tiktok ads blueprint

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$90,000 Tiktok Ads Blueprint (+Winning Product Reveal) | Learn Tik Tok Ads In 20 Minutes

tick tock ads for shopify and drop,shipping and how to master them i'm,going to interview my six figure student,rafael who has crushed tick-tock ads and,we'll talk about what products work,there what strategies work that aaron's,going to reveal a winning product that,you can sell right now on tick tock ass,that is doing extremely well and we'll,talk about why that product was,successful how he made ninety thousand,dollars with tick tock ads and how you,can do it yourself if you want to learn,more about tick tock hats and other,advertising strategies that'll get you,to six figures and more make sure you,join the five day live training it's,starting in a couple of days from now,i'm gonna reveal everything plus you can,ask questions live directly to me and my,team i'll see you there all right i am,here with rafael with my same name he's,actually one of my students from about a,year ago and he is absolutely crushing,it on tick tock ads with his shopify,store he's going to tell us today why,you should start looking at tick tock,ads how to get the best result out of,your tick tock ads campaigns and overall,a good and deep look into tick tock and,how it can work for your store so,welcome to the channel raphael happy to,have you thanks man appreciate this,opportunity and uh looking forward to,educate people on what tic tac really is,and how they could get started on their,journey awesome so let's get started,with obviously people want to see a,little bit of proof they want to see,that you've gotten sales on tick tock,we're not just talking about nothing so,you could share your screen and just,show the results that would be awesome,that's all tick tock that's what we have,going on so far this product was doing,very well for us until we had to scale,down due to some uh you know issues but,hopefully you know we should get it up,and running pretty soon but right now,this is what we're at the past few,months awesome so almost six figures in,five months from tick tock very solid so,you're making 20 25k a month just from,tick tock so it might not be giant but,for somebody that's for example,struggling with facebook struggling with,google jumping into tech talk making 90k,it could definitely be life-changing so,why do you think people should get into,tech talk why do you think it's a good,platform to pursue versus other,platforms honestly the question is why,not um you see so many advertisers the,first instinct is let me try facebook,let me see what's with facebook because,that's what everybody else is doing but,nobody sees a mass opportunity with tick,tock and how it could benefit their,business because we all know if we all,like do drop shipping or e-commerce of,some sort we know that facebook could be,a pain with ads getting rejected,facebook bans and uh people are looking,for another opportunity to you know,scale their business because everything,is scalable but with facebook pains it,definitely could be a struggle and,that's why it takes such a viable option,right now and that's why we took,advantage of it at the right time so,that's why we got to see the results,we've seen we're just looking to share,that awesome can you scroll down a,little bit on this page just so people,see that the actual source is tick tock,that we're not showing something so,right here yeah right there so online,store session so you got tick tock,snapchat also how's that been tick-tock,compared to snapchat what do you think,is a better platform oh it's no,comparison tick-tock always wins we,tried snapchat but snapchat it could,work,but personally for us we haven't seen,much growth from it too much but tick,tock has definitely killed it from us,and something amazing that you have,prepared for the subscribers here on the,channel i got you to do this you're,going to share your winning product that,made you that 90k so that people can go,ahead and sell it and we can talk a,little bit about the products that saw,on tech talk so go ahead and share that,with people let's see it i haven't seen,it yet i'm excited for this,awesome let's do it there it is,ah this one okay,this product has absolutely killing it,for us like right when we saw this,product we knew this has to be for,tick-tock and i guess we were right so,if you have an idea of what type of,product you want to sell on tick tock,take inspiration from this this is,something that can do very well,everybody's always into weight loss,everybody always wants to be fit this is,something what's so great about tick,tock is the content is unbelievably like,it resonates with the audience more,rather than,matched fiverr videos that people put,together with these clips and everything,but more,speaking to the audience you know let's,say someone's reviewing this product and,they're doing themselves they're more,speaking to the audience so people,resonate with that more and they feel,more inclined to want to buy,and that's what we've been seeing you,know when that actually works and we,utilize that and it's su

