how to quit seeing tiktok ads

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How To Stop Your TikTok Ads From Dying Out After 7 Days...

what is going on guys nobur here back,again with another video and today i'm,going to be answering a common question,that i get on my videos and in my dms on,instagram and that is how do i stop my,tic toc ads from dying out this is kind,of a subject that has been brought up,because normally with facebook we kind,of just start up you know using one ad,and we follow this proven method but,with tick tock ads things are a little,bit more up in the air i guess you can,say and also they're a little bit more,unpredictable in terms of like how long,is your campaign actually gonna last how,long is your ad going to last and and,honestly a lot of people are just,starting up campaigns being super,profitable for the first three days to a,week and then after that just having it,completely die out and not perform good,anymore so this is obviously annoying,and with our experience we've obviously,encountered this ourselves and it was a,little bit frustrating in the beginning,but obviously it was just a matter of,like testing some things trying to,figure out the algorithms and the,optimization trying to figure out how,the platform works and how to best take,advantage of it so of course we learned,a few things that i'm essentially just,going to be sharing with you in this,video on how you can essentially do,everything in your power to make sure,that your ads last as long as they can,and we're not just talking about the,creative here we're talking about,actually being able to scale a product,for longer than a week because i know a,lot of people kind of scale to a week,and then they just die out so we want to,talk about how you can actually maintain,a product scale for longer than a week,you know going on to two three four five,months and still be profitable the whole,time so there are a few things that we,are going to cover in this video i'll go,a little bit in depth on some of them,but some of them are pretty,self-explanatory and we don't have to go,that in-depth on them so from what we've,seen so far there's only a few things,really that are causing campaigns or ads,or ad groups to die out number one is ad,fatigue so this is commonly known as,like when your ad is just seen by so,many people that it just stops,performing as well the initial pocket of,excitement or like the initial jump,start of excitement when you first,launch a new creative it kind of fizzles,out and over time it just stops,performing as well so that's number one,number two i would say is momentum in,the ad account which by the way these,are in order but momentum in the ad,account is essentially your continuous,ability to create new campaigns ad,groups you know basically just new,things that perform really good and for,example if you're on a winning streak in,my opinion it's way less likely to die,out than if you just started something a,week ago and you just let it run and,forget about it the next reason that i,see tick tock ads dying out is customer,service issues and fulfillment issues so,long shipping times we'll get into why,this affects your tick tock ads during,this part of the video and obviously the,last one which i'm not going to go too,in depth on i'll talk a little bit about,it right now which is tick tock bands so,just like facebook tick tock reserves,the right to disapprove your ads and,they also reserve the right to ban your,account and the best thing to do to,avoid this like the best thing that i,can say honestly is just read the tik,tok ad policy and do your absolute best,to try to not break the ad policy which,i know is sometimes hard and it's a,little bit unpredictable on like okay,what breaks the policy and what doesn't,the good news is that tick tock has a,really great customer support line,unlike facebook where you know you kind,of have to like stretch if you can even,contact their customer support it's,usually always a copy and paste or it's,a bot on the other end so that's the,good news with tiktok is while we do see,accounts getting banned it's a lot,easier to get those accounts back and,actually move forward from that point,just because you can reach out to a,support rep and usually they're nice,enough to you know tell you exactly what,you did wrong and then you can go and,fix it and then they'll go into your,account and re-enable you so these are,the main things i'm going to go in depth,on only a few of these because i think,that not every single one of these needs,to be gone in depth but the ones that i,think do matter i'm going to be sharing,everything that i know about them so the,first one that we're going to talk about,is ad fatigue now i don't want to say,that there's a necessary like lifetime,on a specific ad or a certain ad inside,of your tick tock ad account i think an,ad can work for as long as it works so i,wouldn't set the expectation of saying,like okay ads work for two weeks on tick,tock what i would more do is i would try,to consistently push out new creatives,in your tiktok ad account so kind of,something that we're

The above is a brief introduction to how to quit seeing tiktok ads

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Tutorial | Reasons Why Your TikTok Ads Are Rejected - TikTok Ads Manager 101

