of the video,because towards the end I'm going to be,giving out three discount codes for the,world hiking bootcamp specifically for,The Tick Tock module it's something that,I've been dedicating quite a bit of time,at the given moment as I focus on,webinar funnels at present and you could,basically see some of my results right,here so here's one ad write cpms across,the European Union of four dollars and,sixty cents right Impressions 24K 118,clicks we're talking about a cost per,click of 0.95 Euros 35 conversions and a,cost per acquisition of webinar sign up,B2B of three euros and 22 cents right,and then this one is a duplicate of the,one above overall as you can see the,cpms are pretty decent especially on,Tech talk primarily because it's a,relatively under saturated platform at,the moment and uh the cpcs are also,pretty good and above all it also,answers the question for the B2B folk,can I advertise B2B based products and,services on on Tech talk and the answer,is definitely yes tick tock's ad,platform isn't as sophisticated as,Facebook's when it comes to,behavior-based tracking I definitely,think it's something that they're,working on especially considering the,heavy terms and conditions that they,have in place they have so much,quote-unquote tracking power but at the,moment it's not there so if you let's,say are targeting B2B based individuals,right you could do interest-based,targeting of marketing for example,that's been working quite well key point,that I basically want to look at is The,Tick Tock ad Library which is,essentially a resource that Tick Tock,gives you right and it's exactly like,the Facebook ad Library where you can,essentially go on the ad Library you,could see what your competitors are,doing you could see what other,advertisers are doing and you can,essentially get inspiration and get,Intel with regards to what works so that,you don't have to reinvent the wheel,quote unquote cool thing about it as you,can see on my screen is the amount of,customization that they essentially give,you with regards to the results that,you're able to get so like let's say if,we choose uh Denmark right and then,industry we'll just select all we can,essentially see all all the Danish ads,that are currently running right now A,duration lasts 30 days and we can also,separate by objective so quote unquote,if we're looking for other ads that are,being run for lead generation based,purposes we click on Legion then they,pop up we can look at them and then we,can do whatever we want right so here we,can see a legion ad for Recruitment and,job search which essentially makes,perfect sense they watch the ad they,click on it and then right after that,they essentially fill out an instant,form with their details and the,recruiter contacts them just like,LinkedIn and I honestly see how this,would work really really well then if we,look at conversion based ads 8K likes 39,comments 31 shares so you can,essentially see that this is a,successful ad just based off the uh the,share and viewership metrics right and,then here you have stats with regards to,click-through rate then if we look at,United States based advertisers I want,to show you how I was able to afford,airpods 149,000 likes so that means that they're,seriously putting some crazy ad spend,behind it and objective app install in,this case so they basically watch this,ad then they install the doordash app,and then they can essentially start,hustling so let's watch the ad super,quick Pros in 48 hours starting with,nothing first thing you're going to want,to do is download the doordash driver,app after that,after that questions and this honestly,takes five minutes next it's going to,ask you if you want to use a car an,e-bike or a bicycle and we're in as you,can see certain places will have promos,for driving During certain times of the,day so if you time it right you can,actually make Bank in a super short,amount of time,doordash sign up now and then the call,to action will essentially be right,under saying sign up now Etc pretty,simple stuffs let's see what they have,for product sales or e-commerce they did,it again with these two for 24 shorts,they just don't miss they got a new,form-fitting waistband but they added a,drawstring for an even better fit quit,getting choked out by her shorts and,don't forget the liner pocket stop,letting your phone fall out when you sit,down and stand up you know exactly what,I'm talking about and the quality is,still insane for two for twenty four,dollars these are better than the 80,shorts I used to buy and look at these,fire color options but get them quick,because everyone's freaking out over,these new fundamentals so this one also,has some pretty crazy outspend if you're,an e-commerce this tool is an absolute,like Wonder because you can essentially,see what's what's selling at the moment,becaus

