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Learn How To Make THREE VIRAL TikTok Ads That Will Net You $1,000 A Day! | Jandy Cerezo

so if you're either a drop shipper or a,brand owner you must know the importance,of having a high performing creatives in,fact most of these winning creatives,will be able to generate you over a,hundred thousand dollars at least from,that single creator so today we're gonna,be covering all the mistakes that new,advertisers on tech talk are making,right now and also i'm going to be,giving you guys three best examples that,you guys can use for your tech talk abs,if you don't know why my name is jandy,cerezo i am a successful 8 figure,e-commerce owner i also own a digital,marketing agency and most importantly a,dad i drop weekly videos on drop,shipping e-commerce and paid advertising,i'm going to start this video by showing,you guys the most common mistakes these,new techno advertisers are doing right,now the first mistake on the list is,facebook ads is not gonna work on tick,tock if you simply think that you can,transition your creatives from facebook,to tiktok then it's going to be very,costly for you just because the two,platforms are completely different with,each other you have to understand how,audiences react on each platform and how,you can deliver these kind of creatives,to these people now the second common,mistake is your video must be shorter,than 40 seconds we often see the,facebook ad videos back then 40 seconds,up to a minute typically works well,especially for drop shippers however,with tick tock ads it's completely,different now the third on the list is,that people are using the wrong,dimension make sure you use the native,platform's dimension size which is,pretty much 1980 by 1080 which is,typically the mobile phone and dimension,size the next and final thing that,advertisers are doing wrong on tech talk,is that they're pretty much using drop,shipping videos you can't use these kind,of videos on tick tock as it's not going,to perform as well you might get some,traction but it's not gonna get you to,that level where that single creator,would generate you over a hundred,thousand dollars or more so today i'm,gonna be showing you guys our top three,creatives that really performs well on,tech talk and i'm also going to be,giving you guys examples so there's,going to be three things that we're,going to be covering in terms of high,performing creatives that we typically,use now you can see here there's about,eight to nine different creatives types,of creatives that we use for tech top,but the main three that are really,performing well at the moment for all of,our brands are,problem solution ada,technical response and also step wise ad,and i'm going to be discussing this in,detail with you guys now but the first,on the list would be tech talk response,so this is pretty much utilizing the,tick tock response bubble as a hook for,your creatives now this typically works,really well for us and we've seen,multiple winning creatives using this,type of creatives i'm going to be,showing you guys two examples that,utilizes this to the max now if you,structure this well you can add,different angles in there values and,benefits keep it super native and casual,tone you can also use emojis if you want,to and then hit them with ugc such as,testimonials or just product benefits,i'll give you guys the first example,which is right here this is from hey,silky skin,you can already see the tech talk,response bubble hook in here,and uh you can you can use this pretty,much on every video or technopad,creatives that you use this is one month,of hey skin i've been using my hair,silky skin for a month now i can see,such a difference,again use that as a hook and then hit,them with utc's and different kinds of,benefits,and at the end of that video you can,also add a how to and then hit them with,a call to action button now let's move,on to a second example,of using the tick top response bubble,but this one is,you probably seen it around on facebook,if you're a drop shipper this is the dog,harness you can already see here they,are utilizing the speech bubble hook in,here this is the best gift for your dog,now you notice they didn't do text to,speech on that bubble but instead they,use what we call secondary hook which,means you can have pretty much two hooks,in one single creative their hook is,this is the best gift for your dog and,then have the speech bubble in here as,well it's pretty similar to,uh as heisenki skin,they have different kinds of ugcs in,here you can leave this on throughout,the video and use different kinds of,benefits inside the video and at the end,use a call to action now we're going to,be moving on to the second type of,creative that we use for our brands and,that's going to be called stepwise ads,and you can pretty much summarize this,as three reasons why you should use our,product or three reasons why you love,our brand or three reasons why,my skin is so soft you can pretty much,utilize this as long as you can find,three benefits,for your product and it's pretty simple,the structure is just as the hook th

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#515 Đập Tiểu Hành Tinh Xây Thành Phố Triệu Dân - Tưởng Điên Nhưng Hoàn Toàn Có Thể!