Tutorial | Reasons Why Your TikTok Ads Are Rejected - TikTok Ads Manager 101

are your tic toc ads getting rejected,are you not sure if your content is,being accepted,today we are going to take a look at the,top reasons the tick tock ads,are rejected,hi everybody welcome to the tick tock,ads manager 101 series,i'm peter and i'm here to help you,through your tick tock advertising,journey,our mission is to help you successfully,launch your very first campaign on tick,tock,so let's get started,for this episode we will talk about the,ad creatives and common reasons why ads,are rejected,now on tick tock we ensure a safe and,authentic user experience by holding,advertisers to a high standard for the,content they promote on our platforms,which is why we review each ad to make,sure it complies with our ad creative,policies,and local regulations now i have,personally come across many ad creatives,that have been,rejected due to various reasons and i'm,here to help you understand some of them,so that when you start your campaign,you're already aware of what not to do,so let's take a look at our first reason,that many ads get rejected,the ads that make exaggerated overstated,or misleading claims about product,performance is clearly,not compliant with our policies like an,ad that says they are going to give,twenty thousand dollars once you sign up,without any proof,or if this particular product says,you're going to lose 15 pounds in one,month,basically any weight loss claims i have,another one too,this product will give you 100,satisfaction in life,these absolute claims are not encouraged,on our platform and our review team,will reject any such ads if you look at,the caption in the first one it says 100,natural herbal cream number one of the,whole world,absolute terms and the second one says,use this service and get married,in three days well that's not okay,now let's talk about the second reason,that ads get rejected,which is if ads show products or,services from a prohibited industry,i have seen a lot of ads get rejected,for this particular reason,it's really important for you to know,the list of prohibited,items from your own market tick tock has,always maintained,very strong policies for an authentic,and safe user experience,which is why we don't allow items like,illegal drugs or,adult content you can have a look at the,whole list,if you visit the help center link in,your ads platform,the first part contains the products or,services which are currently prohibited,in all countries and regions like,cigarettes weapons gambling political,ads and more,and the second part contains the list,from various different markets,now we come to the third reason and this,is important guys,if the products and prices in the ads,are not consistent or relevant to the,products and prices on the promoted,website,the ad will be rejected for example,if the product shown in the ad creative,is different,than from the landing page or the price,shown in the creative is,inconsistent with the price on the,website then our review team,rejects the ad in the first creative the,ad,introduces a facial essence for oily,skin in the video but,shows a car on the website the second ad,states a discount of,up to 30 percent off but on the website,you can see,up to 50 percent off and then in the,third one the website is too vague to,determine,if there is any relevancy at all,moving on to the next one the promoted,website does not function properly or,does not contain information required by,local regulations,this is another common reason for,rejection,for example websites that don't open,properly,websites that are not mobile friendly,websites that don't contain the contact,information of the seller,or websites without a clearly stated,refund or return policy,we at tick tock ensure that it's not,just the ad creative that is important,but also the website that you are,promoting and that should comply with,the local rules so as to safeguard our,users,moving on the next reason has to do with,issues of the ads,texts or captions for example ads with,spelling errors,excessive or distracting capitalization,of certain words,or using symbols in place of letters,there could also be issues like,incomplete texts and videos,grammar mistakes or text logos that have,been covered by stickers,check this out first we have the,incorrect spelling of the word sale,and also notice certain letters are,capitalized and certain letters are not,second we have the use of the at sign in,the question mark,there's also the spelling mistake of,sale not to mention,the capitalization again third,there is a very cute cat sticker,covering the main logo,for example if the ad creative has low,resolution that is blurry,a part of the creative is covered up,with black bars,or if it looks pixelated it gets,rejected,i have also seen some uploaded ads,without any sound or,audio this can be a bad experience for,our users,after their streak of user generated,content and hence,these are rejected you also need to,ensure that the audio quality is decent,if your audio quality sounds li

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$4,000+ spent & 0 Sales with TikTok Ads (DO THIS TO FIX RESULTS)