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How To Influence Other Countries (Change Regions) On TikTok (Updated 2022)

How To Influence Other Countries (Change Regions) On TikTok (Updated 2022)

how do you change where your content is,seen by others on tick tock is this,something that's even within your,control inside of the app in short yes,it is we're gonna unpack several,solutions in today's video now i feel it,very important understand first of all,how tik-tok geo-targets based on,location because this is vastly,different from traditionally how most,social media platforms function for,better for worse in very simple terms,where you create your account on tick,tock is predominantly where you're going,to influence if you're in canada you,create your account in canada you're,going to notice you're going to be,influenced on a lot of canadian,audiences for the first 50 videos,roughly that you put out there now that,sphere of influence or what countries or,territories your videos are seen in,generally is limited to the nearest four,to five regions and you're going to see,this reflected in your analytics for,example here's a video with roughly 40,million views and if we scroll down to,the video views by region section we can,see percentages from mexico vietnam,colombia the uk argentina and germany,the very small percentages so you can,rest assured that this video was seen,all over the world and this is generally,what you're going to see when you review,either the profile analytics or in this,case the video analytics there's going,to be a spectrum of different,territories and that is normal but how,do you change that how do you target a,particular location on tick tock well,for starters you really have a few,different options at your disposal first,of all tik tok is going to organically,natively by itself without your,intervention expand your content to,different territories once you start,achieving multiple breakthrough videos a,breakthrough video is generally a video,over a million views,what language you speak in your content,the language you write in your text,bubbles the hashtags that you use even,your audio selections are all going to,weigh heavily into what regions or,territories or countries your content,eventually expands to and in case you,haven't noticed already it's completely,normal to have a spectrum of different,territories that your video reaches at,any given time so just to recap so we're,clear if hypothetically you're in,portugal and you want to reach us-based,audiences or the uk or canada or,australia english-speaking territories,let's just say you're going to have to,be speaking english in your content,using us-based hashtags using popular,audio from the states and tick-tock will,eventually pick up on your intentions,and start serving your content to those,regions once you start having videos,that have views at scale breakthrough,videos as we talked about videos that,have a surplus of a million views in the,short term you will likely be reaching,portuguese viewers or local audiences,but again that's not permanent now there,is a way to shortcut this and this is,where vpns and sim cards really come,into the equation a lot of you have,likely heard different hearsay,information on using these methods some,have had success others haven't i want,to share with you what we found have,been the best solutions from the,thousands of conversations i've had with,some of you and the discourse insider,public and private tick tock communities,here are the facts so far vpns or,virtual private networks which can,change your ip address or hide the,location that you're currently residing,in they work very arbitrarily some,people have success with them others,don't it's not a very surefire way to,change where your content is seen,however that's not to say everyone,doesn't have success with them there are,certain locations like france for,example where creators most of the time,have success with vpns i have not been,able to connect the dots why france has,it easier than others but that's just,what i found so far if you're looking,for a vpn to use there are really three,that creators have the most success with,surfshark nordvpn and there's one more,i'll link all three of these in the,description down below however bearing,all that in mind a better alternative is,to utilize a sim card to change regions,on tiktok the sim card is a little,computer chip that's inserted into your,device that allows you to connect to,whatever network provider you purchase,with the sim card verizon google fi at t,t-mobile these data plans usually are,pre-loaded on the sim card when you buy,it which is gonna run you ballpark 35,i'll put several links in the,description down below where creators,usually purchase these sim cards from,again they're not that expensive and,it's generally recommended that you,utilize the sim card or the data plan of,the sim card to do all your content,creation and activity on tiktok versus,using the local wi-fi network you can,use wi-fi or whatever your your home,router is,to view and consume on tick-tock but if,you're uploading content you're leaving,comments you're going live activity like,that it's g

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How To Scale Your Ecommerce TikTok Ads To $10k/Day