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads blueprint

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FREE TikTok Ads Course | COMPLETE A - Z BLUEPRINT 2021

FREE TikTok Ads Course | COMPLETE A - Z BLUEPRINT 2021

hey everyone we're going to cover,everything about making tick tock ads,today,how to create an actual account how to,make a business manager,ad account pixel how to set up your,first campaign what the best,actual you know targeting methods are,and then how to actually launch the ad,so that way you can start getting,conversions because we all know with you,know ios stuff happening with facebook,and all these other platforms tick tock,is definitely,you know a contender in the making right,now especially with the results we're,seeing online we're seeing really good,conversions with tick tock,now that doesn't go without saying that,we know what we're doing but that's what,we're here for so that way you can learn,as well,so let's go ahead and get started if you,go ahead and go to,ticktalk.com business what you're going,to do is you're going to hit the button,get started and i'll have links below so,that way you can access all of these,things on the video so you can follow,along,and next thing you're going to do is,you're going to enter in your email make,a password,or you can sign up with your phone,either way you'll end up completing this,information,get the verification code and you're,going to sign up and that's going to,create a tick tock,business account for you so that way you,can start running actual ads,once you do that you're going to see a,page that looks similar to this,and you've probably created an ads,manager but,you can launch a business manager just,by once you actually have access you can,set up a business manager and that's,essentially for managing other pages,but once you have access just go ahead,and click on your ad account,once you actually have it and what's,going to happen is you're going to be,directed to a page similar to this,and if you aren't all you need to do is,just click business center,or business settings in the top right,and that's going to take you to this,page and you just need to make sure that,you fill out all this information as you,go through those steps which is,actually making sure you named your,account choosing the currency type,making sure that you actually have your,time zone,and just completing the rest of this,information so that way you actually,have all of that implemented here,and then for the payment type what's,going to end up happening is you're,going to have to make manual payments so,essentially,instead of it automatically charging you,you have to upload a balance and then,eventually once,tick-tock trusts everything you'll be,able to switch to recurring payments,later on,which allows you to automatically be,built which is much easier,and then the other things are just,making sure you have the card connected,with payment and then,you just go to payment summary add,balance and you can do that,if you have a promotion code you can add,that i don't know if tick tock is still,running those right now but you can,always check and see,after that what you're gonna end up,doing is you're gonna go to assets,right here and you're going to click,event this is going to allow you to,create a pixel because you're going to,need a pixel to track individuals on,your site so that way you can actually,get,you know conversions get data teach the,algorithm on tick tock,and if you're running a website the,easiest thing to do is just go ahead and,click manage,and then what you're going to do is hit,create pixel i've already created one,but i'll show you essentially how you,can run through this process,essentially all you do is just name your,pixel and then if you have a shopify,site what you need to do is just go to,shopify,app store we'll just go find it real,quick and then we'll go to,tick tock and make sure it's by tick,tock,these right here that are running ads,don't don't click on any of those those,are just going to end up charging you or,something,just always go with the actual source,itself which is tick-tock inc,that is tick-tock's app so click on that,one you'll install it and what's gonna,happen is once you install it you can,actually go to the sales channel in your,shopify account and you'll be able to,set up your pixel,automatically and it'll map all the,events for you it's super simple,so just go to this page i'll have it,linked below and you can add their free,app,now if you don't have a shopify what you,do is you just go to manually install,code and this method isn't as hard,um well it's a little harder but you,have to,place the events yourself and,essentially what you do is once you do,that,you hit next and you know you do,standard mode if you don't know how to,uh,you know place everything as a developer,and what you do is you just end up,clicking standard mode you copy this,pixel,and you go and place it in your head,script on your website,i won't be able to show you this method,because i won't be able to have back-end,access to one of your websites but if,you just go to your website find out,where the head script is just paste it,in there,and then download tiktok

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How To Launch A Dropshipping Product | TikTok Ads Testing Blueprint (A-Z Walkthrough)