$4,000+ spent & 0 Sales with TikTok Ads (DO THIS TO FIX RESULTS)

we helped take one of our students,shopify stores from spending 4 000 and,getting no sales at all before working,with us to being able to literally hop,on two calls and average 15 sales a day,from their tick tock ads and they,literally changed everything and were,completely mind blown that even after,spending all that money and seeing no,results that there could be just a few,tweaks that are backed by data that have,allowed them to up their actual sales,volume and average 15 sales a day from,their tick tock ads and be profitable,and these are the formulas that allow us,to actually achieve results and we go,through the exact data driven strategies,on how to actually implement this so,that way you can actually see success as,well everything we do is based off data,and the last thing we want to do is put,in our own personal opinion because we,want to remove all emotions and only,focus on the analytics and insights that,tell the truth in fact we've been doing,this exact strategy and been reading and,analyzing analytics across hundreds of,ad accounts over the last seven years,and have generated over a billion,dollars in sales for our clients because,of this and in today's video we're gonna,look at a live example of one of our,students and actually break down how,they were actually spending four,thousand dollars and seeing no results,at all on tick tock and having been,frustrated to being able to actually,start working with us and seeing cells,literally within a few days of actually,trying out these actual strategies and,implementing the process so make sure,you like this video subscribe because it,really does help the algorithm and we do,try to put a lot of effort into these,videos so that way you can find value so,let's get into the actual live call,aaron,chase how are you hey how are you,i'm great i want to thank you man for,the first time i finally got some,traction uh behind my ads and got you to,thank for that so,boom it's all a work in progress,amazing i love it i love it i just,wanted to give you a,quick you know update on what's going on,and wonder what what are next steps,right,so i finally got this conversion ad,running and campaign running and it's,it's it's doing pretty good i mean,from where i came from to where i am now,it's like night and day,oh that's amazing,yeah cool all right so yeah let's take a,look yeah this is exciting,i would uh first step unrelated tick,tock ads,have you downloaded zoom,i do i have of course i do,it's so weird because i feel like it i,think it's pulling into your browser,all right um yeah that'd be good because,the quality like drops it by like four,or five times the amount it's kind of,weird all right so these are complete,payments,yes,all right it's really blurry on my end,um,i can't even see these numbers are you,able to zoom in a little bit,okay yeah that's a little bit better,they're starting to come through oh wow,okay yeah cool great yeah you're,definitely getting sales yeah greatness,awesome yeah huge progress i mean you,were spending a ton and getting nowhere,for a while you have no idea man i was,hearing it from the higher ups that they,were about to pull the plug on me but uh,um,i'm back in the game,but my really my question is is,you know my my cpa is high right because,i'm spending you know i'm spending some,some cash to get get these acquisitions,sure sure,let's backtrack so what changed between,the settings that we were going over and,like now with the new launch so um you,know i ran the add to cart campaign,which i think helped the algorithm,figure out who who my people are right,okay,um good but even that initially wasn't,spending so you had me staircase some of,the spend which worked um and then i,switched over to a this conversion,campaign,um and,spent you know i spent some money for a,budget for each of those ad groups um,but it worked so,that's awesome and and really cool but,we know what point do i start scaling,down or do i say hey screw let's go the,other direction and scale up,okay got it and what about the audiences,were you always targeting female,yeah i mean so i i've played around with,uh female and male but you know the,brand sku is female that's just the,nature of it which is fine um but i,would be willing to test um,males as well you know i have some,creative that sort of tries to speak to,to the male consumer,but in terms of putting money behind it,i just quite haven't done it yet,okay and are all these have the same,creative,no,really yeah i've got listen i got,different i got plenty i got plenty oh,okay interesting let's see here and so,what i noticed for example this ad um,where it's just let's make a sparkling,mint lemonade very simple um,i i had some old creative of similar,that i took and repurposed,so it makes for the perfect addition to,any drink or mocktail enjoy,i mean just simple simple stuff and it,works very simple yeah,so this one's getting a high cost per,click low lower cpm,these face value metrics are very,average if you

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How To See And Manage Your TikTok Ads Comments