#515 Đập Tiểu Hành Tinh Xây Thành Phố Triệu Dân - Tưởng Điên Nhưng Hoàn Toàn Có Thể!

video này được tài trợ bởi 367 bồ trích,thương hiệu thời trang nam cao cấp trên,shopee more chương trình ưu đãi siêu hot,chi tiết ở phần sau của video,một nhóm các nhà nghiên cứu tại đại học,rotester New York Mỹ đã nghĩ ra một ý,tưởng táo bạo và viển vông đó là xây,dựng một khu định cư trong không gian có,quy mô của thành phố manchestern từ tiểu,hành tinh và những chiếc túi graphin và,thật ngáo ngơ khi mà ý tưởng điên rồ đó,sau khi được xem xét một cách nghiêm túc,lại hoàn toàn Khả Thi Xin chào rất vui,vẻ Đã bao giờ bạn tự hỏi các nhà khoa,học làm gì để xả hơi để giải tỏa căng,thẳng sau những giờ nghiên cứu hại não,hay chưa họ có thể xem phim Nghe nhạc,chạy bộ câu cá hoặc cũng có thể là intro,những cái moment bình yên bên gia đình,suy cho cùng thì các nhà khoa học cũng,là con người và họ cũng giải trí như,chúng ta vậy thôi và cũng giống như tớ,và bạn đôi khi giải trí bằng cách nghĩ,ra giả thuyết Cam thuyết âm mưu các ý,tưởng điên rồ và lố bịch để thỏa mãn sức,tưởng tượng của bộ não nặng 1,3 kg và,chứa 86 tỷ để bò thần kinh các nhà,nghiên cứu với những bộ não đầy nếp nhăn,đôi khi cũng thích thử thách bản thân,bằng những ý tưởng của hồng táo bạo và,bất thường một kiểu giải trí mà vì phách,đánh giá là khá hại não và tiêu tốn,nhiều chất xám,trong khoảng thời gian mà nước Mỹ áp,dụng lệnh đóng cửa do đại dịch covid-19,một nhóm các nhà nghiên cứu tới từ đại,học rogester dẫn đầu bởi ứng cử viên,Tiến sĩ Peter My click đã nảy ra ý tưởng,xây dựng các thành phố trôi nổi trong,không gian từ một loại vật liệu tương,đối sẵn có trong hệ mặt trời tiểu hành,tinh,trước đây thám hiểm không gian là một,sân chơi hoàn toàn nằm trong tay các,chính phủ tất cả các hoạt động được tài,trợ và kiểm soát bởi các tổ chức do nhà,nước quản lý Tuy nhiên mọi thứ đang dần,thay đổi trong vài năm qua khu vực tư,nhân đang tham ngày càng mạnh mẽ vào,lĩnh vực không gian Các tỷ phú đang ngày,càng trở nên giàu có và với một nguồn,lực tài chính dồi dào không bị kiểm soát,và kiểm duyệt gắt gào bởi các tổ chức,chính phủ họ đã và đang đạt được những,bước tiến thần tốt tháng 7 năm 2021 tỷ,phú Jeff bezos lần đầu tiên bay vào,không gian vũ trụ công ty sản xuất hàng,không Vũ trụ Blue orange Của Jeff bezos,đã thực hiện thành công 22 vụ phóng liên,tiếp trong đó có ba nhiệm vụ thử nghiệm,Thoát Hiểm,tập đoàn công nghệ thám hiểm không gian,X của tỷ phú elon Mart thì đang đạt được,những bước tiến đáng ghi nhận trong việc,chế tạo các phương tiện phóng hạng nặng,và siêu nặng có khả năng tái sử dụng một,phần hoặc hoàn toàn nỗ lực hạ chi phí,đưa con người và trang thiết bị lên vũ,trụ,các công ty Hàng không Vũ trụ như Blue,orange và Space Đàm tiên phong trong nỗ,lực cung cấp giải pháp tiếp cận không,gian cho tất cả mọi người chứ không chỉ,riêng các tỷ phú,lên trang chủ của mình công ty của Jeff,bezos cho biết tầm nhìn của họ là một,tương lai nơi mà hàng triệu người sẽ,sống và làm việc trong không gian khai,thác các nguồn tài nguyên vô hạn của,không gian đồng thời đưa các ngành công,nghiệp độc hại ra ngoài vũ trụ để bảo,tồn màu xanh của trái đất,và để tạo nền tương lai đầy màu sắc viễn,tưởng nó con người cần những nơi để xây,dựng nhà cửa tòa nhà và các cấu trúc cho,hàng triệu người sinh sống và làm việc,theo Peter Minecraft,có thể đang nằm trong các tiểu hành tinh,trong một nghiên cứu lý thuyết ngông,cuồng năm trên tạp chí biên giới trong,khoa học thiên văn và vũ trụ nhóm nghiên,cứu đã phác thảo một kế hoạch tạo ra các,thành phố lớn trên các tiểu hành tinh,một trong các nhà nghiên cứu cho biết,nhóm của anh đã tham khảo một ý tưởng,của học viễn tưởng đang rất hot thời,gian gần đây đó là xây dựng các thành,phố lớn trong không gian giống như trong,bộ phim truyền hình Mỹ Jex,Tuy nhiên nhóm nghiên cứu đã đề xuất một,giải pháp mới thay vì xây dựng thành phố,trên một tiểu hành tinh họ muốn dùng các,tiểu hành tinh như là vật liệu để xây,dựng nền một đại đô thị tiểu hành tinh,là bất cứ Thiên thể nào quay quanh mặt,trời mà không phải là một hành tinh Một,vệ tinh tự nhiên của một hành tinh hoặc,một sào chổi các nhà khoa học đã quan,sát được khoảng 1 triệu tiểu hành tinh,trong hệ mặt trời chủ yếu nằm trong một,vành đai cách mặt trời từ 300 đến 600,triệu km giữa quỹ đạo của Sao Hỏa và Sao,Mộc vậy Đây kiểu hành tinh này thì chứa,trên 200 Thiên thể đường kính trên 100km,và hàng trăm nghìn Thiên thể đường kính,trên 1km Đây là vùng nguyên liệu dồi dào,cho ý tưởng của Peter myclip Chris cùng,các đồng sứ ý tưởng bắt đầu trong những,người mà New York đóng cửa để ứng phó,với covid-19 khi mà Peter myclid track,cùng một nhóm sinh viên và đồng nghiệp,đang tìm lời giải cho việc xây dựng các,xi lanh ô niêu xi lanh của điểm là một,môi trường sống ngoài không gian được,thiết kế bởi nhà vật lý grab ô liu vào,năm 1972 nó có bản chất là các đồ thị,không gian bao gồm hai xi lanh quanh,ngược chiều nhau và được kết nối với,nhau tại hai đầu,các sĩ lanh hình trụ sẽ quay để giả lập,lực hấp dẫn trên bề mặt bên trong của,chúng tốc độ quay của xi-lanh thì phải,đủ nhanh để mô phỏng lực hấp dẫn giống,như là tại