How To Launch A Dropshipping Product | TikTok Ads Testing Blueprint (A-Z Walkthrough)

figuring out if a product is good or not,can be difficult so in this video i'll,give you guys my exact strategy for,testing products on tick tock how you,can actually set up a campaign test a,product extremely easily and figure out,if it's something you can actually scale,up pretty quickly like it'll be day one,you'll figure out if the product is good,or not now understand i use this exact,strategy to take a product from zero to,seven thousand dollars per day in five,days so it's not like i haven't used,this method like i i'm using it very,regularly as we're testing many products,on tick tock so before we get into it be,sure to leave a like if this video does,get 300 likes i'll make another video,tick tock related it'll probably be like,how i scale products or maybe showing,you guys my creatives or something along,those lines like showing you guys how to,create creatives because tick tock is,very visual so creatives play a big part,in your ads so again if you want to see,that 300 likes and i'll make a video,like that and then also click subscribe,below other than that though we'll get,into my computer i'm going to quickly,show you guys how i found the product,it's going to take like a minute and,then i'll get into the exact testing,strategy you guys can use and give you,guys some tips on how to run your ads,properly with tick tock and test,products again very efficiently when to,know like if the product works or not,like when to turn it off or when to keep,going and all that stuff so without,further ado let's get into my computer,all right first things first i wanted to,just show you guys how i found the,product so like i mentioned it was on,mine a and i basically just came to the,pinterest section and i went over this,in last video but i just want to briefly,touch on it so basically we just came to,here went u.s,canada,and you can go through a few other,countries but we just do that mainly,right now and then we went on shopify,and then go to click funnels as well,because a good amount of people are,running ads on pinterest like ecom ads,but they're doing click funnels and then,pins we try to go like 1000 plus because,pins are a little bit easier to obtain,so that's a pretty good metric you want,to go for and then we'll wait for this,to load and then you can basically just,start going through these ads and figure,out if there's like any cool product you,want to run so this is basically what we,do like pretty often guys i'm gonna be,completely honest because we're testing,a lot of products so the frequency of,tests is high which means we need to,find a lot of cool products like that's,a cool product it's in the beauty niche,so those are all good products like the,the beauty niche products so there's one,so we basically do this and then let's,say we find a product we'll then go to,tiktok and type it in so one of the,products we tested was this product so,i'll show you guys it,it's this little ice roller for your,face it's like the jade roller but a new,version of it the product sold but the,margins or the the roads wasn't there,for us so we stopped selling it but,basically what you do is you'd come here,and you'd basically try to look if you,could see a lot of content for the,product so there was enough content for,this product there were a good amount of,videos to where we could easily download,them and run ads with the content which,i'll make another video going over that,if you guys want uh videos like that be,sure to leave a like on this one once we,get we'll say 300 likes on this video,i'll do a video on that where i go over,creatives and stuff like an exact,blueprints that you guys can follow but,yeah that's basically what we do to,validate the product we just come on,tick tock we need to see like 10 to 100,pieces of content and then after that we,basically test the product out and scale,it if it works well so i'll explain to,you guys my overall testing strategy i,think that'll be pretty helpful for you,guys let's now get into the exact tick,tock testing structure that i've,actually used to take again a product,from 0 to 7k per day in five days which,is insanity that i'm able to do that,with tick tock tick tock is a beautiful,platform and if you can learn it you can,really scale up products very quickly,and profitably so here are the results,of day one it was around thirty seven,hundred dollars in revenue now keep in,mind this was once we actually pivoted,the product from a general store to a,one product store essentially our,testing strategy goes like this we have,a general store where we're running tons,of different products to test and,validate if they are good and if we,should scale them and then once we,actually validate the product we push,the product into either a one product,store or a niche store and then that's,essentially what this day one was we,actually set up ads we knew the product,was good and so we pumped up revenue,pumped up ad spend and were able to do,3700,day one and then buy day fi