How To See And Manage Your TikTok Ads Comments

whether or not you're new to tick tock,advertising one of the things you,definitely want to know is how to see,and manage your ad comments to be quite,honest it's very easy if you're running,a spark ad because you'll see them under,your post but if you're running a,regular tick tock ad you may have to do,a little bit of digging to be able to,see those comments and you definitely,want to monitor all those nasty comments,you may get when advertising my name is,justin and i'm the founder of voiceover,media an e-commerce marketing agency,specializing in elevating thriving,brands by simplifying e-commerce growth,before we get started make sure to leave,a like subscribe as well as turn on post,notifications to be one of the first to,know about these cutting edge e-commerce,marketing tips post on the channel every,week,so first and foremost what you're going,to want to do is head over to, or forward,slash business,and then you'll want to log into your,ads manager which you can do so by,clicking the button create now at the,top rights and then logging into your,ads manager once you're logged in you'll,want to go to your ads manager when when,you do so this is pretty much the screen,you're going to be greeted with this is,the tick tock ads manager dashboard so,the first part which is how to access,your comments is going to be very simple,you simply want to hover around assets,and when you're on assets you're going,to see a drop down with comments so,click on that now once you click on that,you're going to be able to see all of,your tick tock comments and then this is,where it get interesting you'd be able,to see the replies that you've made to,any of these comments the block users,the block words etc so what i also want,to spend some time on is not to simply,show you where to access these comments,because that's the easy part that's what,i just,showed you right here even though it,requires a little bit of digging,nonetheless it's pretty easy to get to,it so what else can you do with these,tick tock comments and how can you,monitor and make sure you can almost,automate the process of managing your,comments because the truth is if you,have been advertising for a while or not,you may or may not know that,you'll get a lot of nasty comments,whenever running ads would it be on tech,talk or on facebook so you want to make,sure that you can,moderate these comments and make sure,you only showcase the comments that are,either positive or genuine questions,that you can then use as an opportunity,to reply to that so if you're doing tick,tock then you could reply to these,comments as you know a separate video or,simply reply to them text wise if you're,on facebook and instagram it would be,the same thing essentially you just want,to reply down below under their comment,it shows that not only you're active but,you also care about your audience and,that you're there to answer and respond,back to them so block words is a very,interesting place where it's pretty,straightforward you can just go and add,now and add any words which would be,automatically blocked so any of these,words that would be found below one of,your ads would automatically get flagged,to tick talk and get deleted off of the,comment section at least hidden so that,way nobody else than you would be able,to see that comment so they will not,show publicly and then if you see,somebody repeatedly commenting some bad,stuff on your ads then you can,definitely block a single user so that,way they can never see your ads again or,see any of your posts whatsoever and,lastly is replies which if you find,yourself repeating the same thing over,and over again which some people you,know may ask the same questions about as,an example you know what sizes do you,guys offer with your products or what,models or what colors are available so,then you can add preset replies in this,section so that way you can just pull,from these templates whenever responding,back to any of your comments so let's,send back the tick tock comments right,there and then let's see as an example,there is a comment right here that has,not been addressed so far and that,happened within the past seven days now,the tick tock algorithm is honestly,miles ahead of the facebooks so on,facebook it's much harder to find your,comments it's also much different when,you want to answer your comments because,facebook doesn't really tell you is this,a good or a bad comment you don't really,know right,whereas here first of all it tells you,what is your response so far so okay so,far nobody else basically if you have,multiple team members i can see that,nobody else on my team replied to that,comment or pins or nobody took action on,that comments so okay that's the first,thing then tick tock says is this you,know is the sentiment positive or,negative for that comment it says the,positive comment so okay cool let's take,a look at that in a second then it tells,you does that comment contains a,question no

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hello everyone are you having a problem,with those picked up ads and those,annoying pop-ups in this video I'm going,to help you to remove those annoying,pop-ups and ads firstly what you need to,do is go to your taste or if you are an,Android and then click on search for,tik-tok once you get tic-tock open it,and install it I already have the app,installed on my phone so I will open it,okay so now when you open this is ad,what you need to do is if you look at,the bottom of this end down here can you,see the me icon click on the me icon and,then it says sign up with the phone or,email,so although you don't have an account it,doesn't matter it's time to sign up in,order to proceed with this sign up put,your phone or email all right let me,login seeing that I've ever be Evan I,can't log in with my phone number you,can choose to log in with your phone,number or your email I think it's much,better and quicker with your phone,number okay once your number is in,all right and it says a login a,verification code let me choose that so,I get a verification code okay they say,they send me a verification code and,there is my code so then we proceed all,right,I've logged in and also and have,deactivated it but you go straight let,me cancel it the activation can let me,go back to my me icon once I'm on this,me icon alright this is a page where it,says edit profile stuff if you go right,up here to this three little dots on,your top right hand corner click on it,then go to manage my account,you open manage my account on the bottom,right the bottom you'll see a thinking,depart removing your account click on,thinking about removing account down,here click on it it says delete account,so send code all right I've got a code 8,4 6 2 then you can enter that in 8 4 6 2,& continue,now it says if utility account etc etc,in the bottom continue press Continue,again it says you're about to delete the,account yes,to the delete account now the background,is deleted I close them I do the LP tick,tock icon on my screen as you can see,but the account is deactivated and that,will remove all those annoying pop-up,ads I hope this video has been useful to,you please don't forget to subscribe and,hit the like button and leave a comment,below if this has been helpful to you,thank you for viewing this video I hope,you have enjoyed it,for music productions music lessons,piano keyboard bass and singing please,do email me ask Mikey D underscore keys,at please do like subscribe,and comment below don't forget to press,the bell button to be notified of new,video uploads thank you bye for now,making an impression with your,expression ki Central's