How To Scale Your Ecommerce TikTok Ads To $10k/Day

if you want to put a dollar into your,ecommerce business and predictably have,hundreds of dollars fly out at your face,so that you can buy 40 wish replicas of,your favorite watch then you need to,master one important skill,media buying if you want a team of,experts to help you find winning,products build your website create your,ads and manage your ads until we scale,to one grand a day or more then book a,call in the link in description with my,agency blue ocean digital just in the,past week one of our media buyers took a,brand new store from zero to 15 grand a,day so if anyone tells you that,dropshipping aren't tank talk ads is,dead they're probably a hater or your,parents so click the link in the,description if you're interested,oof that is an absolute stunner and i,know that lowers my credibility but as,you can see by my stripe your boy does,make a little bit of money on fourteen,thousand dollars yesterday i know gotta,flex my giga chad bank account real,quick because people just don't believe,people that are broke so now that we're,getting into media buying it doesn't,matter what platform you're using if,it's facebook tick tock ads i personally,like tick tock ads but when you're,trying to scale an e-commerce brand you,need to understand one platform and,really master it because they're all so,different and they're so niche in the,ways that you can scale on one platform,bid caps might work better or on one,platform certain creatives might only,work on that platform especially with,tick-tock so you really need to,understand and focus down on one main,platform to master because if you can,master it you will make millions of,dollars so pick a platform it can be,facebook it can be tick-tock they all,definitely work with e-commerce you just,need to figure out the different nuances,now after testing hundreds of products,and in the last month alone on tick tock,one of the main things i realized is,that creatives are so incredibly vital,especially in the beginning i would,recommend never testing a product unless,you have three to five creatives minimum,so when you have three creatives which,is our bare minimum here this is how i,would set up the first campaign so we're,gonna select conversions and when we go,down here to naming our campaign i,always do the product name breakeven,point so let's say i'm selling a,necklace so we just do the name of the,necklace bep and bep basically stands,for breakeven point so if i'm selling a,product for 25 and it cost me 10 then my,breakeven point is 15. that's where i,don't lose any money but i don't make,any money so that's a good metric i like,to keep track of there's other things i,like to keep track of like whether this,is a testing campaign or a scaling,campaign but just to keep it basic we'll,just have this framework now for cbo's i,do not do cbo's when testing i know that,works better on facebook and again this,is where you have to learn the nuances,but for tick tock after doing a ton of,testing i feel like cbo is better for,scaling so once you connect the pixel to,your shopify store make sure you're,selecting that and also that you have,the optimization event as complete,purchase this is a brand new ad account,so nothing's on it now for placement,we're going to do tick tock and for the,advanced settings i do recommend having,the comments on we have done a ton of,split tests and you can manage your,comments by going to assets then,comments and you can see all the,comments so if you do want to delete,comments because typically 90 of,comments will be positive but around 10,will say oh you can get this product on,amazon for five dollars then you can go,to assets and comments to easily shut,them down because we don't need anyone,going rogue and taking food from our,plates so you can easily monitor that,but i would recommend it because we,noticed more people were sharing our ads,and more people were clicking and it was,just noticing that our purchases went up,when we had that feature on now for aco,this is something we've also split,tested a lot this is great for scaling,too when you have a ton of creatives i,would not recommend it in the beginning,you typically want to have a good amount,of spend for each one of your creatives,so you can see which one is the best and,when you're doing aco a lot of your,creatives are going to get neglected,they're only going to get maybe 5 cents,10 cents spent on them and you can't,properly evaluate if they are a winner,so i'd recommend turning that off and,then for targeting locations this is up,to you i would recommend getting an,agency account if you're international,so that you can have us targeting us is,still the best country on tick tock by,far however the cpms can get pretty,competitive so if you are in europe it,actually is very favorable to do uk,targeting to australia targeting to do,france targeting there are specific,countries that work very well because,they don't get a whole lot of ads shown,to them so the cpms are so freaking

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