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6-Figure Tiktok Ads Tutorial for Shopify Dropshipping (Beginner Friendly)

6-Figure Tiktok Ads Tutorial for Shopify Dropshipping (Beginner Friendly)

welcome my name is Hayden if you're new,here I run this YouTube channel as well,as one of the most successful eCommerce,training programs and I have personally,spent a little bit over four million,dollars on Tick Tock ads so far in the,last two years what I'm going to do,today is give you a full breakdown start,to finish this is the tutorial the free,course everything you need all in one,I'm also going to talk about multiple,winning products you can start selling,today I'm going to give you the three,favorite niches that I sell in that you,can start looking for products in and,I'm going to show you exactly what that,framework looks like this is the same,thing people are using inside of our,free Discord group to make a ton of,money so make sure to join that free,group linked down below just below it,you can also find our eCommerce training,program around tick tock let's jump in,okay Tick Tock ad tutorial this is,beginner friendly whether you have no,experience or a lot of experience these,are going to be great things you can use,right now so even if you just stick with,like the first six minutes it's the most,important piece okay so let's jump in,the five elements to profitable Tick,Tock ad we don't just want to run Tick,Tock ads it needs to spit off profit and,ideally very quickly okay number one,budget selection this is based on a few,variables number one if you're selling a,product for fifteen dollars versus three,hundred dollars your budget will be,different it has to match that I'm going,to talk about that also the ad account,history if my ad account is new and I'm,just getting started I don't know if,it's working my product isn't even,proven yet well I'm gonna have lower,budget ads I'm not gonna have twenty,dollar day ads I'm going to tell you,what to start them at here in a second,but if I also have an ad account that's,making a hundred thousand dollars a,month there'd be no reason for me to,launch a fifty dollar A Day ad it,wouldn't benefit anyone you want to move,higher budget as quickly as possible so,we'll talk about that framework but,budget selection very important number,two meet your customers where they are,native ads this basically means that,your customers can't tell your ad is an,ad until it's already too late until,they've really been roped in so that's,what's called native versus invasive,advertising very crucial to just kind of,go with the flow of traffic on Tick Tock,number three audience sizing avoid,narrow targeting big mistake that people,make trying to go into like the single,digit Millions avoid clogging up your ad,account I promise I will cover this,towards the end of this video there's,one the most important things because,you can create ad account spending,issues without even knowing what you're,doing where your ad account just won't,spend money so if you've ever had that,problem or heard about it because it is,a true nightmare I'm going to give you,the solution to that in this video okay,and then finally a product that will,actually convert and a page to support,it you can't beat a dead horse there's,really only so much you can do if you,have a terrible product a terrible offer,everything is just not working no matter,how good you are at ads you probably,can't get it working so at some point,you're gonna have to be able to say hey,I need to cut this off it's not working,I've spent 800 around that point is,where hey maybe it's time to move on if,you're not even remotely getting close,to that Breakeven range I don't need to,be profitable right away but I need to,see momentum okay so let's go through,this I've got two other presentations to,show you on ads one of these is from,inside of our e-commerce program that,I've never shown publicly I've got about,five articles pulled up and a ton of,stuff for you here so it's gonna be a,good one three mistakes oh by the way,make sure to drop a like down below I,hope you guys have been enjoying the,value the last video I made I gave away,50 winning products you can start,selling right now I'll leave that video,linked below as well if you want to,check it out uh but give me a like I,appreciate it you guys and subscribe if,you're not subscribed about 60 of you,guys are not subscribed who watch the,channel I would greatly appreciate okay,three mistakes that people make when,they're running Tick Tock ads number one,they're not testing their ads properly,okay this is commonly they're not,spending enough money okay so they're,running like two twenty dollar a day,budgets and they're leaving them up for,a little bit but they're just not giving,it enough time usually that's because,there's no real strategy number two,improper audience selection sizing and,targeting again getting into those,single single digit Millions big mistake,having too narrow and then running your,ad post on the wrong location so this,doesn't mean who you're targeting like,the us or Canada or people in New,Zealand this means where you're actually,placing the video there's a co