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TikTok Ads Worldwide Targeting | Account Setup | Target USA/Canada From Outside The USA

TikTok Ads Worldwide Targeting | Account Setup | Target USA/Canada From Outside The USA

hey guys welcome back to another video,on the channel first things first go,ahead and click subscribe like and,comment but in this video we're going to,be teaching you how you can set up a,tick tock advertising account that,allows you to advertise in the united,states and in canada if you don't live,in,the united states so uh you may know,that i'm obviously from the united,kingdom and this is a video by popular,request from everyone in my disk discord,channel so if you're not in my discord,channel click the link down below visit,my discord channel and you can join that,if you've got any questions you have,about advertising on tick tock or drop,shipping or anything you can send me a,message on there,so without any further ado let's jump,straight into the video and i'll show,you how you can set up a tick tock,account in the united states now before,i do show you the process you have to,know this is not an agency ad account,this is not something that's going to,allow you to advertise worldwide if you,want to do that it's either going to be,very expensive or very time consuming,this is how you can get started,literally today with tick tock ads so,what you want to do is click the link in,my description the top link in my,description will take you to surfshark,surfshark is essentially a vpn provider,which will allow you to set up accounts,in the united states of america now i've,tried about three or four different vpns,before i started using surfshark these,guys are the best and cheapest option,that you can get without actually,getting any advertising bans or banned,by tiktok by creating an account in the,wrong country,and i'll explain why that is in a little,bit of detail in just a minute but first,of all click the link down below in the,description and you will be taken to,this website here,you can get two months free and 82 off,of surfshark if you sign up with a link,in the description you can see here it's,only going to cost you 2.49 per month so,if you are watching this video and you,want a tick-tock account in the united,states and you don't want to set up an,account for 2.49 per month drop shipping,is not for you because if you're going,to be spending 40 a day on tick-tock ads,and you can't afford three dollars or,two dollars 50 per month on vpn to even,get started then click away now,those of you who are still here click,the link down below and set up a surf,shark account and then what you want to,do is you want to come to google and you,want to search for the surfshark chrome,extension you want to get that chrome,extension and then add it to your,browser now you can also use the chrome,the actual app that you can install with,surfshark i just like to have it on the,chrome extension mostly for this video's,purpose,once you've done that it will take you,to this here and you can see what it,will look like there's loads of,different bits and pieces you can do,here now this is why surf shock is,incredibly useful for setting up,accounts in the united states and why,you should use the link below to create,it you want to go ahead and click on,static ip static ip allows you to use a,single location this is a static ip,address a static proxy in the united,states so click here,especially united states and then just,click on the first one whichever one you,find you can scroll through there's,hundreds of them and just choose a,um,choose an ip address in the united,states of america,you can see here this is your ip address,if you want to go and check you can,click this link it will just verify that,for you then what you want to do is head,over to,sorry actually so search for,don't search for tick tock ads just,search for advertising tick tock or,create a tick tock ad account and it,will take you to this website here this,is obviously the sign in sign up page,for tick tock for business now if it,takes you to the sign in page you want,to click on sign up now,and i'm going to walk you through the,process i'm gonna have to pause it every,now and again so you don't see all of my,details so you're gonna have to put in,your email address so we're gonna just,come up with a an email address that i,own,so we're gonna use an email address from,an old story about five years ago,you want to use an email address that,you have access to that you will be able,to log in and use then you want to give,yourself a password so i'm going to call,it,i need to give it a special character as,well,okay now then what you want to do is,click send code,you will then come up with this,verification thing where you need to,prove um your identity,so you want to select two objects that,are the same shape so,m make sure to click these,properly otherwise it won't allow you to,do it,and then it's going to send me a,verification code to my email,so i'm going to put that verification,code in now it's,and then you want to click sign up you,want to agree to the terms and,conditions you don't want to subscribe,to there,everythi