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How To Fix Tiktok Ads That Are Not Spending

How To Fix Tiktok Ads That Are Not Spending

so we've all been there we finally found,a winning product spent days perfecting,our ads and our store and have never,been more excited for a smooth launch,into profits using tick tock ads and,then we wake up the next morning just to,find out that our tick tock account,didn't even give us a chance but after,spending multi-six figures on tick tock,ads networking with seven and,eight-figure tick-tock drop shippers and,talking to tick-tock representatives i,finally figured out the fix to this,problem i know exactly why this happens,and i figured out the most efficient way,to fix it so that you can relaunch again,and find success what's poppin youtube,welcome back to the channel my name is,nathan and i'm a 21 year old ecommerce,entrepreneur just before we jump into,this here i do want to announce the,weekly giveaway all you have to do is,subscribe to the channel comment one,thing down below and go ahead and smash,that like button those three things and,you're automatically entered the winner,will be announced at some point in next,week's video and the giveaway is for a,custom built shopify drop shipping store,equipped with the winning product and,everything built by my team and i at,outright econ now diving straight into,this there might be a few different,scenarios as to why your ads aren't,spending but regardless the reason,stands the same your ad account is not,optimized and tick tock actually doesn't,want to see you throw away any money,without getting any type of results he's,got to be an idiot to put those on,social media remember tick tock wants to,take your money as much as possible but,why would they take just 100 from you,when they can take 10 million let me,explain so what i'm saying here is they,want you to succeed they want you to go,ahead and spend a ton of money on their,platform and achieve great results and,in doing so you'll keep coming back and,you'll keep spending and if you're not,set up properly you won't get any,results thus they don't want you to keep,spending because then you're just gonna,leave the platform now with agency,accounts or accounts that i've already,spent thousands of dollars on i,typically never have this issue because,tick tock knows that i know what i'm,doing and they give me free rein to go,ahead and spend my money how i want it,we'll touch on agency accounts just a,bit later the issue of your ads not,spending typically happens on a brand,new tick tock account that hasn't,achieved any spend or results yet so yes,you're probably thinking this is all,common sense and you're probably already,wondering what you can do to set,yourself up for success and not have,this problem upon launch and here's how,you do it so much like facebook tick,tock actually has a learning phase as,well and to exit this learning phase on,a conversion campaign you have to show,tick tock that your campaign can,generate at least 50 conversions within,one week or seven days but for tick tock,to even want to spend your budget they,have to first believe that you can,actually achieve those results and hit,those metrics to exit the learning phase,and if they're not spending any of your,budget it's because they don't believe,that you can do so i'm sorry it's not,going to happen so what you need to do,first obviously if you believe that your,campaign's going to be successful is you,need to show them that you can hit those,conversion metrics on a lesser event so,what you need to do to show them that,you can actually exit the learning phase,and hit those conversion metrics is you,need to choose an easier objective first,like page views or add to carts now the,proven strategy that has worked for me,about eighty percent of the time has,simply been opening up a brand new,traffic campaign and just spending,twenty dollars on it for the following,day after you've done this the next step,is to simply go to sleep and watch your,ad account burn through twenty dollars,the next day with likely no results but,don't worry your account is still,gathering very much important data that,it can later use and it's also getting,you ready to launch that conversion,campaign the complete payment objective,which is obviously what you're looking,for now like i said this will fix your,account spending issues about eighty,percent of the time if your account,still isn't spending and yes this has,happened to me as well then again spend,another 20 the next day but this time,the conversion objective set it to add,to cart and repeat that same process,every single day just getting closer and,closer to the event you desired which in,this case is complete payment if none of,that worked for you the next alternative,that's easiest and most likely to work,is to simply open up a brand new tick,tock ad account now for the rest of the,cases it's likely due to your creatives,themselves some of these small things,that i'm about to break down right now,actually affect the algorithm and don't,ask me why the tick tock algorithm is,wildly complex and it's