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GENERAL STORE x TIKTOK ADS GLITCH METHOD! (Shopify Dropshipping Challenge)

GENERAL STORE x TIKTOK ADS GLITCH METHOD! (Shopify Dropshipping Challenge)

i launch a general store that sells 10,viral products and my goal for this,challenge was to make at least ten,thousand dollars this week with,tick-tock ads just do it in this video,you will get to see my full strategy so,that you can learn how to set up or,improve your shopify drop shipping store,and i do cover some advanced methods,such as testing and scaling cbo and aco,campaigns i also use a glitch method,mother of god spoiler alert this,challenge was a success so stick to the,end because i'll be dropping some insane,value in this video that you won't be,seeing anywhere else,so why am i starting a general store,instead of a one product store like most,drop shippers well i'll tell you three,reasons why number one i want to follow,grant cardone's 10x rule the 10x rule,states that you need to set your goals,10 times higher and then you must take,10 times more action than you think you,need in order to achieve your goals so i,figured that testing 10 products will,give me a higher chance of succeeding,rather than testing only one product the,second reason why is that i wanted to,see what would happen if i test 10,products in a general store will i find,at least one winner or three winners or,will all the products fail or will some,products result in better cpms than,other products these are questions that,are constantly on my mind and i'm,curious to see what would happen the,third reason is i wanted to see what,would happen if i put 10 products in a,single cbo aco campaign under the same,pixel that is a setup that i never seen,anyone do on youtube before i wonder if,the cbo campaign is going to optimize,and spend most of the money on the best,product because if that happens then i,think i may discover the best testing,and scaling strategy in this video but,there's only one way to find out so,let's get this one week challenge,started,i first need to find some products to,sell in my general store the product,criteria are viral products in the last,three months that could sell for at,least 30 to 50 dollars and has a wow,factor or be a problem solver so i'm,gonna head over to tech talk to do some,research and make a list of product,ideas,alright so i found the 10 products and,here's a quick look on what i plan to,sell,now i need to build a general product,store so here's a quick time lapse and,i'll go over the website after it's done,all right so i finished the website i,called the amazing.com this is the home,page it's quite nice and easy to,navigate i'm using the free debut fight,theme but what's more important is the,product page so here's an example of the,product page starting from the top we,got at least four product images which i,edited on canva we got the product name,and price here i'm using an app called,estimated delivery time to show the,estimated delivery dates like amazon,this will help increase the conversion,rate i'm also selling multiple,quantities this would help increase the,average order value this is the product,description as you can see i took my,time to build a nice product description,and below i have a faq section and,customer reviews from the app called,looks i think that's enough work for day,one tomorrow i gotta get videos for all,these products,it's day two of the one week challenge,my goal is to hit at least ten thousand,dollars in revenue by the end of the,week so there's still a long way to go,the next thing i need to do is get,videos for the 10 products i want to,have three video ads for each product so,in total i need 30 videos now that's,definitely a lot of videos that i need,in such a short amount of time but,luckily i have a solution i'm going to,outsource the work and hire somebody to,make the 30 videos for me i recommend,using dropify ads to get the best high,converting video ads for your product my,favorite thing about dropify ads is that,they use hot girls to shoot ugc style,videos with your product and that,converts really well on tiktok they also,take care of scripting editing and all,you need to do is ship the product to,the creator and they handle everything,else for you the pricing is also really,cheap especially compared to everywhere,else you could get three videos for only,120 i'm gonna place the first order in,front of you guys so you could see how,easy it is all i gotta do is answer a,few questions then place the order then,ship a sample product from amazon to the,creator with the fastest delivery so,that they could shoot the video ads as,soon as possible,okay so technically the challenge is,already over because i was forced to,spend a week waiting for the products to,ship from amazon to the creator and then,i had to wait for them to record the,videos and edit the tick tock ads which,by the way was really fast and i'm not,complaining but due to not being able to,do anything i still want this to be a,one week challenge so now that dropify,ads sent me the videos i'm just gonna,consider tomorrow as day three just,because it seems fair to do that,considering the si