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TikTok Conversion Ads for Spotify

TikTok Conversion Ads for Spotify

in this video i'm going to go over how,you can use a tiktok conversion campaign,to promote your music on sites like,spotify apple music etc all the,streaming platforms just like how i do,it on facebook ads and i'm also going to,show you how you can set up the tick,tock pixel on your landing page so,let's let me share my screen,so here we have tick tock ads if you,don't have tick tock ads manager just go,to and make an account,it's entirely free to make the account,obviously it's not free,to run the ads so i'm not going to cover,how to make the account here but once,you have it you can start right back in,this video now before we make a,conversion campaign,you're going to want to make a landing,page service and not every landing page,service,that you can use here i'm using feature,fm that's what i'm going to use for this,video,various platforms like toneden and hyped,it and maybe link fire also support the,tick tock pixel now each of those,services are going to,make these pages slightly differently,but also implement the tick tock and,facebook pixels in a slightly different,way so keep in mind if you're not using,feature fm,things are going to be a little,different they should be able to work,but it's going to be different so i'm,just going to be using feature if i'm,here so i made this page for my most,recent song that i've dropped,and we need to be able to track what,website actions actually occur,on this page and so to do that we use,the tick tock pixel,so over in here i can go to assets,and events and inside of this events,page is where everything with the tick,tock pixels,actually live i'm going to use website,events,now in here you're going to see i have a,bunch of pixels because it took me a,long time to figure this out and tiktok,changed how they do their pixels a bunch,of times in the past year or so they've,had this ad platform available,but i'm using this feature fm pixel,in here,so the pixel itself is just this number,or series of numbers and letters so you,can just copy this,and that is what we're going to install,on feature fm so when you edit your,feature fm page you can install all,these retargeting pixels so here's my,facebook one you're going to want to put,the tick tock pixel in i don't know what,plan you have to be on feature fm to get,the tick tock pixel so make sure you,check that if you want to use feature,time for tick tock but if you want,future fm to try it out i do have a 30,discount code uh for any one year plan,in my description,so i have my tick tock pixel that's just,the same number that we had over here on,tick tock ads,and now i can just save that,now you don't just want to blindly trust,that everything's working you want to,make sure it's working so to do that,we're going to go to test events,and i was doing a trial before this,video so that's why i already had it,there what you do is you just paste your,feature a family so i could just come to,feature fm,and i could grab the link for this site,and paste it here and then we click,generate qr code and i don't know why,tick tock doesn't like this facebook you,don't have to use a qr code in your,phone,but tick tock requires you to do it so i,just take out my phone camera and i just,scan that little code and open it up and,now it's opening up,the landing page that we have on my,screen this is just the feature from,page now we're not seeing anything on,tick tock test events tool yet but as,soon as i click on spotify,it'll take me to the song and start auto,playing and on my screen now we get a,bunch of events that popped up so,there's a bunch of click buttons i don't,know why it's firing all these button,clicks there must just be something with,the way that feature fm is passing data,over to tick tock ads but we do get one,view content and so essentially,what feature fm does is when someone,converts on your landing page and you,know clicks through,they're firing a view content event and,so,if we flip back over to the ads manager,we can actually make a campaign,that's going to become very important,when we decide what to actually optimize,our campaign for because we don't care,how many people click our link we don't,care how many people land on the page,we only care how many people click that,button,and go to spotify or whatever streaming,service in this case now some of you,might be thinking why wouldn't you just,use a traffic campaign sending people,directly to spotify and if you're,wondering that it's the same reason as,it is for facebook but i do have a video,right here that you can learn from to,see why i don't just use traffic it's,exactly the same problem on tick tock,ads as we all experience trying to use a,traffic campaign on facebook ads so,we're just going to use the website,conversions objective,i'm just going to call this test you can,call the campaign whatever you want,then i'm going to click continue,and this is going to take us into the ad,group and by the way i'm going to be,making more content ab