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How To Analyze & Scale Your TikTok Ads Like A Pro

How To Analyze & Scale Your TikTok Ads Like A Pro

oh man that really hits us,oh geez louise guys none of the middle,of my wii sessions uh i mean how badly,do you guys really want to learn how to,analyze your tick tock ads i mean,understand the data the the kpis the,metrics you really want to understand,how to react to your data so you can,scale your ecommerce brands that badly,well if that's the case then kudos to,you i tip my fedora and let's get right,into it so first off how do you even,test products with tech talk now for me,personally i always do one campaign five,ad groups 25 a day not 20 not 30 because,for me when we did 20 budgets the bare,minimum tick tock tends to not spend,that often so 25 dollars seems to be,that golden mark and then once you set,that up go down to your ad groups i have,my five ad groups identical from always,being united states always doing all,broad for the ages and the demographics,unless it's specifically for a gender,and then when we scroll on down i never,do interest i have not done interest in,months for me personally going broad,just works better for my cpms and my,results overall and then i always will,depart from 7 to 11 pm so that's pretty,much what i like to do very simple,lowest cost also i don't really do cost,caps anything else until i get some,purchase data and then when it comes to,the creatives i usually like to have,three creatives in each ad group and,it's the exact same creatives i like to,give my creators five chances of being,successful compared to only having one,ad in each ad group and sure yes that ad,gets 20 of ad spend but if that audience,sucks and the cpm maybe is inflated then,that ad could be a winner but it was the,audience's fault so i like to give each,creative five chances all right it's,time to get serious so after you've set,up your campaign you really need to know,one important metric what is your,breakeven cpa that is the most important,thing that you will be using to analyze,all of your ads and if you're not using,it to analyze your ads right now,frankly i think you're an absolute idiot,so when we go down to this specific,brand we can see that buying one is 34,for this product and let's say,hypothetically it costs four dollars to,fulfill so that means our breakeven cpa,is 30 so if an ad group is under 30 25,20 that means you are profitable and,that is the main thing i'm always,looking at and when evaluating a,campaign so when we go down here and we,look at our columns we can see right,here i got cost cpc one of the ads were,scheduled all these other things are,extraneous they are not the most,important things so i would get straight,into the meat and potatoes whenever,analyzing a campaign after a day and i,would say all right which one of my ad,groups are profitable which ones are not,and as we see right here this ad group,is absolutely going off three complete,payments eight dollars we are looking,good and this is the most important,thing you should be focusing your,attention right in this space but when,we look at the other ad groups we can,see another one is profitable perfect,then when we go to the other three i,would say would i turn off something,that's not profitable after the first,day,sometimes yes and that's typically if it,has very little add to carts so from,this first one i would see okay this one,has one add to cart i'm gonna kill it,but this one at the bottom that has,seven add to carts it just didn't get a,purchase because hey sometimes it can be,unlucky i would definitely leave it on,and see after one more day if it can get,a purchase now if it doesn't get a,purchase after another day yes we're,gonna turn it off it's probably just bad,traffic and with this one that has three,add to carts i would say in general,usually three after cards will lead to,one purchase and that would have made,this somewhat profitable so i actually,would have left this on as well and,getting into day two of the data we can,see that if we left the bottom one on,that had some add to carts it actually,was our best performing ad group on the,second day so for me yes if it shows,some signs of life i do let ad groups,spend for two days now let's say if this,campaign after one day had no purchases,whatsoever but a ton of adds to carts,i'm still gonna let it run for another,day i know with tick tock it sometimes,takes an extra day to optimize it's not,as fast as facebook some people need a,little bit of time and with tick tock,it's a brand new platform it's still,figuring out a lot of things and that's,why we like to keep it very broad so,that tick tock has a large audience that,he can eventually narrow down on and we,can also see on day two that our best,performing ad group is still performing,very well this one right here is still,getting one conversion still a ton of,ads cards but how would i break down,this data and try to scale next now when,it comes to scaling with take tock ads,it's really easy to over complicate and,focus on bid caps and surf scaling and,all this crap but for me the most,consist