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in this video i'm going to explain,exactly how to properly use tick-tock,for real estate agents why it's so,massively important right now what,you're missing out on exactly,step-by-step what you can do in order to,make it very easy in order to use and,not dance around like a 17 year old and,i'm going to give you the exact,blueprint so without further ado let's,dive straight into it if you don't know,who i am my name is mike schrad i train,thousands of agents every year on,leveraging social media scale their,business i'm with exp realty with one of,the fastest growing groups and i want to,show you exactly what to do now before,we get started i will say that i drop,daily videos on my tick tock that i do,not share on any other platform so make,sure you check the description as well,as the pin comment go follow my tick,tock so that you can see some of the,daily tricks that i do not share,anywhere else and also 76 of the people,that watch my videos aren't subscribed,so even if you don't watch another one,please just subscribe it really helps me,out and inspires me to keep putting out,multiple videos every single week so,what we're going to do as you can see,here is explain why you need to be using,it and what most people aren't thinking,about what you should be posting how to,make it easy and how often and when so,let's get straight into and dive into,the details so here we go why should you,be leveraging tiktok now the first thing,that most people aren't thinking about,is how much time people spend on each,platform right now this is crazy right,now more people spend more time on tick,tock than youtube and youtube has 2,billion active monthly users and was the,most used platform so tick tock is,officially surpassed youtube which is,absolutely incredible so as a real,estate agent we need to understand that,we need to be in front of the most,eyeballs possible because as you know,the more people who know you and the,more people you know the more deals,you're gonna get so it's a really great,way to again get in front of the target,audience and you might say well mike my,target audience is an on-take talk well,let me explain point number two the,largest rising demographic on tick tock,is 25 to 45 years old which based on nir,status is the average age of a home,buyer home seller in today's market so,what's happening is in years in the past,yes it was for younger people but as,it's become more mainstream and as,different types of content are thriving,on there it has become a different type,of platform where the average,demographic is in fact your target,avatar as a real estate agent now and,there's even agents in my group that,have been attracting clients in their,50s 60s and older so the next thing,that's really cool is that you have the,ability on your profile to connect your,instagram and your youtube and most,people are using instagram and youtube,instagram to build their personal brand,stay top of mind youtube to attract,clients at scale and what's happening is,you're getting mass engagement from tick,tock and you're able to funnel that,traffic to other platforms that you've,already established yourself on so it is,a very great way to build your personal,brand and to drive traffic to other,platforms that are much easier to,convert in terms of clients now the last,thing that i'd like to say is you have,the ability to again include your bio,link and if you're using something like,link tree which is what i use you know,link tree this allows you to include,multiple links so what's happening is,you're able to again drive traffic to a,link tree on a bio link and have,relocation guides buyers guides sellers,guys home consultations or whatever you,want to do in order to again funnel that,traffic because the views are so big on,tick tock as you can see here that,you're able to use that mass engagement,to funnel traffic to links that,otherwise might have been more difficult,to do and the last thing that i'll say,is you can re-purpose to reels if you,watch my video about instagram reels are,the number one feature of the platform,right now in terms of getting mass,engagement and the beautiful part about,tick tock is it's also vertical so to,make your life easier you can kill two,birds with one stone just by repurposing,your tick tocks into reels now let's,talk about what you should be posting,right so let's dive into this a little,bit so there's a simple formula that i,use for instagram and other social media,platforms and i've used this in other,videos but i'll explain it again which,is e2i,equals fc,and what this is is if you look at e e i,equals,focused engagement or focused comments,if you will so you could call this f e f,i,um either which way so we want focus,comments and focus engagement which when,i'm saying that it means comments that,are actually intentional it's not people,just dropping emojis there's people that,are actually potential buyers or sellers,asking for more information which is,what we want it's actuall