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Wow! GHOST TYPHON w/ Illegal SPEED! & Buffed Techno Atomizer | War Robots MK3 Gameplay WR

Wow! GHOST TYPHON w/ Illegal SPEED! & Buffed Techno Atomizer | War Robots MK3 Gameplay WR

foreign,welcome back to my channel and in,today's video we are going to try out,the warrior type phone with the Techno,atomizer which got a five percent extra,damage all the special edition repair,they got a five percent extra damage and,but the thing is the crazy thing here,another thing that it's possible to do,since one of the previous updates it's,possible to use ghost pilot skill on the,typhoon it means that iPhone will be,able to move much faster you can see,typhoon speed because but its active,ability becomes unavailable we won't be,able to use our EMP we have Scout stab,on speed stair and also roadhog and also,we have boosters so imagine how fast,it's gonna be and also we have the same,Stone the Techno atomizer will be,stronger so yeah let's see how it's,gonna be in the gameplay so first,gameplay we are on power plant map,we are starting with the typhoon,so already we can see how fast it is oh,nice we also have a capri link,awesome,okay,so I need to tell you something guys,today,this is the last day to participate in,the giveaway of the gothic bus and the,clay so I'll post the winners later on,the community Tab and also on my Discord,so you should check out you should join,my Discord server in the description,below it's for free of course so when I,release the winners you will know,instantly do you get notifications to,your phone and until the next giveaway,uh who knows uh what it's gonna be you,know maybe the new Titan,so he's still I still I have 90,information I can tell you you know what,let's save it for another video today uh,we are using the typhoon okay techno,automizer so we have the armadillo Zone,we are taking another Beacon here we are,getting more resistance,this is really awesome,okay also remember guys if you like the,content subscribe of course it's like,the content if you like the content,click the like button there is a like,button below,trying to deal with the ball the good,thing about this weapon,you see we it's never reloading,basically it's like the spear but the,thing is,I like the Magnum the thing is this,weapon it's overheating after a while,after some time,like the nucleon in fact I use the,nucleon Recently I made a video with a,nucleon I think it was with the air,boost yeah I used the ghost skill on the,air boost so you should check out this,video it was also really insane so the,Type 4 you can see how fast we are,taking the beacon and then enemies they,are not even paying attention we got,another resistance for uh because we are,using the armadillo,so I'm wondering how it how the after,the Jones overhaul how it's gonna be,if they have the same abilities or we,have different abilities get the kill,get the kill okay first kill I believe,this is the first skill today uh for,this video,it was an angry so this is a valuable,kill,okay get the Mothership,I'm not sure if we got the battleship oh,this is the eater is flying,okay so because my robot is really fast,it's really hard for the enemies you see,it's shaking his head it's really hard,for them to get with this is insane it,was funny did you see that somebody,knows okay even with my speed I cannot,escape from this thing this is there,just need to get out of the rage,Battleship Battleship okay we can get,this Nightingale get it how I can get,the kid someone stole my kill with the,no offline did you see that,so I have to escape from them,luckily because by robot is so fast I,can escape really easily you see the,enemies it's not easy for them to hit me,and we have ages shield on top of that,it's a special edition of Agent Shield,remember you can say h is Shield 2.0,it's a scorpion okay I know he's coming,I'm ready for him I have a plan I have a,plan,I have spaceship so pay attention how we,are gonna deal with this thing okay just,penetrating the okay it's coming you see,the stealth okay fail shift,I need to use my speed for my advantages,okay is teleporting back,okay,so he missed some of his shots has a lot,of stealth but we can get him you see,that's how we are making business here,we are showing the good business you see,how I dealt with the Scorpion,so with this setup it was almost 100,most likely most of the times if you see,a scorpion with this setup it's gonna,get you but I was ready for him and I,dealt with him,so you always need to pay attention to,your surroundings if you're playing,doesn't matter what you will use it so,basically what I'm using here,and especially the setup is is far away,from being meta and the typhoon is not,Meta Even though in my opinion the,iPhone is is still one of the best,robots in the game believe it or not,believe it or not,but it's not the best it's not the meta,okay there are two titles on the other,side,so because I'm so fast I was able to,reach them so quick and I basically the,only thing I can do is to,uh stole them you know,and we are going to bring our Titan,after that and our strong stuff maybe we,can do something against this Lucha,though we'll try,okay,I have battleship,okay it has