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How To Spy On Your Competitors TikTok Ads (100% FREE)

How To Spy On Your Competitors TikTok Ads (100% FREE)

what if you could spy on your top,competitors tick-tock ads and see what,success they are having you can spy on,facebook instagram and other platforms,but most don't actually realize that you,can use tick-tock's tool to actually,identify successful ad campaigns and,what tick-tocks convert best and i'm,going to show you exactly how you can,spy on your top competitors tick-tock,ads and the exact way to do so and it's,been a game changer for all so let's go,ahead and get into the video,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,and our agency spends over 10 million a,year on facebook ads and tick tock ads,and i'm going to be showing you exactly,what you need to do to spy on your,competitors so you can also have success,so what we're going to do here is we're,going to go ahead and go to tick tock,creative center and you're going to,click on inspiration you're going to go,down you're going to click on top ads,and once you do so you're going to see a,page here where tik tok literally calls,out their high performing auction ads,and in fact we've literally placed in,the top 10 spot six different times for,our actual clients yes top ten,converting ads in the us six different,times so we know exactly how this,process works we know what the top ads,are we know what it takes to get there,and we know exactly how to dissect a,video to tell you whether or not it's,going to be a video that is actually,converting and worth going after and,modeling for your own success as well so,we're going to do a couple examples here,whether you're a brand business coach,influencer this strategy can work for,you to see exactly what types of content,you need to put together on the ad side,specifically that will allow you to,generate sales conversions leads or even,get an account growth overall,so let's say that you're an apparel,brand and you're looking to get an,increase in overall sales and you're,wanting to tap into the tick tock ad,market so that way you can get a lot of,individuals through your actual site and,get a lot of purchases what you do is,you first choose the region which you're,going to be running ads in so ours in,our case would be united states and then,for the industry you can choose apparel,and accessories this is going to limit,it to the actual top performing ads in,this space and then for the campaign,objective we want to be specific here,because if we're looking to get,purchases then we want to focus on,conversions that way we know it's a,convergence campaign we don't want to go,after traffic because that's just link,clicks we don't want to click on,awareness because that's just you know,getting more individuals to become aware,about your brand doesn't necessarily,mean you're going to be getting sales,from that we want to make sure that you,know these ads are actually converting,for these brands and actually getting an,roi on the back end whether they're,spending one dollar and getting six,dollars out or spending one dollar and,getting ten dollars out we want to know,this information so that way we can also,achieve success too,and so once we click on conversions we,can then start to see some of these,videos in the last seven days that have,already started to pop up here and,what we can do is click on one of these,videos,and we can get the exact analytics we,need from this actual ad and you can,actually see exactly how many likes the,total number of comments the shares the,caption the duration what campaign,objective is we know it's men's clothing,and we can actually see exactly when,people click through the video so that,way we know what call to action they're,using so let's go and watch this video,as an example because this is a perfect,way for you to spy on a brand let's say,that you're in the apparel,leisure space and fabletics is one of,your competitors you can very well see,their actual content here,all right so a lot is already going on,here and we can start to dissect this,video pretty quickly one they're using a,perspective from,a lady who is commenting on men's shorts,so that's one perspective that guys you,know might find interesting because,they're seeing a different perspective,from it then you're getting the other,perspective from the dude who actually,wears the shorts and he's going over the,reviews on the site so they're building,up credibility they're breaking down,what both you know sides are looking at,and then you can start to see that he's,going through the landing page showing,the actual landing page that this,individual is going to be going to so,very quickly you know you can start to,see exactly what your competitor's,strategy is you can see that they have,reviews they're breaking down the actual,site so that way the customer can feel,more comfortable with actually going,there and making a purchase he then,starts to jump into the benefits where,he's talking about it's comfy it's,moisture wicking he's breaking down any,objections the actual buyer potentially,has something cool hidden pockets,all righ

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