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

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I Went 0 to 1000 followers fast How to Run TikTok Ads for Beginners

I Went 0 to 1000 followers fast How to Run TikTok Ads for Beginners

but coming Tick Tock Famous by getting,thousands of thousands of people to,follow you and your brand isn't as hard,as you think and I'm about to show you,how you could do it too with a few,clicks of a button,what's up guys it's Lambo p with love,here from blueprint your mind the,channel That is dedicated to teaching,you how to create multiple streams of,income using digital and affiliate,marketing and if you want to fire your,boss in 2023 don't forget to subscribe,to this YouTube channel hit the,notification Bell so you know every,single time that I'm dropping content,and smash like on this video If you,believe it to bring you value Tick Tock,is one of the fastest growing social,media platforms on the internet today,with billions of users that go on Tick,Tock every single day looking at,different content and creators that are,uploading videos on the platform if you,are a Creator yourself or maybe you're a,small business just looking to get more,people to follow you on your brand Tick,Tock would be the number one,recommendation that I would have for you,in order for you to start growing your,brand quickly now in order to do this,you've probably been scrolling down Tick,Tock looking at tons of videos listening,to tons of gurus tell you that this is,the fastest way to grow your Tick Tock,account maybe using Straight strategies,like cash tags trending sounds Trends or,just modeling someone else's video all,these methods are proven to work when,you want to grow your platform,organically but what happens if you,don't have the time to learn these,different strategies or the time to,really create all of the content that's,needed in order for you to start,building up your follower base well in,this video I'm about to show you exactly,how you can save time by utilizing a,little bit of money and a little bit of,resources in order for you to start,getting thousands of people following,you just with a few clicks of a button,let's get into today's training all,right so the first thing that you want,to do is log into your Tick Tock account,and what you're going to do you're going,to go over here to your little picture,or your avatar that you see here and,you're going to go down to UC business,Suite now this is the business Suite,side of tick tock this is where it's,going to show you all of your analytics,this gives you your workspace where you,actually can promote your videos or you,can go to the creative in order to get,ideas on creating content for your brand,then you have leads manager in case,you're running Tick Tock ads for leads,activity and support this is I want to,take you to the tick tock business side,regular Tick Tock is just a place where,you upload videos and people are going,to come and watch your content in order,to use the strategy that I'm about to,show you you're going to need a tick,tock business account and we have,settings where you have your business,registration so let's go ahead and go to,tick tock for business all right after,we get to tick tock for business it's,going to ask us what is Tick Tock for,business it's going to explain to you,where you are actually able to create,ads in order to put them in front of,your audience so you can start getting,more leads more sales more followers,more brand awareness this is where we're,going to click the get started button,now after you get your Tick Tock,business account set up and you actually,get started with Tick Tock and you log,in to The Tick Tock business manager,this is exactly what you're going to be,seeing this is going to be your,dashboard okay okay now here we have,where you're going to add money into,tick tock tick tock doesn't link,directly to your bank account to where,it's pulling money out of your bank,account you have to deposit money into,Tick Tock in order to run ads and that's,where you would go here to payment and,this is where you would deposit your,funds so you can start running ads now,all I wanted to do is kind of just show,you guys basically what the dashboard,looks like but I don't want to take up,too much time in today's training so,let's go ahead and set up our first,campaign so what you want to do you want,to come here to campaign once you come,to campaign next you're going to go here,to the create button click create now,you have two different modes that you,can actually create ads in you have the,simplify mode so this is really a simple,way of setting up ads to where you have,complete three objectives and I'll show,you guys what that looks like here so,you have traffic this is to send more,people to your website community and,interaction is to get more page follows,in profile visits lead generation and,website conversions in simplified mode,you will come here to community,interaction and click continue after you,click continue it's going to ask you who,should see your ads this is who you're,targeting so I like to always have my,Target in tier one country of course the,United States will be a tier one country,so I'm a Target

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