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[EASY] My $0-$440k in 30 days TikTok Ads Strategy (Shopify Dropshipping)

[EASY] My $0-$440k in 30 days TikTok Ads Strategy (Shopify Dropshipping)

every year there are roughly five to six,dates that as dropshippers we should be,paying very close attention to these are,days where it's literally possible to,scale a product from zero to hundreds of,thousands of dollars within a matter of,weeks so what are these days and as drop,shippers how do we really maximize the,potential Revenue that can come from,them hey everyone Dylan here in this,video I'll be doing a case study on a,product that we scaled from zero to four,hundred and forty thousand dollars in,sales in just 30 days with Tick Tock ads,only so a lot of you have been asking in,the comments and in my DMs for a product,review and if this video gets 1 500,likes 1.5 K likes I will be revealing a,product of mine that has done over 2.5,million dollars in sales and is still,running to this day I'm gonna reveal the,entire brand and the product I'm also,going to be replying to as many YouTube,comments and DMS as possible so please,make sure to ask questions if you guys,have them alright so before I get,started with this video I'm gonna go,ahead and refresh the uh the dashboard,here just to you know just show you guys,this legit also this brand was ran with,a partner of mine named Ben Harvey his,Instagram is down in the description,below some of my case studies I always,talk about product selection first,because it's by far the most important,aspect of scaling with Tick Tock ads so,this product was a Halloween product and,that's pretty much what this uh the,strategy in this video is going to be,about as I said in the beginning of the,video there are five to six really,important holidays and e-commerce that's,going to be Halloween Christmas,Valentine's Day Father's Day Mother's,Day and pride month those are six,extremely passionate periods of time,where people are willing to literally,buy pretty much anything and I'll talk,more very soon about how to really,maximize the demand that comes from,those days this product was extremely,broad all ages and all genders would buy,this product now this isn't a,requirement to scale with Tick Tock but,it definitely helps with reaching really,high numbers this product was pretty,much never seen before it wasn't being,sold in Walmart or Target and this,really helped with establishing our,brand as the original creator of the,product the product was retail price,between 20 to 40 dollars this is usually,the best range for scaling with Tick,Tock it's also a great range to get that,2.5 to 3x markup or more now I've scaled,the products before that were under 20,and above 40 dollars but that's usually,been the best range for us so we found,this product on a tick tock ad spy and,there was only one person who had tested,the product we found it a few days after,they tested it they had stolen creatives,they had a very poor landing page,unoptimized pricing and a lot more and,they were still getting sales and by,poor landing page I mean the images were,terrible quality the product description,didn't even make sense and overall it,just looked like a scam website there,are many apps you guys can track sales,like on people's site these guys were,getting 5-10 sales a day at very low ad,spend with a very poor funnel so we knew,right away we could come in improve,everything and be able to really scale,the products the product was on Amazon,Prime we ordered it and were able to,test it with custom some content in just,a few days so how do we as dropshippers,really take advantage of holidays we,started searching for Halloween products,in August now this is really important,because you want to give yourself enough,time to not only find and test products,but to scale them the best Drop Shipping,shipping times you can get is roughly,seven to ten days so you have to stop,selling products after October 20th so,you really don't have that much time to,scale now this product we found in early,September however let's say we found it,in late September or maybe even early,October we still would have been able to,scale it maybe not as much as we did,here in this case study though so we,were doing all sorts of product research,methods Tick Tock ad spies Amazon and,much more we found this product,specifically by using a tick tock ad spy,we've filtered by really low engagement,and ads that were launched in the past,few days and we were just pretty much,looking for people who were testing,products that's when we found this,product again someone was testing it and,we knew we could set up our funnel,better than theirs I'll be doing a full,in-depth product research video in the,near future so our goal with the product,research in August was to find a handful,of products to test for Halloween we,ended up finding four to five testable,products now only one of them ended up,being a really big winner so in terms of,how we actually tested these products we,tested them each on one product branded,high quality Shopify stores this means,really good images,well written copy Luke's reviews just,really clean site overall we

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The Best Examples of TikTok Ads Creative

The Best Examples of TikTok Ads Creative

what's up marketers today we're going to,be looking over some great examples of,tick tock ads now I know what you're,thinking how do we know these are great,Tick Tock ads how does she know that,they perform well maybe just maybe I,have access to some of these accounts,and I actually know the performance,therefore I am showing you ads that are,performing well,maybe or maybe I'm just showing you the,ads that I found in Tick Tock top ads,Library which actually shows the ads,that are getting the top percentage of,conversions for the industry maybe and,maybe at this point I just know a good,ad when I see one so let's go ahead and,dive into these 10 or so ads and we'll,do a little analysis together so I,actually just saw this ad on Tick Tock,top at library,and number one I love this hook the,Smashing of the egg I actually think it,wasn't super clear what it was at first,and I was wait no is that an egg is it,nine egg I don't know,this I feel like could have been a,little bit better done I always love a,green screen effect but if you actually,listen to his script for this I'm like,not convinced that nectar actually sent,him this mattress I kind of think that,they just had someone in a showroom do,all of this and he just like,filmed like some part of it as like a,ugc Creator uh maybe not but I'm,skeptical anyways I still think it's a,good ad it has like all the Hallmark so,gonna add good hook,they could change up the framings a,little bit but you know this is a fun,one also you support green screens I,just see that working a lot right now,this ad by done this is kind of,interesting,and this isn't like super traditional,you know this isn't like the standard,ugc single testimonial format that we,always see,and I kind of like that,it's cool let's watch that again I feel,like it could the coloring could have,been a little more obvious because when,I see this I'm not immediately seeing,which one is right which one is wrong,but that's maybe why people are watching,it because they're a little confused I,wouldn't opt for the confusion method,but this is something that's so simple I,don't know this is a fun one to try,maybe you should try it too,ah this ad right here,let's take a look do you have a lot of,random messes,now what's so crazy this is an excellent,hook but what amazes me about this ad is,like Hoover is doing Tick Tock ads now,like,I mean she looks great and this is very,oddly assassin I like this I wish they,would just would have made an ad that is,them cleaning up all this random stuff,that would have made it I would have,watched like 20 seconds of that but I,think this is so funny her like a little,setup with like the Hoover and like all,the cleaning products like you can just,tell some like creative directors like,oh and you have to set it up like this,and do it like this and,this screams corporate meddling but I,mean it's still a pretty good Tick Tock,ad right but this little setup no one's,gonna do that I don't like that I'm not,gonna show this Daily Harvest ad you,guys have seen it in my videos add,nauseam we all know it's a good,performing app,let's watch this Issa ad,ah so a few things I really like about,this hook number one love this like,split screen ugc effect and one second,and it immediately changes she's inside,then she's outside and we also have,really engaging text want to become a,personal trainer this is immediately,calling out to people who want to be a,personal trainer so those people are,going to sit through and watch this now,this is really standard modular type of,ugc format what I mean by that is we,have a single testimonial that is then,overlaid with tons of really engaging,b-roll this is a super solid ad 10 out,of 10.,10 out of 10.,okay let's watch this other Issa ad now,I really love the use of these Tick Tock,response bubbles I find this to be,really really good on Tick Tock ads and,it's especially good if you are working,with a brand or product that maybe some,people aren't super familiar with so,this is a really good way to be like hey,like what is your product and like why,should I sign up why should it work for,me,um this is definitely one of their top,performing ads and I also just think the,Creator here Sonia she is super talented,we've worked with her on a number of,Brands before and her content is always,top-notch so way to go Sonia she's also,just super engaging in this ad she has a,lot of energy I think one of the things,that I have problems with the most with,working with creators is they don't,bring the energy it feels like they're,reading from a script they're not really,invested in what they're doing Sonia,brings the heat every single time we,love that,this bag right here this is interesting,now this ad has been running for Thrive,Cosmetics forever I just assume it's a,talk performing ad and right like you've,seen this on the channel before if,you've watched my channel this is a,really great example of a before and,after ad and you can just see the value,that you're get

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TikTok Ads for eCommerce - How to drive more sales with data

TikTok Ads for eCommerce - How to drive more sales with data

up and and getting ready to to watch it,so i think we we kick it off right yeah,it's uh yeah five minutes over so let's,begin yes cool and we have a lot of,things to talk about today as well,so,my name is jonas and i will be uh,guiding the the talk today and i'm,really excited to to share some great,content and you wanna nana will will,tell you more about it in in a second,but we will speak about how to combine,organic and paid on on tick tock,specifically for for e-commerce,companies today,and,for you guys to stay till until the end,you will have a very interesting bonus,coming up and i promise you this is from,our friends on tick tock and there is a,lot of interesting things in this box,that you would like to know more about,in the end,so a little cliffhanger there yeah,so we will speak about this today you,want you will give a latest update on,what's new on the tiktok pixel and how,to set it up and what to think about,there's a lot of new things there that's,going to be very important,then,you'll talk more about the best practice,to actually run efficient tick-tock ads,and anna you will dig into the details,about,how to measure your funnel how to,collaborate that with with the solution,you have from super metrics and then,we're gonna end with a q a in the in the,end so so it's a it's a packed schedule,uh so uh uh,really happy to to welcome you anna to,to this uh talk uh and i know that you,you have a lot of experience from from,super metrics and on data insights but i,also know that you you have an,interesting background and how you help,the team at super metrics to do the tick,tock dance on the last summer party,right,yeah,thank you for the warm welcome and thank,you so much for the introduction i am,andyna with many talents,so,yeah i am currently a brand strategist,working on a number of different brand,campaigns at supermetrix and i'm hosting,the marketing analytics show where you,can learn how to,use data to your advantage to,run campaigns successfully and just like,joseph mentioned i did learn how to do,tick-tock dancing so,we were sitting in quarantine and it was,pretty worrying to be honest and i,really wanted to learn how to dance so,the,number one idea i've got is just go to,tick tock and learn how they do the,dances there and so i did and i learned,how to dance according to the dancers,there and then when we were,out of quarantine we went to the office,and we had a small like welcome party,there,and we started dancing so this was the,place where i got to show all my talents,and everybody was super impressed so,everybody asked me to,how how did you learn this can you teach,us how to dance these dances which is,very fun,awesome and and thank you very much for,for joining i know you have a lot of,great uh insights and and uh knowledge,to share with the audience today so so,uh great and i think also uh you are,super happy to to have you here sharing,your work your learnings and i think,also that there's a lot of,people that we meet that say like you,need to dance to be on tick tock right,and you will,you will talk a bit more about that,right yeah exactly and that's not the,case so on my feed on tiktok i don't see,any dances at all so it's uh depending,what you like and yeah i i run quite a,few ticktock ads as well,for a verse of our client so it's fun,and see how the platform is evolving,for sure yeah but before we kick off the,the content anna can you please just,tell us a bit more about what what,problems you're solving with submetrics,and and how you help your customers,because uh,i,know you're doing a great job there,yeah thank you and definitely i can talk,more about this so if you can imagine,super metrics is like a data pipeline so,we get data from one place and we push,it to a number of different destinations,for example we fetch data from,twitter ads facebook ads instagram,ad form and also number of e-commerce,and related platforms such as shopify,and tick-tock as we're talking about,tick-tock and snapchat ads as well,and we push all these metrics dimensions,all these different data,to,like i said a number of different,destinations so there are spreadsheets,google sheets microsoft excel tools that,can help you crunch data really really,quickly,there are visualization and bi tools,that have,better functionality so you can,visualize data and you can analyze data,on a more granular level and lastly,there are data integration platforms,such as data lakes databases and data,warehouses,awesome great thanks,uh and you are tell us what problems we,are solving for for e-commerce companies,and marketers on keywording yeah so,we are helping mainly e-commerce,companies uh improve their performance,marketing so how they can get the most,out of their online channels,and then we use of course,channels like tick tock ads and facebook,and,google et cetera to help them,earn more money while spending it wisely,on social media and,media,cool thanks,so you won take take it yeah thank you,so let's take this com

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